Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
President's Day
President's Day is a day that congress used to combine both Lincoln and Washington's birthdays so that federal employees would get another excuse to get a free holiday from work. Originally, as when I grew up, February was celebrated for the two most famous presidents in the USA, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I remember classrooms decorated with pictures of George and Abe Lincoln, teaching each and every schoolchild about the two most famous presidents of the nation. George, because he is the first president of the USA, a commander in chief of the army during the American Revolution, then known as general, but today recognized for his Chief status since each president is automatically considered commander in chief, and Abraham Lincoln, famous for his effort to emancipate the slaves, and to therefore get himself assassinated for dividing the nation at a time when the South was making huge profits from trading human lives.
Lincoln became revered for his stand, and has stood the test of time as no other issue in American history has gained so much attention as that of human bondage and slavery.
George Washington is the first president to free his slaves at the death of his wife Martha, but he is not ever given much attention or credit for that. The topic of slavery remains a sore point in both north and south relations.
Because I have late in my life come to learn of reincarnation and have taken seriously the study of lives revealed to me through hypnotic adventures, I have come to grips with the concept of slavery. The Bible teaches that we are slaves of the flesh which when it comes to food and fashion there is little doubt that that is true.
But human slavery is a condition in life in which certain people take advantage of other people's personal weaknesses and enslave them somehow in a lifestyle that is alien to human nature, whether that be slaves for personal labor or sex slaves which is common in the world today.
Because I have a personal interest in Washington now, I did delve into the problem of his having owned the slaves that he inherited from his father. His struggle with his slaves often reminds me of my own personal problems when a teacher at Gladstone High School in California. The slaves were often times doing to Washington what some of my students did to me. That has always struck me as so interesting to consider. Life repeats itself all the time, one way or the other.
Well, anyway, I celebrated President's day by a shopping spree and treated myself to two new pair of pants and a blouse from Dillard's Department Store. I found two pair of Allison Daley pants that fit me to a tee and a blouse to wear, all for an economical price! Happy President's Day, and my colors were red and white. One red pair of pants, one red blouse, and one white pair of pants. The creamy white cost only $6.00. The others were $17 and $14. Good deal! Huh!
Lincoln became revered for his stand, and has stood the test of time as no other issue in American history has gained so much attention as that of human bondage and slavery.
George Washington is the first president to free his slaves at the death of his wife Martha, but he is not ever given much attention or credit for that. The topic of slavery remains a sore point in both north and south relations.
Because I have late in my life come to learn of reincarnation and have taken seriously the study of lives revealed to me through hypnotic adventures, I have come to grips with the concept of slavery. The Bible teaches that we are slaves of the flesh which when it comes to food and fashion there is little doubt that that is true.
But human slavery is a condition in life in which certain people take advantage of other people's personal weaknesses and enslave them somehow in a lifestyle that is alien to human nature, whether that be slaves for personal labor or sex slaves which is common in the world today.
Because I have a personal interest in Washington now, I did delve into the problem of his having owned the slaves that he inherited from his father. His struggle with his slaves often reminds me of my own personal problems when a teacher at Gladstone High School in California. The slaves were often times doing to Washington what some of my students did to me. That has always struck me as so interesting to consider. Life repeats itself all the time, one way or the other.
