The Bachelor is a very strange show in which a contestant who was previously rejected for a bachelorette has the chance to select his own true love from 25 carefully chosen eligible beauties, naturally. You think we will ever see an obviously ordinary plain Jane in this bunch. Never. So this poor guy has to date, kiss,hug, and feign interest in each young woman who is obviously falling in love with him for the show's audience to think that she really wants to marry this guy. He is a CUTIE of course but pretends he is interested in each having already decided which girl he really wants, so we think. (A spoiler alerted us to this fact before the show began.). Girls ate crying everywhere as they are sent home knowing that this guy never really considered them at all. Tension is high. Nerves are shattered. Not to worry. All the trips to exotic places like Puerto Rico and panama are worth the trauma.
Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Learning how to Blog Well
There are a number of videos on youtube which introduce one to blogging. Some of the better blogs are on my pages...Peter Olson's photography blog is one of the most informative and unusual blogs that I have seen and I like it a lot. He focuses on Paris but he also has a Where Am I group as well. Peter is a guide in Paris as well as blogger so that if one is very lucky, one might be able to find him to escort a newbie around the City of Lights.
I am considering blogging a novel since my pal Melanie Clegg has advised it. It may actually be a means of finding an agent and editor so that one could have it turned into a book as google ads have often asked if I want to turn my blog into a book. Why not write the book on a blogsite and then have it converted into a marketable book? I am contemplating that at this moment, having studied a few of the blogs that I follow.
I found another blog from a fellow Alexanderphile, Ruth Kozak and I posted one of her blogs on facebook. I hope that she did not mind my doing that with her story about the Greeks taking umbrage at a magazine making sport of the goddess Athena.
I found the story rather amusing and the Greek's reaction just as amusing. One must not make fun of Greek gods and goddesses even today. I actually respect that a lot and do admire the Greeks who were smart enough to defend an ancient belief.
I will probably post this at facebook too just to explain my position.
I am considering blogging a novel since my pal Melanie Clegg has advised it. It may actually be a means of finding an agent and editor so that one could have it turned into a book as google ads have often asked if I want to turn my blog into a book. Why not write the book on a blogsite and then have it converted into a marketable book? I am contemplating that at this moment, having studied a few of the blogs that I follow.
I found another blog from a fellow Alexanderphile, Ruth Kozak and I posted one of her blogs on facebook. I hope that she did not mind my doing that with her story about the Greeks taking umbrage at a magazine making sport of the goddess Athena.
I found the story rather amusing and the Greek's reaction just as amusing. One must not make fun of Greek gods and goddesses even today. I actually respect that a lot and do admire the Greeks who were smart enough to defend an ancient belief.
I will probably post this at facebook too just to explain my position.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Shrieking Cat
My cat has for some reason or other decided to shriek in the night and it is driving me slowly insures his getting neutered since I think that it must be his male hormones working overtime...all day he was quiet and fine but now once again when the moon comes out, he thinks he has to meow loudly, not even softly, but at the top of his lungs and it is very annoying as I do not want my neighbor coming down screaming at me to shut my cat up.
Otherwise, the last two days have been perfectly beautiful weatherwise but awful things wise. Someone is playing games with my other laptop computer and I am very concerned about how and why. I do not dare even say what it is although today I did not use it but one time to see that nothing is going on with it.
I notice these things right away but as everyone knows I think that my computer is bugged as well as too often under attack.
This has been another one of those rough months. I am going to test the use of this blogger in my next post. I am thinking of beginning a different blog but I want to check something out before I do that.
This business of trying to be an author in a world where nothing but junk sells is somewhat annoying. The publishing houses want big names, stars, famous people, etc. to be the selling tool for books. Once one gets that much acclaim then it is a real problem to always keep up with your own work effort, producing book after book in the same genre.
I just stopped reading a book called Survivors because the subject itself annoyed me so much...I don't like doomsday books which in fact do have an element of truth in them. This one has been promised for so long since people actually do want self destruction so that they can make great profits from them.
