Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Playing the horses

I will share a few of my secrets here about horses and racing at the local tracks. One is that many people believe that races are fixed. It would be very difficult to prove that they are, as nobody will ever admit to it, but the word always gets out that some how or other a race is fixed. I think that owners would object to that idea since they are the ones bearing the costs and expenses most in this game, but one never knows if it is possible for jockeys and or trainers to really fix a race so that a horse will or won't win. It works that horses can be drugged to slow down as well as speed up in the world of those who believe that medicines are used for those purposes.

My secret in winning a race is to study the horses's behaviour. If a horse looks as though he is concentrating on the race by putting his head down even with his body, so that he looks straight, it usually means that he is somehow or other concentrating his energy on that race. If his tail swishes, it often means that he is a happy horse, that he is eager to race, and if he is sometimes acting up, trying to stand up, and appears to be moving about a lot, it indicates that he is full of run and energy so that he may be a contender. The horses that generally look straight ahead with head pointed forward come in first or second I have noticed. The horses themselves know what is up. I watched when horses seemed to concentrate on me, and then would win. I had no idea what it was that caused that but if I went to the stalls to watch them get dressed for the race, I would notice their way of looking at me. It made me take notice of them. I began then to study their body language and behaviour.

In truth and honesty, those are the best ways to win a race. You must see the horse for yourself and watch his behaviour and then you can find the horse who will be in the money.

I thought of writing a blog about winning horse races, and so I studied the patterns of jockeys and trainers for certain tracks. Some tracks use the same jockeys repeatedly which is the best way for the bettor to follow the pattern of a jockey. Knowing the streaks of wins and losses by a given jockey does help to make bets, especially exotic bets.

I will post this to facebook as I know there are people there who are interested in this topic. I have kept silent long enough and horses need care and attention.

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