Well, anyway, I celebrated President's day by a shopping spree and treated myself to two new pair of pants and a blouse from Dillard's Department Store. I found two pair of Allison Daley pants that fit me to a tee and a blouse to wear, all for an economical price! Happy President's Day, and my colors were red and white. One red pair of pants, one red blouse, and one white pair of pants. The creamy white cost only $6.00. The others were $17 and $14. Good deal! Huh!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Recent Videos
I am going to have to edit posts to recall each video I posted in the past few days. The Reims Cathedral came after a discussion at the Louis XIV group about Sandra Taylor's next trip to France where she hopes to visit Reims. In my effort to learn everything I could about the King of France, Louis XIV, I actually found myself back in his person at his coronation which was in Reims. I remember mostly the archbishop's mitre (hat that he wears during ceremony) and the enormous robe that the King wore when he was officially crowned ruler of France. I recall vividly that Saint Michael the Archangel was present at that occasion and that he played a very responsible role to me in that lifetime. I can recall seeing his visage while at that coronation. Only I can know anything about that, but I recall it so well as he was visible to my eyes, and he was in allwhite. I still think of that now even as I remembered it when I visited the wikipedia website this evening to read about the coronation ceremony there. Nothing is mentioned there of Saint Michael but he was a special patron saint to and for the King, of which I am very certain. Also, I did make a comment at the discussion group about it, recalling that the king is really quite a young boy when this occasion occurred to him. There is a portrait of the coronation on the woven tapestries made for him at the Savonrie Gallery (spelling check needed here so will correct that eventually.) Posting now
The two or three videos about Deep Web is a result of a post at Abovetopsecret. There is something called Tor which is also a part of youtube but I could not find it through search engine so will return to ATS to get the correct title to put it here too. Reason for placing all this here is to have it where I can find it as they disappear fast on ATS with so many topics coming in.
I have to recheck the previous videos as I have frankly forgotten what they are.
The two or three videos about Deep Web is a result of a post at Abovetopsecret. There is something called Tor which is also a part of youtube but I could not find it through search engine so will return to ATS to get the correct title to put it here too. Reason for placing all this here is to have it where I can find it as they disappear fast on ATS with so many topics coming in.
I have to recheck the previous videos as I have frankly forgotten what they are.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentine's Day
Soon it will be Valentine's day in our time zone, and Arizona will celebrate its admission to statehood as a part of the great United States of America. Oregon also celebrates its becoming American on Valentine's Day. Arizona's Day is because of Abraham Lincoln whose birthday is on the 12th of February. The state had to wait two days to become officially a state.
The videos that are posted about Lady GAGA arriving at the Grammy's in her egg to plug her new song was all that youtube had at this hour, but I will post her showtune when it is finally available to be shared. The Valentine's Day song is cute and appropriate for the point of why we have Valentine's Day. The Alexander video is due to my browsing at for a few minutes and found a discussion of a particularly poorly written script that pretty much bashes Alexander.
It is a case of one will lead you to the many others that are all on the same topic whether it be bashing Alexander or some other historical figure.
Valentine's Day is for lovers, and there are a slew of videos about Valentine's Day. I just can't dwell on it right now. I like the romantics who make the day beautiful and lovely, with roses, champagne, romance, candy, teddy bears, anything that says I love you.
Yet I am not the type who people seem to think wants roses or romance, and while they may think that I am not the type for that, they are wrong. I love to be given gifts, to be romanced, to be cuddled, wined, and dined. Why would anyone think otherwise?
We all know that life is competitive. AT that stupid video on Alexander someone wrote the stupid statement that Alexander is gay and I naturally wrote back not so.
After all, I will reiterate to everyone's great disgust: Alexander criticized the gay lifestyle and his father objected to his thoughts. Alexander said things about the Sacred Band regarding their sex lives that his father actually set a curse upon his own son for having said such things. It backfired on Philip and I intend to use that in my novel eventually...not yet, as my first draft is just to get it started but in due time it will all be put together.
Alexander did not approve of anything remotely untoward in behaviour, including that of gays and bisexuals. The gays like to kid themselves and I can see why as he is a very attractive man in physical appearance. In truth, he is aspiring towards a higher ideal than being a mere mortal and sexuality plays into it. He is hot after women, young girls, and older women in his sexual I am sure that gays will not like my novel very much when they have deluded themselves by falling for other nonsense! That is all, gotta close down now.
The videos that are posted about Lady GAGA arriving at the Grammy's in her egg to plug her new song was all that youtube had at this hour, but I will post her showtune when it is finally available to be shared. The Valentine's Day song is cute and appropriate for the point of why we have Valentine's Day. The Alexander video is due to my browsing at for a few minutes and found a discussion of a particularly poorly written script that pretty much bashes Alexander.
It is a case of one will lead you to the many others that are all on the same topic whether it be bashing Alexander or some other historical figure.
Valentine's Day is for lovers, and there are a slew of videos about Valentine's Day. I just can't dwell on it right now. I like the romantics who make the day beautiful and lovely, with roses, champagne, romance, candy, teddy bears, anything that says I love you.
