Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Author's Encouragement
On Monday evening, I did go to attend a promotion for The Other Woman hosted by Poisoned Pen bookstore at which Hank Phillippi Ryan made a comment that struck me as significant. She said you will write it if you want to do it.
In the end, any writer will finally write his entire novel when he or she decides that he really wants to write it, revise it, rewrite it, and finish it to have it finally published. There is little doubt that desire to publish is the reason books are eventually released for public consumption.
I am going to discuss my compelling reason to get my book on Alexander finished. First of all, I was a know nothing about Alexander until I tapped into a spiritual resource that delivered him up to me. I learned from that resource more about Alexander as a person and man than any history book can honestly give. All history books are regurgitations of previous books, and as time passes, all history changes according to each and every translation and interpretation. My first intro to Alexander was not a pretty one as I did not like the way in which he was described at the end of his life. The author was supportive of Alexander and in my opinion, honest in his evaluations and efforts to stay true to the sources as much as he could. Alexander does not seem like a very likeable man by the end of the book, and I had honestly begun to hate much of what I read about him. I had to adjust my thinking as time passed because I did not let it go and just take that one author's word for it. Instead, I read many more books about this warrior king of the past.
Because I was able to tap into the life of this man in a spiritual way which fully exposed many, many times his real personality and character, I came to know him. I did not know for certain why it was that I could go back in time to understand and relive his life but i was able to do it, and I soon learned more about him, his friends, and his family than is available in history today. Naturally, historians do not want to believe me but tough titty as we say, that's the breaks for you...I was able to do it and I did enjoy many sessions in which I entered into his life and person to know and learn all I could about him.
Granted, for me this was an adventure into the world of reincarnation or rebirth. I took my chance and I plunged into it.
Because i have so many memorable experiences just through that kind of exploration I decided that I should at least try to give youngsters some idea of why it is that Alexander behaved as he did. I am convinced that his early education and his family influences shaped his goals and his dreams. HIs innate personality and character, his soul, then asserted itself to either accept or reject the ideas that were often thrust upon him.
Learning of Alexander has helped me to understand some things about myself,and about my relationships as there is reason to believe that living in one century and time period can affect the soul's life when living in another time period and environment.
I have concluded that time and space are elements of life that man does not fully understand. In a second, through our remembering a moment that occurred in time's past it can come back as if it had just happened. The memory is such a part of us that it does not change or alter but is recalled in a matter of seconds so that it is everpresent. It becomes present again if one lets it replay itself. So it is because I could easily identify clothing styles, sandals, and other tangible objects I was able to learn and know the identity of people and places whenever I recalled them.
In my opinion, Alexander is being given a bad rap in today's world. For that reason, I feel that I must at least present my side to this understanding of the kind of man he really had been. I know him that personally. But at the moment, I am trying to create a novel which will show how he became friends with all his classmates, how he taught them to be the centerpiece of his army, and how they responded to it. It is important to understand that all these events began in his early childhood, and that childhood brought about the successes and failures of his journeys and conquests. So I am working on that even as I write this.
This is probably a pep talk for me to get back into the problem of writing the book. Seeing Hank Phillippi Ryan was encouraging in some ways. Her ease in becoming published seems a bit unlikely to be commonplace, but most will think it is because of her ability to conjure up a tale. I think it is much more than that. It is always connections.
In the end, any writer will finally write his entire novel when he or she decides that he really wants to write it, revise it, rewrite it, and finish it to have it finally published. There is little doubt that desire to publish is the reason books are eventually released for public consumption.
I am going to discuss my compelling reason to get my book on Alexander finished. First of all, I was a know nothing about Alexander until I tapped into a spiritual resource that delivered him up to me. I learned from that resource more about Alexander as a person and man than any history book can honestly give. All history books are regurgitations of previous books, and as time passes, all history changes according to each and every translation and interpretation. My first intro to Alexander was not a pretty one as I did not like the way in which he was described at the end of his life. The author was supportive of Alexander and in my opinion, honest in his evaluations and efforts to stay true to the sources as much as he could. Alexander does not seem like a very likeable man by the end of the book, and I had honestly begun to hate much of what I read about him. I had to adjust my thinking as time passed because I did not let it go and just take that one author's word for it. Instead, I read many more books about this warrior king of the past.
