Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
Christmas Day
Many ways in which to be grateful!
1. Friends near and far help to make life endurable. A good friend who is ever ready to lend you a hand is the best gift anyone can know.
2. Health is foremost in my mid now that I am aging so rapidly. I accidentally stumbled to fall on my front steps last night while staring at the new moon, and fortunately, was a short fall so that it did not tear the skin but I went down to cry out and blame that full moon. Good health is key to good living.
3. Family is naturally our closest long term friends and allies. At my age, my family is now far away and some have passed into the great beyond.
4. Faith in our friends, family, neighbors, and yes, even enemies keeps us on a solid foundation of wellbeing. We can always hope to change an enemy into a friend through negotiation or acts of love from one to the other. I am not being too optimistic about turning ISIS into a friend at all, but both Germany and Japan did change to become friends after WWII.
5. Pets are both friends and family when we are fortunate enough to own any, no matter whether cat, dog, turtle, fish, birds, or neighborhood wandering alone seeking food or friendship.
6. Books, which enrich our lives, both fiction and nonfiction, are the most solitary voice we have when alone with our thoughts. Books can become our friends, sources of knowledge, entertainment, amusement, fantasy, anything that we want since they come in so many varieties. An author may be able to awaken something inside yourself to learn a new lesson or make a new friend.
7. Recreation whether actively involved in sports or just riding a bike, bowling, skating, skiing, playing board games, using fitness center programs, exercising, dancing, or skateboarding.
8. Creative arts: hobbies, arts and crafts, musical talents exploited, painting, sculpting, reading, writing a novel, a short story, a poem, making videos, photography, knitting, crocheting, and all types of skills in quilting and sewing.
9. Knowledge found through schooling, education in college and university, online tutoring, local library, and self teaching.
10. Finally, meditation, or the art of listening to one's inner self, to explore one's own inner being, and being able to share with trusted friends your feelings and intuition as well as listen to theirs.
Much to think about, and certainly many more reasons to be grateful! Just a reminder that life can be good when you try to make it good for others and for yourself.
1. Friends near and far help to make life endurable. A good friend who is ever ready to lend you a hand is the best gift anyone can know.
2. Health is foremost in my mid now that I am aging so rapidly. I accidentally stumbled to fall on my front steps last night while staring at the new moon, and fortunately, was a short fall so that it did not tear the skin but I went down to cry out and blame that full moon. Good health is key to good living.
3. Family is naturally our closest long term friends and allies. At my age, my family is now far away and some have passed into the great beyond.
4. Faith in our friends, family, neighbors, and yes, even enemies keeps us on a solid foundation of wellbeing. We can always hope to change an enemy into a friend through negotiation or acts of love from one to the other. I am not being too optimistic about turning ISIS into a friend at all, but both Germany and Japan did change to become friends after WWII.
5. Pets are both friends and family when we are fortunate enough to own any, no matter whether cat, dog, turtle, fish, birds, or neighborhood wandering alone seeking food or friendship.
6. Books, which enrich our lives, both fiction and nonfiction, are the most solitary voice we have when alone with our thoughts. Books can become our friends, sources of knowledge, entertainment, amusement, fantasy, anything that we want since they come in so many varieties. An author may be able to awaken something inside yourself to learn a new lesson or make a new friend.
7. Recreation whether actively involved in sports or just riding a bike, bowling, skating, skiing, playing board games, using fitness center programs, exercising, dancing, or skateboarding.
8. Creative arts: hobbies, arts and crafts, musical talents exploited, painting, sculpting, reading, writing a novel, a short story, a poem, making videos, photography, knitting, crocheting, and all types of skills in quilting and sewing.
9. Knowledge found through schooling, education in college and university, online tutoring, local library, and self teaching.
10. Finally, meditation, or the art of listening to one's inner self, to explore one's own inner being, and being able to share with trusted friends your feelings and intuition as well as listen to theirs.
Much to think about, and certainly many more reasons to be grateful! Just a reminder that life can be good when you try to make it good for others and for yourself.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Christmas Eve Day
It is the 24th and I am doing laundry right now. I am trying to clear out some of the stuff I have acquired over the years, but I make a tortoise, a snail, and molasses look fast. It is not procrastination! It is just that I am very slow to move. I make headway one thing at a time very slowly it seems but I am getting there.
Today has a story of a tornado that has broken all records if it proves to be true. The longest single tornado ever to hit the south on a time when most families had hoped to have a great Christmas. A town in Mississippi has lost everything. It is the saddest, sorriest thing to see that town totally destroyed except for a few houses that did not feel the effects. A single house stood in one video today while the entire region around it was totally cleaned out, looking like a tornado hit it, which in fact it did. Wow!
I did not take out all my Christmas stuff this year. Some things are still in the boxes and I refuse to open them. I will keep the tree up until New Years Day but most will be packed away long before the week is up, I am hoping.
I know it is age that makes me feel so tired all the time. Probably my fat does hurt me so I am trying to lose weight but have broken that rule several times this holiday season. I did buy some Sees candy and some cinnamon bread. Otherwise, I am abstaining from most of the too sweet, too sugary, too high carbs stuff. I fought many minor illnesses the past months. Am hoping that 2016 will be a GOOD year instead of the wretched year that 2015 has been.