Yet I am not the type who people seem to think wants roses or romance, and while they may think that I am not the type for that, they are wrong. I love to be given gifts, to be romanced, to be cuddled, wined, and dined. Why would anyone think otherwise?
We all know that life is competitive. AT that stupid video on Alexander someone wrote the stupid statement that Alexander is gay and I naturally wrote back not so.
After all, I will reiterate to everyone's great disgust: Alexander criticized the gay lifestyle and his father objected to his thoughts. Alexander said things about the Sacred Band regarding their sex lives that his father actually set a curse upon his own son for having said such things. It backfired on Philip and I intend to use that in my novel eventually...not yet, as my first draft is just to get it started but in due time it will all be put together.
Alexander did not approve of anything remotely untoward in behaviour, including that of gays and bisexuals. The gays like to kid themselves and I can see why as he is a very attractive man in physical appearance. In truth, he is aspiring towards a higher ideal than being a mere mortal and sexuality plays into it. He is hot after women, young girls, and older women in his sexual I am sure that gays will not like my novel very much when they have deluded themselves by falling for other nonsense! That is all, gotta close down now.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Can we be nuked?
There are many scarey scenarios being distributed on the internet, and one of them is the prospect of nuclear war. I saw a recent map showing all the states in which someone has posted the possibilities of nuclear war occuring in each and what FEMA is supposed to do. What does this mean? So after that has appeared this video coming from San Diego news station, ABC local, to inform locals there about the prospects of nuclear weapons being smuggled into USA through San Diego's ports of entry. If someone has the ability to ship them in, who do they have in mind to receive them? That is the question I want answered. Who is ready for these when they are processed.
I will pursue this topic later. It is pretty dangerous to even consider that our government would try to coverup something of this nature from its citizens but it appears that may be the case. We do have the right to know so that we can protect ourselves if necessary.
Just cogitating about this for now.
I will pursue this topic later. It is pretty dangerous to even consider that our government would try to coverup something of this nature from its citizens but it appears that may be the case. We do have the right to know so that we can protect ourselves if necessary.
Just cogitating about this for now.
Questions Raised Over Weapons Of Mass Effect In San Diego Nukes found at...
This was discussed at this evening. Very disturbing story to consider what is going on in our nation's ports.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The King's Speech
I decided to see the movie The King's Speech which is about King George VI's speech impediment. He had a problem with stammering that had an unhappy effect upon his audience so that his wife sought help for him. She found an Australian man who had had some successes with soldiers mental blocks after suffering and returning home from war duties so that he took it upon himself to help the son of King George V overcome his own stagefright and stammering problems.
King George VI became the successor to his father when his older brother abdicated the throne and crown to marry the love of his life, Wallis Simpson, and lived in exile for many years while his younger brother Albert ruled.
Albert known to the world as King George VI is the father of Queen Elizabeth II and Princes Margaret Rose.
The movie is an excellent film, but is a reminder to me of my stint at Charron Williams College where I studied court reporting. Therefore, I saw through a lot of the dialogue whenever it rang a bell - ding a ling - and made me think of Marvin Morgenstern and Vinnie with its choice select coined phrases.
That will take me to the time when Rocky and Network aired for the first time in Clearwater which was deliberately set for my birthday in February way back then in Florida. I saw both movies in Clearwater.
Another about a president who is killed by his own men also was aired on that day in Clearwater as bangled something or other...can never remember the name of the film.
Anyway the vital stats for King George VI are born December 14, 1895 and died February 6, 1952. Very interesting to me as I put a newsclip on here when he visited New York City and America and visited Washington's tomb. I found that fascinating since December 14 is also the alleged date of Washington's death. Interesting that February 6 is the birthdate of Ronald Reagan. Small, small world, but to see King George VI put a wreath at Washington's tomb absolutely stunned me.
I have a special story about that tomb and the original gravesite which has always stayed in the corners of my mind, after my sojourn to Washington, DC. in the time period of Jimmy Carter and Pope John Paul I and John Paul II.
The movie touched a nerve in me when two years after his coronation, the king is forced to announce that England is officially at war with Germany. Neville Chamberlain was his prime minister then.