Because I was able to tap into the life of this man in a spiritual way which fully exposed many, many times his real personality and character, I came to know him. I did not know for certain why it was that I could go back in time to understand and relive his life but i was able to do it, and I soon learned more about him, his friends, and his family than is available in history today. Naturally, historians do not want to believe me but tough titty as we say, that's the breaks for you...I was able to do it and I did enjoy many sessions in which I entered into his life and person to know and learn all I could about him.
Granted, for me this was an adventure into the world of reincarnation or rebirth. I took my chance and I plunged into it.
Because i have so many memorable experiences just through that kind of exploration I decided that I should at least try to give youngsters some idea of why it is that Alexander behaved as he did. I am convinced that his early education and his family influences shaped his goals and his dreams. HIs innate personality and character, his soul, then asserted itself to either accept or reject the ideas that were often thrust upon him.
Learning of Alexander has helped me to understand some things about myself,and about my relationships as there is reason to believe that living in one century and time period can affect the soul's life when living in another time period and environment.
I have concluded that time and space are elements of life that man does not fully understand. In a second, through our remembering a moment that occurred in time's past it can come back as if it had just happened. The memory is such a part of us that it does not change or alter but is recalled in a matter of seconds so that it is everpresent. It becomes present again if one lets it replay itself. So it is because I could easily identify clothing styles, sandals, and other tangible objects I was able to learn and know the identity of people and places whenever I recalled them.
In my opinion, Alexander is being given a bad rap in today's world. For that reason, I feel that I must at least present my side to this understanding of the kind of man he really had been. I know him that personally. But at the moment, I am trying to create a novel which will show how he became friends with all his classmates, how he taught them to be the centerpiece of his army, and how they responded to it. It is important to understand that all these events began in his early childhood, and that childhood brought about the successes and failures of his journeys and conquests. So I am working on that even as I write this.
This is probably a pep talk for me to get back into the problem of writing the book. Seeing Hank Phillippi Ryan was encouraging in some ways. Her ease in becoming published seems a bit unlikely to be commonplace, but most will think it is because of her ability to conjure up a tale. I think it is much more than that. It is always connections.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Bill Clinton on David Letterman tonight
We are getting all the early attempts to try to railroad Hillary Clinton into making a run for the presidency. So tonight Bill Clinton made a personal appearance on the David Letterman show. He was rather interesting to watch as he answered many of David's questions. They conversed about their health problems, both having had heart surgery, and both aware of how important weight is in the prevention of another attack.
Bill was very personable, rolled his eyes a lot, and appeared to be quite enjoying the time spent at David's side. David naturally played his ignorant, unlearned self, while he interrogated the former President. Bill and Hillary seem to be enjoying life after the White House stint quite well, going to movies, dining and wining in restaurants, and generally acting like normal said the former president.
He explained some water filter program that sounded astonishing and well worth the trouble to distribute to needy countries. A discussion of the water filter reminded me of a video I saw that some Japanese inventor has made turning plastics back into oil. His invention is just as worthwhile as is the water filter. Both are important and necessary to help resolve many of the global problems facing us.
Then David finally broached the subject of Hillary's plans for running for the presidency. In the end after much ballyhooing around, it was decided that this is not the time to be discussing running for office in 2016 with all the important problems of the day needing to be resolved. But David suggested that she was the choice of most Democrats today. Bill flirted with the idea a bit but eventually admitted that they do not know whether she will run or not.
When given the chance to answer the question about her as a choice, I said absolutely NOT. NO, NO, and NO. I do not want the two headed monster of Bill and Hillary back in the White House again, and historically, America always goes for the new guy, unknown, who comes up on the scene by surprise. Remember Jimmy Who? So yeah, because of the Nixon debacle, we ended up with the Carter dilemma. Bill Clinton himself was relatively young and unknown so that we had to ahve Jennifer Flowers just to get attention, according to Hillary herself.
Hillary is too well known now and Benghazi is the first thing I hear hurled at her. She is definitely not the choice that the Democrats should consider for their run to keep the White House in their corner.
A good many Republicans actually sounded quite good and effective at the Kerry hearings awhile back.
Both parties have a long time to determine who will lead their party. I hope the Democrats do go for fresh faces and fresh blood along with the Republicans. It is time to let the past go and the future to begin.
