I had no sooner finished writing my thoughts about the aging process which leads us to that final door for the flesh: death than when the next morning I woke up to read on facebook some comment by the Dalai Lama on the distribution of wealth on the face of the earth.
I recall that I had been discussing my adventure into the world of financial family planning which I had taken up years ago in the 80's to then understand that marketing is a quantitative matter. The more one sells of any item the more one makes. It is no wonder that singers and actors and actresses make so much money since their songs and movies are played and distributed into so many outlets. It is simply a matter of simple arithmetic. With 50 states and the world as well to market one's works in, one can make one big heap amount of money. It is better to sell as much as possible in huge quanitities at low prices than to sell to one buyer at a megamillion price.
It depends upon the product of course. A giant sized diamond as I saw being sold the other day can only be distributed to one buyer, and that buyer of course is who it is that can afford that megamillion dollar pricetage.
But a song, a poem, a film, a video, any product that can be mass produced can be sold cheaply so that multitudes can purchase that property.
If one saw the movie Jurassic Park one may remember the huge pile of poop left by the dinosaurs. That is the size of millionaires and billionaires wad of dough if compressed into a pile of manure. It is likely that if those same millionaires and billionaires don't learn how to control their own excesses that they will probably end up going the way of the dinosaur as well.
Life is a funny game. Which do you think is better? The man who earns his way to his success, who worked, who toiled, and then took joy and pleasure when rewarded for his efforts, or the man who is a beneficiary of his family's wealth, who only need take up where his parents left off, to carry on for them, without having had the journey that it took to achieve that wealth? Nobody can be sure. It is a fact that the life process for each is totally different. Many parents want their children to have what they had not had so that they can enjoy life in a better way than they themselves had done.
In either case, money management, and understanding of liabilities and assets, financial growth, and continuity are important to keep and maintain this little garden plot of wealth that has occurred with in that family. That is the lot of nations, especially the USA. None of us in our present state of flesh did one thing to earn the right to be an American citizen except to be born here. Each one of us has the duty and the obligation to maintain and to keep the freedoms and the promises of untold wealth that befall us simply for being a part of a system that encourages and fosters great success in our living standards.
So on this Memorial Day weekend, I will stop at this point to return later, just reminding everyone who may read this that we are all the beneficiaries of the work that began 200 years ago and it is up to us to keep and maintain it. Others may emulate or copy us and that would be the decision of those nations to do that if they so choose. We have the duty to appreciate, to develop even further the future of this great nation. Enjoy Memorial Day weekend remembering those who sacrificed so that we can carry on and keep America proud, successful, and free.
Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Friday, May 24, 2013
Jody Arias trial and mistrial on punishment phase
The Jody Arias trial which is about a young woman who took out her vengeance upon a former boyfriend by stabbing him repeatedly, slitting his throat from ear to ear, and shooting him in the head has taken a lot of time in the court. The jury did find her guilty of first degree murder but could not come together to agree upon a decision for death or life in prison without parole.
Does Jody deserve any consideration at all? Her crime is a heinous crime by any standards. What drove her to thrice make certain that her victim was dead for sure is more than anyone can understand. A true case of overkill. There is almost no doubt that she did this in a premeditated and determined manner so that it does make some outsiders wonder at why it is that the jury cannot reach a decision about her final punishment.
Is it because she is young? She lied and twisted her story around so many times that it was mindboggling. Do they feel sorry for her? Or do they think that they choose to make her suffer longer if given life instead of death? Nobody can know the thinking of the jury until they choose to disclose their reasoning but for certain, Jody is no way getting sympathy from onlookers in this county. Everyone has an opinion, and most say death.
Many feel sorry for the victim's family who have had to listen to Jody spin her tale and suffer their loved one's demise without being able to shout back at her to stop telling untruths about their family member. They have sat in silence hoping for closure to this problem. Instead, it will be continued with another jury having to decide what punishment this young woman should receive.
Because of its notoriety, Jody's ability to spin tales so wildly and carelessly, it has caught the attention of the press and the electronic media. It is a big deal in this community, and nobody I have heard has anything good to say about it.
A movie is intended to be made, many books will be published, and all because some young woman who hated some former boyfriend enough to emulate O.J. Simpson in the stabbing and slashing act that brought this trial into being. Isn't it interesting to note that there are no special groups defending Jody? Everyone agrees that this is a deliberate and horrible murder. See how lack of fame and notoriety has impacted this trial in the minds of the people. There is a lesson here somewhere. Though her victim is a male, she is not getting the same coverage as that of O.J. Simpson or even of Scott Peterson. No, this is not California where crimes are often shrugged off due to bleeding hearts. This is Arizona where punishment is swift and severe. Jody picked the wrong state in which to commit her murderous deed.
Personally, I have always thought that society as a whole should act better than the criminal who performed a heinous act. We will see what the next group of jurors will decide if it comes to that.
Does Jody deserve any consideration at all? Her crime is a heinous crime by any standards. What drove her to thrice make certain that her victim was dead for sure is more than anyone can understand. A true case of overkill. There is almost no doubt that she did this in a premeditated and determined manner so that it does make some outsiders wonder at why it is that the jury cannot reach a decision about her final punishment.
Is it because she is young? She lied and twisted her story around so many times that it was mindboggling. Do they feel sorry for her? Or do they think that they choose to make her suffer longer if given life instead of death? Nobody can know the thinking of the jury until they choose to disclose their reasoning but for certain, Jody is no way getting sympathy from onlookers in this county. Everyone has an opinion, and most say death.
Many feel sorry for the victim's family who have had to listen to Jody spin her tale and suffer their loved one's demise without being able to shout back at her to stop telling untruths about their family member. They have sat in silence hoping for closure to this problem. Instead, it will be continued with another jury having to decide what punishment this young woman should receive.
Because of its notoriety, Jody's ability to spin tales so wildly and carelessly, it has caught the attention of the press and the electronic media. It is a big deal in this community, and nobody I have heard has anything good to say about it.
A movie is intended to be made, many books will be published, and all because some young woman who hated some former boyfriend enough to emulate O.J. Simpson in the stabbing and slashing act that brought this trial into being. Isn't it interesting to note that there are no special groups defending Jody? Everyone agrees that this is a deliberate and horrible murder. See how lack of fame and notoriety has impacted this trial in the minds of the people. There is a lesson here somewhere. Though her victim is a male, she is not getting the same coverage as that of O.J. Simpson or even of Scott Peterson. No, this is not California where crimes are often shrugged off due to bleeding hearts. This is Arizona where punishment is swift and severe. Jody picked the wrong state in which to commit her murderous deed.
Personally, I have always thought that society as a whole should act better than the criminal who performed a heinous act. We will see what the next group of jurors will decide if it comes to that.
Life's Uncertainties and one sure certainty!
Life is somewhere between conception, deliverance into infancy, and then growth into an adult until death opens its door. Some of course do not make it into adulthood but a few do, and some few age for a very long time before they can get entry into the next stage of this ongoing drama.
