Computers are not like cars at all. I will not compare the two. But for the moment, I am taking a chance in opening up this computer and using it. I just updated it through Microsoft so I am hopeful that there will be no problems now.
This has been a very rough week for me all due to computers. We can't live with them and we can't live without them. I have been using my cell phone for the most part but finally I opened up my laptop and am catching up on blogger photo groups that I follow. I love some of those beautiful beauty spots.
I just read a book by Shirley MacLaine which is called I Am Getting Over It, which is about each thing in life chapter by chapter which she is or has gotten over and few things which she cannot get over. It is a very interesting reading experience as Shirley reveals a lot about herself in it.
I also read a book about Louis XIV and his decisions regarding Henrietta, Louise de la VAlliree, and Nicholas Fouquet during four months of his reign. He was actually 23 when he officially became ruler after Cardinal Mazarin died. She said 22 and she had a lot of other errors in the way things were done, but I gave her a glowing review at Louis XIV group despite all those errors. Picky, picky!
I will use a video of Shirley MacLaine to follow this post as I always like to use Youtube videos for connections between post and topic. That is all for dubious about computer still.
Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Recent Events
Today has been one of those days that nobody ever wants to go through. I received a call from my bank today to ask if I had authorized a purchase for a given amount of money, and I said no that I had not. So then I was told that I need to get a new card since this card had been used for that purpose. I had let my security expire and when the company I had had asked me why I did not want to renew I told them. I had thought that was that. It clearly was not.
I had not ordered this program as I had just let it expire, but somehow or other the company received an order from my computer ordering a form of security that I had already said that I did not want. I turned against the company since I did not believe that they had done me any good at all. Someone later told me that my computer may have ordered it. From my point of view, that is totally ridiculous. Someone has proved to me though that they have information about me gained through access to my computer. Whether this is a hacker, or a virus I do not know. Frankly, I do not know the difference too well anyway.
When I was at the bank, I was unaware of the fact that this order had been given this morning on the day of the 13th. I had let it expire on the date of August 6, and was contacted by the company to explain why I had not subscribed again. I told them bluntly that they had failed me many times in terms of protection. If this is not proof of that, I do not know what is now that I think of it.
When I tried to contact this company another company answered instead, and attempted to sell me their program instead of the one that someone had sent in my name using my bank account.
I do not know exactly what all happened in this case but thank Heaven that the bank in question was on the ball, and did call me to get information from me.
So I spent the afternoon talking to a member of another company who wanted me to use their system for a set amount of money. I said no I could not do it as I do not have that kind of money in my account.
The one good thing that came out of this afternoon's conversation besides learning what their system said about my computer is that I got this blogspot repaired. I am checking now to see if that is still the case.
I had not ordered this program as I had just let it expire, but somehow or other the company received an order from my computer ordering a form of security that I had already said that I did not want. I turned against the company since I did not believe that they had done me any good at all. Someone later told me that my computer may have ordered it. From my point of view, that is totally ridiculous. Someone has proved to me though that they have information about me gained through access to my computer. Whether this is a hacker, or a virus I do not know. Frankly, I do not know the difference too well anyway.
When I was at the bank, I was unaware of the fact that this order had been given this morning on the day of the 13th. I had let it expire on the date of August 6, and was contacted by the company to explain why I had not subscribed again. I told them bluntly that they had failed me many times in terms of protection. If this is not proof of that, I do not know what is now that I think of it.
When I tried to contact this company another company answered instead, and attempted to sell me their program instead of the one that someone had sent in my name using my bank account.
I do not know exactly what all happened in this case but thank Heaven that the bank in question was on the ball, and did call me to get information from me.
So I spent the afternoon talking to a member of another company who wanted me to use their system for a set amount of money. I said no I could not do it as I do not have that kind of money in my account.
The one good thing that came out of this afternoon's conversation besides learning what their system said about my computer is that I got this blogspot repaired. I am checking now to see if that is still the case.