I admit that this housing unit is better than the previous I had lived in, but it is a long way from Phoenix or Scottsdale. However, I actually like it in this area now that I am learning it. It is growing so rapidly that most everything is new and recently built. I just hate to see this amount of growth though. It is sad to watch agriculture die while housing developments take over. Wrong! Wrong!
Resolving to stay positive thinking until the New Year comes. Too much negativity in the news is really very exasperating and depressing. Americans are annoying me no end these days. The election is a farce and I am so opposed to the candidates who do not know how to get elected without acting like idiots that it infuriates me. But what can you do? We have a really screwed up system in this so called advanced nation. Both parties should be abolished, the sooner the better.
So on that note, I will close. It got negative again, and I don't want that but I just read about the ambassador who suffered dreadfully because of Obama and Hillary Clinton's wrong doing. Liars all, and should be punished for it. Am more than angry about it.
The news media is ugly too. So again, ending this now.
Today has a story of a tornado that has broken all records if it proves to be true. The longest single tornado ever to hit the south on a time when most families had hoped to have a great Christmas. A town in Mississippi has lost everything. It is the saddest, sorriest thing to see that town totally destroyed except for a few houses that did not feel the effects. A single house stood in one video today while the entire region around it was totally cleaned out, looking like a tornado hit it, which in fact it did. Wow!
I did not take out all my Christmas stuff this year. Some things are still in the boxes and I refuse to open them. I will keep the tree up until New Years Day but most will be packed away long before the week is up, I am hoping.
I know it is age that makes me feel so tired all the time. Probably my fat does hurt me so I am trying to lose weight but have broken that rule several times this holiday season. I did buy some Sees candy and some cinnamon bread. Otherwise, I am abstaining from most of the too sweet, too sugary, too high carbs stuff. I fought many minor illnesses the past months. Am hoping that 2016 will be a GOOD year instead of the wretched year that 2015 has been.
I admit that this housing unit is better than the previous I had lived in, but it is a long way from Phoenix or Scottsdale. However, I actually like it in this area now that I am learning it. It is growing so rapidly that most everything is new and recently built. I just hate to see this amount of growth though. It is sad to watch agriculture die while housing developments take over. Wrong! Wrong!
Resolving to stay positive thinking until the New Year comes. Too much negativity in the news is really very exasperating and depressing. Americans are annoying me no end these days. The election is a farce and I am so opposed to the candidates who do not know how to get elected without acting like idiots that it infuriates me. But what can you do? We have a really screwed up system in this so called advanced nation. Both parties should be abolished, the sooner the better.
So on that note, I will close. It got negative again, and I don't want that but I just read about the ambassador who suffered dreadfully because of Obama and Hillary Clinton's wrong doing. Liars all, and should be punished for it. Am more than angry about it.
The news media is ugly too. So again, ending this now.
Bryce Miller
- Janet, Pam sent a wrong address. Here is the right one. Bryce F. Miller #637208 Dodge Correctional Institute PO Box 700 Waupun, WI 53963-0700 If sending money for postage or things like that send it to; He sent me a flyer to get money to him through Western Union.Company Name: Wisconsin Department Corrections Account Name (Inmate# and Last Name Code city: WIDOC WIAm putting this here to recall and keep. Bryce is in a mess. I want to try to help him if I can.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Since i moved here six months ago, I have not known whether I would stay here or not for another year. I had a bit of a poor beginning that more or less made me feel as though I might decide to find a more permanent place to live. I will admit that if I come into the kind of winning jackpot that I would like I would attempt to purchase a more permanent home whether a mobile home or a condominium or small house even. And on that note, I am trying to achieve that goal but since I am also a realist I am having to face the fact that I may be here for another year if the lease terms are suitable for me.
I finally have dragged out into the front room some of my belongings that I have let go unopened and unattended for the past six months. I just had worked too hard in the moving process to really care about anything but the basic essentials so that many things are still unpacked and will remain so until I am ready to open them. However, some loose type boxed items I am finally sorting out to realize what it is that I have done. I surprised myself by being a whole lot smarter and wiser than I remembered being. I really am happy with myself tonight since I found many things put in freezer bags that kept them separate and safe so that when the time came I would be able to identify and sort them easily. You do not know how that makes me feel! My care in moving things turned out to be the best thing I did for myself under the circumstances.
To be honest, life has been unbearable for me many times in the past years. I am actually realizing now how much I endured during my time spent with my parents. Being with Sandra and Kyrion for a short time reminded me of how life had been with my parents, and I am amazed that I actually survived it as well as I did. You have no idea what it was like unless I go into detail, and that I will not do. I will not give my parents illnesses away but it did take a toll on me that I only now fully appreciate. Watching Sandra deal with Kyrion does concern me a lot as I know how poorly at times I dealt with my parents problems. I cannot honestly say which one I think was the more ill of the two. They both suffered so many problems that it amazes me even yet at how long they both lived under the circumstances.
