Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Religious beliefs

When I was a student at Kent State University, I had a philosophy class in which we were required to write a paper entitled How I Am Honest With Myself. I was a psychology major at the time, as that was my first love, after biology, so I wrote a paper about religious beliefs which incorporated many thoughts expressed by eminent psychologists and psychiatrists of the day. I remember one very well to this day whose main topic wasthe self-actualizing personality. She used a quotation which I liked," Though I may be a mere earthworm, I think that I am a god." I discussed in my paper the role that religious beliefs play in the development of our own individual personalities and character development.

Right now I am writing a book about Alexander the Great which is developing that same idea, the reasons for Alexander's conquests lay with his religious beliefs and his religious zeal.

As a child, many had thought that I would become a child evangelist. I had been raised in the kind of faith that allows for children to lead as one of the scriptures states. Scriptures are used for a variety of purposes as time will eventually bear out. I did not become an evangelist but I was a spiritually aware and developed child at an early age.

I have had the dubious ability to learn of what real Heaven is, and it is a part of everyday living on earth that is a unique and wondrous gift when one does whatever it takes to deserve that. So I am one of those whose faith, whose knowledge, and personal experience does not try to impose upon others the truth of my own acquired experience which is a testimony to God's love of and for me too. I know who and what God is. I have no doubts whatsoever, but I do recognize that the followers are who either push or lead people to accept or reject the teachings of a variety of religious beliefs, whether Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, and a myriad of other recognized religious bodies.

I do not impose my will upon others, and I do not wish for others to impose their will upon me. I honestly know that love perfect is Heaven and that it exists within one. As Jesus the teacher said, heaven is within. It is within one's self, it is glorious, it is perfect, it is better than man can imagine, and it is a gift. God's love is there for all, and my only advice is the same as the teacher who said, Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened. The sincere heart shall seek and shall find...the true will knock and it will be opened.


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