I read a very interesting blog on making money with a blog and how to do it and again it uses google ads as the means for making a sizeable income after apparently a year's time in which one has developed ones blog. I doubt that it is as easy as this man purports it to be for him, but I am sure that it has possibilities. One must set up the money management section of google to undergo this experience of placing ads on your blogsite so that you will reap rewards and income from it.
I have worked on the lottery games for years and I will probably return to playing the lottery asap, since my horse racing stints are pretty meagre. I did rather badly this afternoon deciding to play only Delta Downs millionaire game. I did a rather good job picking them, but I always have a problem when finally placing the bet, reverting back to old habits which are hard to break...always sucked in by the favorite who by rights should win the race.
The most fantastic thing happened in Churchill Downs that absolutely blew my mind. A while back I had written a formula for playing the superfecta which is a cool formula and today it worked at churchill Downs...Previously it had also worked in an Australian race I saw streamed in to our local t.v.s
My problem is that I prefer to bet where nobody can get an idea of how much I am playing or what horses I am choosing.
I am extremely superstitious about the quality of my voice and a horse if I am talking to someone. I am also superstitious about people who yell out the names or numbers of horses in my presence. I had noticed that problem in Florida when I was there, and sure enough Cannonade won that year at the Derby and some guy was screaming out the horse's name and number...It still goes on and today once again, the same thing happened and the horse again did the same thing...it is a very weird thing so that on the next two races of that year at Preakness and Belmont I would not go near the sports bar so as not to be in the hearing of those yelling so we got Little Current.
My voice also weakens very much when a horse I discuss is a loser...it happened again today as it had done at Churchill with Snow Chief. I knew then that Snow Chief could not win just as today I knew that Doug's Buddy could not win besides the fact that he shook his head so I could see that he was saying no.
I had picked Sabrecat as a possibility believe it or not myself but when it came time to play I stayed with the favorite using longshots only in the trifecta which I did try to play.
But the 8 horse had been picked in a facebook note and sure enough, the guy who was talking to me won with it and was kind enough to have placed a bet for me which I accepted so I won because of him. He was a really nice guy to do that and as that has happened so seldom in my life I was in shock about it...I really like him for that.
On that note, sounding off and leaving the premises....gotta be careful til December.
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