In this case, the entire economy has collapsed, inflation is at an all time high, and riots and theft is running rampant everywhere. I did not finish the book as it is the type I dislike to think could ever happen.
So why did it get published? Which publishing giant wants people to read that kind of junk? I wish I knew sometimes.
So it goes...
Otherwise, the last two days have been perfectly beautiful weatherwise but awful things wise. Someone is playing games with my other laptop computer and I am very concerned about how and why. I do not dare even say what it is although today I did not use it but one time to see that nothing is going on with it.
I notice these things right away but as everyone knows I think that my computer is bugged as well as too often under attack.
This has been another one of those rough months. I am going to test the use of this blogger in my next post. I am thinking of beginning a different blog but I want to check something out before I do that.
This business of trying to be an author in a world where nothing but junk sells is somewhat annoying. The publishing houses want big names, stars, famous people, etc. to be the selling tool for books. Once one gets that much acclaim then it is a real problem to always keep up with your own work effort, producing book after book in the same genre.
I just stopped reading a book called Survivors because the subject itself annoyed me so much...I don't like doomsday books which in fact do have an element of truth in them. This one has been promised for so long since people actually do want self destruction so that they can make great profits from them.
In this case, the entire economy has collapsed, inflation is at an all time high, and riots and theft is running rampant everywhere. I did not finish the book as it is the type I dislike to think could ever happen.
So why did it get published? Which publishing giant wants people to read that kind of junk? I wish I knew sometimes.
So it goes...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
This has thus far been a quiet weekend. The furtherest I traveled yesterday was to Walgreen's to get some fixodent with my $1.50 coupon and to the clubhouse where I used the wifi connection. I am at the clubhouse this morning as well. Earlier, there were two rude people talking loudly but after I turned on a video with full sound they left the place so that I now have peace and quiet.
I received a note from Ann Katrin letting me know how far she has read into my novel. I did not realize how important it was to me to have her read it. She makes great comments so that I like her responses to the draft and I had had no idea that I had needed that. Often we do not know how hungry we really are until we get a bite to eat.
When one writes a novel to let the world know a bit of himself, so really, after all, isn't that what a writer is doing, sharing himself with the world, it is a bit awesome.
I am so long familiar with the storyline that I cannot imagine how others will react to it. I need a good editor and so I need to learn how to find one.
I have thought of posting it all as a blog so that it can be read by those who really simply want to read it. I am still deliberating that idea in my head. Often times, one's work is not so much to be paid in any way but to be read. And then of course, to be recognized and discussed. But if one gets a few cents or dollars for it, that is all gravy on the plate.
When one writes for the dollar, one has to pander to other people's wants and wishes. That is all that most politicians do, simply pander, lie, cheat, and steal. That is a modern day definition of a politician any more. We all can see that now with the current crop of wannabees.
But I could pander too if I had to do this for a living. I doubt that with as many voices in the world to be heard, that a simple novel will make waves. But it is a means to express one's own true feelings about the subject.
I received a note from Ann Katrin letting me know how far she has read into my novel. I did not realize how important it was to me to have her read it. She makes great comments so that I like her responses to the draft and I had had no idea that I had needed that. Often we do not know how hungry we really are until we get a bite to eat.
When one writes a novel to let the world know a bit of himself, so really, after all, isn't that what a writer is doing, sharing himself with the world, it is a bit awesome.
I am so long familiar with the storyline that I cannot imagine how others will react to it. I need a good editor and so I need to learn how to find one.
I have thought of posting it all as a blog so that it can be read by those who really simply want to read it. I am still deliberating that idea in my head. Often times, one's work is not so much to be paid in any way but to be read. And then of course, to be recognized and discussed. But if one gets a few cents or dollars for it, that is all gravy on the plate.
When one writes for the dollar, one has to pander to other people's wants and wishes. That is all that most politicians do, simply pander, lie, cheat, and steal. That is a modern day definition of a politician any more. We all can see that now with the current crop of wannabees.