New improved preview popup
It appears that everything is different here at Blogger since I spoke to a security person who tried to explain to me why it is that I have a problem with a security program. It would appear that someone is trying to tamper with my computer which firmly disgusts me.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Alexander and Aristotle
I have been working on my novel about Alexander, and so occasionally I go to to read posts that may have popped up since I last visited the site. Today I was in luck, and someone there did something for me that I am so grateful to I could just cry. I had had a return to a cave which at one time I described well on the 'net and as I do not always knows who reads my stuff, I have no idea if that person read it or not. But someone has posted pictures from their trips to Vergina, Greece, and elsewhere so that I browsed through them. This photographer caught the image that I had described once upon a time, and wow! did it ever impress me to see that he had posted it on his website. Now whether this is a male or female I have no idea but the pictures caught my attention as I remember well when I was back there and was reading Greek and speaking Greek as easily as I now read and speak English.
He did confirm for me what I had wanted to know. I am sure now. I had thought it might be the case but was never certain since I had read something different. Now that I can see it, I know positively. Some things are missing today that were there then, but I got the picture and recall the entire thing again just like that. It made my evening complete.
He did confirm for me what I had wanted to know. I am sure now. I had thought it might be the case but was never certain since I had read something different. Now that I can see it, I know positively. Some things are missing today that were there then, but I got the picture and recall the entire thing again just like that. It made my evening complete.
Afternoon with Wynn Free
I am wondering at what is wrong with blogger that they cannot simply post something as simple as what I have just written. This business of trying to tell me that there are too many edits does not sit well with me.
Let's see if they can publish this post.
I went to see Wynn Free and his friend Terry Brown this afternoon.
I was amazed to learn how strong and loud my voice was at this session. I was very much like when I was in Sacramento in the Senate side in terms of speech projection.
Once at NBC studios, when in front of the camera, I came out sounding like a woman who used to appear on the Tonight show. She drowned in Mexico years later. Last name was Wayne, but am forgetting first name.
A very kind woman by the name of Cindy brought me home. I stayed for the full session since she offered to give me a ride.
Let's see if they can publish this post.
I went to see Wynn Free and his friend Terry Brown this afternoon.
I was amazed to learn how strong and loud my voice was at this session. I was very much like when I was in Sacramento in the Senate side in terms of speech projection.
Once at NBC studios, when in front of the camera, I came out sounding like a woman who used to appear on the Tonight show. She drowned in Mexico years later. Last name was Wayne, but am forgetting first name.
A very kind woman by the name of Cindy brought me home. I stayed for the full session since she offered to give me a ride.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Collection of experiences in recent years
I had thought that I would start a new blog listing and discussing all the unusual psychic and paranormal experiences that I have had here in the state of Arizona and other places.
But I decided that I wanted none of that. While they are interesting, true, and strange, I do not want to develop a blog on them. So I decided instead to simply write and list some of them here at this writing so as to have them in some kind of order and place.
First of all, I have always had dreams that were often clairvoyant in that soon after the dream an event would occur to show the connection between the dream and the event itself. One that always stands out for me is a time when I was a teacher in Azusa and had a dream about one of my tires. I had had my car serviced by the kids in auto shop, and unbeknownst to me, someone had overinflated one of the tires. The dream somehow alerted me to that. I had the tire fixed and learned a lesson from that. Again, even to this date, I continue to have dreams that will alert me to events in either my life or in general to phenomena that affects the entire world at large. I have dreamt of airplanes going down, as I saw a plane turn upside down when later that day it actually happened. I saw the assassination of Anwar Sadat hours before it came about. These were dreams, not visions. I have had visions as well, and they are totally different from a dream. A vision can be like an instant replay on t.v. as I have had them. I have seen many visions, one of which was Flight 800, the TWA liner that went down over Long Island on its way to France. I saw it explode in the air and later when they dragged the body and structure of the plane to the surface it had matched perfectly my illustration of that same event.
I know details about it that nobody else can know since these were shown to me in the spiritual record of the event. Two men on the edge of the cockpit saluted me, and they could only have been there in spirit as most likely their bodies were fastened to their seats when it went down.
So since then, I have had movements of objects occur within the confines of my housing, whether my house or apartment as it is ongoing still to this very afternoonl.
