Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Thought s on the election

Because Donald Trump made a fourth visit to the Valley yesterday, and because of the ongoing irrational reactions to his becoming the Republican nominee, I am writing about the upcoming election once again.

First and foremost with regard to the two candidates who will be on the ballot in November as of this time we believe is the fact that while both have garnered the most votes in the primaries of each respective party, neither appear to have so called favorable ratings.  That probably is a lot of b.s. in my opinion; otherwise, how could either have emerged the choice of their respective parties.

There does appear to have been a lot of back stabbing and cheating happening in both parties.  The Republicans who did not want Donald tried to prevent his getting the full support in states where it appears that some inside shenanigans happened: Colorado for example.  The ultra conservatives and the Bush family appear to be opposed to Donald because of his frank and candid speech about issues that are plaguing the nation today.  These issues are being exploited to the point of absurdity because most people understand that he is talking about the inherent danger of criminals who cross the border, no matter whether Mexican, Central Americans, or Muslims disguised as Mexicans.

There are also financiers who are paying protesters to carry signs and to disrupt things at a variety of sites where we do see the problems in a Democratic run city who will not offer protection for a Republican candidate: San Jose, California.

The nighttime comedy shows are all too obvious in their efforts to distort the truth as well...Donald Trump seems to be the biggest target for the obvious hatred of the four main comedians: Jimmy Falwell, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and Seth Myers who all seem to have an axe to grind about a fellow t.v. personality having the audacity and courage to actually have a fan base who want to see him win the presidency.

Saturday Night Live, to their credit, did give Hillary Clinton as much time as they did The Donald, for she was lampooned in the same way.  One cannot help but wonder at the late night comedians as to their obvious invective against Donald but why is it that they cannot throw a few jibes at Hillary remains a mystery.  Is it because she a woman, and they fear alienating her female base?  That is far from equal, is it?

I am not really discussing the merits of either candidate in this post. I am more interested in the over reaction to each candidate or lack of reaction to either candidate.  No need to discuss Bernie Sanders because he was always the side show and never the main circus act.  Everyone knew that from the  beginning so it was rather interesting to see why it is that people flocked to see him.  That is still a mystery to me.  His cause has no appeal to me at all.  I considered him a sparring partner only, and he did not spar well until he finally got the idea into his head that maybe he could have a chance at the nomination.

The thing that has disturbed me the most about this election process is the bad boy behavior of the Republican party who appear to hate the Donald more than the Democrats fear him.  If they could not have their own way which obviously is contrary to the people themselves, they delight in distancing themselves from him.   This is why it concerns me so much about sour grapes Republicans.  They have proved the liars they are when they took a vow publicly to support and endorse the candidate no matter which of them it may be.  Now, they use the pretext that Donald has used insulting words to push them away...that was evident from the beginning yet they gathered round him then like crazy when he brought the ratings up so that people watched who had never watched before.

There was no doubt that Donald was scathing and rude at times, but it was apparently what the voters wanted as he drew fans and supporters from places that had scorned politics as usual until he came along.

People view politicians pretty much as they really are which is not a compliment to them; but as charlatans willing to say or do anything to gain prominence through elections and then give themselves perks and rewards uncommon to the general public.  Barack Obama had promised that all that a legislator receives should be the lot of the ordinary citizen, but he never pursued that idea once he reached his goal and what he really wanted, power in the Presidency. He forgot all his so called good intentions about the differences between legislators and citizens.

Whether Donald Trump is doing the same thing is something that will only be decided by the public when they finally vote. Will they give him the chance to make good on his many promises as well? Only time will tell.  In a future post, I will dissect the differences between the two candidates in term of what to expect from each one regardless of past performances.  In an election, the future is what is at stake, and is only determined by the winners.

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