But I could pander too if I had to do this for a living. I doubt that with as many voices in the world to be heard, that a simple novel will make waves. But it is a means to express one's own true feelings about the subject.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Cat Problems
I do not know what is wrong with my cat but he was up all night screeching and meowing loudly driving me crazy. I decided that it could be because of his male hormones so determined to have him neutered in the first of February. He is screeching again tonight which is getting on my nerves a lot. I do not know what to make of him. I took him outdoors for awhile. I think that he is probably a bit stircrazy but whenever the slightest sound occurs outdoors he quickly runs indoors. He has not become used to outdoor sounds yet at all so he is in a real dilemma as to what to do. I will try to get some sleep tonight...meow!
Netbook Problems
I am in the clubhouse using the wifi since I am getting too many hours on my allowance at broadband, but this computer is making me very angry. I just wrote a long post here that had to be deleted because something on this computer would not work properly...It suddenly freezes and I do not know why. I had to close the thing down to get it back up again...I don't like that at all.
This blog is going to become short paragraphs if that is the case. I did find that my mobile blog did work so I may use it. I find that I am using my cellphone computer more and more all the time but I can not forward anything with it.
This blog is going to become short paragraphs if that is the case. I did find that my mobile blog did work so I may use it. I find that I am using my cellphone computer more and more all the time but I can not forward anything with it.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
This writing thing
Years ago in southern California I had one of those creative writing classes that leaves one speechless and wondering...but one thing I learned from this class conducted by a woman named Shanley is that there are such things as archetypes. Archetypes are things in common shared by many. An example of an archetype in childhood is the business of being thrown high into the air and falling into the arms of a loving parent, brother, sister, nephew, cousin, grandparent, etc.etc.etc. I mention this because I am naturally thinking about my book on the childhood of Alexander in which I have him thrown into the air many times by his daring handsome father, Philip, king of Macedon.
So when I read a recent book by a current author who did the same thing to Queen Elizabeth I as a child I felt a bit awed by the fact that there are two of us who have experienced that in our own lives to use it in a book about a subject dear and close to our hearts. I always love throwing babies in the air myself and did it many times, and probably had it done to me too but alas I have forgotten all that infant stuff as memories of infancy have not stayed with me.
However, I have never forgotten childhood dreams...funny, isn't it, the things that we remember.
I am watching movies this week again. I checked out Sarah's Key, a movie about W.W.II during the rise of Hitler's Nazi regime, and this particular story takes place in Paris. It shows how the French handled the problem of rounding up Jews to send to The camps. Very interesting to imagine how the writers and directors were able to find this kind of material for a story. Whether true or not, it is a touching story which made me wonder at how many stories similar to this now about Gaza could be made. Why does not Israel learn its own lesson of the do unto them as you want done unto you?
Basically, the story is about a journalist whose marriage to a Frenchman is falling apart due to her becoming pregnant and wanting the child while he does not want the problem of childrearing one more time as they already have a teenage daughter. She learns of the story of a family who were forcibly taken from their home, while leaving one child behind to suffer tragedy in a closet due to his sister's Sarah's advice. Sarah as the sister who loves her brother suffers the rest of her life due to the events that take place causing her mother and father to be wrenched away from her. Some nice crusty Frenchmen help the poor child to escape the camp and find a home while a fellow deserter unfortunately dies from diphtheria so Sarah is left alone without family due to the war. She does meet a man, has a child, and that child plays a minor role in the story in which the journalist finds Sarah's only child and his father. The journalist leaves her husband to have her own child who she then names for the poor little Jewish girl whose love for her brother cost her dearly. It is a farfetched story but a Hollywood type film intending to show the trauma and dilemma the French average citizen faced while watching the Jews be treated inhumanely and dreadfully. A film in which one should be prepared and have kleenex handy. Hollywood fantasy in which the French have a heart, help the child at intervals, and also plead their own case for their part in the travesty of that evil war.
