Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Syria and chemical weapons

Tonight on the news is a story of chemical weapons being used in Syria against a group of innocents, mostly children, in a suburb of Damascus.   There were people who were writhing from the damage of the poisonous substance used against them.  They were in great pain and agony.  Death is the eventual outcome, and scores of children lay dead in body bags lined up on the floor.  United Nations officials are going to try to enter the area to learn what happened there. It seems as if the only answer is the use of chemical weapons.

I received a post in my Facebook newsfeed accusing the USA of supplying these chemical weapons to the Syrians.  This must be proved to be stopped if true, and if false, to stop accusations against the  USA.  Americans do not need to pay any price for the savagery of this particular war.  However, it does appear that America is involved in a covert way.

Besides Syria, Egypt is having its own difficulties.  Some have advised that we not send financial aid to Egypt until they regain control of their government.  Democracies in Muslim nations are at best a farce, but Americans love to impose their own defunct methods onto other nations so that the Egyptians held an election but the majority of the people soon turned against the elected leader so that he has been removed from office.  The military had to take over to put an interim president into office who told a reporter the other night that if America cuts off aid to Egypt, then it can turn to Russia for help.

Cutting off aid to Egypt means loss of jobs in America.  Aid to Egypt is actually in the form of weapons built at American plants which provide jobs for Americans.  Russia would be all too happy to gain the support of Egypt if Americans cop out on their own job producing efforts...What a farce that is too.

It is probably time that Americans learn to understand how the real world works.  Don't make hasty decisions which will cost Americans their own comfortable lifestyle.  It is not pretty to learn that Americans depend upon dissension in other nations to make a living at home.  But the truth is that making Egypt dependent upon America for its arsenal means jobs here at home.

Everyone thinks that they want world peace.  Peace comes often at a higher price than war games it would seem.  Some financiers are making a lot of profit from all these war games while we at home look aghast at the sight of dead children and writhing victims pleading for help.  In good conscience, we must admit that we are a part of the problem.

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