Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Fifth day of blasted cold

I have been fighting a wicked cold all this week.  It started with a sore throat which is always the sign of a coming cold, and try as I may, I could not prevent it.  So for four days I have not budged from my apartment.  I am more than a little bit stir crazy and tomorrow I am going to get a chance to get out finally.

Right now, I am watching the battle between MSU and Iowa to determine Big Ten Championship.  At this point, the two are tied at 3-3.  The first quarter just ended.

I just watched a CNN special explaining how ISIS has blindsided us.  It is an engrossing tale of the Sunni Muslim group in Iraq and Syria trying to establish some kind of Caliphate pretending that they are going to rule the world.  It is an ugly story of complete total brutality and oppression but it was a very interesting story explaining why and how the events in San Bernardino were probably manipulated to control the upcoming election.  ISIS wants Americans to come to fight them so that they can kill as many Americans as possible. That seems to be their main goal, to get boots on the ground to defeat America on their own turf.  Home team advantage of course.

I personally do not believe much that is being told on the pair who brought havoc into California this past week.  Too many things are crazy in this what looks like a false flag attack.  I strongly suspect after watching the CNN story on ISIS that it took  place to impact the upcoming election, and naturally, Republicans fall right into the trap as easily as naught.  This election has not brought forth a really good candidate for President yet.

Donald Trump is all bluster with no foundation at all.  Ben Carson has more or less been exposed as being too soft and incompetent in government to be taken seriously, but none of the others have yet attracted any support despite their experience or because of it.  Experience in government is an obvious liability to the polled Republicans who continue to support a nonpolitician, Donald Trump.

It is easy to see why Donald is liked so much because he addresses the problems without making concessions to the enemy no matter who that enemy may be.  He says pretty much what every average American thinks so he is well accepted just for that. Whether he could ever produce is another story, but he at least does talk the voter's language instead of all the double talk that politicians are famous for floating.

I live in an apartment that has the dubious distinction for being near a madman who likes to send off fireworks every now and then.  The fireworks just now going off again which is why I mention it.

Iowa has made another field goal so they lead in the second quarter 6-3.  State is on the move.  Hope to get a t.d. now.  Come on State. Let's get that t.d.!

1 comment:

  1. MSU did get the touchdown, went on to win the game 16-13, and will be in the Cotton Bowl to face Alabama.