I am more amazing than either of them though but again I will not betray myself on paper or a computer to explain why. But in the end, I always believe in the idea that God within is what keeps us healthy and helps us get through times of illness. For me, it works. My belief is sound and firm.
I have to go through a few serious changes in my life yet...One will be cataract removal, and so far, I have not found the right physician to perform this operation. I am inclined to go to Tempe to a man who gave me a very thorough eye exam. He told me he did cataract surgery, and I have not forgotten him. I will see about it.
There are a few other things that I must accomplish yet health wise, but I will try to accomplish my goals slowly and carefully. I am ever aware of how age robs us of our vitality, and I try to stay as free from problems as I can. Whether health problems are more mental than physical is debatable, but it sometimes seems to me that mind over matter does work far better than pills or ointments.
Well, I am staying up to watch HSN describe their TSV in a few minutes. I am seriously interested in it but need a full presentation instead of the brief that I have been hearing. I did check it out on the search engines. So I want to see all that it has going for it. It is a very expensive item at half price now. An android tablet by HP which has a quad processor and is in high definition. Must see it first!
Night Night.
I finally have dragged out into the front room some of my belongings that I have let go unopened and unattended for the past six months. I just had worked too hard in the moving process to really care about anything but the basic essentials so that many things are still unpacked and will remain so until I am ready to open them. However, some loose type boxed items I am finally sorting out to realize what it is that I have done. I surprised myself by being a whole lot smarter and wiser than I remembered being. I really am happy with myself tonight since I found many things put in freezer bags that kept them separate and safe so that when the time came I would be able to identify and sort them easily. You do not know how that makes me feel! My care in moving things turned out to be the best thing I did for myself under the circumstances.
To be honest, life has been unbearable for me many times in the past years. I am actually realizing now how much I endured during my time spent with my parents. Being with Sandra and Kyrion for a short time reminded me of how life had been with my parents, and I am amazed that I actually survived it as well as I did. You have no idea what it was like unless I go into detail, and that I will not do. I will not give my parents illnesses away but it did take a toll on me that I only now fully appreciate. Watching Sandra deal with Kyrion does concern me a lot as I know how poorly at times I dealt with my parents problems. I cannot honestly say which one I think was the more ill of the two. They both suffered so many problems that it amazes me even yet at how long they both lived under the circumstances.
I am more amazing than either of them though but again I will not betray myself on paper or a computer to explain why. But in the end, I always believe in the idea that God within is what keeps us healthy and helps us get through times of illness. For me, it works. My belief is sound and firm.
I have to go through a few serious changes in my life yet...One will be cataract removal, and so far, I have not found the right physician to perform this operation. I am inclined to go to Tempe to a man who gave me a very thorough eye exam. He told me he did cataract surgery, and I have not forgotten him. I will see about it.
There are a few other things that I must accomplish yet health wise, but I will try to accomplish my goals slowly and carefully. I am ever aware of how age robs us of our vitality, and I try to stay as free from problems as I can. Whether health problems are more mental than physical is debatable, but it sometimes seems to me that mind over matter does work far better than pills or ointments.
Well, I am staying up to watch HSN describe their TSV in a few minutes. I am seriously interested in it but need a full presentation instead of the brief that I have been hearing. I did check it out on the search engines. So I want to see all that it has going for it. It is a very expensive item at half price now. An android tablet by HP which has a quad processor and is in high definition. Must see it first!
Night Night.
Friday, December 18, 2015
The Nitty Gritty about politics
While I mentioned in my previous post the fact that the Republicans had a debate about security, and then that Donald Trump made an appearance in Mesa before running to California to appear on the Jimmy Kimmel show, I did not discuss any of the politics that were raging all this week.
The Democrats have a debate if you can call a monologue a debate this coming Saturday night in New Hampshire. I have not listened to any of their debates since they are literally a joke. Either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton will dominate and the guy from Maryland whose name has not yet clicked in for me to recall may put in an appearance for all I know.
This is what the politics is about: 1. Should Clinton who broke the law by having taken home business on her own personal server instead of using the government's server be eligible for the candidacy for president or not? Who in the Democratic party will charge her for her inexcusable conduct? Supposedly, the FBI is investigating to see how many documents could have been placing the security of the nation in jeopardy. Classified or declassified information is the cause for the search into her old files. The point is that she exercised poor judgement in feeling that she could use her own personal server to conduct government business. She should be found negligent and culpable for wrongdoing regardless.
So for all practical purposes, her run for the office of presidency may become another Nixon Watergate story. Only, if elected of course, but it will not ever be put to rest by the Republicans as they will not let the Benghazi affair be forgotten.
But obscuring all of Hillary's problems is the rise of Donald Trump who has developed a very strong following from people who like his strong, sound leadership. In his followers opinions who are are quite vocal and firm in their decision, he can do no wrong.
Polls are not always to be trusted, but crowds often are. Most people will not stand in line to see a candidate unless they are supporting him all the way to the White House. Donald draws crowds better than a circus can. People are really taken in by his sincere appearing politically incorrect statements.
More on this later....