At first I thought it was possibly some mischievous poltergeist, a hungry coyote according to Indian folklore, and strange as it seems, I even thought it could be manipulation through psychic kinetic energy. I soon decided against most of those ideas about what could be doing these things. When Swiss Air went down, I had found two pens which both had the red x or cross at the end of the pen in my underwear drawer. I had felt a strange sensation from them, and then later we learned of the crash of that aircraft.
Some of these incidents are so strange that they appear unbelievable. I actually watched with my own eyes one of my hard boiled eggs disappear in front of me. I had told this to my dad and brother who frankly could not believe it. I was a bit perturbed because I had taken one bite out of that egg and it was perfectly cooked just the way I like it, and I watched it slowly disappear from view...nothing..all that was left was the other egg.
How that could happen. Who is to know?
But do you think it would stop there. No way! My dad and I lived together by ourselves, and there was no way that anyone was going to walk in to my house to play a trick on me. My dad was so old and so not the kind of person to even bother to deign to pull shoddy tricks, so when I found an old pair of my mother's pants, I took my own panties off, and lay them on the floor to go into try her pants on. When I came back to the bathroom to get my own underwear, in that short time, someone had placed a large round ring on top of my panties. I have kept that ring as it is quite heavy and how it got there...who is to know? I do not know, and for sure, my dad would never do such a thing as he was in his own chair in his room way across the other end of the house from mine.
So when I moved into an apartment I certainly did not expect anything unusual to happen, but on Palm Sunday I went to St. Mary's Church in downtown Phoenix and found a statue of Pope John Paul II there with a palm stem crucifix and bouquet in each of his hands. The crucifix fell at my feet and a lady behind me came up and hugged me, saying that John Paul had given it to me so why didn't I take it. I took it home with me and as I walked forward,another stem fell and I picked it up to go to a statue of children in a circle holding hands.
I brought it home. I have a picture of Jesus in a beautiful frame which has a ledge on it, and so I put the crucifix and the stem onto the ledge and went about my business.
I heard my copy machine turn on, and it went off so I went over to see what was happening and saw that the crucifix and the stem which was now curved and shaped like a fish were now sitting on top of my copy machine.
Well, I did go to the priests of the church and told them about it. I took pictures of it and I was quite excited about it as even at CVS where I had copies of my photos made, some strange things happened so that they gave me the pictures free of charge.
So then in the middle of the night at 2:00 in the morning I woke up to go into the living room and found a light shining diagonally from the picture of Jesus, and I stared at it, trying to figure why a light was there, as there is no outside source for this light, and what it was doing on my wall. It was huge, reminded me of clouds in a way, or of a clipper ship. I went to bed, fell asleep. Next night, when I went out the room was dark as normal and so I went to bed again. Following night, I go out at 4:00 in the morning and the light is back,this time in a square shape, and as bright as the first time I saw it in the cloud type shape. One cannot take pictures of light but I did take a picture of the Jesus portrait and there is a sliver of light which comes out at his side.
There is light there.
So I had a few uneventful things happen at the other apartment, mostly involving earrings on the floor, but I did not take too much notice except to notice that things often came up missing somehow.
Some I have never found.
So when I moved to this apartment, I did not think anything of it until the incident with the utility box happened, and I had trouble finding a debit card I had dropped.
Earlier, a pet pad had moved from the bedroom into the living room, and because of all the other above incidents, I realized oh no, here we go again. I knew that some invisible force did it. How many times had it not done it before, so why worry?
Movements frankly do not bother me much, but disappearances do. I am chronic because of all these things to always know right where I put things so I know where they should be.
So my cat went into a frenzy staring at something, and I could see an outline that looked like a physical being but it was invisible to the naked eye. I believe that it is the same shape as the Good Shepherd bookmark card that I found on my table in the upper right hand corner. How it got there is more than I know too. It since has disappeared.
I kept getting the thought it is Jesus. So I decided all right it is Jesus.
Well, the next thing I know I wake up one morning to go to the toilet and there is this grainy stuff all over the entire lid of the toilet and I grumbled because I had to clean it off before I could sit down, and so had to pick it up without getting it into the basin. I did think it was cat litter at first. Upon later investigation, I learned that it could not be cat litter as my litter is gray and this stuff was clearly blue.
