Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, September 8, 2013

L'Allee du Roi or The Way of the King Movie.

I just watched the movie based upon Chandenagor's novel about Madame de Maintenon, L'Allee du Roi, or the Way of the King.  It was made in France and presented on France 2 t.v. I found it on my Youtube page so that I finally spent the evening watching this movie. I had read the book, so I am impressed with the faithfulness which the production team gave to the storyline. It is an excellent film, very respectful, sharing the many known facts of the famous love story.

Naturally, the mvoie made me think. I loved the scenes at the Chateau, and the references to the many known facts about the King and his Court.  The first part of the movie deals with Francois d'Aubigne meeting Paul Scarron, a famous literary figure in Paris, a poet, and a host for many famous personalities of the times. Young Francois at the age of 16 decides to marry the poet rather than enter a convent.  I do believe that there is some fiction in the early stages of her life, but the movie is tasteful despite the discretion of the famous Mistress.  She was well loved for her ability to keep and maintain secrecy and anonymity about her affairs.

The second half of the film spends its time showing how she became an intimate of the King due to her care of his bastard children, whose real mother was Madame de Montespan.  The famous Madame de Montespan and Madame de Maintenon make up most of the book but the movie places much emphasis on the King himself.  The actor who portrays the King is excellent, as is the woman who portrays the role of Madame de Maintenon. Both are quite convincing in their roles.

I liked the movie very much.  It gave me some entertainment and some recollections about the time that I discovered this bit of France's long history.  Louis XIV has become a very special person to me since i learned of his life.  I admired the effort given to making this film.  I recommend it highly.  But it is entirely in French without English subtitles.  I will share the videos for those who wish to see it.

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