Bill was very personable, rolled his eyes a lot, and appeared to be quite enjoying the time spent at David's side. David naturally played his ignorant, unlearned self, while he interrogated the former President. Bill and Hillary seem to be enjoying life after the White House stint quite well, going to movies, dining and wining in restaurants, and generally acting like normal said the former president.
He explained some water filter program that sounded astonishing and well worth the trouble to distribute to needy countries. A discussion of the water filter reminded me of a video I saw that some Japanese inventor has made turning plastics back into oil. His invention is just as worthwhile as is the water filter. Both are important and necessary to help resolve many of the global problems facing us.
Then David finally broached the subject of Hillary's plans for running for the presidency. In the end after much ballyhooing around, it was decided that this is not the time to be discussing running for office in 2016 with all the important problems of the day needing to be resolved. But David suggested that she was the choice of most Democrats today. Bill flirted with the idea a bit but eventually admitted that they do not know whether she will run or not.
When given the chance to answer the question about her as a choice, I said absolutely NOT. NO, NO, and NO. I do not want the two headed monster of Bill and Hillary back in the White House again, and historically, America always goes for the new guy, unknown, who comes up on the scene by surprise. Remember Jimmy Who? So yeah, because of the Nixon debacle, we ended up with the Carter dilemma. Bill Clinton himself was relatively young and unknown so that we had to ahve Jennifer Flowers just to get attention, according to Hillary herself.
Hillary is too well known now and Benghazi is the first thing I hear hurled at her. She is definitely not the choice that the Democrats should consider for their run to keep the White House in their corner.
A good many Republicans actually sounded quite good and effective at the Kerry hearings awhile back.
Both parties have a long time to determine who will lead their party. I hope the Democrats do go for fresh faces and fresh blood along with the Republicans. It is time to let the past go and the future to begin.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Monday, Monday
Finally, at long last, the temps are only in the low 90's and mid 90's. I can finally take my plants out into the patio area instead of having to keep them under the covered porch area. The sun withered the tiny new leaves and withered them so that I had to keep them in the shade as much as possibler. It is so much better now that they are able to get some sunlight without roasting to death.
I found a new toy thanks to facebook called the Pharaoh's slots. It is a fun game and very challenging as it goes from one level to another...I find that the higher levels are much more likely to go dry faster than the early levels and I did stay with it to reach level three. It made me think that writing a novel is a lot like this business of attaining levels after so many steps. One book will lead to another if a book is based upon word count alone. I am wondering about all of that since I am in the mental process of rewriting my novel now.
My friend from Sweden sent me her latest chapters in her writing efforts on Alexander and Hephaestion. She is writing about Gaugemela and has made up a few characters who are along for the ride. I just read the latest chapters last night and have yet to tell her anything about them. I notice that her writing style is changing quite a bit now.
I have decided against too early writing my revision yet. I keep contemplating it in my mind as I have the idea that I must fill it with enough real conflicts and resolutions to make it a compelling read. That is always difficult to do with using history in which everyone knows the outcome already, but in this case it is more for the character study and development that I wish to show why it is that these men behave as they do as time progresses. It is an interesting problem to resolve before I put it on paper. The reason I don't want to begin writing it is twofold: one, I don't want anyone knowing about it, and I don't want anyone picking my mind either. As my Aunt Doris once said even if I had a lock on it, they would pick the lock. It is my creation and I want to keep it as secret as possible so that I don't have a lot to do when shopping it around.
I am also thinking aloud to myself as I drive around now. I am at the age when age really does tell on me. I had no idea what it would be like to be 3/4's of a century old but now that I am finally into becoming that old, I wonder at why it is that each and everyone is afraid to tell others about it. Maybe it is because those who I know who reached that age were pretty frail. I am anything but frail and a girl at the mall told me that I am in my 60's due to the way that I walk. Ha! Flattery! I think that each and everyone is different at each age. There are children already who are diseased and sickly while there are people like myself who are relatively healthy and sturdy for the time spent in the past years on this old earth.
I am admitting to becoming more and more disillusioned with life on the planet whenever I read another story of child abuse, animal cruelty, or neglect, and mass murders. I wonder what on earth is wrong with people who have nothing better to do than to be cruel, mean, and nasty.
