Another school shooting took place in Texas this morning. Ten are dead after some nut job decided to take it upon himself to kill as many of his fellow students as he could. He was caught and apprehended, and is under arrest. He could get the death penalty despite being a juvenile. It is Texas who executes murderers with a vengeance.
But my main address in this exercise of my reaction to this is due to the late night comedians who are trying to influence people with their thoughts. As if any of us care who Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, or Jimmy Fallon think. Few of us do. They are supposed to be entertainers, not political advisers. But tonight, Kimmel took it upon himself to address the public with a comment before his regularly planned t.v show was aired. I seldom watch him because I hate the fact that comedians think that their opinions really matter. They can vote. And that is all. They have been consumed by a kind of hate that is very destructive in my opinion. I am opposed to all of them for forsaking comedy for political hate sessions.
To attack the NRA is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with the children who use guns to shoot their classmates. The gun is an instrument proving only that particular student had an emotional problem that is so out of control that he cannot handle himself in any way but to be destructive. That is a psychological problem, and not the result of the NRA, an organization which clearly teaches responsibility about firearms. To get the child and the organization confused is really stupid, but then comedians like Jimmy Kimmel can never admit that they are really stupid.
But naturally, he attacked the NRA instead of the basic problem, and that is of an educational system unable to identify a potential problem in a student. I know that teachers often can recognize the children who may resort to violence, as I had often encountered those students many times when I was a teacher in the public school system. We did all that we could legally do towards trying to help those students to learn how to cope with their own problems. It never got so bad that any of us feared a student with a firearm. Times have truly changed. I think it is due to the over sensationalizing of the problem by the news media in the too often repeated stories about it. Too many children do not recognize that life lasts long after 18 or 20. Most cannot see beyond that age. So life in a sense has no real meaning for them.
It is even difficult for me now at my late age (79) to think of the day I will finally take my last breath in this old body. I am thinking about it seriously now though. But I know that I am no more prepared for it than is a kid of 18 for turning 28.
My gripe at this point is that stars like Jimmy Kimmel do not know what the hell they are talking about but have a stage on which to spout their own stupid thoughts while the rest of us do not have that advantage. I know that I am brighter, far more educated, and more knowledgeable than Kimmel, but I don't know how to stand before a crowd to make them laugh with phony jokes. Just because he mastered the skill of joke telling, he has a job at ABC manning a night time show that few people bother to watch, but which he uses to foster phony political propaganda.
The NRA is not the problem. The home, the community, t.v. shows that dwell on violence, movies that propel violence, and games that actually teach violence are the problem. The gun in itself is useless until filled with ammunition, and in the hands of a user.
I do not like the school killings either. Nobody does. But they are commonplace since the Columbine debacle of years ago in Colorado. One can try to blame the politicians but it is not the politicians who are at fault. Freedom in America means that people can make choices. The government does not try to tell them how to live their lives. The Americans who choose to use guns properly join the organization called the NRA. Those Americans who buy guns and use them irresponsibly do not belong to the NRA. It is fundamentally wrong to blame a responsible caring organization for the actions of those who do not give a damn about laws, rules, and order.
I just dislike the Kimmels of the world trying to impose their anger upon others when theirs is so misguided and wrong in its basic concepts.
Jimmy, shut up, and entertain, or get off the stage. You are part of the problem, and are not helping the situation at all. Grow up!
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