Many things came home to me in this film. On September 3, 1939 England declares war and King George VI has to make another public speech, reminding me of Elaine Bruno from Clearwater and Tampa Bay during the court reporting stint.
Vanessa did point out to me that I will be 27 tomorrow. Cute, I laughed as it made me think of Gladstone's Thespian chapter 2772. Yes, reversing it would be nice as I was 27 when I was teaching at GHS. I should not want to return there today though I will admit, but I really learned a lesson in history from this movie and its importance to me.
Radio, t.v., the internet, and security and police have changed all our lives. This film is a reminder of how much, when, where, and how.
I think that if we could see the future we would be surprised to see all these traditions melting away as time changes our lives in so many ways. I would be surprised if England has a monarchy one hundred years from now.
You see the one thing I realized more than anything else is that the Prime Minister in the person of Winston Churchill has always received much more attention than the King or Queen has ever received. Were it not for Princess Diana, the Kings and Queens of England would have quietly faded away. Through the public's insane interest in her fairy tale story, the image of the life of the monarchs changed drastically. I won't be surprised to see it all tumble and fall before very long.
Times are changing, and some old institutions are now so outmoded that like old model t Fords they will go the way of old time movies...silent movies. Replaced by the contemporary and speedy lifestyle of the young new modern hip kid.
Nobody in today's world is going to allow or permit the lavish exclusive lifestyle of monarchs who have no real power but to stay apart from the rest of society and live totally for themselves and their family. It will go before very long, just as will the outdated and outmoded position of Papacy in the Catholic Church. It is easy to see why prophecies of this kind will come to pass.
A little too much like the Amish and the natives of New Guinea and other isolated regions of the will catch up with them all sooner or later...they will all be history soon enough. I just bet.
King George VI became the successor to his father when his older brother abdicated the throne and crown to marry the love of his life, Wallis Simpson, and lived in exile for many years while his younger brother Albert ruled.
Albert known to the world as King George VI is the father of Queen Elizabeth II and Princes Margaret Rose.
The movie is an excellent film, but is a reminder to me of my stint at Charron Williams College where I studied court reporting. Therefore, I saw through a lot of the dialogue whenever it rang a bell - ding a ling - and made me think of Marvin Morgenstern and Vinnie with its choice select coined phrases.
That will take me to the time when Rocky and Network aired for the first time in Clearwater which was deliberately set for my birthday in February way back then in Florida. I saw both movies in Clearwater.
Another about a president who is killed by his own men also was aired on that day in Clearwater as bangled something or other...can never remember the name of the film.
Anyway the vital stats for King George VI are born December 14, 1895 and died February 6, 1952. Very interesting to me as I put a newsclip on here when he visited New York City and America and visited Washington's tomb. I found that fascinating since December 14 is also the alleged date of Washington's death. Interesting that February 6 is the birthdate of Ronald Reagan. Small, small world, but to see King George VI put a wreath at Washington's tomb absolutely stunned me.
I have a special story about that tomb and the original gravesite which has always stayed in the corners of my mind, after my sojourn to Washington, DC. in the time period of Jimmy Carter and Pope John Paul I and John Paul II.
The movie touched a nerve in me when two years after his coronation, the king is forced to announce that England is officially at war with Germany. Neville Chamberlain was his prime minister then.
Many things came home to me in this film. On September 3, 1939 England declares war and King George VI has to make another public speech, reminding me of Elaine Bruno from Clearwater and Tampa Bay during the court reporting stint.
Vanessa did point out to me that I will be 27 tomorrow. Cute, I laughed as it made me think of Gladstone's Thespian chapter 2772. Yes, reversing it would be nice as I was 27 when I was teaching at GHS. I should not want to return there today though I will admit, but I really learned a lesson in history from this movie and its importance to me.
Radio, t.v., the internet, and security and police have changed all our lives. This film is a reminder of how much, when, where, and how.
I think that if we could see the future we would be surprised to see all these traditions melting away as time changes our lives in so many ways. I would be surprised if England has a monarchy one hundred years from now.