It truly makes me angry that people do not know how to spend their time but to subject animals to cruel and unusual tricks and punishments. Mostly teenagers and retarded men do such things, and it makes me furious to learn of it. I am ready to take my laser gun and eliminate all the mean and intolerant members of the human race right off the planet...if I could I would do it in a second...they do not deserve to breathe the air around them.
I have to get this out of my system. A small baby was killed last night due to a dog fight between pit bulls. The baby sitter for some strange reason had to have her dogs with her and when they got into a fight, the baby got into the middle of it and died at the hospital. I do not know all the details but the baby sitter got cut up pretty badly too by trying to stop the fight. What a story! The police don't know yet whether to press charges or not last I heard on the news. More will come as time passes. The parents were boht out of town but mom returned from a trip to Flagstaff when learning of the tragedy.
And they wonder why I keep my cat on a harness with all the dogs in this place and nearby. I do it for his safety. I call him my prisoner of love.
Well, must get on with today's chores and errands. Will post anyway...and share too.
I found a new toy thanks to facebook called the Pharaoh's slots. It is a fun game and very challenging as it goes from one level to another...I find that the higher levels are much more likely to go dry faster than the early levels and I did stay with it to reach level three. It made me think that writing a novel is a lot like this business of attaining levels after so many steps. One book will lead to another if a book is based upon word count alone. I am wondering about all of that since I am in the mental process of rewriting my novel now.
My friend from Sweden sent me her latest chapters in her writing efforts on Alexander and Hephaestion. She is writing about Gaugemela and has made up a few characters who are along for the ride. I just read the latest chapters last night and have yet to tell her anything about them. I notice that her writing style is changing quite a bit now.
I have decided against too early writing my revision yet. I keep contemplating it in my mind as I have the idea that I must fill it with enough real conflicts and resolutions to make it a compelling read. That is always difficult to do with using history in which everyone knows the outcome already, but in this case it is more for the character study and development that I wish to show why it is that these men behave as they do as time progresses. It is an interesting problem to resolve before I put it on paper. The reason I don't want to begin writing it is twofold: one, I don't want anyone knowing about it, and I don't want anyone picking my mind either. As my Aunt Doris once said even if I had a lock on it, they would pick the lock. It is my creation and I want to keep it as secret as possible so that I don't have a lot to do when shopping it around.
I am also thinking aloud to myself as I drive around now. I am at the age when age really does tell on me. I had no idea what it would be like to be 3/4's of a century old but now that I am finally into becoming that old, I wonder at why it is that each and everyone is afraid to tell others about it. Maybe it is because those who I know who reached that age were pretty frail. I am anything but frail and a girl at the mall told me that I am in my 60's due to the way that I walk. Ha! Flattery! I think that each and everyone is different at each age. There are children already who are diseased and sickly while there are people like myself who are relatively healthy and sturdy for the time spent in the past years on this old earth.
I am admitting to becoming more and more disillusioned with life on the planet whenever I read another story of child abuse, animal cruelty, or neglect, and mass murders. I wonder what on earth is wrong with people who have nothing better to do than to be cruel, mean, and nasty.
It truly makes me angry that people do not know how to spend their time but to subject animals to cruel and unusual tricks and punishments. Mostly teenagers and retarded men do such things, and it makes me furious to learn of it. I am ready to take my laser gun and eliminate all the mean and intolerant members of the human race right off the planet...if I could I would do it in a second...they do not deserve to breathe the air around them.
I have to get this out of my system. A small baby was killed last night due to a dog fight between pit bulls. The baby sitter for some strange reason had to have her dogs with her and when they got into a fight, the baby got into the middle of it and died at the hospital. I do not know all the details but the baby sitter got cut up pretty badly too by trying to stop the fight. What a story! The police don't know yet whether to press charges or not last I heard on the news. More will come as time passes. The parents were boht out of town but mom returned from a trip to Flagstaff when learning of the tragedy.
And they wonder why I keep my cat on a harness with all the dogs in this place and nearby. I do it for his safety. I call him my prisoner of love.
Well, must get on with today's chores and errands. Will post anyway...and share too.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
End of Summer Season on T.V.