Mankind has speculated about the meaning of life for years, centuries, and has never really solved the riddle of why he is born on the face of the earth to live a number of days doing whatever is in his capacity to achieve or accomplish. He is threatened with eternal punishment if he does not subscribe to some rule, regulation, or belief and thus is blackmailed into a behavior which some religious or government belief has hoisted upon him. Some accept religious beliefs wholeheartedly, simply, and devotedly, while others reject, complain, and explain why such nonsense as heaven and hell is surely somebody's fantasy with no sense of reality. Nobody really knows of course. But many wars, many governments, many civilizations have thrived simply due to a common belief in some deity and its expectations for mankind to follow some creed or belief system.
But one thing is certain, and that is that death will come whether young or old, and one is never fully prepared for it. One wonders how one should prepare for death. Life in itself is an ongoing experience in which one sets goals for one's self, or simply follows a pattern of life that is acceptable to the community, and settles into becoming a part of a social unit, doing whatever it is that one can do to survive his or her environment. Getting a job, holding it, and building a family appears to be the norm for most people to survive in the community. Again, it depends upon where one is born, what religious body rules, and whether government is free or bound to that religious belief.
I am writing this out because I am having to gain control over the final years of my life so that I do myself right and am able to take care of myself as I age. I just signed a year's lease on this apartment where I live, and I am in the process of determining how to manage my finances so that I can survive the remaining years of my life in a way that will be the most comfortable for me.
Years ago, I subscribed to a family financial planning program, and it was in the 80's that I realized how one can become filthy rich if that is one's desire and goal. It is simply a matter of mathematics, and a matter of quantity mathematics. It is a number's game. I did also realize that probably being excessively rich might be the worst thing that could happen to someone. I studied many different businesses to learn which business is the most likely to be successful for a young entrepreneur, and decided that infomation is the best business that one can undertake if serious. There are many ways that one can make money but one must consider loss before gains to really become successful. Business and capitalism is the hardest game in town and is one reason that socialism or communism appeals to so many. Businesses survival is a war zone. One must be realistic to understand that one is competing, and one cannot compete unless one outsells and outperforms its competitor. A lot like the survival game which is played on national television. Someone has to be defeated while someone else wins out.
If one does adhere to a religious concept, and truly believes in it, that religious belief may be more important and powerful to an individual than success in the business world. Many religious beliefs vary from one another in the set of rules to achieve so called eternal life or a spiritual Heaven but each has guidelines by which a single person can achieve his or her own path to that place or abode known as Heaven.
Life is material but many religious beliefs teach that one should not succumb to material goods but instead place their faith in spiritual treasures. If one's true purpose in being born is to succeed in passing through all the trials and temptations of earthly wonders so that one sets one's goal to achieve Heaven, one will study the various religious programs, rites, and rituals, guides, and rules to achieve Heaven instead of worldly gains. Monasteries, convents, and sects attract many to their lifestyles which appear to give the promise of hope for eternal life in a Heavenly Paradise.
These groups follow their master teacher who they believe has shown them the way to overcome the temptations of the world to find glory and salvation through following their leader. It is a matter of free will and free choice if one wants to believe in that kind of path to Heaven.
However, most of mankind does not become that devoted or dedicated to the cause of Heaven, and only hopes that God in a merciful way will allow the ordinary life to be a way to Heaven also.
Which means of course then that if judged at the end of life for what one has done or not done to his fellow man when given the chance, that his life will be based not necessarily on his work record, or his success rate, but rather on his achievement of being and doing good to mankind around him.
In our daily lives, we have examples of Heaven and Hell in terms of simply living well or living badly all around us. We have governments establish laws to protect us, and then find that governments are too incompetent at times to enforce the rules of those very laws that we have made to protect ourselves. Why have a law if it cannot be enforced?
Good government depends upon good people. Religious bodies to accomplish their goals depend upon good people. Life to be good depends upon people being good and doing good to one another. Goodness is the key ingredient to a happy life on the face of the earth. No matter what happens at death, the time spent in living can be either good or bad, and it all depends upon how man defines and explains goodness in our lives.
So for goodness sake, I will conclude this now, publish it, and think about it. I have only a few years left in my life. I want to make them as happy for me as I can. So I will continue with this thought after I sleep on it. Good night.
Mankind has speculated about the meaning of life for years, centuries, and has never really solved the riddle of why he is born on the face of the earth to live a number of days doing whatever is in his capacity to achieve or accomplish. He is threatened with eternal punishment if he does not subscribe to some rule, regulation, or belief and thus is blackmailed into a behavior which some religious or government belief has hoisted upon him. Some accept religious beliefs wholeheartedly, simply, and devotedly, while others reject, complain, and explain why such nonsense as heaven and hell is surely somebody's fantasy with no sense of reality. Nobody really knows of course. But many wars, many governments, many civilizations have thrived simply due to a common belief in some deity and its expectations for mankind to follow some creed or belief system.
But one thing is certain, and that is that death will come whether young or old, and one is never fully prepared for it. One wonders how one should prepare for death. Life in itself is an ongoing experience in which one sets goals for one's self, or simply follows a pattern of life that is acceptable to the community, and settles into becoming a part of a social unit, doing whatever it is that one can do to survive his or her environment. Getting a job, holding it, and building a family appears to be the norm for most people to survive in the community. Again, it depends upon where one is born, what religious body rules, and whether government is free or bound to that religious belief.
I am writing this out because I am having to gain control over the final years of my life so that I do myself right and am able to take care of myself as I age. I just signed a year's lease on this apartment where I live, and I am in the process of determining how to manage my finances so that I can survive the remaining years of my life in a way that will be the most comfortable for me.
Years ago, I subscribed to a family financial planning program, and it was in the 80's that I realized how one can become filthy rich if that is one's desire and goal. It is simply a matter of mathematics, and a matter of quantity mathematics. It is a number's game. I did also realize that probably being excessively rich might be the worst thing that could happen to someone. I studied many different businesses to learn which business is the most likely to be successful for a young entrepreneur, and decided that infomation is the best business that one can undertake if serious. There are many ways that one can make money but one must consider loss before gains to really become successful. Business and capitalism is the hardest game in town and is one reason that socialism or communism appeals to so many. Businesses survival is a war zone. One must be realistic to understand that one is competing, and one cannot compete unless one outsells and outperforms its competitor. A lot like the survival game which is played on national television. Someone has to be defeated while someone else wins out.
If one does adhere to a religious concept, and truly believes in it, that religious belief may be more important and powerful to an individual than success in the business world. Many religious beliefs vary from one another in the set of rules to achieve so called eternal life or a spiritual Heaven but each has guidelines by which a single person can achieve his or her own path to that place or abode known as Heaven.
