To me, the greatest sorrow in the world is when people actually believe a lie so that it takes control of their lives.
Sharia Law is a lie, a monstrous lie, that grips the lives of Muslims around the world. It is now being practiced in the worst of ways by ISIS, a group of terrorists who claim allegiance to a self proclaimed Caliph as he tries to create his Caliphate in the areas of Syria and Iraq. It is an abomination to realize that these men are tools of the very devil but if any body of men exemplify the meaning of Jesus's exhortation "by their fruits they shall be known ", these group of terrorists are it.
Whether these leaders actually believe their own lies is more than I know but the fact that their followers blindly and willingly buy into it is what is most disturbing.
My first introduction to the world of Islam was the film Lawrence of Arabia with Peter O'Toole which I saw years ago here in the Valley of the Sun with my friend Mary Gola. She and I went to see it in downtown Phoenix after I had bought my first air of contact lens. Therefore, I never forget that movie. The fatalism that is a part of the life of the Arabians is fascinating to watch since the Englishmen fights it so much. This was the first look into the lives of the Arab world then.
Since that time the world has slowly come to know more and more about Islam as television exposes them to us. When royalty ruled the nations of Islam, most nations were pretty quiet and peaceful it seemed. Underneath the broiling sun brewed a hostility and anger against the royal families so deep that they have since been overthrown and forgotten, being replaced by fundamentalist extremists who have raised chaos and havoc in their lands.
The Muslims hate the Jewish settlement of Israel which has long been a cause of dissension between the Jews and the Palestinians. This state of Israel was created after WWII so that the Jews who had been persecuted under Hitler could have a homeland somewhere to practice their faith without interference. However, the problem is that none of the Muslim nations were truly considered and ever since because the state of Israel has grown so much that it has begun to encroach upon the Palestinian lands. Much of the world is angry at Israel for its land grabs and its contempt for the Palestinian people no matter who the leader of Palestine is. Benjamin Netanyahu, the current elected leader of Israel, does not care what the Palestinians think. All he cares abut is the safety of his citizens and how many more settlements that he can build. He rather fearlessly thinks that he has some parts of the Christian world in his hands due to their misinterpretation of scriptures so that he imperialistically grabs land that rightfully belongs to the Palestinians.
In fact, a local Arizona martyr who obviously sided with the Palestinians has been killed in Syria by some means. ISIS had kidnapped her and held her hostage as a pawn with which to barter. But after the capture of a Jordanian pilot was burned alive, Jordan set out to take revenge against the ISIS group which resulted in the death of Kayla Mueller, a former Arizona resident. The Jews hate her because she sided with the Muslims and the Palestinians who are under attack from the bombs being sent from Israel.
Life is not simple in this day and age. Benjamin Netanyahu was asked by the Republican majority leader to come to Congress to speak to the members of Congress about the possibility of nuclear weapons in Iran. Netanyahu is very paranoid about the likelihood of Iran's destroying Israel which it has often promised to do. The USA is afraid of Iran's potential for building nuclear weapons. In truth, several other nations who are friendly to Iran already have nuclear weapons with which they could bomb Israel as well if it were necessary to do so.
Both China and Russia are able to use nuclear weapons against Israel, and for some reason, Israel likes to pretend that it is the only true friend to the USA. That is a ploy to keep those Republican and Democratic congressman whose pockets they line and whose coffers they fill in their pocket.
The truth is that both Netanyahu and the Republicans alike prove how silly and stupid they are in their eagerness to cozy up to one another about the dire consequences if Iran gets nuclear weapons. Nothing makes either look more stupid than their silly fears running amuck making them look like the scared bunnies they obviously are. The Iranians truly do not trust Americans at all so it is rathe surprising that either are in speaking terms, but the nations are trying to come to some agreement to make certain that Iran does not have the capability to create nuclear weapons.
I likened government the other day to a man visiting a brothel but who cannot get his erection, and so now I liken Iran to a woman who would like to be one of the prostitutes but who is kept in her chastity belt. It is a ridiculous state of affairs to pick on one nation of the world when so many others who are just as potentially dangerous already have those same weapons. Trying to keep a woman a virgin in a brothel does seem a bit odd but that is the way it looks to me. Israel is often one big prick who does fear all the other pricks around it.
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