So when I read a recent book by a current author who did the same thing to Queen Elizabeth I as a child I felt a bit awed by the fact that there are two of us who have experienced that in our own lives to use it in a book about a subject dear and close to our hearts. I always love throwing babies in the air myself and did it many times, and probably had it done to me too but alas I have forgotten all that infant stuff as memories of infancy have not stayed with me.
However, I have never forgotten childhood dreams...funny, isn't it, the things that we remember.
I am watching movies this week again. I checked out Sarah's Key, a movie about W.W.II during the rise of Hitler's Nazi regime, and this particular story takes place in Paris. It shows how the French handled the problem of rounding up Jews to send to The camps. Very interesting to imagine how the writers and directors were able to find this kind of material for a story. Whether true or not, it is a touching story which made me wonder at how many stories similar to this now about Gaza could be made. Why does not Israel learn its own lesson of the do unto them as you want done unto you?
Basically, the story is about a journalist whose marriage to a Frenchman is falling apart due to her becoming pregnant and wanting the child while he does not want the problem of childrearing one more time as they already have a teenage daughter. She learns of the story of a family who were forcibly taken from their home, while leaving one child behind to suffer tragedy in a closet due to his sister's Sarah's advice. Sarah as the sister who loves her brother suffers the rest of her life due to the events that take place causing her mother and father to be wrenched away from her. Some nice crusty Frenchmen help the poor child to escape the camp and find a home while a fellow deserter unfortunately dies from diphtheria so Sarah is left alone without family due to the war. She does meet a man, has a child, and that child plays a minor role in the story in which the journalist finds Sarah's only child and his father. The journalist leaves her husband to have her own child who she then names for the poor little Jewish girl whose love for her brother cost her dearly. It is a farfetched story but a Hollywood type film intending to show the trauma and dilemma the French average citizen faced while watching the Jews be treated inhumanely and dreadfully. A film in which one should be prepared and have kleenex handy. Hollywood fantasy in which the French have a heart, help the child at intervals, and also plead their own case for their part in the travesty of that evil war.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Fridsy the 13th and superstitions
Today is a double 12 day and tomorrow is Friday the 13th. I do place some value in certain superstitions, but seldom let them control my life. However, due to the superstition about MacBeth I did decide not to attend a writer's workshop in Tempe. I had taught that play to a senior group of students at GHS and will maybe allow it to be an excuse, reason, or cause for continued belief that it brings only badluck to people. I had enough bad luck that year to buy into it a bit.
That is as much as I want to say about superstitions in this post.
That is as much as I want to say about superstitions in this post.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
You never know what will happen when you experiment. Will this image get posted?
I see now.
Last Man Standing & Mystic River
I am putting this in writing. I know people get tired of my always warning them that when around me their words will likely come back to haunt them. But I have proof now that I have gathered in the past few weeks. First, I will begin with Mystic River, a movie that I finally saw thanks to the local lending library. This is a murder mystery and everyone knows I love a mystery.
Sean Penn and Tim Robbins both won Oscars for their performances in this strange film based upon a story by some guy name of Dennis deHane or something like that...only recollect vaguely so may be mistaken about author's name.
But the character I shall now discuss is the victim who is only 19. She is mysteriously killed but the weapon is a gun. When I saw one scene I immediately thought of Mark Anderson, a son of one of my friends and colleagues at GHS, who had one time stowed himself in the back of my car when visiting at his mother's house. I got in the car and started it up to have Mark suddenly speak up from the back seat literally scaring the daylights out of me...I was never so frightened but got over it reminding myself to lock my doors from now my first thought when I saw that scene was of Mark and Lois. So later in a scene where this same girl is seen in a bar dancing on a counter with two other girls the light did not dawn until later...why yes, I had done that same thing but not in a bar, thus,not immediately seeing the similarity, but later on, realized oh yes, when Dave admits that she did not do a strip tease, that I had been on the bar doing just that, a lame version of a strip tease in my Hawaiian skirt.
