Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Paris Attacks have

It has been a long weekend.  Last Friday the attacks on Paris became the ongoing constant drumbeat that we have been hearing through the news media.  It is as if we become addicted to these tragedies so that we cannot get enough news and information about them.

I have tried to change the subject on my Facebook timeline but it is always seems that another post of some kind makes it way and I have to pass it along to share with others.  I pretty much know how people feel about the politics involved here, but there are times when I am supportive of Barack Obama's intent to keep body bags to a minimum.

I just sat and listened to his news conference in Turkey once again to be sure that I had heard right when this first came out. I know that even videos can be doctored later so I wanted to see if it had been.

Right now, I am writing these thoughts for myself more than to be shared or understood by others.  I need to get some things out of my system and onto paper perhaps to recall some time or other.

I had noticed when he had been talking about the Muslims the use of we even though in every other statement he made he used it too.  But in this video something seems missing to me, because I had noticed that he seemed to catch himself to try to cover his tracks.  This was noticeable missing when I watched this video.  I am wondering about that.

I interrupted this.

I did unload my feelings onto this but deleted it after I read it aloud.  It is a serious subject which I care about but I decided that google is not the place for it to be placed.

I will close for awhile to rewrite later.

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