It happened twice. Two or three days later and I forget which now, I went back, and there it is again, and I realized then that the cat could not have done. This stuff is coming out of thin air, and nothing is on the lid of the tank lid, and nothing is on the litter box lid, just on the toilet lid.
I cleaned it all off without taking a picture but realizing that the cat did not do it, and for that matter, would have wiped it off had he gone near it. He did not go near it, and he usually plays in the basin as he likes to see the water.
Phoenix had two dust storms about this time and on the second one, I suddenly realized that there was a connection. I am acutally getting the feeling it is dust to dust at this point, but water from the faucet made me think of the school play The Miracle Worker and when I thought it, the drip stopped and the leaking was ended. Then Glendale got rain in the second dust storm, and I thought hmmm. there is a connection there.
But these little grains would now show up behind the lid, the area between the lid and the tank. I left them there instead of cleaning them up. They moved then to the tub where one morning I saw a lot of them around the faucet area and another group around the center of the tub, and there I saw that when water hit them they turned into little blue snowflake type appearance. Very pretty actually.
That night I got one of my nosebleeds, and this time it was long and bad, and I had a dickens of a time getting it to stop. I looked at the spatters of blood in the sink and then at the tub and thought blueblood and just like that as with the faucet and miracleworker the bleeding stopped.
Talk about paying through the nose.
Well, I wanted to print off my copies of my novel on Alexander so I bought a copy machine yesterday at Target. Today, I looked down and on top of it was another picture of Jesus, this time in the form of the Sacred Heart.
What, again?
I took a picture of it, decided that while I am not afraid of Jesus, I guess maybe I should take this much more seriously than I had thought previously. Jesus is being very persistent here, and it is not just to protect me, or to give me comfort, but he is appearing more and more often...Do you think I know what all this means. At first, I was thinking it must mean that he is coming soon as in the second coming of Jesus.
For me, the point is that God can make something out of nothing,that something can appear out of thin air, and that things can disappear in thin air...I have been alerted to that ever since that disappearing egg.
As Jesus says, store your treasures in Heaven for nothing of the earth is of any value anyway.
One does not need to take life too seriously but at the same time, one should not ignore or ridicule the signs that are evident to prove the fact of the power of God.
I have, because of my own self discovered knowledge, realized that I have spiritual powers. I have done things that are truly unbelievable but I do not admit them to any but myself. I often say that it is the power of God within me.
Believe me, all that I am saying is that Jesus is with us here and now. Jesus is a power that is truly awesome. Love is Heaven, but there is more to life than just a state of being in "love". There is the actual and real fact of here now, gone now.
Don't doubt it. It is happening.
But I decided that I wanted none of that. While they are interesting, true, and strange, I do not want to develop a blog on them. So I decided instead to simply write and list some of them here at this writing so as to have them in some kind of order and place.
First of all, I have always had dreams that were often clairvoyant in that soon after the dream an event would occur to show the connection between the dream and the event itself. One that always stands out for me is a time when I was a teacher in Azusa and had a dream about one of my tires. I had had my car serviced by the kids in auto shop, and unbeknownst to me, someone had overinflated one of the tires. The dream somehow alerted me to that. I had the tire fixed and learned a lesson from that. Again, even to this date, I continue to have dreams that will alert me to events in either my life or in general to phenomena that affects the entire world at large. I have dreamt of airplanes going down, as I saw a plane turn upside down when later that day it actually happened. I saw the assassination of Anwar Sadat hours before it came about. These were dreams, not visions. I have had visions as well, and they are totally different from a dream. A vision can be like an instant replay on t.v. as I have had them. I have seen many visions, one of which was Flight 800, the TWA liner that went down over Long Island on its way to France. I saw it explode in the air and later when they dragged the body and structure of the plane to the surface it had matched perfectly my illustration of that same event.
I know details about it that nobody else can know since these were shown to me in the spiritual record of the event. Two men on the edge of the cockpit saluted me, and they could only have been there in spirit as most likely their bodies were fastened to their seats when it went down.