You see the one thing I realized more than anything else is that the Prime Minister in the person of Winston Churchill has always received much more attention than the King or Queen has ever received. Were it not for Princess Diana, the Kings and Queens of England would have quietly faded away. Through the public's insane interest in her fairy tale story, the image of the life of the monarchs changed drastically. I won't be surprised to see it all tumble and fall before very long.
Times are changing, and some old institutions are now so outmoded that like old model t Fords they will go the way of old time movies...silent movies. Replaced by the contemporary and speedy lifestyle of the young new modern hip kid.
Nobody in today's world is going to allow or permit the lavish exclusive lifestyle of monarchs who have no real power but to stay apart from the rest of society and live totally for themselves and their family. It will go before very long, just as will the outdated and outmoded position of Papacy in the Catholic Church. It is easy to see why prophecies of this kind will come to pass.
A little too much like the Amish and the natives of New Guinea and other isolated regions of the will catch up with them all sooner or later...they will all be history soon enough. I just bet.
The Kings Speech - Official Trailer
I saw the movie this afternoon and found some dialogue that smacked of MM and Charron Williams College when I studied court reporting in the 77/78 years. Strange that this refreshes my memory at this time...when Rocky and Network were both released for the first day on February 11 in Clearwater. On my birthday so this movie made me realize that it has been 72 years since England declared war on Germany several months after I was born. September 3 is Brian's birthday so it made me think of him too...fascinating now...
Monday, February 7, 2011
Seven from Thebes - Preview - André Lawrence
At youtube are only two videos from this Italian film about Thebes and Sparta. I placed this here as a result of Maria Dellaporta's placing the entire film at Alexander-Macedon blogspot. The videos make me not want to see any more of this cruelty.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Lamborghini or ufo
Which would you rather ride in? a Lamborghini? A UFO? This is a funny film which surfaced at ATS this evening, and I wonder at people who spend time watching videos looking for strange objects to suddenly appear, but this one found evidence of a ufo hovering in the upper right hand corner, coming in at the 26 second point in the film to leave shortly thereafter. I will have to check the time at which it exits suddenly almost like evaporation...but the lamborghini comes in soon after and it is amusing to me to wonder which is faster, and what is this anyway? Reminding me of Flint and the optical illusions, and vehicles that were in use at the time of the sighting that appeared on Interstate I -75...this did make me think of it in a way.
a tiny speck, and that was all that we initially saw until it zoomed in upclose, but it was no Buick or Lamborghini...
So now someone is asking what would you say to an alien if you met up with one. And the truth is that tonight I had a difficult time in knowing what to say to a man at a bus stop who turned out to be a Philippino. We said nice things finally.
So what would one say if one could...mostly what are you doing here and why and what do you want and how long are you going to stay and why do you bother to come here anyway? Can I help you in any way? Am I a problem for you? Do you need me? Can I be of any useful good to you? What else can one say anyway?
What would you expect to get for answers...That is a good one.
a tiny speck, and that was all that we initially saw until it zoomed in upclose, but it was no Buick or Lamborghini...
So now someone is asking what would you say to an alien if you met up with one. And the truth is that tonight I had a difficult time in knowing what to say to a man at a bus stop who turned out to be a Philippino. We said nice things finally.
So what would one say if one could...mostly what are you doing here and why and what do you want and how long are you going to stay and why do you bother to come here anyway? Can I help you in any way? Am I a problem for you? Do you need me? Can I be of any useful good to you? What else can one say anyway?
What would you expect to get for answers...That is a good one.
Georges St-Pierre riding in a Lamborghini
Some observant soul at ATS spotted a small speck in upper right hand corner of photo at 27 second point in film so here it is again to be studied.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Further Comments on UFO's and Apparitions
We live in a world where truly horrible events are happening right this moment, and there is absolutely nothing that we can do but become aware of them, and then decide whether to try to let it affect our own personal lifestyle.
I have witnessed a ufo which I reported to Alan Hynek via a form that he had written in a book, and soon after that, the movie Encounters of the Third Kind came out, having Hynek in a cameo performance even.
Anyone who has listened to me long enough knows that I consider myself a King Midas touch person whose every interest or event turns into a t.v. show, a movie, or a book of some kind. So it did not surprise me when the movie came out, as I had described my experience to the very last detail.