The Democrats have a debate if you can call a monologue a debate this coming Saturday night in New Hampshire. I have not listened to any of their debates since they are literally a joke. Either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton will dominate and the guy from Maryland whose name has not yet clicked in for me to recall may put in an appearance for all I know.
This is what the politics is about: 1. Should Clinton who broke the law by having taken home business on her own personal server instead of using the government's server be eligible for the candidacy for president or not? Who in the Democratic party will charge her for her inexcusable conduct? Supposedly, the FBI is investigating to see how many documents could have been placing the security of the nation in jeopardy. Classified or declassified information is the cause for the search into her old files. The point is that she exercised poor judgement in feeling that she could use her own personal server to conduct government business. She should be found negligent and culpable for wrongdoing regardless.
So for all practical purposes, her run for the office of presidency may become another Nixon Watergate story. Only, if elected of course, but it will not ever be put to rest by the Republicans as they will not let the Benghazi affair be forgotten.
But obscuring all of Hillary's problems is the rise of Donald Trump who has developed a very strong following from people who like his strong, sound leadership. In his followers opinions who are are quite vocal and firm in their decision, he can do no wrong.
Polls are not always to be trusted, but crowds often are. Most people will not stand in line to see a candidate unless they are supporting him all the way to the White House. Donald draws crowds better than a circus can. People are really taken in by his sincere appearing politically incorrect statements.
More on this later....
Politics and old fashioned cold
This has been quite the week for politics here in this Valley. The Republicans held their debate Tuesday night in Las Vegas in which many significant exchanges occurred for the voters to consider when deciding which candidate will be their standard bearer come the election. So far, the Republicans have several candidates who spar with one another when answering questions this time from Wolf Blitzer on the topic of security.
The next day Donald Trump did hold a rally here in Mesa, only seven miles away from me. I did get a ticket to go see him but after scouting the place out the day before I decided it would be better for me to stay at home to watch it on t.v. The area had poor parking facilities and I was certain that I could not walk a long distance to get to see him, and that it would not be wise for me with having a cold to cure to take the chance of being amongst a lot of people who may be carrying flu bugs or colds too.
So I did stay home but watched it on the lifestream coming from local t.v. on my computer. Donald was so nice and so friendly I could see why it is that he has such a large following. A large group did turn out for him, and when I tweeted on a remark about him I received so many favorites and retweets I was truly surprised. One said that the Trump Train is on the move. It certainly seems that way to me.
It turned out to be a good thing that I did not go. The place was so cold where they were waiting to greet him that many people had to leave. I also noticed that many men had their cell phones taking his photo and there would have been no way that I could have competed with that trying to get a photo. I am too short, and I could not even hold my camera up in the air to get the shot as many of them were doing. In the end, I made the best decision for myself. I hope that this much rest will help cure this cold for it has lingered too long now.
Christmas is one week away and that means that New Years is only two weeks away. It will be 2016 in two weeks from today. Yikes and holy moly! Where does time go? I have so many things to do, and not enough time to do them.
Must close now.
The next day Donald Trump did hold a rally here in Mesa, only seven miles away from me. I did get a ticket to go see him but after scouting the place out the day before I decided it would be better for me to stay at home to watch it on t.v. The area had poor parking facilities and I was certain that I could not walk a long distance to get to see him, and that it would not be wise for me with having a cold to cure to take the chance of being amongst a lot of people who may be carrying flu bugs or colds too.
So I did stay home but watched it on the lifestream coming from local t.v. on my computer. Donald was so nice and so friendly I could see why it is that he has such a large following. A large group did turn out for him, and when I tweeted on a remark about him I received so many favorites and retweets I was truly surprised. One said that the Trump Train is on the move. It certainly seems that way to me.
It turned out to be a good thing that I did not go. The place was so cold where they were waiting to greet him that many people had to leave. I also noticed that many men had their cell phones taking his photo and there would have been no way that I could have competed with that trying to get a photo. I am too short, and I could not even hold my camera up in the air to get the shot as many of them were doing. In the end, I made the best decision for myself. I hope that this much rest will help cure this cold for it has lingered too long now.
Christmas is one week away and that means that New Years is only two weeks away. It will be 2016 in two weeks from today. Yikes and holy moly! Where does time go? I have so many things to do, and not enough time to do them.
Must close now.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Politics and Shooting Incident in San Bernardino
Many strange things come out about this latest home grown attack. I will feel free to float my ideas here since they are only thoughts and not facts.
1. The band that was playing in the Paris attack known as Eagles of DeathMetal, had produced a song about San Bernardino which seems bizarre under the circumstances. So tonight I saw that the band appeared in Paris with Bono at some function. I would imagine that they might feel a bit paranoid if anyone should.
2. Pictures of the couple who carried out the attack were on t.v. today. A picture made at an airport in Chicago shoed the two together probably waiting for check in. She was dressed in a black burqa and he in a white suit of some kind, wearing specs. Seldom has he ever been shown wearing eyewear.
3. The FBI made a statement today about the ongoing investigation, revealing that new information is being discovered all the time. Emphasis was on a target practice that occurred a few weeks or days before the actually shooting. Tashfeen Malik was supposedly expert with the use of a rifle so the police report indicates. Both appear to have been involved in terrorism for lengthy time.
