On MSN toda there is a list of the top gay cities in the USA according to the Gay and Lesbian Advocate group, which turned out to be quite a surprise. Usually people think that it is San Francisco, but according to the Gay Advocate, it is Salt Lake City, Utah. They are using a different kind of yardstick to measure a most gay city so one must read the article. Why would anyone other than gays be interested in this, you may wonder, and I will explain.
Because the Republicans are still sounding very homophobic, it means that the common and ordinary citizen should learn the truth about the gay community himself in order to know what is really going on in the gay world which is now pretty much accepted, at least in Salt Lake City, and other cities who are dealing with this phenomena.
I cIn theannot explain why people choose to be gay. I do not believe that anyone is "born" to be gay, but rather adopts this lifestyle for a variety of reasons.
But despite all the efforts in the world to understand it, nobody is going to stamp it out and get rid of it so one must do the next best thing, which is learn how to live with it so that it does not harm you in any way.
What does this mean to society at large? Generally, that society will pay for it all one way or the other. Someone has to feed the coffers of the state's who offer compensation, so usually it will fall back on the common, ordinary normal guy who simply works for a living.
It is best for a family to know which communities are considered gay havens so that that family can determine how to rear one's children, how to explain abnormal or different behaviour, and how to deal with it. When blocks of people of a certain stereotype group together, whether artists in artists colonies, cowboys in rural communities, laboreres in manufacturing cities, one learns how to cope. The gay world is a specially oriented world which separates itself from the normm of family, dating and mating in the normal fashion of boy meets girl, and unlike the bachelor, settles into a married state and usually chooses suburbia in which to melt into the lifestyle of raising a family.
The few gays who actually want that kind of dosmestic bliss are being subjected to scrutiny as to the wisdom of becoming parents in which their children are denied the normal lifestyle of mom and pop. Momm and mom and pop and pop will always be a most unusual experience for any child to cope with when his fay parents choose to raise him amongst all the normal heterosexuals of the world.
Hollywood is trying to reeducate people into acceptance. I doubt that this will ever happen completely as most do fear the lifestyle of any abnormal or different concept than that which one knows and has become.
The important thing to remember is not to try to harness your beliefs upon someone else but to accept them for who and what they are, and let it be.
How interesting to read. Over here the scene is nearly unseen.