Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Monday, July 29, 2013
A little poetry lesson
Dinesh Kandaval once took a group of prose written articles and turned them into poetry. I have never forgotten that lesson from him.
Crazy World
This morning I received the funniest wedding photos ever. If ever you think that you are really crazy, it is always reassuring to learn that you are probably not as crazy as people who would throw a wedding ceremony like these. I wonder if cut and past would work on that. I will ask today at Apple. These are the world's weirdest people barnone. No way am I even close to being crazy. Not when compared to these people. Unbelievable.
Monday Morning
I walk my cat every morning. He is a petty tyrant but he requires that morning walk which I do give to him each and every day. The time varies. I overslept this morning. I could not get up at 5:30 a.m. except to go to the john. So at 7:30 I finally got up from a dream which made me think of both a novel by Sue Grafton and the video by Robin Lane Fox that I watched last evening.
Believe it or not, the video also caused a brief tiny time lapse where I found myself back in the time period of ATG and while I wanted to learn more about it , the incident came and went so quickly that I gained only a very temporary sense of it. It is a lesson for me to learn, and I am certain that probably this happens often to people without even being aware of what it is that is happening. To momentarily slip through the cracks of time is useful only when one knows where one is and who one is. Otherwise, i am sure that it would be very disconcerting to anyone who has done it unknowingly.
People call it deja vu. I was listening to the Robin Lane Fox discussion of Alexander and his godlike status which included a host of other sons of gods and wannabe gods also. The gods in that time period are a bit unlike the singular one god only concept that is taught in many basic religious bodies in this time period.
Christians are always so proud that they worship only one god even though in a three point system...father, son, and holy spirit. No wonder Christians are confused about gods and goddesses. They barely understand their own belief system.
Fox for some reason or other does mention Christianizing the world. I fell asleep during the last part of the lecture so will have to go back to that section of the tape. For the most part it was interesting but I swear that I must write a book that will not put anyone to sleep.
On that note, I realized yesterday or the day before something that I have not drawn out as carefully in my first draft as I should. It is so similar to ongoing problems that it finally dawned on me as I am saying to myself that I will not do as Alexander did...that it dawned on me how important it is to realize the motivation for Alexander's journey to the world of Persepolis and beyond. It was not just to see the world as most try to claim. He had a sincere motivation at first that is totally neglected except to mention it. I realized how I must emphasize this in the beginning of the novel to further explain his actions.
I am still planning to take that trip to Persepolis if I can find the right travel group with which to take and make this trip. MIR is who was conducting the AIA travel group session so that I can check their regular trip out without having to go through the archaeological institute's program. And I am still interested in the Eldertrek group but have not yet contacted them.
I have a session with Apple this afternoon so I must get going now. It takes me forever to put myself together early in the morning.
Believe it or not, the video also caused a brief tiny time lapse where I found myself back in the time period of ATG and while I wanted to learn more about it , the incident came and went so quickly that I gained only a very temporary sense of it. It is a lesson for me to learn, and I am certain that probably this happens often to people without even being aware of what it is that is happening. To momentarily slip through the cracks of time is useful only when one knows where one is and who one is. Otherwise, i am sure that it would be very disconcerting to anyone who has done it unknowingly.
People call it deja vu. I was listening to the Robin Lane Fox discussion of Alexander and his godlike status which included a host of other sons of gods and wannabe gods also. The gods in that time period are a bit unlike the singular one god only concept that is taught in many basic religious bodies in this time period.
Christians are always so proud that they worship only one god even though in a three point system...father, son, and holy spirit. No wonder Christians are confused about gods and goddesses. They barely understand their own belief system.
Fox for some reason or other does mention Christianizing the world. I fell asleep during the last part of the lecture so will have to go back to that section of the tape. For the most part it was interesting but I swear that I must write a book that will not put anyone to sleep.
On that note, I realized yesterday or the day before something that I have not drawn out as carefully in my first draft as I should. It is so similar to ongoing problems that it finally dawned on me as I am saying to myself that I will not do as Alexander did...that it dawned on me how important it is to realize the motivation for Alexander's journey to the world of Persepolis and beyond. It was not just to see the world as most try to claim. He had a sincere motivation at first that is totally neglected except to mention it. I realized how I must emphasize this in the beginning of the novel to further explain his actions.
I am still planning to take that trip to Persepolis if I can find the right travel group with which to take and make this trip. MIR is who was conducting the AIA travel group session so that I can check their regular trip out without having to go through the archaeological institute's program. And I am still interested in the Eldertrek group but have not yet contacted them.