4. Comments about the baby indicate that the police believe that they had the child just to appear as a normal couple instead of terrorists, that having a child was a bit of the plot to fool and surprise. The ease with which they gave the baby to the grandparent who happened to live with them all the while is one that makes one wonder. They had lied, saying that Seyed Farook had a medical appointment. In a sense, it is true that he had a date with the health department.
5. Donald Trump who has been leading in the polls for the nomination in the presidential election suddenly announced that he thinks that all Muslims should be prevented from entering the USA until the representatives can figure out what is going on. Like any representative could do such a thing, Donald is pointedly over the top in most of his outrageous statements but in this statement he is actually being praised by the NeoNazi's who have said Heil Trump! He is their savior! They are publicly backing and supporting him for president. What a recommendation!
6. My singular thought is that these two young prisoners of this false belief that Islam will come into its own to rule the world after a battle with the Western powers knew that they would become martyrs at some point in their acceptance of the Caliphate that has been proposed by ISIS. That picture at the airport certainly looks pretty dire and unhappy to me. But who knows what that could be, but probably trouble finding a plane. Who knows? It is a bad photo.
Wrapping up this current update on the attack at San Berdo.
But on another note, I did also check to see the latest on the Malaysian flight that has yet to be discovered except for a flap. It seems that someone thinks it will be discovered in the next four weeks, and they are looking in the right places. A flameout is now considered as the cause of the plane entering the ocean instead of a pilot directed course. Time will tell.
1. The band that was playing in the Paris attack known as Eagles of DeathMetal, had produced a song about San Bernardino which seems bizarre under the circumstances. So tonight I saw that the band appeared in Paris with Bono at some function. I would imagine that they might feel a bit paranoid if anyone should.
2. Pictures of the couple who carried out the attack were on t.v. today. A picture made at an airport in Chicago shoed the two together probably waiting for check in. She was dressed in a black burqa and he in a white suit of some kind, wearing specs. Seldom has he ever been shown wearing eyewear.
3. The FBI made a statement today about the ongoing investigation, revealing that new information is being discovered all the time. Emphasis was on a target practice that occurred a few weeks or days before the actually shooting. Tashfeen Malik was supposedly expert with the use of a rifle so the police report indicates. Both appear to have been involved in terrorism for lengthy time.
4. Comments about the baby indicate that the police believe that they had the child just to appear as a normal couple instead of terrorists, that having a child was a bit of the plot to fool and surprise. The ease with which they gave the baby to the grandparent who happened to live with them all the while is one that makes one wonder. They had lied, saying that Seyed Farook had a medical appointment. In a sense, it is true that he had a date with the health department.
5. Donald Trump who has been leading in the polls for the nomination in the presidential election suddenly announced that he thinks that all Muslims should be prevented from entering the USA until the representatives can figure out what is going on. Like any representative could do such a thing, Donald is pointedly over the top in most of his outrageous statements but in this statement he is actually being praised by the NeoNazi's who have said Heil Trump! He is their savior! They are publicly backing and supporting him for president. What a recommendation!
6. My singular thought is that these two young prisoners of this false belief that Islam will come into its own to rule the world after a battle with the Western powers knew that they would become martyrs at some point in their acceptance of the Caliphate that has been proposed by ISIS. That picture at the airport certainly looks pretty dire and unhappy to me. But who knows what that could be, but probably trouble finding a plane. Who knows? It is a bad photo.
Wrapping up this current update on the attack at San Berdo.
But on another note, I did also check to see the latest on the Malaysian flight that has yet to be discovered except for a flap. It seems that someone thinks it will be discovered in the next four weeks, and they are looking in the right places. A flameout is now considered as the cause of the plane entering the ocean instead of a pilot directed course. Time will tell.
Bowl Games
A very strange thing happened regarding the college bowl games. Michigan State University will play Alabama's Crimson Tide at the Cotton Bowl, and Ohio State University will play Notre Dame at the Fiesta Bowl. The Fiesta Bowl is held here in Arizona at the huge facility in Glendale. What irony all this is!
I checked to see the costs of a ticket to the Fiesta Bowl. There are plenty of tickets available in a variety of locations but they cost a small fortune in my opinion. Now, if I were one of those who were smart, I might buy a group of tickets to try to sell on the day of the game if by chance they sold out. But I am not one of those enterprising kind of individuals that does that. It might work for Super Bowl but not for a college bowl.
I was a bit surprised to learn that the lowest price ticket was $119 which is way up in the top level, the nosebleed section, where one would have to have a really good set of binoculars to see a player on the field on doubt.
I worked my way to the $265 section tickets but did not go past that. I do not know how high they actually can cost. Talk about crazy. To me, it is all crazy!
But when I was a student at Michigan State University, a group of us traveled to Notre Dame to watch the MSU ND game. That was such a shock and surprise to me, and it was fun but a bit perplexing. Across the field from where we sat were rows and rows of seminarians all dressed in black.I have never seen so many men who at that time had sworn themselves to practice celibacy all gathered in one place at a time when we know that their hormones are racing. They are young men after all. The Catholic church is filled with stories about men who are trying to become priests and forgo sin.