So since then, I have had movements of objects occur within the confines of my housing, whether my house or apartment as it is ongoing still to this very afternoonl.
At first I thought it was possibly some mischievous poltergeist, a hungry coyote according to Indian folklore, and strange as it seems, I even thought it could be manipulation through psychic kinetic energy. I soon decided against most of those ideas about what could be doing these things. When Swiss Air went down, I had found two pens which both had the red x or cross at the end of the pen in my underwear drawer. I had felt a strange sensation from them, and then later we learned of the crash of that aircraft.
Some of these incidents are so strange that they appear unbelievable. I actually watched with my own eyes one of my hard boiled eggs disappear in front of me. I had told this to my dad and brother who frankly could not believe it. I was a bit perturbed because I had taken one bite out of that egg and it was perfectly cooked just the way I like it, and I watched it slowly disappear from view...nothing..all that was left was the other egg.
How that could happen. Who is to know?
But do you think it would stop there. No way! My dad and I lived together by ourselves, and there was no way that anyone was going to walk in to my house to play a trick on me. My dad was so old and so not the kind of person to even bother to deign to pull shoddy tricks, so when I found an old pair of my mother's pants, I took my own panties off, and lay them on the floor to go into try her pants on. When I came back to the bathroom to get my own underwear, in that short time, someone had placed a large round ring on top of my panties. I have kept that ring as it is quite heavy and how it got there...who is to know? I do not know, and for sure, my dad would never do such a thing as he was in his own chair in his room way across the other end of the house from mine.
So when I moved into an apartment I certainly did not expect anything unusual to happen, but on Palm Sunday I went to St. Mary's Church in downtown Phoenix and found a statue of Pope John Paul II there with a palm stem crucifix and bouquet in each of his hands. The crucifix fell at my feet and a lady behind me came up and hugged me, saying that John Paul had given it to me so why didn't I take it. I took it home with me and as I walked forward,another stem fell and I picked it up to go to a statue of children in a circle holding hands.
I brought it home. I have a picture of Jesus in a beautiful frame which has a ledge on it, and so I put the crucifix and the stem onto the ledge and went about my business.
I heard my copy machine turn on, and it went off so I went over to see what was happening and saw that the crucifix and the stem which was now curved and shaped like a fish were now sitting on top of my copy machine.
Well, I did go to the priests of the church and told them about it. I took pictures of it and I was quite excited about it as even at CVS where I had copies of my photos made, some strange things happened so that they gave me the pictures free of charge.
So then in the middle of the night at 2:00 in the morning I woke up to go into the living room and found a light shining diagonally from the picture of Jesus, and I stared at it, trying to figure why a light was there, as there is no outside source for this light, and what it was doing on my wall. It was huge, reminded me of clouds in a way, or of a clipper ship. I went to bed, fell asleep. Next night, when I went out the room was dark as normal and so I went to bed again. Following night, I go out at 4:00 in the morning and the light is back,this time in a square shape, and as bright as the first time I saw it in the cloud type shape. One cannot take pictures of light but I did take a picture of the Jesus portrait and there is a sliver of light which comes out at his side.
There is light there.
So I had a few uneventful things happen at the other apartment, mostly involving earrings on the floor, but I did not take too much notice except to notice that things often came up missing somehow.
Some I have never found.
So when I moved to this apartment, I did not think anything of it until the incident with the utility box happened, and I had trouble finding a debit card I had dropped.
Earlier, a pet pad had moved from the bedroom into the living room, and because of all the other above incidents, I realized oh no, here we go again. I knew that some invisible force did it. How many times had it not done it before, so why worry?
Movements frankly do not bother me much, but disappearances do. I am chronic because of all these things to always know right where I put things so I know where they should be.
So my cat went into a frenzy staring at something, and I could see an outline that looked like a physical being but it was invisible to the naked eye. I believe that it is the same shape as the Good Shepherd bookmark card that I found on my table in the upper right hand corner. How it got there is more than I know too. It since has disappeared.
I kept getting the thought it is Jesus. So I decided all right it is Jesus.