Life is material but many religious beliefs teach that one should not succumb to material goods but instead place their faith in spiritual treasures. If one's true purpose in being born is to succeed in passing through all the trials and temptations of earthly wonders so that one sets one's goal to achieve Heaven, one will study the various religious programs, rites, and rituals, guides, and rules to achieve Heaven instead of worldly gains. Monasteries, convents, and sects attract many to their lifestyles which appear to give the promise of hope for eternal life in a Heavenly Paradise.
These groups follow their master teacher who they believe has shown them the way to overcome the temptations of the world to find glory and salvation through following their leader. It is a matter of free will and free choice if one wants to believe in that kind of path to Heaven.
However, most of mankind does not become that devoted or dedicated to the cause of Heaven, and only hopes that God in a merciful way will allow the ordinary life to be a way to Heaven also.
Which means of course then that if judged at the end of life for what one has done or not done to his fellow man when given the chance, that his life will be based not necessarily on his work record, or his success rate, but rather on his achievement of being and doing good to mankind around him.
In our daily lives, we have examples of Heaven and Hell in terms of simply living well or living badly all around us. We have governments establish laws to protect us, and then find that governments are too incompetent at times to enforce the rules of those very laws that we have made to protect ourselves. Why have a law if it cannot be enforced?
Good government depends upon good people. Religious bodies to accomplish their goals depend upon good people. Life to be good depends upon people being good and doing good to one another. Goodness is the key ingredient to a happy life on the face of the earth. No matter what happens at death, the time spent in living can be either good or bad, and it all depends upon how man defines and explains goodness in our lives.
So for goodness sake, I will conclude this now, publish it, and think about it. I have only a few years left in my life. I want to make them as happy for me as I can. So I will continue with this thought after I sleep on it. Good night.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Powerball Lottery Game
Some lucky stiff in Florida won the $590,000,000 Powerball jackpot all alone apparently. The ticket was sold at a Publix store in Zephyrhill, Florida, according to the LATimes. I read the ticker on the Powerball page to learn that one lone ticket had been sold in Florida. The LATimes had the story right away as well.
All this thanks to Twitter by the way.
I tried Lottery Hub but it did not work correctly so I disinstalled it. Went to my gmail to find a welcome from them but I have already opted out of it. I don't really ever play powerball any more. It is far too expensive for me to play at $2.00 a hit and $1.00 more for a power play that would double your money.
It has 59 numbers to use for the first five with 35 for the power ball. Believe it or not, with my method of playng lottery games, 59 is better than the 35. But I won't explain all that now.
At any rate, I had expected to pay only $2.00 for my two tickets but learned that the price has increased to $2.00 per ticket. Outrageous but greed has a way of attracting people right and left. I did play this time round and wondered at msyelf, but the numbers I had were good and did fit in with the usual past ten rhythm. So you never know.
I am trying to keep up with the Pick to win it sometime. But in the meantime, I have to take care of my personal probelms first so that this week's lottery games were a side amusement and distraction. For a moment, we can all dream of becoming instant megarich winners. That old needle in the haystack has pricked someone in Florida now.
What intrigues me is how everyone thinks of how they want to spend it. The t.v. groups always ask questions about what will you do with it? Frankly, I think it such an overwhelming sum of money that one cannot imagine what one will do. Fly first class naturally. Travel worldwide for me. Charity, yes, but after we take care of family and friends first. Charity begins at home they say.
Then the bubble bursts. We all had our chance. It missed us. But soon it will happen again, and like idiots all, we will once again take a chance to see if this time it might make us happy for a short while.
I wonder why it is that all the really true billionaires of the world don't do all the things that at lottery time everyone discusses in terms of charitable gifts. It makes me wonder. When you have it, it seems that you deal with it differently than when it is just a pipedream.
All this thanks to Twitter by the way.
I tried Lottery Hub but it did not work correctly so I disinstalled it. Went to my gmail to find a welcome from them but I have already opted out of it. I don't really ever play powerball any more. It is far too expensive for me to play at $2.00 a hit and $1.00 more for a power play that would double your money.
It has 59 numbers to use for the first five with 35 for the power ball. Believe it or not, with my method of playng lottery games, 59 is better than the 35. But I won't explain all that now.
At any rate, I had expected to pay only $2.00 for my two tickets but learned that the price has increased to $2.00 per ticket. Outrageous but greed has a way of attracting people right and left. I did play this time round and wondered at msyelf, but the numbers I had were good and did fit in with the usual past ten rhythm. So you never know.
I am trying to keep up with the Pick to win it sometime. But in the meantime, I have to take care of my personal probelms first so that this week's lottery games were a side amusement and distraction. For a moment, we can all dream of becoming instant megarich winners. That old needle in the haystack has pricked someone in Florida now.
What intrigues me is how everyone thinks of how they want to spend it. The t.v. groups always ask questions about what will you do with it? Frankly, I think it such an overwhelming sum of money that one cannot imagine what one will do. Fly first class naturally. Travel worldwide for me. Charity, yes, but after we take care of family and friends first. Charity begins at home they say.
Then the bubble bursts. We all had our chance. It missed us. But soon it will happen again, and like idiots all, we will once again take a chance to see if this time it might make us happy for a short while.
I wonder why it is that all the really true billionaires of the world don't do all the things that at lottery time everyone discusses in terms of charitable gifts. It makes me wonder. When you have it, it seems that you deal with it differently than when it is just a pipedream.
Preakness Stakes
There is always a third. I have unique experiences but at least they are honest and true, and I continue to make the same mistakes each and every time...dang it...I keep wondering...what is wrong with me? So this is what happened this time.
I decided I would go to a place called The Tavern to watch the Preakness instead of going to Turf Paradise, Armadillo, or what used to be Brennan's now called BT's or Buff's. Never sure what exactly but the same place and people regardless. Always otb's are over crowded for major events and I do not like to go to them at all when they are that busy but this time I did not want to trek to Turf Paradise so decided to go to the nearest and closest to me which is a place called The Tavern. OMG, it was so packed with people I could hardly believe it.
But on the way in to the restaurant bar, I received the word that Oxbow would win, that it was D.Wayne Lucas's Day. So I went in thinking Oxbow but once inside, I was lucky to find a place to sit but did not ever get anyone to even ask if I wanted anything so I did not buy anything but just watched the Pimlico action that was on the t.v. I like the place for having a lot of t.v. action but they do not have enough machines or sellers. They have only two girls selling tickets but it worked out all right as people kept a steady flow and I watched as they placed their bets.
I kept thinking oxbow but I watched the horses parade onto the track and was planning not to bet at all.
I did place a very light exacta bet but forgot to bet my short bet on Oxbow...what a jerk I am. I nearly ran up to the window again to do it but by then it was loading the gate so I had to watch.
Now why this is so exasperating as I was very sure the entire while and lord almighty look what happened...He took off running and would not stop at all...nobody was going to get him today. Good except for the fact that I did not get my bet placed.
Which had happened to me when it was Strike the Gold and I was at Turf Paradise then years ago, and later Fusiachi Pegasus, which came to me at the library. Did I ever listen to these esp type whispers in my ear? Not on your life. So I have to moan and groan kicking my butt for failing to bet on a sure thing.