Ever since I am interested in real authentic ufo's as I know that they are floating all around us, and sometimes I think like we are like fish in the sea, with bait dangling above us waiting to ensnare us if we try to take a bite.
But because I had real physical problems involving electronics, cars, etc. I began to listen and observe everything in my path much more acutely than I had ever done before. I have the capacity to enjoy certain kind of paranormal experiences that most people cannot comprehend. I learned not always to divulge too much to many other people for any person who is unique in any way soon becomes someone either curious or fearful to another who does not enjoy the same talents, skills, insights, or intuitions that I now possess.
I even attribute my being able to go back into time zones to this encounter in some other words, any and everything can happen, and often does after one has an encounter of this kind.
So while I have never attended a ufo gathering I have always felt it to advisable to have support systems available for those persons who do come into contact with such things to know what to do and how to react and behave after having come into contact. I did not know who or what to do about it but I did write it up for the local newspaper and I did have electronic problems even with that report when I tried to do it orally at a site there in the state. Many unique things happened to other people around us as a result of it also, but that was way back then and it is a long time ago so I will just let that be for the time being.
At any rate, I love the second video I posted here. Someone thought that this may be a movie stunt, and I was a bit suspicious too of that possibility. But seeing this video close up I wonder at who could ever have imagined anything this beautiful at is truly beautiful and stunning. Looks angelic to me!
I have witnessed a ufo which I reported to Alan Hynek via a form that he had written in a book, and soon after that, the movie Encounters of the Third Kind came out, having Hynek in a cameo performance even.
Anyone who has listened to me long enough knows that I consider myself a King Midas touch person whose every interest or event turns into a t.v. show, a movie, or a book of some kind. So it did not surprise me when the movie came out, as I had described my experience to the very last detail.
Ever since I am interested in real authentic ufo's as I know that they are floating all around us, and sometimes I think like we are like fish in the sea, with bait dangling above us waiting to ensnare us if we try to take a bite.
But because I had real physical problems involving electronics, cars, etc. I began to listen and observe everything in my path much more acutely than I had ever done before. I have the capacity to enjoy certain kind of paranormal experiences that most people cannot comprehend. I learned not always to divulge too much to many other people for any person who is unique in any way soon becomes someone either curious or fearful to another who does not enjoy the same talents, skills, insights, or intuitions that I now possess.
I even attribute my being able to go back into time zones to this encounter in some other words, any and everything can happen, and often does after one has an encounter of this kind.
So while I have never attended a ufo gathering I have always felt it to advisable to have support systems available for those persons who do come into contact with such things to know what to do and how to react and behave after having come into contact. I did not know who or what to do about it but I did write it up for the local newspaper and I did have electronic problems even with that report when I tried to do it orally at a site there in the state. Many unique things happened to other people around us as a result of it also, but that was way back then and it is a long time ago so I will just let that be for the time being.
At any rate, I love the second video I posted here. Someone thought that this may be a movie stunt, and I was a bit suspicious too of that possibility. But seeing this video close up I wonder at who could ever have imagined anything this beautiful at is truly beautiful and stunning. Looks angelic to me!
UFO 4TH VIDEO Jerusalem, dome of the rock,SPECIAL ANALYSIS,HIGH QUALITY,...
Second video of same it real?
UFO - Dome of the rock - Temple mount - Jerusalem 28.01.2011
This is one of two films I will post on this subject.
UFO's and Green Horses and Horsemen
I posted a video of a green horse and horseman which are embedded in a story from MSNBC with Rachel Maddow, Brian Williams, and Richard Engel discussing the Egyptian protestors from a hotel balcony overlooking the streets in Cairo, Egypt. Out of the crowd a horse with rider suddenly rises and dashes forth to disappear into the crowd. I saw the link at MSNBC which appears at the 10 minute marker of the long discussion. At first glance,I thought it was staged because I could see the detail of the horse and rider so clearly as it rose up and strode through the crowd then disappears when it turns northward or upward from the vantage view of the camera. Later, I changed my mind and decided that it is an apparition caught on camera. It is fascinating to see and some are speculating that it is the fourth horsemen of the apocalypse (death). So that is how it is worded at Youtube.
