Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Monday, October 3, 2011

Finally settling into how to write my novel

I have been having so many problems nerves frankly are not strong enough for me to weather all these problems without becoming very frankly difficult to be around...I had bank problems, computer problems, and all these expenses irritate and annoy me no end, but in the process of having to go to the bank today to see an end to some of these woes I realized how to work my plan for my novel.

I had another one of those nights where I have to counsel myself, feed myself wisdom from within, and get a teriffic hold on myself to decide whether to write or not to write about this time spent in the past.

I have been enjoying visions again, had one last night with Louis XIV showing up in a way that was quite fascinating and had to think on that for a moment. I had just been saying how happy I am to live in this time period instead of the one that Alexander had lived...I had felt his shin pain when I first moved into the apartment and had had to read Plutarch to understand what the heck was going on. I will say this much about is not fun to relive a pain from the past...but I surely had it for a while and had to join LAFitness to use hot tub to cure.

But seeing Louis XIV pop up and know what kind of lifestyle he led, I was reminded that probably some lifetimes are very enjoyable as his had been. When I have broadband trouble I wonder if some force is annoyed at my writing this broadband has disconnected twice.

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