I have to sigh and say get on with it but I have learned to depend upon these inner voices and their correctness but to go and not capitalize on it makes me furious with myself. Does that mean that I am hopeless. It also happened to another horse which I later did win with, and that was Trinniberg. I sat on my butt and had listened to my inner voice give me the winner but I sat and watched it, and satisfied that all my inner knowledge is true, it really hurt me this day. I was so mad at myself for having fallen into this pattern of receiving but not acting upon it. Not to say that there are times that I don't listen and do bet, but why so often that I don't...I wish I knew so I could correct it and win next time it happens.
And I am sure that it will happen again. It makes me trust the races more than distrust them. I know for a fact that something is very real about them and that they are on the up and up this way. But I cannot and do not know to identify this voice from within. It just is a voice that gives me the winners now and then, not always. Just on races that I never forget after it happens. What a mess I am at times.
But you see this is why I knew I would not bet right today. I did not have money to go for what I wanted, but I did think I would try the 50 cent trifecta. I ended up doing only a 3 horse exacta box, and a lousy one at that. But I had intended to bet oxbow single. I always win single but I have had luck with a trifecta and even a superfecta. My next big goal is the super high five which I just learned how to do.
So now I wait for the Belmont. I will go to Turf Paradise for that. I will not take another chance like today. I will make it this time. I am just that angry with myself for failing myself this time round. But happy for Gary and D.Wayne Lucas. I wish I knew who had sent me that tip. It was a good one. Thanks, whoever, and do it again please when I will listen and win with the bet.
I decided I would go to a place called The Tavern to watch the Preakness instead of going to Turf Paradise, Armadillo, or what used to be Brennan's now called BT's or Buff's. Never sure what exactly but the same place and people regardless. Always otb's are over crowded for major events and I do not like to go to them at all when they are that busy but this time I did not want to trek to Turf Paradise so decided to go to the nearest and closest to me which is a place called The Tavern. OMG, it was so packed with people I could hardly believe it.
But on the way in to the restaurant bar, I received the word that Oxbow would win, that it was D.Wayne Lucas's Day. So I went in thinking Oxbow but once inside, I was lucky to find a place to sit but did not ever get anyone to even ask if I wanted anything so I did not buy anything but just watched the Pimlico action that was on the t.v. I like the place for having a lot of t.v. action but they do not have enough machines or sellers. They have only two girls selling tickets but it worked out all right as people kept a steady flow and I watched as they placed their bets.
I kept thinking oxbow but I watched the horses parade onto the track and was planning not to bet at all.
I did place a very light exacta bet but forgot to bet my short bet on Oxbow...what a jerk I am. I nearly ran up to the window again to do it but by then it was loading the gate so I had to watch.
Now why this is so exasperating as I was very sure the entire while and lord almighty look what happened...He took off running and would not stop at all...nobody was going to get him today. Good except for the fact that I did not get my bet placed.
Which had happened to me when it was Strike the Gold and I was at Turf Paradise then years ago, and later Fusiachi Pegasus, which came to me at the library. Did I ever listen to these esp type whispers in my ear? Not on your life. So I have to moan and groan kicking my butt for failing to bet on a sure thing.
I have to sigh and say get on with it but I have learned to depend upon these inner voices and their correctness but to go and not capitalize on it makes me furious with myself. Does that mean that I am hopeless. It also happened to another horse which I later did win with, and that was Trinniberg. I sat on my butt and had listened to my inner voice give me the winner but I sat and watched it, and satisfied that all my inner knowledge is true, it really hurt me this day. I was so mad at myself for having fallen into this pattern of receiving but not acting upon it. Not to say that there are times that I don't listen and do bet, but why so often that I don't...I wish I knew so I could correct it and win next time it happens.
And I am sure that it will happen again. It makes me trust the races more than distrust them. I know for a fact that something is very real about them and that they are on the up and up this way. But I cannot and do not know to identify this voice from within. It just is a voice that gives me the winners now and then, not always. Just on races that I never forget after it happens. What a mess I am at times.
But you see this is why I knew I would not bet right today. I did not have money to go for what I wanted, but I did think I would try the 50 cent trifecta. I ended up doing only a 3 horse exacta box, and a lousy one at that. But I had intended to bet oxbow single. I always win single but I have had luck with a trifecta and even a superfecta. My next big goal is the super high five which I just learned how to do.
So now I wait for the Belmont. I will go to Turf Paradise for that. I will not take another chance like today. I will make it this time. I am just that angry with myself for failing myself this time round. But happy for Gary and D.Wayne Lucas. I wish I knew who had sent me that tip. It was a good one. Thanks, whoever, and do it again please when I will listen and win with the bet.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Preakness Stakes
The Preakness field is narrowed to nine horses. Orb is the favorite and Departing, the winner of the Illinois Derby is second favorite, while Golden Cents is third at 8 -1. Included are MyLute, Oxbow, Will Take Charge, and It's My Lucky Day, and Titletown Five, and maybe Governor Charlie. On Tuesday, Bob Baffert will decide if he will run Governor Charlie in this race or not. Vyjack will not run in this race his owner has decided. He believes that he will try Vyjack on turf.
In an earlier post I discussed the nature of the Triple Crown stakes. It is a very difficult thing for one horse to race in a few weeks against horses who have not raced at all and are considered fresh horses. It would appear that only Departing, Governor Charlie, and Titletown Five qualify as fresh horses so if that axiom runs true, it is possible that one of those could defeat the winner of the Kentucky Derby, Orb.
Usually, it is the third leg of the Triple Crown where an unknown out of the blue fresh horse steals away the crown from the victor of the first two legs. But there have been occasions where it is the Preakness that is the tougher of the two legs. So there is a chance that a horse could defeat Orb but most backers will find that unlikely.
Some believe that the crown has not been won due to the number of horses entered into the Derby. It is as if the only reason these races are offered is just to win that elusive crown. It is a challenge and a testament to a horse's ability as well as his opponents, not the real reason to enter the race at all. The real reason is as with any stakes race, a contest amongst horses of similar capabilities to learn which on a given day has the strength, stamina, endurance, and will to win.
What makes horse racing more interesting and fun to bet in these times is the novelty of the exotic races, the trifecta, the superfecta, and the super high five bets. Not just the owners benefit from fourth or fifth position, but also the gamblers who keep this game going. It is amazing at how much one can win on an exotic trifecta alone. The trifecta narrows it down to the first three horses so don't think that gamblers are necessarily for favorites to win all the time at all. Orb will be having many who are willing for him to relinquish his title to another if the other pays a bettor a bigger return.
Rosie Napravnik will get a lot of backing. Nobody would be dismayed if MyLute were to win this race with her riding him, but it is unlikely that Orb will be defeated by MyLute at this point in time. Orb has been improving and improving so that he is on a run. It is just interesting to see now how far that run will extend. He has won five races in a row. Can he make it six? and then seven? We will see.
