Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Thursday, September 22, 2011

How People Connect

People needing people find each other on discussion groups, in work, and in play, and on facebook and twitter and other groups on the internet. I found a person long ago through a group discussing reincarnation, and tonight watched one of her creative posts to pick up on the word depression.

Depression is a very serious illness. It has attracted a lot of attention, and supposedly, has many varieties of cures. It has a profound effect upon the person who suffers it so that person often cannot function normally as he once did.

If it is due to chemical imbalance it is believed that it can be corrected. I am not certain that anyone really does know what causes it, but it is seriously dehabilitating.

One can try to fight it but usually unless something positive can be done to correct it, the disease itself wins the battle. A person simply slumps, gives in, and lets the dreaded curtain come down until it is finally lifted.

People who have cataracts know that the problem is one of cloudiness. To some extent, depression can be likened to cataracts, but its cloudiness is not so readily and easily removed from the mentality of the person so afflicted.

The key to surviving depression is first recognizing and acknowledging it. Its definition needs to be clarified so that people who are struggling with it can actually admit to it.

closing for now.

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