Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Since i moved here six months ago, I have not known whether I would stay here or not for another year.  I had a bit of a poor beginning that more or less made me feel as though I might decide to find a more permanent place to live.  I will admit that if I come into the kind of winning jackpot that I would like I would attempt to purchase a more permanent home whether a mobile home or a condominium or small house even.  And on that note, I am trying to achieve that goal but since I am also a realist I am having to face the fact that I may be here for another year if the lease terms are suitable for me.

I finally have dragged out into the front room some of my belongings that I have let go unopened and unattended for the past six months.  I just had worked too hard in the moving process to really care about anything but the basic essentials so that many things are still unpacked and will remain so until I am ready to open them.  However, some loose type boxed items I am finally sorting out to realize what it is that I have done. I surprised myself by being a whole lot smarter and wiser than I remembered being.  I really am happy with myself tonight since I found many things put in freezer bags that kept them separate and safe so that when the time came I would be able to identify and sort them easily.  You do not know how that makes me feel!  My care in moving things turned out to be the best thing I did for myself under the circumstances.

To be honest, life has been unbearable for me many times in the past years. I am actually realizing now how much I endured during my time spent with my parents.  Being with Sandra and Kyrion for a short time reminded me of how life had been with my parents, and I am amazed that I actually survived it as well as I did.  You have no idea what it was like unless I go into detail, and that I will not do.  I will not give my parents illnesses away but it did  take a toll on me that I only now fully appreciate.  Watching Sandra deal with Kyrion does concern me a lot as I know how poorly at times I dealt with my parents problems.  I cannot honestly say which one I think was the more ill of the two. They both suffered so many problems that it amazes me even yet at how long they  both lived under the circumstances.

I am more amazing than either of them though but again I will not betray myself on paper or a computer to explain why.  But in the end, I always believe in the idea that God within is what keeps us healthy and helps us get through times of illness.  For me, it works.  My belief is sound and firm.

I have to go through a few serious changes in my life yet...One will be cataract removal, and so far, I have not found the right physician to perform this operation. I am inclined to go to Tempe to a man who gave me a very thorough eye exam. He told me he did cataract surgery, and I have not forgotten him.  I will see about it.

There are a few other things that I must accomplish yet health wise, but I will try to accomplish my goals slowly and carefully.  I am ever aware of how age robs us of our vitality, and I try to stay as free from problems as I can.  Whether health problems are more mental than physical is debatable, but it sometimes seems to me that mind over matter does work far better than pills or ointments.

Well, I am staying up to watch HSN describe their TSV in a few minutes. I am seriously interested in it but need a full presentation instead of the brief that I have been hearing. I did check it out on the search engines.  So I want to see all that it has going for it. It is a very expensive item at half price now.  An android tablet by HP which has a quad processor and is in high definition.  Must see it first!

Night Night.

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