Tonight was the finale for both Big Brother on CBS and America's Got Talent on NBC. Little doubt that NBC had a much better show to present to its viewers as the Big Brother show was essentially a boring and pointless show. NBC however did itself proud with the contestants and guest performers who graced the stage of Radio City Hall in NYC to learn who the vast audience had decided upon to win the huge prize of $1,000,000 and a year long contract to headline his or her own show.
The irony of the evening is that the winning contestant is from Japan but his performance so ignited a fire in the hearts and minds of Americans that he won the top prize easily and deservedly so. He was my personal pick as well. I will post a video from Youtube to accompany this entry if I can...It will follow this entry at least.
Big Brother had an accompanying show which is called Big Brother After Dark which has been a part of the show for several years. I cannot say when it began but I found it for this season's show so that I could watch the remaining houseguests spend a few hours before cameras live to learn what is really on their minds when the main show is over. If any were soap opera ready, I suspect that this is as good an audition as any could get.
America's Got Talent had a few problems imho with the judges who kept inserting their own personal opinions about who should win or who should not win too readily and frequently. Howie Mandel had already told everyone that Kenichi should win long before the finals came around. How that would impact another contestant is more than I can know but it may have made some more determined than ever to do well, but it may have discouraged others. I became a bit annoyed at the bashing of singers against the difficulty of comedians and other variety acts. It is singers who we listen to when in need of consolation, peace, quiet, or even a pick up instead of magicians or comedians or jugglers. So the bashing of the singers began to annoy me at times.
It is over. The jury decided to reward Andy instead of Gina Marie for his ability to be a snitch, a weasle, and a general pest the entire season. The jury is a bit stupid in my opinion for rewarding that kind of cold calculation as he called it. I think most of the audience disagreed with the jury altogether as most posts and comments have revealed.
As I said, i watched BBAD for my own personal reasons and I convinced myself that I was right to do so when the results would expose the fact that either thought transference or eavesdropping is actually ongoing. I am certain that certain cast members echoed my words in a way that made me know that anything I said was picked up and either heard or told to the cast members so that they could send it back.
This business of believing that every word I say or anyone around me says is used by the t.v. has been confirmed repeatedly and so I used BBAD for that very reason, to prove it one way or the other.
When Spencer said pixels on the last night of the show I knew very well that something had gotten through....I will let that be for a while.
End of my entry for now...will try to find a Kenichi video to post on here if I can do it.
The irony of the evening is that the winning contestant is from Japan but his performance so ignited a fire in the hearts and minds of Americans that he won the top prize easily and deservedly so. He was my personal pick as well. I will post a video from Youtube to accompany this entry if I can...It will follow this entry at least.
Big Brother had an accompanying show which is called Big Brother After Dark which has been a part of the show for several years. I cannot say when it began but I found it for this season's show so that I could watch the remaining houseguests spend a few hours before cameras live to learn what is really on their minds when the main show is over. If any were soap opera ready, I suspect that this is as good an audition as any could get.
America's Got Talent had a few problems imho with the judges who kept inserting their own personal opinions about who should win or who should not win too readily and frequently. Howie Mandel had already told everyone that Kenichi should win long before the finals came around. How that would impact another contestant is more than I can know but it may have made some more determined than ever to do well, but it may have discouraged others. I became a bit annoyed at the bashing of singers against the difficulty of comedians and other variety acts. It is singers who we listen to when in need of consolation, peace, quiet, or even a pick up instead of magicians or comedians or jugglers. So the bashing of the singers began to annoy me at times.
It is over. The jury decided to reward Andy instead of Gina Marie for his ability to be a snitch, a weasle, and a general pest the entire season. The jury is a bit stupid in my opinion for rewarding that kind of cold calculation as he called it. I think most of the audience disagreed with the jury altogether as most posts and comments have revealed.
As I said, i watched BBAD for my own personal reasons and I convinced myself that I was right to do so when the results would expose the fact that either thought transference or eavesdropping is actually ongoing. I am certain that certain cast members echoed my words in a way that made me know that anything I said was picked up and either heard or told to the cast members so that they could send it back.
This business of believing that every word I say or anyone around me says is used by the t.v. has been confirmed repeatedly and so I used BBAD for that very reason, to prove it one way or the other.
When Spencer said pixels on the last night of the show I knew very well that something had gotten through....I will let that be for a while.
