Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan hit with 8.9 earthquake 8 days before Full Moon

A story was on facebook about the coming full moon and its effect on natural disasters, as both earthquakes and hurricanes can be associated with previous full moons. This is supposed to be the largest full moon as it is the closest to the earth since several years back, 92 or something like that...don't remember exactly as of this writing, but at any rate, it has always seemed to trigger a natural disaster. So I had made a comment that most likely an earthquake would happen after I read the story and saw the connections. So sure enough, last night I read on Twitter that an earthquake had hit Japan, but forgot about it until this morning when I got online to see that an 8.9 earthquake had struck the nation. The Tsunami effect has been devastating to the islands and even to North America as it has reached Crescent City, California, where it destroyed boats in a harbor there.

We can only pray and hope that the Japanese respond in a way that prevents further disaster, saves lives, and brings the nation back to its feet. The rest of the world will have to wait to see if and when another hits soon.

These are the times that many have prophesied, and we are witnessing many unusually horrific events in our lifetime. Always remember the thought " And this too shall pass".

God be with all the Japanese, both deceased and alive, pray for them all.

1 comment:

  1. What has happened in Japan is terrible. They seem to be well prepared and well organised but the scale of this disaster is unprecedented. So many upheavals happening around the globe in terms of both natural events and political things - you do begin to wonder what's going on.
    BTW thanks for commenting on my blog - it's good to meet you.