Well, the next thing I know I wake up one morning to go to the toilet and there is this grainy stuff all over the entire lid of the toilet and I grumbled because I had to clean it off before I could sit down, and so had to pick it up without getting it into the basin. I did think it was cat litter at first. Upon later investigation, I learned that it could not be cat litter as my litter is gray and this stuff was clearly blue.
It happened twice. Two or three days later and I forget which now, I went back, and there it is again, and I realized then that the cat could not have done. This stuff is coming out of thin air, and nothing is on the lid of the tank lid, and nothing is on the litter box lid, just on the toilet lid.
I cleaned it all off without taking a picture but realizing that the cat did not do it, and for that matter, would have wiped it off had he gone near it. He did not go near it, and he usually plays in the basin as he likes to see the water.
Phoenix had two dust storms about this time and on the second one, I suddenly realized that there was a connection. I am acutally getting the feeling it is dust to dust at this point, but water from the faucet made me think of the school play The Miracle Worker and when I thought it, the drip stopped and the leaking was ended. Then Glendale got rain in the second dust storm, and I thought hmmm. there is a connection there.
But these little grains would now show up behind the lid, the area between the lid and the tank. I left them there instead of cleaning them up. They moved then to the tub where one morning I saw a lot of them around the faucet area and another group around the center of the tub, and there I saw that when water hit them they turned into little blue snowflake type appearance. Very pretty actually.
That night I got one of my nosebleeds, and this time it was long and bad, and I had a dickens of a time getting it to stop. I looked at the spatters of blood in the sink and then at the tub and thought blueblood and just like that as with the faucet and miracleworker the bleeding stopped.
Talk about paying through the nose.
Well, I wanted to print off my copies of my novel on Alexander so I bought a copy machine yesterday at Target. Today, I looked down and on top of it was another picture of Jesus, this time in the form of the Sacred Heart.
What, again?
I took a picture of it, decided that while I am not afraid of Jesus, I guess maybe I should take this much more seriously than I had thought previously. Jesus is being very persistent here, and it is not just to protect me, or to give me comfort, but he is appearing more and more often...Do you think I know what all this means. At first, I was thinking it must mean that he is coming soon as in the second coming of Jesus.
For me, the point is that God can make something out of nothing,that something can appear out of thin air, and that things can disappear in thin air...I have been alerted to that ever since that disappearing egg.
As Jesus says, store your treasures in Heaven for nothing of the earth is of any value anyway.
One does not need to take life too seriously but at the same time, one should not ignore or ridicule the signs that are evident to prove the fact of the power of God.
I have, because of my own self discovered knowledge, realized that I have spiritual powers. I have done things that are truly unbelievable but I do not admit them to any but myself. I often say that it is the power of God within me.
Believe me, all that I am saying is that Jesus is with us here and now. Jesus is a power that is truly awesome. Love is Heaven, but there is more to life than just a state of being in "love". There is the actual and real fact of here now, gone now.
Don't doubt it. It is happening.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
This is the picture of Jesus that appeared today (out of the blue) on top of my copy machine. I had taken some books off the shelf to find a recipe for bread pudding but I do not keep religious photos in cookbooks.
A box of lithium batteries appears to have fallen beside the copy machine box.
I had just purchased a new copy machine. Not sure that I am going to install the software now.
I am believing that Jesus is being persistent here now. This is the second time that something pertaining to Jesus has appeared on top of the copy machine, though not the same machine, same make.
I did go to the bible to read something in Mark but instead found Acts.Chapter 10, a story about Cornelius and Peter.
Mark 6, verse 37 through 42 is on the story of the fish and loaves.
A novena is on the back of the Sacred Heart pamphlet leaf, and nine days from today is the 14th.
I truly believe in the mystery of the loaves of bread and fish as I have witnessed the mysteries in my bathroom of blue and white flecks of granuals, which when I saw the connection to blueblood made my nose bleed stop bleeding. I relate the bloody nose to Louis XIV in a statue that is on the back of the Splendours of Versailles exhibition held in Jackson, Mississippi years ago. Louis has a red mark in one nostril, and my nose has always bled in one nostril.
Blueblood is a term designating royal family. My bleeding stopped when I connected the blue specks to blueblood. I thought that a miracle.
