Everything is too much any more. Just listening to the news is so overwhelming that one can only wonder at what is going on in this world today.
One of the more ridiculous stories is about a woman in Kentucky who won't follow the law by letting gay men or gay women marriage licenses. She uses her religious faith as an excuse to explain her odd behavior. Since she has become a recent convert to the Apostolic faith, I roll my eyes at the very thought. Simply because this story is about conflict between the constitution and religious beliefs, I do not want to dwell on it and have no sympathy for her at all.
But she had supporters giving her cheers when she emerged from a stay in jail today. OMG I am shaking my head.
Then the world is caving in due to a crisis in Syria and naturally each and every nation in the world that has had a finger in the pie in this one is being blamed for the mass exodus of refugees from Syria who are trying to find a home somewhere in the world that will have them. And the world is skeptical and pretty much cold about it. A few bleeding hearts who offer hope and sympathy, but more basically sound thinking who wonder where will they go amidst all the other homeless people trying to get help in those same lands. It is a really bad situation realistically, but muddling government officials and silly pros and cons on both sides by the citizens is making it all worse.
The presidential election is sillier than ever what with the non politicians being better liked than the politicians in the polls. People apparently want someone who speaks out about all the problems at home instead of being so politically correct and doing nothing about any of the events making people angry.
So anger and frustration is making Donald Trump the leading candidate in the Republican games at the moment. One wonders if this will last or if it is a summer fling. Sanders and Biden are starting to go up in the polls while Clinton goes down. She has an email problem with servers to give her nightmares. But she sobs that she wants to help women like her mother in an interview with David Weir tonight that aired on ABC. Oh, my God. She actually had tears in her eyes about how she wants to help women. Her track record in her own personal life is so sorry that one can only wonder at how she could be an asset to women's needs and aspirations.
After all, she rode into power on her husband's soiled shirt tails. Had it not been for Monica, NY might not have had a sympathetic vote for Hillary. Tells me something about the voters in NY.
If all this is not too much, I don't know what is. Too much to hope that voters will get really smart enough to vote for the right people in elections. Too much to hope that the Middle East will ever settle down. Too much to hope that people will stop interpreting scripture to mean what they want it to mean instead of what it is intended to mean.
So it goes.
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