Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Alexander and Aristotle

I have been working on my novel about Alexander, and so occasionally I go to to read posts that may have popped up since I last visited the site. Today I was in luck, and someone there did something for me that I am so grateful to I could just cry. I had had a return to a cave which at one time I described well on the 'net and as I do not always knows who reads my stuff, I have no idea if that person read it or not. But someone has posted pictures from their trips to Vergina, Greece, and elsewhere so that I browsed through them. This photographer caught the image that I had described once upon a time, and wow! did it ever impress me to see that he had posted it on his website. Now whether this is a male or female I have no idea but the pictures caught my attention as I remember well when I was back there and was reading Greek and speaking Greek as easily as I now read and speak English.

He did confirm for me what I had wanted to know. I am sure now. I had thought it might be the case but was never certain since I had read something different. Now that I can see it, I know positively. Some things are missing today that were there then, but I got the picture and recall the entire thing again just like that. It made my evening complete.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jan,

    Wonderful that you could see these images from Greece.

    I will be interested in your book about Alexander when
    it is published. I am sure that you will have special
    insights about Alexander and his times which may not be readily available elsewhere.
    Best wishes