All this will sound strange to anyone who does not understand the mysteries of the faith.
But it is all true.
An Act of Love will tip the balance is a statement with a bird sitting on a bough which I had ordered years ago in 1973 from a convent in Indiana.
Anagrams of ACT is CAT, and my cat did an act of love today sitting on top of my Christmas plate in the shelf that he likes to climb into .
All I can say is I welcome Jesus into my life and my home and I believe in His Mysteries. I am hoping that others will do likewise.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Tonight I took my cat out onto the patio and learned that we had had rain this evening. I sat down in a soggy, wet cushion and realized that we had a downpour. I missed it totally but had heard a loud noise but didn't realize it must have been a thunderclap.
I am having a rough time of it today. First Wednesday in the month is ten percent off for seniors so I had to go to the grocers to get some groceries. I love grapefruit juice and orange juice so I bought two half gallons of each, and some meat at reduced prices, and some half and half and breads to make a bread pudding.
Then I checked my bank balance and hit the roof for there is a false bank balance which means that I have to go to the bank tomorrow to find out what is wrong here. I am furious about it. I get so sick and tired of bank balances being wrong.
I have noticed this twice now and this one is large enough for me to get really angry over. I am meticulous to a penny.
Am cutting this short as I have been online too long but checking out printers.
I am having a rough time of it today. First Wednesday in the month is ten percent off for seniors so I had to go to the grocers to get some groceries. I love grapefruit juice and orange juice so I bought two half gallons of each, and some meat at reduced prices, and some half and half and breads to make a bread pudding.
Then I checked my bank balance and hit the roof for there is a false bank balance which means that I have to go to the bank tomorrow to find out what is wrong here. I am furious about it. I get so sick and tired of bank balances being wrong.
I have noticed this twice now and this one is large enough for me to get really angry over. I am meticulous to a penny.
Am cutting this short as I have been online too long but checking out printers.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Film about Muslim who rescues robber
Google is a pain in the fanny with their conflicting edits.
I am posting this video which I found at Youtube with the question about the reality of the film. Did this really happen? Was it staged? I am not sure if it is for real or a piece of propaganda to convert the starving, and homeless into Muslims.
After you see it, if you do, do you think it for real or staged?
I am posting this video which I found at Youtube with the question about the reality of the film. Did this really happen? Was it staged? I am not sure if it is for real or a piece of propaganda to convert the starving, and homeless into Muslims.
After you see it, if you do, do you think it for real or staged?
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Follow up to post about Strange happenings in my apartment
I woke up in the middle of the night suffering one of my infrequent nosebleeds at 3:00 in the morning. This was one of the so called "bad" ones which means it lasts more than just a few minutes. It lasted interminably long, and always reminds me how much I am grateful for having learned of the story of Genghis Khan. Believe it or not, sometimes knowing even a little about history can help in the present lifetime.
I used a ton of tissue in trying to stop this flowing blood, and while looking at the sink where I stood to watch the blood splash speckles on the inside of the basin, all of a sudden I realized something. I must digress at this point.
The blue speckles had come back earlier that day in my bathtub. There were a lot of them this time in two different locations and as it was again early enough that I did not want to do anything but clean the tub out, I did not take photos or do anything but clean them out with a paper towel. I also thought what good do the photos do anyway, because I had just read a book about putting unknown substances under a microscope, and as I do not have a microscope, do not know any biologists who does, I decided just simply to let it all pass. I then cleaned up the litter that was on the floor and immediately saw the difference between the two substances. There is no way that one could take the blue matter for the litter after I looked at the two closely.
In addition to that, instead of one roll of toilet paper, two rolls had been moved this time. That made me think about the kind of t.p. I use which is charmin soft.
The first time the paper was moved it was not the charmin but a different type, cheap, from a local grocer and some of it is still there.
Gotta remember all these details now because later I will surely forget a lot of this.
Anyway, I am trying everything to get my bloodflow to stop, including pinching my nose, thinking everything under the sun, and then seeing the speckles of blood was reminded of the blue stuff in the tub which when hit by water enlarge and spread like blue snowflakes. I thought oh, what if it is blood, blue blood. The bleeding stopped. It has been stopped ever since. The efficacy of that thought alone stopped it.
