Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Monday, December 7, 2015

Politics and Shooting Incident in San Bernardino

Many strange things come out about this latest home grown attack.  I will feel free to float my ideas here since they are only thoughts and not facts.

1. The band that was playing in the Paris attack known as  Eagles of DeathMetal, had produced a song about San Bernardino which seems bizarre under the circumstances.  So tonight I saw that the band appeared in Paris with Bono at some function.  I would imagine that they might feel a bit paranoid if anyone should.

2. Pictures of the couple who carried out the attack were on t.v. today.  A picture made at an airport in Chicago shoed the two together probably waiting for check in.  She was dressed in a black burqa and he in a white suit of some kind, wearing specs.  Seldom has he ever been shown wearing eyewear.

3. The FBI made a statement today about the ongoing investigation, revealing that new information is being discovered all the time.  Emphasis was on a target practice that occurred a few weeks or days before the actually shooting.  Tashfeen Malik was supposedly expert with the use of a rifle so the police report indicates.    Both appear to have been involved in terrorism for lengthy time.

4. Comments about the baby indicate that the police believe that they had the child just to appear as a normal couple instead of terrorists, that having a child was a bit of the plot to fool and surprise. The ease with which they gave the baby to the grandparent who happened to live with them all the while is one that makes one wonder.  They had lied, saying that Seyed Farook had a medical appointment. In a sense, it is true that he had a date with the health department.

5. Donald Trump who has been leading in the polls for the nomination in the presidential election suddenly announced that he thinks that all Muslims should be prevented from entering the USA until the representatives can figure out what is going on.  Like any representative could do such a thing,  Donald is pointedly over the top in most of his outrageous statements but in this statement he is actually being praised by the NeoNazi's who have said Heil Trump!  He is their savior!  They are publicly backing and supporting him for president.  What a recommendation!

6. My singular thought is that these two young prisoners of this false belief that Islam will come into its own to rule the world after a battle with the Western powers knew that they would become martyrs at some point in their acceptance of the Caliphate that has been proposed by ISIS.  That picture at the airport certainly looks pretty dire and unhappy to me.  But who knows what that could be, but probably trouble finding a plane.  Who knows?  It is a bad photo.

Wrapping up this current update on the attack at San Berdo.

But on another note, I did also check to see the latest on the Malaysian flight that has yet to be discovered except for a flap.  It seems that someone thinks it will be discovered in the next four weeks, and they are looking in the right places.  A flameout is now considered as the cause of the plane entering the ocean instead of a pilot directed course.  Time will tell.

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