Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Friday, May 24, 2013

Continuation of Life's Puzzles.

I had no sooner finished writing my thoughts about the aging process which leads us to that final door for the flesh: death than when the next morning I  woke up to read on facebook some comment by the Dalai Lama on the distribution of wealth on the face of the earth.

I recall that I had been discussing my adventure into the world of financial family  planning which I had  taken up years ago in the 80's to then understand that marketing is a quantitative matter.  The more one sells of any item the more one makes.  It is no wonder that singers and actors and actresses make so much money since their songs and movies are played and distributed into so many outlets.  It is simply a matter of simple arithmetic.  With 50 states and the world as well to market one's works in, one can make one big heap amount of money.  It is better to sell as much as possible in huge quanitities at low prices than to sell to one buyer at a megamillion price.

It depends upon the product of course.  A giant sized diamond as I saw being sold the other day can only be distributed to one buyer, and that buyer of course is who it is that can afford that megamillion dollar pricetage.

But a song, a poem, a film, a video, any product that can be mass produced can be sold cheaply so that multitudes can purchase that property.

If one saw the movie Jurassic Park one may remember the huge pile of poop left by the dinosaurs.  That is the size of millionaires and billionaires wad of dough if compressed into a pile of manure.  It is likely that if those same millionaires and billionaires don't learn how to control their own excesses that they will probably end up going the way of the dinosaur as well.

Life is a funny game.  Which do you think is better?  The man who earns his way to his success, who worked, who toiled, and then took joy and pleasure when rewarded for his efforts, or the man who is a beneficiary of his family's wealth, who only need take up where his parents left off, to carry on for them, without having had the journey that it took to achieve that wealth?  Nobody can be sure.  It is a fact that the life process for each is totally different. Many parents want their children to have what they had not had so that they can enjoy life in a better way than they themselves had done.

In either case, money management, and understanding of liabilities and assets,  financial growth, and continuity are important to keep and maintain this little garden plot of wealth that has occurred with in that family.  That is the lot of nations, especially the USA.  None of us in our present state of flesh did one thing to earn the right to be an American citizen except to be born here.  Each one of us has the duty and the obligation to maintain and to keep the freedoms and the promises of untold wealth that befall us simply for being a part of a system that encourages and fosters great success in our living standards.

So on this Memorial Day weekend, I will stop at this point to return later, just reminding everyone who may read this that we are all the beneficiaries of the work that began 200 years ago and it is up to us to keep and maintain it. Others may emulate or copy us and that would be the decision of those nations to do that if they so choose. We have the duty to appreciate, to develop even further the  future of this great nation.  Enjoy Memorial Day weekend remembering those who sacrificed so that we can carry on and keep America proud, successful, and free.

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