I watched half this movie last night, and because of wanting to see Big Brother After Dark to learn how the contest for head of household ended as well as who got back into the house from the jury room, I tried to watch both. I stopped the movie halfway through because frankly it is a maddening film to watch. It is full of cruelties and debauchery such that one can only take it a little at a time. It is a very absorbing film, probably satisfying anyone's lusts who want to watch actual rape scenes, even some of those which were deleted, which show up in the special features section. I did think about this movie all night long, realiziing that this story is as common as the day is long. In fact, I use scenes similar to these in my story of Alexander's youth so as to shed some light on his childhood experiences which helped to shape his personality.
The special features section do bring you back to reality when you view the photos of Saddam Hussein and his sons. It makes one appreciate the difference between reality and filmdom's presentation of a distorted viewpoint of that very same reality.
One of the htings that I am wrestling with is of course the story of Alexander the Great's ease in killing entire bands of soldiers, and also communities, which would include women and children who are usually taken as slaves to work the mines, or to march with the troops.
So while I am slowly getting back to rewriting my novel to make it the way I want, I am dwelling on the development of characters in childhood who are the main body of Alexander's officer corps. So this movie did make me think a bit about how even Iraq and Iran and other Muslim nations are still influenced by the stories of the past so that they accept with ease the ongoing military lifesytle in all its cruel ways.
Seeing all the tanks and weapons reminded me of the deals that Saddam Hussein had made with Donald Rumsfield years ago so that America is responsible for making and selling instruments of wars to countless nations, including Iraq, Israel, and Iran. Russia is likewise just as guilty as demonstrated today in the ongoing war in Egypt. If Egypt can't get help from America ( meaning supplies, weapons, and armament) they can get it from Russia.
I am thinking that Americans cannot be naive to the point that we forget that we are employing people to make weapons that do kill people in other parts of the world. America has to become wise to the fact that we will pay for that sooner or later as well.
President Eisenhower warned the world years ago about this militant economic power and unfortunately, few people ever truly listen to the advice of old Generals who can foresee the dangers of military might and power.
So this movie made me see how a truly sick mentally disturbed young man who is the son of a dictator president was so deranged that he frightened everyone around him. Only a few ever were able to survive his grip. He was finally brought down by the powerful USA who under the guidance of George Bush, son of former President George Bush, ventured to take Iraq out despite their so called lack of involvement in the 9/11 debacle.
Today, nobody truly knows the real truth about who is behind 9/11 as many of the Muslim world wish to take credit for it while the USA wants to pin it on Osama bin Laden. Those who know Osama bin Laden intimately and well do not believe that he could be the real KingPin mastermind of the 9/11 terrorists, but is only the fall guy for the operation. There is strong resemblance between the characters of Lafit and Osama bin Laden in the appearance of moustaches if one looks closely. Like the story 1984 and Big Brother on national t.v., nothing is ever as it seems.
Despite it all, all the changes in the Muslim world continue to come with violence and bloodshed, all thinking martyrdom a pathway to Heaven. Such a dreadful way to view life on earth! But that is all that I am pondering about this now...more if something does not come along to forget it all.
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