Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, Scottsdale, Arizona

1. The men who plaster did not come today thanks to the weather forecast most likely.

2. Two men who are painting did come to do something to the roof.  They are gone now.

3. The promised rain has not come to this area at all but I had noticed that one forecaster had said that it would affect only half of the county anyway.

4. We have a substitute mail lady this week.

5. I used my Wolfgang Puck blender to grind my steak into burgers.  It worked perfectly and what wonderful burgers those are.

6. I found a special store in Tempe near Southern for the best produce anywhere bar none. It is for businesses mostly since it is all bulk and oversized but the produce and deli meat is small enough for individuals.  Best tasting strawberries.  Fun thing is that one must wear a provided coat to walk into freezer to obtain goods.

7. I made the best pinto beans this weekend. I used Phyllis Stokely's method of preventing gas and farts by pre boiling beans three times for ten minutes.  Then I used another recipe for basis of dish: beef stock, pork belly, onions, and celery and cooked  in pressure cooker for 30 minutes.  I saved half by freezing.

8. I bought my own silicon ice cube trays from Crate and Barrel so I have ice at all times that is from my Brita filter.

9. I have loads of work to do but have been on Facebook all morning long.  I posted a beautiful video of Planet Earth.

10.  I prefer to keep my silence at times over some issues but the Ferguson, Mo. problem and the illegal immigrants from Central America are still a source of annoyance to me.  The only good response so far has been from Bill Cosby who said it right.

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