I did try to dismiss the religious implications of it last night, and will admit here and now that my computer appears to respond immediately to any thought I have to either affirm or negate my thought...I had trouble then getting my post on the air so I tried again...something had interrupted my communications. So I had to rethink my position and again decided that perhaps if the religious implications are true, that I had better be careful what I think again.
I have had technological and immediate electronic results many times since I had my first upclose and personal ufo sighting in Michigan back in '75 so I never doubt that external forces over whom I have no control often do know how to contact me and make me aware of their being always around me. So it went with this video last night. It did once again affect my computer communications for a moment but I was persistent and finally got my pithy thoughts stated on ats about the fact that it is a horse, green, and can be clearly seen, and not some dumb reflection from a camera lens. These debunkers often irritate me no end as they appear a smug, ignorant bunch of perplexing waste your time crazies.
I did not like comparing it to the apocalypse either as I do not like to think that everything that happens today has to be related to the book of revelations or the apocalypse, but faith and begorra, sure enough, everyone who has a religious bent thinks that way.
There is a ufo sighting near a dome in Jersualem that has intrigued viewers at ATS also and I will post it if I can find it too. I am suspicious of its being duplicated at best but can't say for sure. There have been many discussions of it also. It is most unusual and again I saw some things around it that make me wonder what is going on there. I saw recently a large perfectly round glowing light appear in the western sky and was on the phone at the time. I said, what is that when I saw it and watched it appear to have several smaller spheres descend from it and I promptly forgot it. Except to note that it would make a beautiful interior light decoration. I would love to replicate that.
Then after reading so much about all of these myriad sightings I began to think perhaps we are in a spiritual war and do not even know it. I finally see the man on the horse riding through the crowds in Egypt as affirming that supposition...the jolly green giant rides meaning yes. reminding me of a green light in Ft. Lauderdale that I spied in the sky when relaxing by the pool there too, later described as space junk. One never knows. Scoffers beware, truth is certain to catch up with you sooner or later too.
The green lights in the sky in Ft. Lauderdale did get immediate press coverage as they were reported by all who had seen them. I saw them at 11:00 at night, but the newspaper did say 3:00. We all knew who was correct on that one...
I see the green horsemen as an apparition which disappeared into the crowd. Check it out.
I did try to dismiss the religious implications of it last night, and will admit here and now that my computer appears to respond immediately to any thought I have to either affirm or negate my thought...I had trouble then getting my post on the air so I tried again...something had interrupted my communications. So I had to rethink my position and again decided that perhaps if the religious implications are true, that I had better be careful what I think again.
I have had technological and immediate electronic results many times since I had my first upclose and personal ufo sighting in Michigan back in '75 so I never doubt that external forces over whom I have no control often do know how to contact me and make me aware of their being always around me. So it went with this video last night. It did once again affect my computer communications for a moment but I was persistent and finally got my pithy thoughts stated on ats about the fact that it is a horse, green, and can be clearly seen, and not some dumb reflection from a camera lens. These debunkers often irritate me no end as they appear a smug, ignorant bunch of perplexing waste your time crazies.
I did not like comparing it to the apocalypse either as I do not like to think that everything that happens today has to be related to the book of revelations or the apocalypse, but faith and begorra, sure enough, everyone who has a religious bent thinks that way.
There is a ufo sighting near a dome in Jersualem that has intrigued viewers at ATS also and I will post it if I can find it too. I am suspicious of its being duplicated at best but can't say for sure. There have been many discussions of it also. It is most unusual and again I saw some things around it that make me wonder what is going on there. I saw recently a large perfectly round glowing light appear in the western sky and was on the phone at the time. I said, what is that when I saw it and watched it appear to have several smaller spheres descend from it and I promptly forgot it. Except to note that it would make a beautiful interior light decoration. I would love to replicate that.
Then after reading so much about all of these myriad sightings I began to think perhaps we are in a spiritual war and do not even know it. I finally see the man on the horse riding through the crowds in Egypt as affirming that supposition...the jolly green giant rides meaning yes. reminding me of a green light in Ft. Lauderdale that I spied in the sky when relaxing by the pool there too, later described as space junk. One never knows. Scoffers beware, truth is certain to catch up with you sooner or later too.