Preakness Time
The Preakness is the second leg of the Triple Crown, a marathon race in which a horse enters three different stakes races as a three year old. Any horse that can win all three races in succession is called the Triple Crown Winner. This has not happened since the 70's in which three horses in a single decade accomplished the feat. The first was Secretariat, the second was Affirmed, and the last was Seattle Slew. I remember that decade well, as I was back in the eastern half of the nation then. I watched Secretariat win when in the state of Michigan, and I witnessed the Affirmed and Seattle Slew victories when I lived in the state of Florida. Interesting that both are peninsula states.
Since then it has been the trainers who have designed the way to either win or lose at these stake races. They would hold their horses out from a race so that they could enter a later race with a fresh horse. This was very obvious in a race with Winning Colors, a filly that a trainer, Woody Stephens, determined to beat no matter what. So since he was so successful at that trick, other trainers learned from him that it is pretty easy to beat a horse who has raced successfully in the first two legs to be pretty much unable to with stand the competition from a horse that is destined for only the third leg. Thus, we have had no winners of the Triple Crown since the 70's. Wonder if Orb will win the first two to do as so many have done, fade out in the Belmont.
There are a few newcomers to the Preakness while most of the runners in the Kentucky Derby have declined to race in the Preakness but there are enough who like Orb are also rans in the Derby who will be there to challenge him to a good and fair race. The horse, Departing, who won the Illinois Derby, is considered by most as the only challenger to Orb but that remains to be seen. Since it was an off track, and mud being driven into a horse's face probably cost it momentum, it will take a dry track to see if Orb is truly the wonder horse that all his backers believe him to be.
If Orb does win, and goes on to face the same group of horses three weeks later in New York for the Belmont stakes, and he does not have a serious contender in a fresh horse seeking to win he could become the first Triple Crown winner since Seattle Slew won in the late 70's. One wonders whether the drought is near an end, and of course, bets have been taken on this along the way. But the most important part of the equation in this particular race lies with the owners and the trainer. For some reason, the media elements have capitalized on the Phipps family and the trainer Shug. Some blogger even suggested that it was a form of Old School Racing that won the Derby. He seemed to challenge the likes of D.Wayne Lucas and Todd Pletcher who are made out to be glory seeking trainers.
Shug is a trainer who only puts horses in who he believes will win. If every trainer did that, the Derby would probably be cut down to five horses in the field, and one of those five trainers would be right. I do not find fault with D. Wayne Lucas, Todd Pletcher, or Doug O'Neill for finding horses to enter who can be in the money and are not necessarily winners all. Horse racing is not just for trainers who must always win, win, win. California racing is certainly proof of that. Horseracing has fallen into total disarray in that the fields are so small. It is not fun to bet on California races any longer.
So what will happen this Saturday at the Preakness? Will Orb win again? Will Shug finally be ready to claim a Triple Crown winner? The Phipps family? Or will another trainer and horse steal the show? That is why it is a horse race? Your bet is as good as mine.
Since then it has been the trainers who have designed the way to either win or lose at these stake races. They would hold their horses out from a race so that they could enter a later race with a fresh horse. This was very obvious in a race with Winning Colors, a filly that a trainer, Woody Stephens, determined to beat no matter what. So since he was so successful at that trick, other trainers learned from him that it is pretty easy to beat a horse who has raced successfully in the first two legs to be pretty much unable to with stand the competition from a horse that is destined for only the third leg. Thus, we have had no winners of the Triple Crown since the 70's. Wonder if Orb will win the first two to do as so many have done, fade out in the Belmont.
There are a few newcomers to the Preakness while most of the runners in the Kentucky Derby have declined to race in the Preakness but there are enough who like Orb are also rans in the Derby who will be there to challenge him to a good and fair race. The horse, Departing, who won the Illinois Derby, is considered by most as the only challenger to Orb but that remains to be seen. Since it was an off track, and mud being driven into a horse's face probably cost it momentum, it will take a dry track to see if Orb is truly the wonder horse that all his backers believe him to be.
If Orb does win, and goes on to face the same group of horses three weeks later in New York for the Belmont stakes, and he does not have a serious contender in a fresh horse seeking to win he could become the first Triple Crown winner since Seattle Slew won in the late 70's. One wonders whether the drought is near an end, and of course, bets have been taken on this along the way. But the most important part of the equation in this particular race lies with the owners and the trainer. For some reason, the media elements have capitalized on the Phipps family and the trainer Shug. Some blogger even suggested that it was a form of Old School Racing that won the Derby. He seemed to challenge the likes of D.Wayne Lucas and Todd Pletcher who are made out to be glory seeking trainers.
Shug is a trainer who only puts horses in who he believes will win. If every trainer did that, the Derby would probably be cut down to five horses in the field, and one of those five trainers would be right. I do not find fault with D. Wayne Lucas, Todd Pletcher, or Doug O'Neill for finding horses to enter who can be in the money and are not necessarily winners all. Horse racing is not just for trainers who must always win, win, win. California racing is certainly proof of that. Horseracing has fallen into total disarray in that the fields are so small. It is not fun to bet on California races any longer.
So what will happen this Saturday at the Preakness? Will Orb win again? Will Shug finally be ready to claim a Triple Crown winner? The Phipps family? Or will another trainer and horse steal the show? That is why it is a horse race? Your bet is as good as mine.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Dreams and their meaning
I have dreams every night in which I am quite active. Some I remember so well that I can recall them even a week later. Others appear to be erased firmly from my mind and all that I can recall is that I either liked it or disliked it immensely. Usually I dislike most of them.
But this morning I had a strange dream about my dad. I could see him far away at a distance from me washing his car, but in this case, it was a long red limousine. It actually changed in the dream from a regular sedan into a limousine. Next thing I know I am driving the limousine and trying to maneuver it through a parking lot whereupon it came apart, half going one way and the other half going another way...why, heck, I have no idea, but everyone was mad at me thinking it was my fault, as I was driving I was looking for the back half of the thing but could not find it anywhere. It ended up coming into view and someone I knew was in it. Then the police were angry at me until I explained what happened and I talked up and back at the officers as I was angry as all heck too...I ended up planning to go to court to make the company pay for it since it should not have come apart as it had. Really weird dream...imagine!This guy was screaming at me, You will never drive a car in this state again, and I was screaming back, like you think I would want to, but you are so dead wrong...it was very strange the way it worked out finally in my favor. Weird!
So now I am planning to go to Fashion Square to pay my bill and may do a little looking around.
