This is the picture of Jesus that appeared today (out of the blue) on top of my copy machine. I had taken some books off the shelf to find a recipe for bread pudding but I do not keep religious photos in cookbooks.
A box of lithium batteries appears to have fallen beside the copy machine box.
I had just purchased a new copy machine. Not sure that I am going to install the software now.
I am believing that Jesus is being persistent here now. This is the second time that something pertaining to Jesus has appeared on top of the copy machine, though not the same machine, same make.
I did go to the bible to read something in Mark but instead found Acts.Chapter 10, a story about Cornelius and Peter.
Mark 6, verse 37 through 42 is on the story of the fish and loaves.
A novena is on the back of the Sacred Heart pamphlet leaf, and nine days from today is the 14th.
I truly believe in the mystery of the loaves of bread and fish as I have witnessed the mysteries in my bathroom of blue and white flecks of granuals, which when I saw the connection to blueblood made my nose bleed stop bleeding. I relate the bloody nose to Louis XIV in a statue that is on the back of the Splendours of Versailles exhibition held in Jackson, Mississippi years ago. Louis has a red mark in one nostril, and my nose has always bled in one nostril.
Blueblood is a term designating royal family. My bleeding stopped when I connected the blue specks to blueblood. I thought that a miracle.
All this will sound strange to anyone who does not understand the mysteries of the faith.
But it is all true.
An Act of Love will tip the balance is a statement with a bird sitting on a bough which I had ordered years ago in 1973 from a convent in Indiana.
Anagrams of ACT is CAT, and my cat did an act of love today sitting on top of my Christmas plate in the shelf that he likes to climb into .
All I can say is I welcome Jesus into my life and my home and I believe in His Mysteries. I am hoping that others will do likewise.
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