So I am wondering at how many of those men are going to fly to Phoenix to watch this game this year. What a strange color combination. Rows of Scarlet and Gray versus rows of black.
A part of me wants to see this game in person just to see this unfold, but I balk at the prices that it costs to bother to go to so much trouble. I would have to pay an exorbitant fee to park, get caught up in all the traffic woes, and all for what? Four hours of throwing a pigskin back and forth, kicking it uproariously into the air, pouncing on it, and running up and down the field trying to carry it across a goal line! I know the game of football very well, having grown up in Ohio yet to boot, and also wearing the same team colors of Scarlet and Gray, and also having the same alma mater tune as that of OSU. It is called Carmen Ohio for OSU. For Van Wert High School, it is lyrics set to the tune of Carmen Ohio. Oh Van Wert High, the school we love, our true devotion we would prove, In our work and in our play, we will ever strive to lead the way, Oh school we love, on us rely, the loyal youth of Van Wert High.
So Buckeyes will fill the stadium I am certain, will pay the huge price of jet fair, hotel rooms, and even purchase a ticket to watch the team play the venerable Notre Dame team. I do not think anyone doubts that OSU will probably win. Ohio State University has owned football in the nation for many years. I grew up on Woody Hayes dominating the big ten and we ate and lived football in our wee little town in Northwestern Ohio, having to win all our games for five consecutive years.
It is an irony because my alma mater will be playing the Cotton Bowl to defeat Alabama we hope. The Big Team and SEC rivalry has a long history too, especially in the way of rating the teams.
One thing that few people understand about MSU when I was a student there, and that is that while football was important, it was not so important as it is today. Duffy Daughtery was our head coach then, and MSU was known for being a cow college more than a football power. That honor usually went to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
So now finally, MSU has reached its own height in winning games, and it is a good feeling to know that the Green and the White of the Spartans is on the way to claiming a title. Go Green! Spartans Will is today's chant.
Being an alum is a lot different from being a student. The last two games that State played have been super fantastic, and both I managed to see. Wow! What strange things happen in the game of football!
I checked to see the costs of a ticket to the Fiesta Bowl. There are plenty of tickets available in a variety of locations but they cost a small fortune in my opinion. Now, if I were one of those who were smart, I might buy a group of tickets to try to sell on the day of the game if by chance they sold out. But I am not one of those enterprising kind of individuals that does that. It might work for Super Bowl but not for a college bowl.
I was a bit surprised to learn that the lowest price ticket was $119 which is way up in the top level, the nosebleed section, where one would have to have a really good set of binoculars to see a player on the field on doubt.
I worked my way to the $265 section tickets but did not go past that. I do not know how high they actually can cost. Talk about crazy. To me, it is all crazy!
But when I was a student at Michigan State University, a group of us traveled to Notre Dame to watch the MSU ND game. That was such a shock and surprise to me, and it was fun but a bit perplexing. Across the field from where we sat were rows and rows of seminarians all dressed in black.I have never seen so many men who at that time had sworn themselves to practice celibacy all gathered in one place at a time when we know that their hormones are racing. They are young men after all. The Catholic church is filled with stories about men who are trying to become priests and forgo sin.
So I am wondering at how many of those men are going to fly to Phoenix to watch this game this year. What a strange color combination. Rows of Scarlet and Gray versus rows of black.
A part of me wants to see this game in person just to see this unfold, but I balk at the prices that it costs to bother to go to so much trouble. I would have to pay an exorbitant fee to park, get caught up in all the traffic woes, and all for what? Four hours of throwing a pigskin back and forth, kicking it uproariously into the air, pouncing on it, and running up and down the field trying to carry it across a goal line! I know the game of football very well, having grown up in Ohio yet to boot, and also wearing the same team colors of Scarlet and Gray, and also having the same alma mater tune as that of OSU. It is called Carmen Ohio for OSU. For Van Wert High School, it is lyrics set to the tune of Carmen Ohio. Oh Van Wert High, the school we love, our true devotion we would prove, In our work and in our play, we will ever strive to lead the way, Oh school we love, on us rely, the loyal youth of Van Wert High.
So Buckeyes will fill the stadium I am certain, will pay the huge price of jet fair, hotel rooms, and even purchase a ticket to watch the team play the venerable Notre Dame team. I do not think anyone doubts that OSU will probably win. Ohio State University has owned football in the nation for many years. I grew up on Woody Hayes dominating the big ten and we ate and lived football in our wee little town in Northwestern Ohio, having to win all our games for five consecutive years.
It is an irony because my alma mater will be playing the Cotton Bowl to defeat Alabama we hope. The Big Team and SEC rivalry has a long history too, especially in the way of rating the teams.
One thing that few people understand about MSU when I was a student there, and that is that while football was important, it was not so important as it is today. Duffy Daughtery was our head coach then, and MSU was known for being a cow college more than a football power. That honor usually went to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
So now finally, MSU has reached its own height in winning games, and it is a good feeling to know that the Green and the White of the Spartans is on the way to claiming a title. Go Green! Spartans Will is today's chant.
