The recent Paris attacks have had a very bad effect on average America which has produced an even stranger reaction from politicians both in government and those aspiring to become President. It is as if the attacks are some kind of barometer by which we the public can measure both political reaction but also our fellow citizens over reactions.
The two frontrunners of the Republican party have attracted large polling numbers amongst the GOP. One cannot help but wonder why. Neither man has been elected to any political office and knows virtually nothing about domestic policy or foreign policy at all. Both are green behind the ears and demonstrate it all the time. It is making democracy look like the most foolish means of self government imaginable if these poll numbers turn into votes in the primaries and caucuses. One cannot help but wonder if a voter should not be screened as thoroughly as the suggested means of screening refugees who want to participate in this strange democracy being played out before us.
Donald Trump drew a large number of backers for his harsh stance against illegal immigration from south of the border. How many so called ISIS or al qaeda have already come through our porous borders from either the north or the south? Nobody knows. Anyone can come in, disguise themselves and infiltrate our borders. It is not merely unwanted and underemployed poor Central Americans (Latinos) but it can be any person who can forge or doctor papers to pass through a system that is only a nod and glance. At any rate, Donald appears angry and determined to end illegal immigration so he caught the fancy of many who agree with him that this must end.
Dr. Ben Carson is the other male candidate who has drawn a lot of support for his soft spoken and often ridiculous and inane statements that seems to attract a large part of the poorly educated and easily persuaded GOP voters. One cannot help but wonder at who these voters are who fall so easily for the idea that a man who is clearly a fish out of water could possibly think clearly enough to lead the American nation when he personally believes that the pyramids were made as storage for grain instead of tombs for royals. My Lord! One wonders at his depth of education and knowledge of world events beyond that of learning how to use a scalpel and have steady hands! What kind of electorate do we have with the gullible GOP voters!
Unfortunately, those who have served time in positions as governor, representative, or Senator have not attracted interest from the fickle voter. Occasionally, a few strong statements from a deep bass voice seems to cause some voters to take notice of either Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. Both have similar backgrounds, sons of Cubans, and junior senators with only a little experience. But each knows how to deliver speeches that are emotional and sometimes even intelligent, but it is so obvious that they are lightweights that nobody wants to entrust either one of them with the task of the presidency. Rand Paul is another senator who often gets a moment's notice with his even more lightweight and often divisive attacks who is generally written off before he opens his mouth.
So that leaves us a few experienced who one might trust: Jeb Bush or John Kasich. Both again are not volatile or unreasonable in their attitudes and decisions so they get little support. They are both a part of the body of politics that GOP voters seem to reject. Why is a good question.
It is easy to understand that Bush has the handicap of his father and brother who preceded him in office and both took us to war in the Middle East. Some believe that the cause for our intervention in these wars is both monetary and power hungry, and also somewhat vengeful. Few people can really appreciate today the results of this which has brought about the destruction of the World Trade Center and now an attack in Paris.
Had Desert Storm never happened, it is likely that 9/11 would not have happened or 11/13. But Desert Storm has taken us there and so we are now at the point to where we must decide between a Democrat Hillary Clinton or whoever the Republicans decide. Hopefully, it will be between Jeb Bush or John Kasich since experience and sensibility does matter. The others are all too patently paranoid to be trusted. Joe Biden should have opposed Hillary Clinton but for personal reasons decided against it.
It leaves America in the worst situation possible. We need a strong leader at this time. Nobody seems to fit that need. Americans are going to have a rough future if this election does not bring about the best instead of the worst in people.
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