End of my entry for now...will try to find a Kenichi video to post on here if I can do it.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Fall House Cleaning
Yesterday I received my order for a carpet steam cleaner so that I tried it immediately to see how it would work. I did the dining room first and then decided to do the living room as well. I loved the way the steam cleaner operated. I had thought I would wait until Monday to clean the bedroom, closet, and bathroom, but after I moved all the boxes out of the bedroom into the living room, I decided to go ahead and finish the entire job. So tonight the apartment is totally cleaned. It looks and feels better. I learned how much cat hair had penetrated into the carpet as well.
I bought the Hoover machine which was offered by HSN. I love it. I recommend it highly. It is incredibly easy to operate and does an excellent job in both its wash and rinse operations.
It has tired me out. I hope that I sleep well tonight. But a leak from the ceiling made me call maintenance so that i had a man come to repair the problem. What a time to have someone have to come into the apartment but I felt that I had to report it. Boxes and litter everywhere. I finally got everything back in place so that I can relax for the rest of the week.
I bought the Hoover machine which was offered by HSN. I love it. I recommend it highly. It is incredibly easy to operate and does an excellent job in both its wash and rinse operations.
It has tired me out. I hope that I sleep well tonight. But a leak from the ceiling made me call maintenance so that i had a man come to repair the problem. What a time to have someone have to come into the apartment but I felt that I had to report it. Boxes and litter everywhere. I finally got everything back in place so that I can relax for the rest of the week.
L'Allee du Roi or The Way of the King Movie.
I just watched the movie based upon Chandenagor's novel about Madame de Maintenon, L'Allee du Roi, or the Way of the King. It was made in France and presented on France 2 t.v. I found it on my Youtube page so that I finally spent the evening watching this movie. I had read the book, so I am impressed with the faithfulness which the production team gave to the storyline. It is an excellent film, very respectful, sharing the many known facts of the famous love story.
Naturally, the mvoie made me think. I loved the scenes at the Chateau, and the references to the many known facts about the King and his Court. The first part of the movie deals with Francois d'Aubigne meeting Paul Scarron, a famous literary figure in Paris, a poet, and a host for many famous personalities of the times. Young Francois at the age of 16 decides to marry the poet rather than enter a convent. I do believe that there is some fiction in the early stages of her life, but the movie is tasteful despite the discretion of the famous Mistress. She was well loved for her ability to keep and maintain secrecy and anonymity about her affairs.
The second half of the film spends its time showing how she became an intimate of the King due to her care of his bastard children, whose real mother was Madame de Montespan. The famous Madame de Montespan and Madame de Maintenon make up most of the book but the movie places much emphasis on the King himself. The actor who portrays the King is excellent, as is the woman who portrays the role of Madame de Maintenon. Both are quite convincing in their roles.
I liked the movie very much. It gave me some entertainment and some recollections about the time that I discovered this bit of France's long history. Louis XIV has become a very special person to me since i learned of his life. I admired the effort given to making this film. I recommend it highly. But it is entirely in French without English subtitles. I will share the videos for those who wish to see it.
Naturally, the mvoie made me think. I loved the scenes at the Chateau, and the references to the many known facts about the King and his Court. The first part of the movie deals with Francois d'Aubigne meeting Paul Scarron, a famous literary figure in Paris, a poet, and a host for many famous personalities of the times. Young Francois at the age of 16 decides to marry the poet rather than enter a convent. I do believe that there is some fiction in the early stages of her life, but the movie is tasteful despite the discretion of the famous Mistress. She was well loved for her ability to keep and maintain secrecy and anonymity about her affairs.
The second half of the film spends its time showing how she became an intimate of the King due to her care of his bastard children, whose real mother was Madame de Montespan. The famous Madame de Montespan and Madame de Maintenon make up most of the book but the movie places much emphasis on the King himself. The actor who portrays the King is excellent, as is the woman who portrays the role of Madame de Maintenon. Both are quite convincing in their roles.
I liked the movie very much. It gave me some entertainment and some recollections about the time that I discovered this bit of France's long history. Louis XIV has become a very special person to me since i learned of his life. I admired the effort given to making this film. I recommend it highly. But it is entirely in French without English subtitles. I will share the videos for those who wish to see it.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
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