Being an alum is a lot different from being a student. The last two games that State played have been super fantastic, and both I managed to see. Wow! What strange things happen in the game of football!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Fifth day of blasted cold
I have been fighting a wicked cold all this week. It started with a sore throat which is always the sign of a coming cold, and try as I may, I could not prevent it. So for four days I have not budged from my apartment. I am more than a little bit stir crazy and tomorrow I am going to get a chance to get out finally.
Right now, I am watching the battle between MSU and Iowa to determine Big Ten Championship. At this point, the two are tied at 3-3. The first quarter just ended.
I just watched a CNN special explaining how ISIS has blindsided us. It is an engrossing tale of the Sunni Muslim group in Iraq and Syria trying to establish some kind of Caliphate pretending that they are going to rule the world. It is an ugly story of complete total brutality and oppression but it was a very interesting story explaining why and how the events in San Bernardino were probably manipulated to control the upcoming election. ISIS wants Americans to come to fight them so that they can kill as many Americans as possible. That seems to be their main goal, to get boots on the ground to defeat America on their own turf. Home team advantage of course.
I personally do not believe much that is being told on the pair who brought havoc into California this past week. Too many things are crazy in this what looks like a false flag attack. I strongly suspect after watching the CNN story on ISIS that it took place to impact the upcoming election, and naturally, Republicans fall right into the trap as easily as naught. This election has not brought forth a really good candidate for President yet.
Donald Trump is all bluster with no foundation at all. Ben Carson has more or less been exposed as being too soft and incompetent in government to be taken seriously, but none of the others have yet attracted any support despite their experience or because of it. Experience in government is an obvious liability to the polled Republicans who continue to support a nonpolitician, Donald Trump.
It is easy to see why Donald is liked so much because he addresses the problems without making concessions to the enemy no matter who that enemy may be. He says pretty much what every average American thinks so he is well accepted just for that. Whether he could ever produce is another story, but he at least does talk the voter's language instead of all the double talk that politicians are famous for floating.
I live in an apartment that has the dubious distinction for being near a madman who likes to send off fireworks every now and then. The fireworks just now going off again which is why I mention it.
Iowa has made another field goal so they lead in the second quarter 6-3. State is on the move. Hope to get a t.d. now. Come on State. Let's get that t.d.!
Right now, I am watching the battle between MSU and Iowa to determine Big Ten Championship. At this point, the two are tied at 3-3. The first quarter just ended.
I just watched a CNN special explaining how ISIS has blindsided us. It is an engrossing tale of the Sunni Muslim group in Iraq and Syria trying to establish some kind of Caliphate pretending that they are going to rule the world. It is an ugly story of complete total brutality and oppression but it was a very interesting story explaining why and how the events in San Bernardino were probably manipulated to control the upcoming election. ISIS wants Americans to come to fight them so that they can kill as many Americans as possible. That seems to be their main goal, to get boots on the ground to defeat America on their own turf. Home team advantage of course.
I personally do not believe much that is being told on the pair who brought havoc into California this past week. Too many things are crazy in this what looks like a false flag attack. I strongly suspect after watching the CNN story on ISIS that it took place to impact the upcoming election, and naturally, Republicans fall right into the trap as easily as naught. This election has not brought forth a really good candidate for President yet.
Donald Trump is all bluster with no foundation at all. Ben Carson has more or less been exposed as being too soft and incompetent in government to be taken seriously, but none of the others have yet attracted any support despite their experience or because of it. Experience in government is an obvious liability to the polled Republicans who continue to support a nonpolitician, Donald Trump.
It is easy to see why Donald is liked so much because he addresses the problems without making concessions to the enemy no matter who that enemy may be. He says pretty much what every average American thinks so he is well accepted just for that. Whether he could ever produce is another story, but he at least does talk the voter's language instead of all the double talk that politicians are famous for floating.
I live in an apartment that has the dubious distinction for being near a madman who likes to send off fireworks every now and then. The fireworks just now going off again which is why I mention it.
Iowa has made another field goal so they lead in the second quarter 6-3. State is on the move. Hope to get a t.d. now. Come on State. Let's get that t.d.!
Shooting episode in California
I am continuing with my previous post. But jumping to post a few ideas. During the time that all the action was ongoing many witnesses were interviewed while newsmen frantically tried to ascertain what had happened. Someone had seen a man slowly walk up to a black SUV, get in, and drive away very slowly and calmly. Unbeknownst to most of us watching from home, the police scanners were telling the name of the person who they thought is the chief suspect. His name eventually did come up later that evening and as it turned out was correct. Tips were given to the police who did follow up to be able to find them.
In the conclusion of this shooting attack, the police were able to find the couple, follow them, and get into a gun battle. The SUV was riddled with bullets and both were killed in the ensuing battle. It turns out that the pair were a husband and wife team who had a six month old baby. They had taken the baby to their grandmother saying that they had a medical appointment.
