There is a place called which is a mystery to me even yet. I have found it and tonight when I stumbledupon it again, I found an interesting quote by Galileo which goes something like this: All truths are easy to understand when discovered; the point is to discover them.
Now Hallelujah, isn't that the now I shall go get a Galileo video of some kind to accompany this pithy statement.
It made me think of the truth that I had stumbled upon myself when I took it upon myself to venture back into time to discover whatever it would be that I might find there.
Let me say in all honesty that I have had many years now to readjust to all this self knowledge that poured from me into my consciousness now so that I have become a student of history at times. I accepted readily all that came to me and I became the proud possessor of a kind of knowledge about people who I had not ever known or studied before I came to find them in my memory bank after having spent time in the past being them in some way.
I took many different attitudes about this method of gleaning insight into past lifetimes of famous historical figures. I wish I could say that I could just find any character in history to do this with and thus become a kind of seer into the persons of the past, but my suggestion to myself was basically to learn of myself, if I had been anyone and who, so that is how I came to learn of these particular historical men.
Sure, I would love to be able to go into the life of Cleopatra and relive her life, or Marie Antoinette, or Queen Elizabeth I, St. Theresa of Avila or St. Theresa of Lisieux, and a host of other women who have made waves in the course of time so that they are celebrated in some way. It would be fun to be able to know that one could designate a person and just simply go back and enter into that person's life to know all about it.
I have never attempted it.
I asked to know myself.
So that is why I like Galileo's thought about the truth when discovered. It is easy to understand when the truth is discovered and the real point is to discover it. I like that. Thanks, StumbledUpon, for that is how I did it too, stumbled upon it.
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