But this morning I had a strange dream about my dad. I could see him far away at a distance from me washing his car, but in this case, it was a long red limousine. It actually changed in the dream from a regular sedan into a limousine. Next thing I know I am driving the limousine and trying to maneuver it through a parking lot whereupon it came apart, half going one way and the other half going another way...why, heck, I have no idea, but everyone was mad at me thinking it was my fault, as I was driving I was looking for the back half of the thing but could not find it anywhere. It ended up coming into view and someone I knew was in it. Then the police were angry at me until I explained what happened and I talked up and back at the officers as I was angry as all heck too...I ended up planning to go to court to make the company pay for it since it should not have come apart as it had. Really weird dream...imagine!This guy was screaming at me, You will never drive a car in this state again, and I was screaming back, like you think I would want to, but you are so dead wrong...it was very strange the way it worked out finally in my favor. Weird!
So now I am planning to go to Fashion Square to pay my bill and may do a little looking around.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Learning at Apple
For the past two weeks, I have been fortunate to have the same girl as the tutor or instructor to help me to learn how to use pages for my book. Now granted, I have been redesigning the book in my mind but not on paper. In fact, as time passes, the book changes a lot for me. Partially due to reading other books which impact me, since the first draft is essentially amassing a lot of material to be reworked later. This exercise in learning how to use a computer to help write a book has changed my attitude and my mind about how it will be done from here on so that it is not going to look very much like the original at all.
I had thought originally that I wanted the Iliad to be a background upon which I would write the story so I had to condense the Iliad chapters and use a line from each as a backdrop for my story. I have since decided otherwise despite the fact that it was such an influence on a young, and I mean very young Alexander. The problem is that most people forget how old Alexander was when he began his military life, and in truth, when one realizes that he was so influenced by Achilles, Alexander appears to be at least the proverbial 10 going on 40 since it seems that he is Achilles reborn.
Today I learned from my tudor about a website called Reddit. I have seen Reddit often in the share groups but I had never gone to it or learned what it was. I have now joined it too so that I can find what goes on there.
I had been studying hyperlinks so I showed the tutor the reason that I wanted to know how to use them. A hyperlink can connect two pages with a single word, but one has to know what it is that one wants to connect. I don't know that I can do it at this blogspot or not. I tried a link as a link last time but it did not work as it should have done. Danged if I know why.
Now tonight I was trying to find how to find my bookmarks at my Samsung Galaxy 3 cellphone. So far no success in that either. I will have to ask I guess.
Oh well, this world of hitech is both good and bad. Anyone can rip anyone off it seems with ease when one publishes a work of any kind on the internet. I dislike that but know that there is little to prevent it.
Anyway, while checking on both Louis XIV and Alexander at Reddit, I found more references to Hitler again there. More the reason to write the book. People impose beliefs from today on yesterday far too easily. But this learning pages is slower than I anticipated, and I have not gotten back to Scrivener yet but will soon.
I had thought originally that I wanted the Iliad to be a background upon which I would write the story so I had to condense the Iliad chapters and use a line from each as a backdrop for my story. I have since decided otherwise despite the fact that it was such an influence on a young, and I mean very young Alexander. The problem is that most people forget how old Alexander was when he began his military life, and in truth, when one realizes that he was so influenced by Achilles, Alexander appears to be at least the proverbial 10 going on 40 since it seems that he is Achilles reborn.
Today I learned from my tudor about a website called Reddit. I have seen Reddit often in the share groups but I had never gone to it or learned what it was. I have now joined it too so that I can find what goes on there.
I had been studying hyperlinks so I showed the tutor the reason that I wanted to know how to use them. A hyperlink can connect two pages with a single word, but one has to know what it is that one wants to connect. I don't know that I can do it at this blogspot or not. I tried a link as a link last time but it did not work as it should have done. Danged if I know why.
Now tonight I was trying to find how to find my bookmarks at my Samsung Galaxy 3 cellphone. So far no success in that either. I will have to ask I guess.
Oh well, this world of hitech is both good and bad. Anyone can rip anyone off it seems with ease when one publishes a work of any kind on the internet. I dislike that but know that there is little to prevent it.
Anyway, while checking on both Louis XIV and Alexander at Reddit, I found more references to Hitler again there. More the reason to write the book. People impose beliefs from today on yesterday far too easily. But this learning pages is slower than I anticipated, and I have not gotten back to Scrivener yet but will soon.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
My day at the Derby
First of all, I did not get any sleep the night before the Derby. I had wanted to make this Derby the one where I would win my superfecta bet, but I could not make it happen. I finally decided after all the work that I had put into it to simply choose the horses which had won four races so that this would be the fifth. Orb was one of those, and Verrazano and Vyjack are the other two.
I won $25.60 on Orb because he turned out to be the favorite along with Revolutionary. The day before in the Kentucky Oaks, Calvin Borel had been aboard Rose to Gold who for some reason or other took a turn left to nearly cut off Dreaming of Julia. It was fortunate that they did not touch so far as I know but the video clearly shows that Borel cut out in front of Julia way too soon to try to get to the rail for which he is famous. When I saw that, I was furious because I had wanted to see Julia at her best winning away...Did he do it deliberately? Most likely, but he timed it badly.
So I got up early, decided to go to Turf Paradise because I had gone to OTB to do the Oaks. I was so miffed because I bet only the Oaks and I had bet on Dreaming of Julia, believing that she, Beholder, and Midnight Lucky would be making a race of it. As it is, Calvin gave it to Princess of Sylmar. I went to his twitter page to see what was there because something alerted me to the fact that he was getting all kinds of criticism. Some guy really took him over the coals. Surely, if you had bet your bundle on Julia you were creamed. Pletcher did say that Julia got creamed at the Gate. Another critic said that she had run her eyeballs out...it is all very annoying when a rider for some reason or other does something so outrageous as to turn you against him. I was so angry I could scream too, because Johnny Velasquez had just returned to riding from time out for an injury. Frankly, I don't think he should have been riding any of his horses either.
However, it is all water under the bridge, and often the jockeys have the trainers over a barrel since they made commitments they cannot change easily. In the end, I know that a good jockey makes all the difference in the world, because I learned that all too well when a jockey took a horse that was behind a wall of horses to find room to get it through to catch the win. I remember that one because it was one I bet on after I read on Twitter that it was up for its race. I took note and decided to bet on it, and next thing I knew it was really having a time getting through all those horses jammed together, but the jockey maneuvered it so that it made it through...I won that day...my one and only bet. Rosario proved it with Orb also. Had he not whipped him when he did, he could have come in to show. But Rosario took charge with the whip so that Orb took off running.
I have trained myself to be careful about betting excessively which is the downfall of any player. Win and quit.
So yes, I won yesterday enough to conceal the pain of losing my bet on Julia the day before. But I had had Julia as a Daily Double with the Derby so I was not happy that she got creamed. But I did not have her paired with Orb so it does not matter. I went straight betting. Did have one exotic exacta box bet and Orb was in it, but I somehow or other, omitted Golden Soul who I had known was good for it...too bad. But so it goes.
Now that the Super five has carried over to Thursday's game, I am considering playing it...if it is playable within my $range.