Dunt da dunt ta...and I strolled down the counter, alone, with only two people to see me do this strange stunt, a student, and a counselor, and Lordy, Lordy, I was given the old talkto by the principal wondering what had come over me...all of a sudden I got the urge to jump on the counter and do a dance...dunt, da, dunt, da! Yeah, that went all around the campus and town and finally, oh, yea, now I see it all played back on the movie screen to realize...hmmmm....there are some similarities here, aren't there? But the story has changed a lot, but some things in it are pretty strangely alike...
so then last night Tim Allen has a show which I recognized immediately the dog (Mr. Big) and a picture of me especially made with a dog that is a Maltese also, and is in a photo album which is distributed to only a certain group that I am a qualified member so that I got the picture right now of where Tim got this idea,and so later in the same sitcom heard a line that made me think of my neighbor and friend Sandra and her son Elijah as in this case, the dog and cat are being switched also...Elijah had not missed his cat for three whole days, and I learned this after accepting this cat from friend Sandra, who is now my little angel Alexander. The dog was Dan's dog who I would also dogsit on Tim and his cronies somehow or other managed to make a sitcom out of this event that was both cute, funny, poignant, and pertinent...very Alfonso of Florida court reporting school once said about me...if he had my memory, he would be a millionaire...I remembered that Sandra had said that Elijah had not even known he was gone for three days....I had him at that point I believe.
By the way, when Elijah finally became reunited as both remembered each other well, he said he was glad that I am the one who got him. He has grown so big and so beautifully well.
So my angel cat last night woke me up in the night to remind me to turn off my heat as I had turned the small space heater on for an hour to get rid of the chill...I overslept but suddenly I hear the cat meowing loudly so I would wake up...I got up and turned off the heater to go back to sleep. Good cat, my angel cat! He has his moments...
Sean Penn and Tim Robbins both won Oscars for their performances in this strange film based upon a story by some guy name of Dennis deHane or something like that...only recollect vaguely so may be mistaken about author's name.
But the character I shall now discuss is the victim who is only 19. She is mysteriously killed but the weapon is a gun. When I saw one scene I immediately thought of Mark Anderson, a son of one of my friends and colleagues at GHS, who had one time stowed himself in the back of my car when visiting at his mother's house. I got in the car and started it up to have Mark suddenly speak up from the back seat literally scaring the daylights out of me...I was never so frightened but got over it reminding myself to lock my doors from now my first thought when I saw that scene was of Mark and Lois. So later in a scene where this same girl is seen in a bar dancing on a counter with two other girls the light did not dawn until later...why yes, I had done that same thing but not in a bar, thus,not immediately seeing the similarity, but later on, realized oh yes, when Dave admits that she did not do a strip tease, that I had been on the bar doing just that, a lame version of a strip tease in my Hawaiian skirt.
Dunt da dunt ta...and I strolled down the counter, alone, with only two people to see me do this strange stunt, a student, and a counselor, and Lordy, Lordy, I was given the old talkto by the principal wondering what had come over me...all of a sudden I got the urge to jump on the counter and do a dance...dunt, da, dunt, da! Yeah, that went all around the campus and town and finally, oh, yea, now I see it all played back on the movie screen to realize...hmmmm....there are some similarities here, aren't there? But the story has changed a lot, but some things in it are pretty strangely alike...
so then last night Tim Allen has a show which I recognized immediately the dog (Mr. Big) and a picture of me especially made with a dog that is a Maltese also, and is in a photo album which is distributed to only a certain group that I am a qualified member so that I got the picture right now of where Tim got this idea,and so later in the same sitcom heard a line that made me think of my neighbor and friend Sandra and her son Elijah as in this case, the dog and cat are being switched also...Elijah had not missed his cat for three whole days, and I learned this after accepting this cat from friend Sandra, who is now my little angel Alexander. The dog was Dan's dog who I would also dogsit on Tim and his cronies somehow or other managed to make a sitcom out of this event that was both cute, funny, poignant, and pertinent...very Alfonso of Florida court reporting school once said about me...if he had my memory, he would be a millionaire...I remembered that Sandra had said that Elijah had not even known he was gone for three days....I had him at that point I believe.
