Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day

Soon it will be Valentine's day in our time zone, and Arizona will celebrate its admission to statehood as a part of the great United States of America. Oregon also celebrates its becoming American on Valentine's Day. Arizona's Day is because of Abraham Lincoln whose birthday is on the 12th of February. The state had to wait two days to become officially a state.

The videos that are posted about Lady GAGA arriving at the Grammy's in her egg to plug her new song was all that youtube had at this hour, but I will post her showtune when it is finally available to be shared. The Valentine's Day song is cute and appropriate for the point of why we have Valentine's Day. The Alexander video is due to my browsing at for a few minutes and found a discussion of a particularly poorly written script that pretty much bashes Alexander.

It is a case of one will lead you to the many others that are all on the same topic whether it be bashing Alexander or some other historical figure.

Valentine's Day is for lovers, and there are a slew of videos about Valentine's Day. I just can't dwell on it right now. I like the romantics who make the day beautiful and lovely, with roses, champagne, romance, candy, teddy bears, anything that says I love you.

Yet I am not the type who people seem to think wants roses or romance, and while they may think that I am not the type for that, they are wrong. I love to be given gifts, to be romanced, to be cuddled, wined, and dined. Why would anyone think otherwise?

We all know that life is competitive. AT that stupid video on Alexander someone wrote the stupid statement that Alexander is gay and I naturally wrote back not so.

After all, I will reiterate to everyone's great disgust: Alexander criticized the gay lifestyle and his father objected to his thoughts. Alexander said things about the Sacred Band regarding their sex lives that his father actually set a curse upon his own son for having said such things. It backfired on Philip and I intend to use that in my novel eventually...not yet, as my first draft is just to get it started but in due time it will all be put together.

Alexander did not approve of anything remotely untoward in behaviour, including that of gays and bisexuals. The gays like to kid themselves and I can see why as he is a very attractive man in physical appearance. In truth, he is aspiring towards a higher ideal than being a mere mortal and sexuality plays into it. He is hot after women, young girls, and older women in his sexual I am sure that gays will not like my novel very much when they have deluded themselves by falling for other nonsense! That is all, gotta close down now.

1 comment:

  1. I prefer to love 365 days.

    Re. your question: it's a public library but as I said in the previous post, this isn't the booklending part but the collection part. There is no dress code for an exhibition that you visit on a Saturday afternoon! Jeans were fine!