Everyone is ready for the Preakness. Governor Charlie of Sunland Derby fame will be racing against Orb. Charlie is not one to overlook despite the fact that most believe that Orb is ready for the Preakness. If Charlie does as well as he did at Sunland, but who knows since the track surface does matter, he could defeat Orb. I like him, and Brian Zipse told me that Departing is a likely contender also.
Golden Cents will also be racing against Orb and he has the experience of the Derby behind him too so that it is altogether possible that he could look much like he had in the Santa Anita Derby. So right there are four horses that are capable of winning the Blackeyed Susans on Preakness Day.
For Orb backers, all are hoping for the Triple Crown. That is a lot of racing in a short time but if he is as great as he has proved to be so far, he should handle it. He has probably spent more time racing this year than all the other 3 year olds, so it will be interesting to see if that works in his favor or not.
My neighbor gave me a ride Friday for the Oaks so that I could get there sooner. I told her I hoped to win $50 dollars...small change to big time bettors but to me it is a lot of money right now. She said, "Just so you don't spend more than $2.00." I laughed. "I don't throw my money away," I said. Ha!
So today when I told my story on facebook David Casson responded with but if you had bet $20 you would have won $256. I knew that. I would have had to put up $60 to do that though. It is all put up the money for short bets. I like to put up short money to win long returns...I once won $4.00 on a ten cent bet. A dollar would have been $40. Don't worry. I will get that $100 will get you a $1,000 before too long. Just has to be the right time, right place, right race.
We inch our way to stardom in horseracing. Patience will out! thus, says Shug about Orb!
I won $25.60 on Orb because he turned out to be the favorite along with Revolutionary. The day before in the Kentucky Oaks, Calvin Borel had been aboard Rose to Gold who for some reason or other took a turn left to nearly cut off Dreaming of Julia. It was fortunate that they did not touch so far as I know but the video clearly shows that Borel cut out in front of Julia way too soon to try to get to the rail for which he is famous. When I saw that, I was furious because I had wanted to see Julia at her best winning away...Did he do it deliberately? Most likely, but he timed it badly.
So I got up early, decided to go to Turf Paradise because I had gone to OTB to do the Oaks. I was so miffed because I bet only the Oaks and I had bet on Dreaming of Julia, believing that she, Beholder, and Midnight Lucky would be making a race of it. As it is, Calvin gave it to Princess of Sylmar. I went to his twitter page to see what was there because something alerted me to the fact that he was getting all kinds of criticism. Some guy really took him over the coals. Surely, if you had bet your bundle on Julia you were creamed. Pletcher did say that Julia got creamed at the Gate. Another critic said that she had run her eyeballs out...it is all very annoying when a rider for some reason or other does something so outrageous as to turn you against him. I was so angry I could scream too, because Johnny Velasquez had just returned to riding from time out for an injury. Frankly, I don't think he should have been riding any of his horses either.
However, it is all water under the bridge, and often the jockeys have the trainers over a barrel since they made commitments they cannot change easily. In the end, I know that a good jockey makes all the difference in the world, because I learned that all too well when a jockey took a horse that was behind a wall of horses to find room to get it through to catch the win. I remember that one because it was one I bet on after I read on Twitter that it was up for its race. I took note and decided to bet on it, and next thing I knew it was really having a time getting through all those horses jammed together, but the jockey maneuvered it so that it made it through...I won that day...my one and only bet. Rosario proved it with Orb also. Had he not whipped him when he did, he could have come in to show. But Rosario took charge with the whip so that Orb took off running.
I have trained myself to be careful about betting excessively which is the downfall of any player. Win and quit.
So yes, I won yesterday enough to conceal the pain of losing my bet on Julia the day before. But I had had Julia as a Daily Double with the Derby so I was not happy that she got creamed. But I did not have her paired with Orb so it does not matter. I went straight betting. Did have one exotic exacta box bet and Orb was in it, but I somehow or other, omitted Golden Soul who I had known was good for it...too bad. But so it goes.
Now that the Super five has carried over to Thursday's game, I am considering playing it...if it is playable within my $range.
Everyone is ready for the Preakness. Governor Charlie of Sunland Derby fame will be racing against Orb. Charlie is not one to overlook despite the fact that most believe that Orb is ready for the Preakness. If Charlie does as well as he did at Sunland, but who knows since the track surface does matter, he could defeat Orb. I like him, and Brian Zipse told me that Departing is a likely contender also.
Golden Cents will also be racing against Orb and he has the experience of the Derby behind him too so that it is altogether possible that he could look much like he had in the Santa Anita Derby. So right there are four horses that are capable of winning the Blackeyed Susans on Preakness Day.
For Orb backers, all are hoping for the Triple Crown. That is a lot of racing in a short time but if he is as great as he has proved to be so far, he should handle it. He has probably spent more time racing this year than all the other 3 year olds, so it will be interesting to see if that works in his favor or not.
My neighbor gave me a ride Friday for the Oaks so that I could get there sooner. I told her I hoped to win $50 dollars...small change to big time bettors but to me it is a lot of money right now. She said, "Just so you don't spend more than $2.00." I laughed. "I don't throw my money away," I said. Ha!
So today when I told my story on facebook David Casson responded with but if you had bet $20 you would have won $256. I knew that. I would have had to put up $60 to do that though. It is all put up the money for short bets. I like to put up short money to win long returns...I once won $4.00 on a ten cent bet. A dollar would have been $40. Don't worry. I will get that $100 will get you a $1,000 before too long. Just has to be the right time, right place, right race.
We inch our way to stardom in horseracing. Patience will out! thus, says Shug about Orb!
After the Kentucky Derby
I studied this Kentucky Derby field like everything and when push came to shove, and I had to put up money to make a bet, I went very light and easy does it. I stayed with my usual pattern of two dollar bets untl I find the right place to jump in to swim to my goal. So I bet straight and seldom, but did bet on the favorite as well as my two favorite picks. I know that the track makes the difference but this year everyone was on Orb's bandwagon so I knew he would be the favorite and that the horseracing world wanted Orb to win this one. If one studies the race, as it was a rainy day, if it were not for the jockey, Orb would have been a show horse, as it took Joel to pick up his whip and push him to suddenly take off to win the final finish of the race.
I think all the other jockeys more or less must have also let their horses simply fade away as only a few staggered in early.
So as it turns out, a longshot placed so that the super five did not pay and will have a carryover of $300,033 dollars for the next super five race at Churchill Downs. When I find out what that race is all about, I may jump in for a piece of it. So far, it is unknown to me what is happening that day since nothing is up about it.
But once people learn of its size and opportunity, the payoff will swell to a huge amount and everyone will become aware of it.
So the last remains of the Derby hangover until Thursday, May 5, where one can still recoup his losses if he wants to put up the money to win a high five, always a very difficult bet to win.
I think all the other jockeys more or less must have also let their horses simply fade away as only a few staggered in early.
So as it turns out, a longshot placed so that the super five did not pay and will have a carryover of $300,033 dollars for the next super five race at Churchill Downs. When I find out what that race is all about, I may jump in for a piece of it. So far, it is unknown to me what is happening that day since nothing is up about it.
