President's Day is a day that congress used to combine both Lincoln and Washington's birthdays so that federal employees would get another excuse to get a free holiday from work. Originally, as when I grew up, February was celebrated for the two most famous presidents in the USA, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I remember classrooms decorated with pictures of George and Abe Lincoln, teaching each and every schoolchild about the two most famous presidents of the nation. George, because he is the first president of the USA, a commander in chief of the army during the American Revolution, then known as general, but today recognized for his Chief status since each president is automatically considered commander in chief, and Abraham Lincoln, famous for his effort to emancipate the slaves, and to therefore get himself assassinated for dividing the nation at a time when the South was making huge profits from trading human lives.
Lincoln became revered for his stand, and has stood the test of time as no other issue in American history has gained so much attention as that of human bondage and slavery.
George Washington is the first president to free his slaves at the death of his wife Martha, but he is not ever given much attention or credit for that. The topic of slavery remains a sore point in both north and south relations.
Because I have late in my life come to learn of reincarnation and have taken seriously the study of lives revealed to me through hypnotic adventures, I have come to grips with the concept of slavery. The Bible teaches that we are slaves of the flesh which when it comes to food and fashion there is little doubt that that is true.
But human slavery is a condition in life in which certain people take advantage of other people's personal weaknesses and enslave them somehow in a lifestyle that is alien to human nature, whether that be slaves for personal labor or sex slaves which is common in the world today.
Because I have a personal interest in Washington now, I did delve into the problem of his having owned the slaves that he inherited from his father. His struggle with his slaves often reminds me of my own personal problems when a teacher at Gladstone High School in California. The slaves were often times doing to Washington what some of my students did to me. That has always struck me as so interesting to consider. Life repeats itself all the time, one way or the other.
Well, anyway, I celebrated President's day by a shopping spree and treated myself to two new pair of pants and a blouse from Dillard's Department Store. I found two pair of Allison Daley pants that fit me to a tee and a blouse to wear, all for an economical price! Happy President's Day, and my colors were red and white. One red pair of pants, one red blouse, and one white pair of pants. The creamy white cost only $6.00. The others were $17 and $14. Good deal! Huh!
Lol, I like your ending!
ReplyDeleteThe architecture school held an open day for future students.