I decided it is Jesus, and this is the manifestation of God in my home, this time in the form of blue flecks instead of white light as when it appeared in my apartment at the previous place. I contemplated that all night, did not get back to sleep, but did rest a bit, and then later in the morning finally caught three hours more of needed sleep. A part of my contemplation about why this is Jesus is that Jesus said that the bread and wine is his body and his blood. Anything that is created from God is a fleck of comprehend this one must realize that the dogma of Jesus is that God appeared in the flesh so that he could teach man. In essence, God can appear in any form to reach man. Because of the instant stop of bloodflow, I believe firmly that the recognition of the specks as blood caused the hemmorhaging to end.
I realize that most people do not believe in miracles truly but I not only believe I know that they happen. To me, the appearance of the blue flecks and sometimes white is a miracle. I believe that it is Jesus who is protecting me and I have a responsibility to tell my story.
I am bit urgent in my wish that everyone would turn to Jesus to find peace of mind, hope, and salvation. But I thought of what my dad would say, and I admit that the parable of the seed came to my mind. The seed can only grow in good soil, soil that is receptive. One can only pray for those who do not believe that they may lose their hardheadedness and hardheartedness somehow.
Whether anyone who reads this believes it or not, it is all true. God bless, and blessed are those who believe but have not seen.
I used a ton of tissue in trying to stop this flowing blood, and while looking at the sink where I stood to watch the blood splash speckles on the inside of the basin, all of a sudden I realized something. I must digress at this point.
The blue speckles had come back earlier that day in my bathtub. There were a lot of them this time in two different locations and as it was again early enough that I did not want to do anything but clean the tub out, I did not take photos or do anything but clean them out with a paper towel. I also thought what good do the photos do anyway, because I had just read a book about putting unknown substances under a microscope, and as I do not have a microscope, do not know any biologists who does, I decided just simply to let it all pass. I then cleaned up the litter that was on the floor and immediately saw the difference between the two substances. There is no way that one could take the blue matter for the litter after I looked at the two closely.
In addition to that, instead of one roll of toilet paper, two rolls had been moved this time. That made me think about the kind of t.p. I use which is charmin soft.
The first time the paper was moved it was not the charmin but a different type, cheap, from a local grocer and some of it is still there.
Gotta remember all these details now because later I will surely forget a lot of this.
Anyway, I am trying everything to get my bloodflow to stop, including pinching my nose, thinking everything under the sun, and then seeing the speckles of blood was reminded of the blue stuff in the tub which when hit by water enlarge and spread like blue snowflakes. I thought oh, what if it is blood, blue blood. The bleeding stopped. It has been stopped ever since. The efficacy of that thought alone stopped it.
I decided it is Jesus, and this is the manifestation of God in my home, this time in the form of blue flecks instead of white light as when it appeared in my apartment at the previous place. I contemplated that all night, did not get back to sleep, but did rest a bit, and then later in the morning finally caught three hours more of needed sleep. A part of my contemplation about why this is Jesus is that Jesus said that the bread and wine is his body and his blood. Anything that is created from God is a fleck of comprehend this one must realize that the dogma of Jesus is that God appeared in the flesh so that he could teach man. In essence, God can appear in any form to reach man. Because of the instant stop of bloodflow, I believe firmly that the recognition of the specks as blood caused the hemmorhaging to end.
I realize that most people do not believe in miracles truly but I not only believe I know that they happen. To me, the appearance of the blue flecks and sometimes white is a miracle. I believe that it is Jesus who is protecting me and I have a responsibility to tell my story.
I am bit urgent in my wish that everyone would turn to Jesus to find peace of mind, hope, and salvation. But I thought of what my dad would say, and I admit that the parable of the seed came to my mind. The seed can only grow in good soil, soil that is receptive. One can only pray for those who do not believe that they may lose their hardheadedness and hardheartedness somehow.
Whether anyone who reads this believes it or not, it is all true. God bless, and blessed are those who believe but have not seen.
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