I have a session with Apple this afternoon so I must get going now. It takes me forever to put myself together early in the morning.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Rough Week
I have been having a rough time this past week. I do not want to speak of it except to say that the sooner I get a car the better. This heat and humidity is killing and I hate it. Yesterday I got stuck in Mesa waiting for the 30 on a Saturday. The only good that came from it is that I finally learned where the eastbound goes so that I could take it to get to the light rail.
This Hi Tech World
Yesterday, HSN had the Kindle Fire as a special value so that I listened carefully to learn all that I could about why I should buy a Kindle Fire instead of another ebook reader. Nook by Barnes and Noble is the other best selling ebook that is often compared to Kindle Fire. On YouTube one can see many comparisons between the two tablets which incorporate many features of a computer or iPad or Android tablet. Cost is one reason to choose an ebook but basically it is for the purpose of owning many books without all the weight and space that regular books take.
I am actually over blessed with too many hi tech tools, a computer, two cell phones, and a t.v. Do I honestly need more? I don't think so and for that reason it was easy for me to let this wonderful opportunity of getting a Kindle Fire cheap pass me by. Plus, locally, if I choose First Bank to store my funds I can get one free just for opening a checking account with them.
Cameras are also a part of this hi tech world now because immediately following the Kindle presentation came the chance to purchase the latest Panasonic camera with a 35 zoom feature. All the hi tech features on this camera included creative art features proving that the only hi tech has not yet touched is simply china and flatware. Oh, please don't computerize my dinner plates and forks and spoons. I just can hardly take this hi tech age any longer...invading every aspect of our life.
Again, I resisted buying since I have two cell phones which both have camera functions. And frankly, I doubt that I will have any real need to zero in on an object so far away from me. As it is right now, I am going to put all my photos on the computer so that I can finally just put them through a paper shredder. Nobody who does not know you personally frankly gives a hoot about your photos anyway. Even my closest relatives don't really care. I wonder that I should even put them on a computer so I will be very selective.
I am actually over blessed with too many hi tech tools, a computer, two cell phones, and a t.v. Do I honestly need more? I don't think so and for that reason it was easy for me to let this wonderful opportunity of getting a Kindle Fire cheap pass me by. Plus, locally, if I choose First Bank to store my funds I can get one free just for opening a checking account with them.
Cameras are also a part of this hi tech world now because immediately following the Kindle presentation came the chance to purchase the latest Panasonic camera with a 35 zoom feature. All the hi tech features on this camera included creative art features proving that the only hi tech has not yet touched is simply china and flatware. Oh, please don't computerize my dinner plates and forks and spoons. I just can hardly take this hi tech age any longer...invading every aspect of our life.
Again, I resisted buying since I have two cell phones which both have camera functions. And frankly, I doubt that I will have any real need to zero in on an object so far away from me. As it is right now, I am going to put all my photos on the computer so that I can finally just put them through a paper shredder. Nobody who does not know you personally frankly gives a hoot about your photos anyway. Even my closest relatives don't really care. I wonder that I should even put them on a computer so I will be very selective.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
The New Royal Baby
The latest edition to the Royal Family of England is a boy who is being named for his grandparents and father. So he has been named George Alexander Louis. I like those names obviously.
I know that the Royal Family is not naming them for George Washington, Louis XIV, or Alexander the Great but the novelty of the fact that this young prince will share the same names as these famous men of history strikes me as quite interesting.
For a time, I called them WAL, and even WALK when you add Genghis Khan to the mix. Oh yes, he did come to me in a spiritual journey as well but I chose to drop the entire program of going back in time after I recognized him and learned of his dubious history. Dubious because he was illiterate, could not read or write in any language, and that the people who found the one biography attributed to him had to translate it and decipher it as best they could. Iranians I believe with French connections somehow or other.
Khan actually means leader so it is a bit like the word King so WALT might be better used since he was first named Timujin. His name was changed to that of Genghis Khan after he assumed control. That means either Righteous Ruler or Heavenly Ruler.
I claim only to be at one with each of these personalities when in a trance to where I am in their time and in their person. I have yet to decide that this is rebirth as such but it is definitely reliving and remembering.
Some may think it a form of mediumship. I am very careful about such spiritual terminology, not always knowing what to think about mediums. Generally, they are associated with fakery and trickery. Houdini made a cause to ferret out the scammers. I have come to believe that many people are quite gifted, talented, and spiritually inclined. It is an open question for me even yet.