The green lights in the sky in Ft. Lauderdale did get immediate press coverage as they were reported by all who had seen them. I saw them at 11:00 at night, but the newspaper did say 3:00. We all knew who was correct on that one...
I see the green horsemen as an apparition which disappeared into the crowd. Check it out.
The fourth horseman (of Death) at the Egypt protests
This video came to my attention at where it became discussed as a thread. It is best to see the link provided by the op at the discussion thread but I wanted to make certain that I discussed this here at this site. So the discussion I have in mind will follow this video when it is published.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
There is a place called which is a mystery to me even yet. I have found it and tonight when I stumbledupon it again, I found an interesting quote by Galileo which goes something like this: All truths are easy to understand when discovered; the point is to discover them.
Now Hallelujah, isn't that the now I shall go get a Galileo video of some kind to accompany this pithy statement.
It made me think of the truth that I had stumbled upon myself when I took it upon myself to venture back into time to discover whatever it would be that I might find there.
Let me say in all honesty that I have had many years now to readjust to all this self knowledge that poured from me into my consciousness now so that I have become a student of history at times. I accepted readily all that came to me and I became the proud possessor of a kind of knowledge about people who I had not ever known or studied before I came to find them in my memory bank after having spent time in the past being them in some way.
I took many different attitudes about this method of gleaning insight into past lifetimes of famous historical figures. I wish I could say that I could just find any character in history to do this with and thus become a kind of seer into the persons of the past, but my suggestion to myself was basically to learn of myself, if I had been anyone and who, so that is how I came to learn of these particular historical men.
Sure, I would love to be able to go into the life of Cleopatra and relive her life, or Marie Antoinette, or Queen Elizabeth I, St. Theresa of Avila or St. Theresa of Lisieux, and a host of other women who have made waves in the course of time so that they are celebrated in some way. It would be fun to be able to know that one could designate a person and just simply go back and enter into that person's life to know all about it.
I have never attempted it.
I asked to know myself.
So that is why I like Galileo's thought about the truth when discovered. It is easy to understand when the truth is discovered and the real point is to discover it. I like that. Thanks, StumbledUpon, for that is how I did it too, stumbled upon it.
Now Hallelujah, isn't that the now I shall go get a Galileo video of some kind to accompany this pithy statement.
It made me think of the truth that I had stumbled upon myself when I took it upon myself to venture back into time to discover whatever it would be that I might find there.
Let me say in all honesty that I have had many years now to readjust to all this self knowledge that poured from me into my consciousness now so that I have become a student of history at times. I accepted readily all that came to me and I became the proud possessor of a kind of knowledge about people who I had not ever known or studied before I came to find them in my memory bank after having spent time in the past being them in some way.
I took many different attitudes about this method of gleaning insight into past lifetimes of famous historical figures. I wish I could say that I could just find any character in history to do this with and thus become a kind of seer into the persons of the past, but my suggestion to myself was basically to learn of myself, if I had been anyone and who, so that is how I came to learn of these particular historical men.
Sure, I would love to be able to go into the life of Cleopatra and relive her life, or Marie Antoinette, or Queen Elizabeth I, St. Theresa of Avila or St. Theresa of Lisieux, and a host of other women who have made waves in the course of time so that they are celebrated in some way. It would be fun to be able to know that one could designate a person and just simply go back and enter into that person's life to know all about it.
I have never attempted it.
I asked to know myself.
So that is why I like Galileo's thought about the truth when discovered. It is easy to understand when the truth is discovered and the real point is to discover it. I like that. Thanks, StumbledUpon, for that is how I did it too, stumbled upon it.
The Bank Job Movie Trailer HD Best Quality
This is a very exciting movie, very well acted and it is pretty fast paced, moving along well so that you want to see what happens next...has some raw scenes that are really offensive, but so life is real and this film depicts it that way...see only if you like a slice of life occasionally told in a manner that is entertaining as well as exasperating. Not for the romantically inclined or weak of heart...
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