But once people learn of its size and opportunity, the payoff will swell to a huge amount and everyone will become aware of it.
So the last remains of the Derby hangover until Thursday, May 5, where one can still recoup his losses if he wants to put up the money to win a high five, always a very difficult bet to win.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Kentucky Derby Post Positions and Odds
SBhttp://www.sbnation.com The Kentucky Derby Posts were drawn today. I am trying to win this year instead of merely being a spectator so I decided to write this post to help. I noticed the following formula that the racing secretary has given us to sue to determine our selections:
There are 3 favorites: Orb, Verrazano, and Golden Cents who all fall in a relatively low odds bet that range from 7-2 to 4-1 and 5-1. This is followed by Revolutionary at 10-1, and Normandy Invasion at 12-1.
After that five horses are ranked at 15-1. They are My Lute, Overanalyzed, It's My Lucky Day, Java's War, and Vyjack.
Next there are three horses ranked at 20-1. Palace Malice, Charming Kitten, and Will Take Charge. At 30-1 are Oxbow and Lines of Battle.
Finally, at 50-1 are Black Onyx, Golden Soul, Giant Finish, Falling Sky, and Frac Daddy.
Pretty simple.
To be blunt, I learned that only twice in the past ten years has a favorite won. Longshots seem to prevail in this great run for the roses.
Verrazano has another negative going against him, and that is something called the Apollo's Curse. Orb has not ever had the speed required to win this race according to stats that I have read, and while Golden Cents has neither negative against him, he has the added problem of having to be a back to back winner for his trainer, Doug O'Neil. So in a sense, the odds appear to be really against these three top favorites. Yet, they will draw the most money at the betting window.
MyLute which is a longshot but ridden by a hot jockey and female at that, Rosie Napravnik, is going off at odds of 15 to 1 but you can just bet that on the day of the race her odds will be much lower thanks to all the females in the world who will bet on a female jockey. Likewise, two jockeys from La Croix will get heavy backing because of their minority status.
It turns out that two jockeys who are very well respected and liked have not yet won a Kentucky Derby race and both are on mounts going off at 15 - 1 also. Garrett Gomez on Vyjack and Rafael Bejarano on Overanlyzed have not yet won the big one: The Kentucky Derby.
And then there is Lines of Battle, the winner of the huge race at Dubai, who just now has landed at Churchill Downs. Prejudice against his flying in late from Ireland will probably have him go off at higher than the 30-1 odds set on him now. But he has the potential to walk in and take it away, simply because nobody will be expecting it from the 11th post position.
If it rains, because there is a 60% chance for rain in the evening at Churchill Downs, the track will certainly favor the horses who like the slop. I hope that it will stay dry and fast so that it goes off smoothly for any and all.
Since I used a statistical sheet that gave me Vyjack and Verrazano as the two top speed horses I have stayed in their corner. There are other horses who are nearly as good so I don't and won't put all my eggs in one basket. I hope to win a superfecta if I can make it happen.
It turns out that Vyjack was foaled on Feb.11, which is my birthday so I have taken a good interest in him as a result. He had the luck of the draw to draw the last post, #20. He could do it if he is capable enough so I don't think that it is a bad sign but it is a difficult one. Number #11 is much better. Verrazano drew post #14 which is a very good post, and Orb drew #16 which is also very good and has produced winners from the past. Verrazano was foaled Feb. 20. I find that fascinating about these two horses who both hail from the state of New York.
I like It's My Lucky Day just because of his name, and as May 4 is a day personal to me, I am hopeful that this years Kentucky Derby will reward my effort in working these horses out so that I make hay while the sun shines in the great state of Kentucky.
Experimenting to see if I did the link correctly. All my practice at apple may pay off here too.
There are 3 favorites: Orb, Verrazano, and Golden Cents who all fall in a relatively low odds bet that range from 7-2 to 4-1 and 5-1. This is followed by Revolutionary at 10-1, and Normandy Invasion at 12-1.
After that five horses are ranked at 15-1. They are My Lute, Overanalyzed, It's My Lucky Day, Java's War, and Vyjack.
Next there are three horses ranked at 20-1. Palace Malice, Charming Kitten, and Will Take Charge. At 30-1 are Oxbow and Lines of Battle.
Finally, at 50-1 are Black Onyx, Golden Soul, Giant Finish, Falling Sky, and Frac Daddy.
Pretty simple.
To be blunt, I learned that only twice in the past ten years has a favorite won. Longshots seem to prevail in this great run for the roses.
Verrazano has another negative going against him, and that is something called the Apollo's Curse. Orb has not ever had the speed required to win this race according to stats that I have read, and while Golden Cents has neither negative against him, he has the added problem of having to be a back to back winner for his trainer, Doug O'Neil. So in a sense, the odds appear to be really against these three top favorites. Yet, they will draw the most money at the betting window.
MyLute which is a longshot but ridden by a hot jockey and female at that, Rosie Napravnik, is going off at odds of 15 to 1 but you can just bet that on the day of the race her odds will be much lower thanks to all the females in the world who will bet on a female jockey. Likewise, two jockeys from La Croix will get heavy backing because of their minority status.
It turns out that two jockeys who are very well respected and liked have not yet won a Kentucky Derby race and both are on mounts going off at 15 - 1 also. Garrett Gomez on Vyjack and Rafael Bejarano on Overanlyzed have not yet won the big one: The Kentucky Derby.
And then there is Lines of Battle, the winner of the huge race at Dubai, who just now has landed at Churchill Downs. Prejudice against his flying in late from Ireland will probably have him go off at higher than the 30-1 odds set on him now. But he has the potential to walk in and take it away, simply because nobody will be expecting it from the 11th post position.
If it rains, because there is a 60% chance for rain in the evening at Churchill Downs, the track will certainly favor the horses who like the slop. I hope that it will stay dry and fast so that it goes off smoothly for any and all.
Since I used a statistical sheet that gave me Vyjack and Verrazano as the two top speed horses I have stayed in their corner. There are other horses who are nearly as good so I don't and won't put all my eggs in one basket. I hope to win a superfecta if I can make it happen.
It turns out that Vyjack was foaled on Feb.11, which is my birthday so I have taken a good interest in him as a result. He had the luck of the draw to draw the last post, #20. He could do it if he is capable enough so I don't think that it is a bad sign but it is a difficult one. Number #11 is much better. Verrazano drew post #14 which is a very good post, and Orb drew #16 which is also very good and has produced winners from the past. Verrazano was foaled Feb. 20. I find that fascinating about these two horses who both hail from the state of New York.
I like It's My Lucky Day just because of his name, and as May 4 is a day personal to me, I am hopeful that this years Kentucky Derby will reward my effort in working these horses out so that I make hay while the sun shines in the great state of Kentucky.
Experimenting to see if I did the link correctly. All my practice at apple may pay off here too.
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