I have kept pretty careful records. I refuse to become self deluded, and I do not deny that which I have had the great privilege to come to know. I have learned that it is best to remember some old adages about spreading pearls before swine. The blind spiritually cannot see the truths of those whose eyes and ears are opened, and so I have learned not to judge too harshly those who are not ready to venture into spiritual truths. Some of my own relatives fit into that blind category and these are the very people who can hinder or help you the most.
I do share some of this material on facebook only for the those who are sincerely interested in anything that I might have to say. I have learned not to underestimate people anywhere. One never knows what door may open, and I will give an example of when I shared something about Alexander that did help me.
I had gone back to see the wedding at Susa. Sometimes one can put into the mind a goal to achieve, and because of a woman's comment in a discussion group I decided I should like to know more about that wedding. Since I shared some parts of it on the discussion group, one of the members supplied me with information that truly astounded me about the wedding itself. That was a good thing then that I had shared with them what my journey back had produced in me. I can see it still, and it is an amazing and wonderful sight to see.
So I do believe all these journies worth a book to write. So on with it after this coming Friday at my one to one with Apple. I am clearly pretty up to snuff with Pages now. And I am now learning Ibookauthor little by little. I am aware that an ebook by Apple can be produced now. I have to finish writing the entire book before I can hustle up an agent and an editor.
But believe me, things that I have seen with my spiritual vision will be a part of this book, and even while in the act of writing I often learn new things which seem to come from my solar plexus. I listen to my inner voices and visions far more than any can know. It is exciting for me to see and relive the past in this manner. I believe that I am using the archives of Heaven. Heaven is within. These are spiritual treasures which have told me what Heaven may be like better than we know. I am impressed that the passage of time is something that contains activities from the past so that when one hopes to go to Heaven after death, I wonder what anyone may think Heaven can be for them. Does any who think they are going to Heaven know what is in store for them?
So for one last time, i believe that just maybe we should act and behave in ways that make us want to see ourselves as we really are but with the look of love and grace that is what Heraven is about. I have witnessed entire battle scenes, and believe me when I say that these are encased in Heaven's archives also. Mankind places judgement calls on actions that are mistakenly thought of as anything but Heaven's rule...Mankind is wrong. Heaven rules in ALL things.
I cannot speak for others. But I will conjecture this much. Even World War II with all its atrocities is a part of Heaven's archives for those who went through it. Nothing is so small or insignificant that it is omitted from God's Holy Sight.
I know that the Royal Family is not naming them for George Washington, Louis XIV, or Alexander the Great but the novelty of the fact that this young prince will share the same names as these famous men of history strikes me as quite interesting.
For a time, I called them WAL, and even WALK when you add Genghis Khan to the mix. Oh yes, he did come to me in a spiritual journey as well but I chose to drop the entire program of going back in time after I recognized him and learned of his dubious history. Dubious because he was illiterate, could not read or write in any language, and that the people who found the one biography attributed to him had to translate it and decipher it as best they could. Iranians I believe with French connections somehow or other.
Khan actually means leader so it is a bit like the word King so WALT might be better used since he was first named Timujin. His name was changed to that of Genghis Khan after he assumed control. That means either Righteous Ruler or Heavenly Ruler.
I claim only to be at one with each of these personalities when in a trance to where I am in their time and in their person. I have yet to decide that this is rebirth as such but it is definitely reliving and remembering.
Some may think it a form of mediumship. I am very careful about such spiritual terminology, not always knowing what to think about mediums. Generally, they are associated with fakery and trickery. Houdini made a cause to ferret out the scammers. I have come to believe that many people are quite gifted, talented, and spiritually inclined. It is an open question for me even yet.
I have kept pretty careful records. I refuse to become self deluded, and I do not deny that which I have had the great privilege to come to know. I have learned that it is best to remember some old adages about spreading pearls before swine. The blind spiritually cannot see the truths of those whose eyes and ears are opened, and so I have learned not to judge too harshly those who are not ready to venture into spiritual truths. Some of my own relatives fit into that blind category and these are the very people who can hinder or help you the most.
I do share some of this material on facebook only for the those who are sincerely interested in anything that I might have to say. I have learned not to underestimate people anywhere. One never knows what door may open, and I will give an example of when I shared something about Alexander that did help me.
I had gone back to see the wedding at Susa. Sometimes one can put into the mind a goal to achieve, and because of a woman's comment in a discussion group I decided I should like to know more about that wedding. Since I shared some parts of it on the discussion group, one of the members supplied me with information that truly astounded me about the wedding itself. That was a good thing then that I had shared with them what my journey back had produced in me. I can see it still, and it is an amazing and wonderful sight to see.