By the way, when Elijah finally became reunited as both remembered each other well, he said he was glad that I am the one who got him. He has grown so big and so beautifully well.
So my angel cat last night woke me up in the night to remind me to turn off my heat as I had turned the small space heater on for an hour to get rid of the chill...I overslept but suddenly I hear the cat meowing loudly so I would wake up...I got up and turned off the heater to go back to sleep. Good cat, my angel cat! He has his moments...
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Gayest City in America
On MSN toda there is a list of the top gay cities in the USA according to the Gay and Lesbian Advocate group, which turned out to be quite a surprise. Usually people think that it is San Francisco, but according to the Gay Advocate, it is Salt Lake City, Utah. They are using a different kind of yardstick to measure a most gay city so one must read the article. Why would anyone other than gays be interested in this, you may wonder, and I will explain.
Because the Republicans are still sounding very homophobic, it means that the common and ordinary citizen should learn the truth about the gay community himself in order to know what is really going on in the gay world which is now pretty much accepted, at least in Salt Lake City, and other cities who are dealing with this phenomena.
I cIn theannot explain why people choose to be gay. I do not believe that anyone is "born" to be gay, but rather adopts this lifestyle for a variety of reasons.
But despite all the efforts in the world to understand it, nobody is going to stamp it out and get rid of it so one must do the next best thing, which is learn how to live with it so that it does not harm you in any way.
What does this mean to society at large? Generally, that society will pay for it all one way or the other. Someone has to feed the coffers of the state's who offer compensation, so usually it will fall back on the common, ordinary normal guy who simply works for a living.
It is best for a family to know which communities are considered gay havens so that that family can determine how to rear one's children, how to explain abnormal or different behaviour, and how to deal with it. When blocks of people of a certain stereotype group together, whether artists in artists colonies, cowboys in rural communities, laboreres in manufacturing cities, one learns how to cope. The gay world is a specially oriented world which separates itself from the normm of family, dating and mating in the normal fashion of boy meets girl, and unlike the bachelor, settles into a married state and usually chooses suburbia in which to melt into the lifestyle of raising a family.
The few gays who actually want that kind of dosmestic bliss are being subjected to scrutiny as to the wisdom of becoming parents in which their children are denied the normal lifestyle of mom and pop. Momm and mom and pop and pop will always be a most unusual experience for any child to cope with when his fay parents choose to raise him amongst all the normal heterosexuals of the world.
Hollywood is trying to reeducate people into acceptance. I doubt that this will ever happen completely as most do fear the lifestyle of any abnormal or different concept than that which one knows and has become.
The important thing to remember is not to try to harness your beliefs upon someone else but to accept them for who and what they are, and let it be.
Because the Republicans are still sounding very homophobic, it means that the common and ordinary citizen should learn the truth about the gay community himself in order to know what is really going on in the gay world which is now pretty much accepted, at least in Salt Lake City, and other cities who are dealing with this phenomena.
I cIn theannot explain why people choose to be gay. I do not believe that anyone is "born" to be gay, but rather adopts this lifestyle for a variety of reasons.
But despite all the efforts in the world to understand it, nobody is going to stamp it out and get rid of it so one must do the next best thing, which is learn how to live with it so that it does not harm you in any way.
What does this mean to society at large? Generally, that society will pay for it all one way or the other. Someone has to feed the coffers of the state's who offer compensation, so usually it will fall back on the common, ordinary normal guy who simply works for a living.
It is best for a family to know which communities are considered gay havens so that that family can determine how to rear one's children, how to explain abnormal or different behaviour, and how to deal with it. When blocks of people of a certain stereotype group together, whether artists in artists colonies, cowboys in rural communities, laboreres in manufacturing cities, one learns how to cope. The gay world is a specially oriented world which separates itself from the normm of family, dating and mating in the normal fashion of boy meets girl, and unlike the bachelor, settles into a married state and usually chooses suburbia in which to melt into the lifestyle of raising a family.
