Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Monday, August 1, 2011

Follow up to post about Strange happenings in my apartment

I woke up in the middle of the night suffering one of my infrequent nosebleeds at 3:00 in the morning. This was one of the so called "bad" ones which means it lasts more than just a few minutes. It lasted interminably long, and always reminds me how much I am grateful for having learned of the story of Genghis Khan. Believe it or not, sometimes knowing even a little about history can help in the present lifetime.

I used a ton of tissue in trying to stop this flowing blood, and while looking at the sink where I stood to watch the blood splash speckles on the inside of the basin, all of a sudden I realized something. I must digress at this point.

The blue speckles had come back earlier that day in my bathtub. There were a lot of them this time in two different locations and as it was again early enough that I did not want to do anything but clean the tub out, I did not take photos or do anything but clean them out with a paper towel. I also thought what good do the photos do anyway, because I had just read a book about putting unknown substances under a microscope, and as I do not have a microscope, do not know any biologists who does, I decided just simply to let it all pass. I then cleaned up the litter that was on the floor and immediately saw the difference between the two substances. There is no way that one could take the blue matter for the litter after I looked at the two closely.

In addition to that, instead of one roll of toilet paper, two rolls had been moved this time. That made me think about the kind of t.p. I use which is charmin soft.

The first time the paper was moved it was not the charmin but a different type, cheap, from a local grocer and some of it is still there.

Gotta remember all these details now because later I will surely forget a lot of this.

Anyway, I am trying everything to get my bloodflow to stop, including pinching my nose, thinking everything under the sun, and then seeing the speckles of blood was reminded of the blue stuff in the tub which when hit by water enlarge and spread like blue snowflakes. I thought oh, what if it is blood, blue blood. The bleeding stopped. It has been stopped ever since. The efficacy of that thought alone stopped it.

I decided it is Jesus, and this is the manifestation of God in my home, this time in the form of blue flecks instead of white light as when it appeared in my apartment at the previous place. I contemplated that all night, did not get back to sleep, but did rest a bit, and then later in the morning finally caught three hours more of needed sleep. A part of my contemplation about why this is Jesus is that Jesus said that the bread and wine is his body and his blood. Anything that is created from God is a fleck of comprehend this one must realize that the dogma of Jesus is that God appeared in the flesh so that he could teach man. In essence, God can appear in any form to reach man. Because of the instant stop of bloodflow, I believe firmly that the recognition of the specks as blood caused the hemmorhaging to end.

I realize that most people do not believe in miracles truly but I not only believe I know that they happen. To me, the appearance of the blue flecks and sometimes white is a miracle. I believe that it is Jesus who is protecting me and I have a responsibility to tell my story.

I am bit urgent in my wish that everyone would turn to Jesus to find peace of mind, hope, and salvation. But I thought of what my dad would say, and I admit that the parable of the seed came to my mind. The seed can only grow in good soil, soil that is receptive. One can only pray for those who do not believe that they may lose their hardheadedness and hardheartedness somehow.

Whether anyone who reads this believes it or not, it is all true. God bless, and blessed are those who believe but have not seen.

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