So I do believe all these journies worth a book to write. So on with it after this coming Friday at my one to one with Apple. I am clearly pretty up to snuff with Pages now. And I am now learning Ibookauthor little by little. I am aware that an ebook by Apple can be produced now. I have to finish writing the entire book before I can hustle up an agent and an editor.
But believe me, things that I have seen with my spiritual vision will be a part of this book, and even while in the act of writing I often learn new things which seem to come from my solar plexus. I listen to my inner voices and visions far more than any can know. It is exciting for me to see and relive the past in this manner. I believe that I am using the archives of Heaven. Heaven is within. These are spiritual treasures which have told me what Heaven may be like better than we know. I am impressed that the passage of time is something that contains activities from the past so that when one hopes to go to Heaven after death, I wonder what anyone may think Heaven can be for them. Does any who think they are going to Heaven know what is in store for them?
So for one last time, i believe that just maybe we should act and behave in ways that make us want to see ourselves as we really are but with the look of love and grace that is what Heraven is about. I have witnessed entire battle scenes, and believe me when I say that these are encased in Heaven's archives also. Mankind places judgement calls on actions that are mistakenly thought of as anything but Heaven's rule...Mankind is wrong. Heaven rules in ALL things.
I cannot speak for others. But I will conjecture this much. Even World War II with all its atrocities is a part of Heaven's archives for those who went through it. Nothing is so small or insignificant that it is omitted from God's Holy Sight.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Barack Obama and Trayvon Martin
Barack Obama has repeatedly decided to identify with a child who was killed while walking home from a convenience store in Florida. The case has been tried in court and the defendant has been acquitted of the charges that were filed against him. The defendant has been maligned in the press many times because the victim is a black teenager in whom the black community is using as a poster child to vent their anger against the system of justice practiced in Florida. The sorrow is that Barack Obama has decided to use this issue to address racial problems, and has decided that he and Trayvon share much in common.
I had been following the White House on facebook but having found today a series of posts all with Barack Obama stating his case about his relationship to the victim, I had to stop liking and following the posts from the White House. He was clearly spamming his followers and I block spammers. I had followed the White House to know what is going on but I found this offensive and racist as well as divisive.
Since Trayvon was not on trial, nothing about his lifestyle came out in the course of the trial to determine what kind of kid he had been. A few things stood out but they were such that nobody who did not know him personally could make a sound judgement about him.
For the president to jump on his bandwagon so early proves only that Obama is at the mercy of a group of black supporters who are manipulating him to say this or that he is truly just stupid enough to believe that if he says this he will mollify the parents and the community.
While George Zimmerman has a father who is caucasian and a mother who is from Peru, it has been learned that he is known for his kindness to young black children in his community. Does Barack Obama acknowledge that? Hardly. He emphasizes only his likeness to the victim who was killed in the confrontation that occurred between him and the defendant, George Zimmerman.
My beef with Barack Obama is that this case was aired nationally on many networks and he could have stayed abreast of all the information that came out in the trial. It all proved that Zimmerman had been the victim of Trayvon Martin's decision to hit him and to injure him repeatedly. Why does Barack Obama identify with a teenager who chooses to accost an authority figure who is guarding the neighborhood?
I believe that I know why. It is his declaration that deep in his heart, he has racial prejudice and bias against the white people of America. Without whom he could never have become elected. I believe that Barack Obama needs to make a good self examination of his own feelings. He needs to learn how to be honest with himself so that he can be honest with those who elected him to office. He has declared himself to be more concerned about the color of his skin and that of Trayvon Martin than anything else in this case. It matters not to him that Trayvon was close enough to home to get there safely without confronting Zimmerman. All that matters to him is that Trayvon and he share the same racial makeup. I do not believe that he is fit to be president. As an attorney, he should know the legal proceedings and the cause of justice. He has interfered in a small town trial trying to turn it into a poltical football.
Angry black women fearing that their children cannot walk down the streets of America without getting shot is a deliberate exaggeration. For once, the shoe is on the other foot because most white people have always felt that about walking into black neighborhoods. A white child was killed senselessly by teenagers in a thrill killing in Georgia. Did Barack Obama address the cause of Antony West? A white bus driver in Kansas City was stabbed and beaten by two black men who were caught on tape while two other black men stood by to do nothng but sit and watch.
Barack Obama. Grow up. Act with your head instead of with your emotional blindness about skin tones.
I had been following the White House on facebook but having found today a series of posts all with Barack Obama stating his case about his relationship to the victim, I had to stop liking and following the posts from the White House. He was clearly spamming his followers and I block spammers. I had followed the White House to know what is going on but I found this offensive and racist as well as divisive.
