I posted a video of a green horse and horseman which are embedded in a story from MSNBC with Rachel Maddow, Brian Williams, and Richard Engel discussing the Egyptian protestors from a hotel balcony overlooking the streets in Cairo, Egypt. Out of the crowd a horse with rider suddenly rises and dashes forth to disappear into the crowd. I saw the link at MSNBC which appears at the 10 minute marker of the long discussion. At first glance,I thought it was staged because I could see the detail of the horse and rider so clearly as it rose up and strode through the crowd then disappears when it turns northward or upward from the vantage view of the camera. Later, I changed my mind and decided that it is an apparition caught on camera. It is fascinating to see and some are speculating that it is the fourth horsemen of the apocalypse (death). So that is how it is worded at Youtube.
I did try to dismiss the religious implications of it last night, and will admit here and now that my computer appears to respond immediately to any thought I have to either affirm or negate my thought...I had trouble then getting my post on the air so I tried again...something had interrupted my communications. So I had to rethink my position and again decided that perhaps if the religious implications are true, that I had better be careful what I think again.
I have had technological and immediate electronic results many times since I had my first upclose and personal ufo sighting in Michigan back in '75 so I never doubt that external forces over whom I have no control often do know how to contact me and make me aware of their being always around me. So it went with this video last night. It did once again affect my computer communications for a moment but I was persistent and finally got my pithy thoughts stated on ats about the fact that it is a horse, green, and can be clearly seen, and not some dumb reflection from a camera lens. These debunkers often irritate me no end as they appear a smug, ignorant bunch of perplexing waste your time crazies.
I did not like comparing it to the apocalypse either as I do not like to think that everything that happens today has to be related to the book of revelations or the apocalypse, but faith and begorra, sure enough, everyone who has a religious bent thinks that way.
There is a ufo sighting near a dome in Jersualem that has intrigued viewers at ATS also and I will post it if I can find it too. I am suspicious of its being duplicated at best but can't say for sure. There have been many discussions of it also. It is most unusual and again I saw some things around it that make me wonder what is going on there. I saw recently a large perfectly round glowing light appear in the western sky and was on the phone at the time. I said, what is that when I saw it and watched it appear to have several smaller spheres descend from it and I promptly forgot it. Except to note that it would make a beautiful interior light decoration. I would love to replicate that.
Then after reading so much about all of these myriad sightings I began to think perhaps we are in a spiritual war and do not even know it. I finally see the man on the horse riding through the crowds in Egypt as affirming that supposition...the jolly green giant rides again...green meaning yes. reminding me of a green light in Ft. Lauderdale that I spied in the sky when relaxing by the pool there too, later described as space junk. One never knows. Scoffers beware, truth is certain to catch up with you sooner or later too.
The green lights in the sky in Ft. Lauderdale did get immediate press coverage as they were reported by all who had seen them. I saw them at 11:00 at night, but the newspaper did say 3:00. We all knew who was correct on that one...
I see the green horsemen as an apparition which disappeared into the crowd. Check it out.
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