This has been quite the week for politics here in this Valley. The Republicans held their debate Tuesday night in Las Vegas in which many significant exchanges occurred for the voters to consider when deciding which candidate will be their standard bearer come the election. So far, the Republicans have several candidates who spar with one another when answering questions this time from Wolf Blitzer on the topic of security.
The next day Donald Trump did hold a rally here in Mesa, only seven miles away from me. I did get a ticket to go see him but after scouting the place out the day before I decided it would be better for me to stay at home to watch it on t.v. The area had poor parking facilities and I was certain that I could not walk a long distance to get to see him, and that it would not be wise for me with having a cold to cure to take the chance of being amongst a lot of people who may be carrying flu bugs or colds too.
So I did stay home but watched it on the lifestream coming from local t.v. on my computer. Donald was so nice and so friendly I could see why it is that he has such a large following. A large group did turn out for him, and when I tweeted on a remark about him I received so many favorites and retweets I was truly surprised. One said that the Trump Train is on the move. It certainly seems that way to me.
It turned out to be a good thing that I did not go. The place was so cold where they were waiting to greet him that many people had to leave. I also noticed that many men had their cell phones taking his photo and there would have been no way that I could have competed with that trying to get a photo. I am too short, and I could not even hold my camera up in the air to get the shot as many of them were doing. In the end, I made the best decision for myself. I hope that this much rest will help cure this cold for it has lingered too long now.
Christmas is one week away and that means that New Years is only two weeks away. It will be 2016 in two weeks from today. Yikes and holy moly! Where does time go? I have so many things to do, and not enough time to do them.
Must close now.
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