Syed Farook had married Tashfeen Malik when he had visited Saudia Arabia. He had been trying to find a bride so apparently he succeeded in his trip to Arabia in 2013-2014. She is supposed to have been born in Pakistan but met him and came back to America with him on a fiancee visa.
Syed worked for the health department as a restaurant health inspector. An interview with a restaurant owner who knew him implied that he did not really enjoy his job. Finding temperature problems in refrigerators, cockroaches, filthy dirty restaurants could not be a fun job but he did earn his salary as an inspector so we are told.
Nothing is known about his wife except that he liked that she wore the headwear that Muslim women are supposed to wear as symbols of humility. Whatever turns you on as they say.
To make a long story short, tons of ammunition, weapons, and all kinds of clues indicate that a huge job was in the works, and nobody can be sure if they pre-empted it with this attack, or what? Supposedly, he had had bad words with someone at the luncheon, left his jacket on his chair, and left the building to return later with his wife to begin shooting at the partygoers. He and his wife wore masks but some appear to have recognized him by his body build it is reported.
I am inclined to believe that the way he entered the SUV says a lot about him. So slow and deliberate means that his job is done, and all he has to do is to depart the place while everyone cleans up after him.
Because they had taken the child to the grandparents home it would seem that they considered that they might become martyrs. It does not seem like a spontaneous act at all.
To be continued. Have to recharge laptop.
In the conclusion of this shooting attack, the police were able to find the couple, follow them, and get into a gun battle. The SUV was riddled with bullets and both were killed in the ensuing battle. It turns out that the pair were a husband and wife team who had a six month old baby. They had taken the baby to their grandmother saying that they had a medical appointment.
Syed Farook had married Tashfeen Malik when he had visited Saudia Arabia. He had been trying to find a bride so apparently he succeeded in his trip to Arabia in 2013-2014. She is supposed to have been born in Pakistan but met him and came back to America with him on a fiancee visa.
Syed worked for the health department as a restaurant health inspector. An interview with a restaurant owner who knew him implied that he did not really enjoy his job. Finding temperature problems in refrigerators, cockroaches, filthy dirty restaurants could not be a fun job but he did earn his salary as an inspector so we are told.
Nothing is known about his wife except that he liked that she wore the headwear that Muslim women are supposed to wear as symbols of humility. Whatever turns you on as they say.
To make a long story short, tons of ammunition, weapons, and all kinds of clues indicate that a huge job was in the works, and nobody can be sure if they pre-empted it with this attack, or what? Supposedly, he had had bad words with someone at the luncheon, left his jacket on his chair, and left the building to return later with his wife to begin shooting at the partygoers. He and his wife wore masks but some appear to have recognized him by his body build it is reported.
I am inclined to believe that the way he entered the SUV says a lot about him. So slow and deliberate means that his job is done, and all he has to do is to depart the place while everyone cleans up after him.
Because they had taken the child to the grandparents home it would seem that they considered that they might become martyrs. It does not seem like a spontaneous act at all.
To be continued. Have to recharge laptop.
San Bernardino Shooting
December 2, 2015 is a day that turned tragic. This story is very strange to say the least. Because I have caught cold and suffered a sore throat for two days before it went down into my chest, I had been staying indoors trying to prevent this cold from getting really bad.
At noon, I watch ABC's The Chew, a food show, when GMA's morning host George Stephanopulous broke into the programming to announce that a shooting was in progress in San Bernardino, California. Because the shooting occurred at a facility for people with disabilities, nothing was certain as to who was the target and who was in danger. Confusion ruled for some time until it finally came to light that the shooting occurred at a holiday luncheon for health workers from the county.
Realizing that it was a Christmas party, I early on surmised that it was a person who hated Christmas who could do this, and as only a few known groups are so bold as to harm Christians, it had to be either an atheist or a Muslim. It has turned out to be a devout Muslim and his wife.
It really was not too difficult to figure this out. Muslims have been attacking bit by bit, state by state, soft targets where they can easily hurt as many people as possible.
At noon, I watch ABC's The Chew, a food show, when GMA's morning host George Stephanopulous broke into the programming to announce that a shooting was in progress in San Bernardino, California. Because the shooting occurred at a facility for people with disabilities, nothing was certain as to who was the target and who was in danger. Confusion ruled for some time until it finally came to light that the shooting occurred at a holiday luncheon for health workers from the county.
Realizing that it was a Christmas party, I early on surmised that it was a person who hated Christmas who could do this, and as only a few known groups are so bold as to harm Christians, it had to be either an atheist or a Muslim. It has turned out to be a devout Muslim and his wife.
It really was not too difficult to figure this out. Muslims have been attacking bit by bit, state by state, soft targets where they can easily hurt as many people as possible.
Aging process
I am alone in my old age, and I very well understand why my mother had wanted me to stay with her so much now that I am at the age where she knew she was cooked. I met two very sweet Mormon girls who did offer to help me as they want to serve. They live here and gave me their phone number and apartment number. I have too much pride I suppose but it is nice to know that they did offer, and meant it sincerely as well.
I will put this on hold to go back to the previous post.
I will put this on hold to go back to the previous post.
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