This has been a very rough week in many ways, and it is only a few days old! It is now the 18th early this morning but i have been working steadily all week with little to demonstrate it if you just walk into the apartment. I have so much work to do but I have been working steadily. Laundry, sorting out boxes, paying bills, cooking, doing dishes, working on my lottery game which I may finally have gained a foothold in solving, and just doing daily tasks, running to the post office, to the grocers, etc. is a lot to cover for me at this time.
I have to keep my plants watered, I have to collect the mail which for today I have not done yet, and I have to keep and sort out all that I have collected in the past two weeks.
I am just trying to keep my head above water, and the water is rising all the time as I try to stay afloat.
I went to Mesa this past week, was reminded tonight due to a road rage incident of an incident that I had with a male driver who was mean and nasty when he suddenly pulled in to where I was driving out so that he nearly hit me. I had to honk the horn loudly and insistently to get him to stop because I swear that he would have hit me had I not. I was so angry at him but I backed up to get around him and he screamed and hurled nasty invectives at me which I naturally swore right back at him with his not hearing a word I said. I got out of there but was angry about it and was reminded of it again tonight.
Then on the weekend I sent 60 some Valentine greetings to Facebook friends from 123greetings. A former high school classmate, Janet Monce Snyder, took it upon herself to remove names from the list so that from what I understand these people did not get the Valentine. I do not know if she did it on purpose or not but it made me angry to think that Facebook would even let her know that I had sent those Valentine greetings out. Each person should have gotten it without knowing that any had been sent to others.
It was one single card with 60 addresses and in my opinion it was nice of 123 greetings to do that. But next night I went back to try an experiment which I could not do. I had sent the same cards to twitter and to google plus which meant that they went on the timeline. At Facebook it was sent to each individual name that I listed. I only did a third of the number of friends that I have. So now none of them know if they were or were not on the list. Thanks to Connie Beach for notifying me that someone had told her about it, and she was kind enough to tell me. Kristin Davis Dean stepped in to help me understand what may have happened.
As a result, last night I did not get to sleep until 4:30 this morning and got up at 9:30 to sleep until ten. I may get to bed sooner tonight.
But not by much I see by the clock on the wall.
And I was reminded of 9/11 again tonight to recall my visions of seeing the two American airliners go into the World Tower Building and the Pentagon. For a moment, the images that I had seen when they first came to me returned vividly again tonight. That interests me a lot, the fact that memories stored in the brain came return to be seen again so vividly.
And because of another post about the Ten Commandments tonight, I read something in Matthew about the transformation where both Moses and Eli come to appear before Jesus. Jesus says in only Matthew information about Eli that proves he believed in reincarnation. So that was enough for me to understand something. I knew immediately what he meant and who he meant and sure enough I was right. That is all for now. A slip just now made me think of something else as well.
Must close now. Jesus is here. I will elucidate a bit. I was considering the fact that visions may be thoughts placed in one's head by angelic spirits. That while sitting in front of a tv which is an instrument that receives images transmitted from one spot to many others, so can probably images that are in one source be transmitted to another so that one can see the image as projected to you when you are the receiver. I had had a vision of Shared Belief the week before his race so that I was convinced that he would win. I have a saying that I use at the track which is "come to me. I am the winner's circle." Thus, when the horse was so near to me in my vision I was certain that he would win. He did.
In that respect, Jesus as known in the teachings of the Christian faith, is in Heaven, but while in Heaven, the father or Jesus either one can project and transmit to any receiver they choose to either receive an image or to receive even the fullness of their being. I am convinced of that totally. That is why I said Jesus is here. Whenever Jesus wishes to project himself or an image of any kind, He can do that.
That is all. Jesus is ever with us, and uses me whenever He sees fit.
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