Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Personal Meanderings in Thought

The mystery of the Malaysian Airliner continues to puzzle.  Flight 370 has not yet been found at this time but pings from what is perceived to be the black box has been heard so that a given area in the Indian Ocean have been sectioned off to explore.  An expensive device that is able to be manipulated in the water is being used to scour the area to find evidence of either the black box or any other wreckage that may be buried in this location.  So far only pings and a recent oil slick have given hope to the possible discovery of the vanished airliner.

In the meantime, numerous ships and planes continue to search for any signs of wreckage.  Since a cyclone had passed over this very region, it is likely that if there had been any loose floating debris, that it has since been carried miles away from the site.

It continues to be discussed at CNN with many authorities to keep the interested and curious satisfied.

Tonight a ferry which carried high school students aboard has turned over on the coast of South Korea, in which now over 300 young persons appear to be missing.  Many were caught indoors unable to get out to escape, while many others were told to stay where they were but some escaped and found safety when water began to rise, frightening them to run for their lives.  Their stories are being told on CNN as well.  Bad weather further complicates the rescue efforts.

Further north, Russia and the Ukraine are creating a disturbance which is causing the President of the USA and other European leaders to react forcibly to the threats that appear to be focused against the Ukraine by the Russians.  Sanctions against Russia are already being enacted against the Putin organized action.

So many things are happening at this time that ordinary everyday problems disappear against the enormity of the international scene.

On the positive side, the Kentucky Derby is about to feature horses who have accumulated points through winning at preparatory races.  The horse who has the best record and appears to be the outstanding horse is California Chrome, a horse that many call a freak due to his excessive speed and winning ways.  Another undefeated horse which won the Florida Derby has been taken out of the game due to a hairline fracture so his trainer announced. It is always good for a trainer to care about the future prospects of his horse rather than the glory of winning,  since this horse called Constitution demonstrated the promise of possibly winning the race for the Roses.

In the world of horses we are waiting for Zenyatta to foal her third baby.  She appears to be overdue or it may be that people are just overanxious for her to deliver soon.  At any rate, horse lovers are waiting to learn the good news that she has delivered a healthy young foal.

I am studying all the characters involved in my novel on Alexander, and the general plot line begins to change again and again as I realize further and more interesting details about this story of a god driven military leader.  Yes, I have a first draft written about the early years of his life but I am expanding it and am studying a different method of presenting my story about Alexander and his military family and friends.

I have to renew my rental lease so have been studying the new lease agreement...will take me a little while to reread it so that i understand it all. It is not a problem for me per se but there are a few things that need to be discussed with the management. I wonder if she can ever enforce any of this well.

That is all I want to meander about tonight...Just getting my thoughts in line.

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