Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Author's Encouragement

On Monday evening, I did go to attend a promotion for The Other Woman hosted by Poisoned Pen bookstore at which Hank Phillippi Ryan made a comment that struck me as significant.  She said you will write it if you want to do  it.

In the end, any writer will finally write his entire novel when he or she decides that he really wants to write it, revise it, rewrite it, and finish it to have it finally published.  There is little doubt that desire to publish is the reason books are eventually released for public consumption.

I am going to discuss my compelling reason to get my book on Alexander finished.  First of all, I was a know nothing about Alexander until I tapped into a spiritual resource that delivered him up to me.  I learned from that resource more about Alexander as a person and man than any history book can honestly give.  All history books are regurgitations of previous books, and as time passes, all history changes according to each and every translation and interpretation.  My first intro to Alexander was not a pretty one as I did not like the way in which he was described at the end of his life.  The author was supportive of Alexander and in my opinion, honest in his evaluations and efforts to stay true to the sources as much as he could.  Alexander does not seem like a very likeable man by the end of the book, and I had honestly begun to hate much of what I read about him.  I had to adjust my thinking as time passed because I did not let it go and just take that one author's word for it. Instead, I read many more books about this warrior king of the past.

Because I was able to tap into the life of this man in a spiritual way which fully exposed many, many times his real personality and character, I came to know him.  I did not know for certain why it was that I could go back in time to understand and relive his life but i was able to do it, and I soon learned more about him, his friends, and his family than is available in history today. Naturally, historians do not want to believe me but tough titty as we say, that's the breaks for you...I was able to do it and I did enjoy many sessions in which I entered into his life and person to know and learn all I could about him.

Granted, for me this was an adventure into the world of reincarnation or rebirth.  I took my chance and I plunged into it.

Because i have so many memorable experiences just through that kind of exploration I decided that I should at least try to give youngsters some idea of why it is that Alexander behaved as he did.  I am convinced that his early education and his family influences shaped his goals and his dreams.  HIs innate personality and character, his soul, then asserted itself to either accept or reject the ideas that were often thrust upon him.

Learning of Alexander has helped me to understand some things about myself,and about my relationships as there is reason to believe that living in one century and time period can affect the soul's life when living in another time period and environment.

I have concluded that time and space are elements of life that man does not fully understand.  In a second, through our remembering a moment that occurred in time's past it can come back as if it had just happened.  The memory is such a part of  us that it does not change or alter but is recalled in a matter of seconds so that it is everpresent.  It becomes present again if one lets it replay itself.  So it is because I could easily identify clothing styles, sandals, and other tangible objects I was able to learn and know the identity of people and places whenever I recalled them.

In my opinion, Alexander is being given a bad rap in today's world.    For that reason, I feel that I must at least present my side to this understanding  of the kind of man he really had been.  I know him that personally.  But at the moment, I am trying to create a novel which will show how he became friends with all his classmates, how he taught them to be the centerpiece of his army, and how they responded to it.  It is important to understand that all these events began in his early childhood, and that childhood brought about the successes and failures of his journeys and conquests.  So I am working on that even as I write this.

This is probably a pep talk for me to get back into the problem of writing the book.  Seeing Hank Phillippi Ryan was encouraging in some ways.   Her ease in becoming published seems a bit unlikely to be commonplace, but most will think it is because of her ability to conjure up a tale.  I think it is much more than that. It is always connections.

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