The few gays who actually want that kind of dosmestic bliss are being subjected to scrutiny as to the wisdom of becoming parents in which their children are denied the normal lifestyle of mom and pop. Momm and mom and pop and pop will always be a most unusual experience for any child to cope with when his fay parents choose to raise him amongst all the normal heterosexuals of the world.
Hollywood is trying to reeducate people into acceptance. I doubt that this will ever happen completely as most do fear the lifestyle of any abnormal or different concept than that which one knows and has become.
The important thing to remember is not to try to harness your beliefs upon someone else but to accept them for who and what they are, and let it be.
Friday, January 6, 2012
First week of new year
I am going to put December behind me. So far, we are only six days into January, and the weather has been awesome. Nice temps during the day but cold at night.
I met the nicest man today at the track when inquiring about using wifi in the grandstand. He tried to put me in the clubhouse but I stayed on the grandstand, it is easy to get outdoors to watch the horses, two, the machines are accessible, and three, there are always tables and chairs aplenty, and four, I am always a cheapskate at betting until I get into a run of luck.
I liked being able to use my computer there even though I used it for only a fraction of an hour as I was more into racing than into checking out information but I subscribe to a lot of blogs and info on horses so it did work for me.
However, my racing luck was not good. I did get a return on one horse but was unable to do well with any of the others that I chose to back. Still have enough for tomorrow at which I will got an otb, probably mary's place in tempe, to see how I fare there.
I am interested in Santa Anita and Secret Circle so I will try to get to a place where I can wage a small bet to see what happens next.
It won't pay anything but I am getting a grip on how to play the superfecta yet at ten cents a plunge. I went because of the ten cent pick 6 in Gulfstream. What a game that one is. I do not understand what is meant by one ticket or one win to win the entire jackpot. I can see that they are trying to get it to a million so it competes with a lottery game.
Today had some very high returns on exotic bets. I will be on my toes next time I hope. I always think I have it under control and I even think what to do but I don't always carry through. But I did something most unusual today and picked up some losing tickets to see how people bet. I was in shock to see how they do bet...ouch almighty. Costly business, this game of racing. Several bet $100 and that made me sit up and take notice. Wow! Imagine losing thousands of dollars at a time...I just can't imagine.
I met the nicest man today at the track when inquiring about using wifi in the grandstand. He tried to put me in the clubhouse but I stayed on the grandstand, it is easy to get outdoors to watch the horses, two, the machines are accessible, and three, there are always tables and chairs aplenty, and four, I am always a cheapskate at betting until I get into a run of luck.
I liked being able to use my computer there even though I used it for only a fraction of an hour as I was more into racing than into checking out information but I subscribe to a lot of blogs and info on horses so it did work for me.
However, my racing luck was not good. I did get a return on one horse but was unable to do well with any of the others that I chose to back. Still have enough for tomorrow at which I will got an otb, probably mary's place in tempe, to see how I fare there.
I am interested in Santa Anita and Secret Circle so I will try to get to a place where I can wage a small bet to see what happens next.
It won't pay anything but I am getting a grip on how to play the superfecta yet at ten cents a plunge. I went because of the ten cent pick 6 in Gulfstream. What a game that one is. I do not understand what is meant by one ticket or one win to win the entire jackpot. I can see that they are trying to get it to a million so it competes with a lottery game.
Today had some very high returns on exotic bets. I will be on my toes next time I hope. I always think I have it under control and I even think what to do but I don't always carry through. But I did something most unusual today and picked up some losing tickets to see how people bet. I was in shock to see how they do bet...ouch almighty. Costly business, this game of racing. Several bet $100 and that made me sit up and take notice. Wow! Imagine losing thousands of dollars at a time...I just can't imagine.
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