Since Trayvon was not on trial, nothing about his lifestyle came out in the course of the trial to determine what kind of kid he had been. A few things stood out but they were such that nobody who did not know him personally could make a sound judgement about him.
For the president to jump on his bandwagon so early proves only that Obama is at the mercy of a group of black supporters who are manipulating him to say this or that he is truly just stupid enough to believe that if he says this he will mollify the parents and the community.
While George Zimmerman has a father who is caucasian and a mother who is from Peru, it has been learned that he is known for his kindness to young black children in his community. Does Barack Obama acknowledge that? Hardly. He emphasizes only his likeness to the victim who was killed in the confrontation that occurred between him and the defendant, George Zimmerman.
My beef with Barack Obama is that this case was aired nationally on many networks and he could have stayed abreast of all the information that came out in the trial. It all proved that Zimmerman had been the victim of Trayvon Martin's decision to hit him and to injure him repeatedly. Why does Barack Obama identify with a teenager who chooses to accost an authority figure who is guarding the neighborhood?
I believe that I know why. It is his declaration that deep in his heart, he has racial prejudice and bias against the white people of America. Without whom he could never have become elected. I believe that Barack Obama needs to make a good self examination of his own feelings. He needs to learn how to be honest with himself so that he can be honest with those who elected him to office. He has declared himself to be more concerned about the color of his skin and that of Trayvon Martin than anything else in this case. It matters not to him that Trayvon was close enough to home to get there safely without confronting Zimmerman. All that matters to him is that Trayvon and he share the same racial makeup. I do not believe that he is fit to be president. As an attorney, he should know the legal proceedings and the cause of justice. He has interfered in a small town trial trying to turn it into a poltical football.
Angry black women fearing that their children cannot walk down the streets of America without getting shot is a deliberate exaggeration. For once, the shoe is on the other foot because most white people have always felt that about walking into black neighborhoods. A white child was killed senselessly by teenagers in a thrill killing in Georgia. Did Barack Obama address the cause of Antony West? A white bus driver in Kansas City was stabbed and beaten by two black men who were caught on tape while two other black men stood by to do nothng but sit and watch.
Barack Obama. Grow up. Act with your head instead of with your emotional blindness about skin tones.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Realtiy sets in
First of all, I have not forgotten when the Americans were taken hostage and its impact on me. That has played into my attitude about taking this trip to Iran. My mother and I had spent a lot of time and money on my storage during that hostage taking so that I have not forgotten it. Most of that time period I associate with either the Pope, the death of the pope, the Jim Jones affair in South America, the death of Gig Young, and finally the taking of the American hostages. All that time period was full of havoc and chaos but did directly involve me in ways that nobody could suspect. I am not a bit surprised that after all this time it was necessary for me to finally learn of Alexander the Great, who literally meant nothing but a paragraph in a history book. My, does this ever prove how times change when we finally take time to learn something about ourselves. Who would have believed it?
That was also the time when I picked up a brochure from the Institute of Children's Literature to take back to Michigan with me.
At that time I was busy studying George Washington and his environs at the time. I did not know nor care that there was a bust of Louis XIV in the Corcoran Museum there in D.C. All I had seen was the huge portraits of Washington that were displayed.
So to learn about all these historical characters I had to wait until I lived in Arizona to discover them. What a thing to learn. A French king and a Macedonian warrior King. Who knew?
Living in Arizona now makes it difficult for me to travel to the East Coast and much more difficult to travel to Europe or the Middle East. However, I am somewhat content that I can eventually go to California, Nevada, or the great Northwest. Travel at my age becomes increasingly difficult because like it or not, mother nature has decreed that our physical bodies change as we age, and I feel that change all the time now.
Why and how all these historical personalities became important to me when other people would rather that I spend more time in the present than in the who is to say or understand except that one makes it important only so long as it is a truthful and rewarding comprehension of one's own self. As I learned all that I could know about each one, I found it easier and easier to see them as the human beings that were self exposed to me. I came to know them in ways that authors, biographers, and historians can never present fairly and correctly. That is its importance to me. To be able to sift the truth from the false jargon that is spouted and distributed. Just as when the truth is presented in a jury trial, we learn that basic biases and prejudcies affect others in ways that we cannot possibly understand or know. For one person the truth is easy to see but for another it is difficult due to the clouding of their own minds due to their preconceptions.
The trip to Iran in the spring will cost nearly $7,000 dollars. It is only worth it if I am healthy and can enjoy it. I am planning on signing on if I can manage both the expense and the travel arrangements. Time will tell. I will look into it.
That was also the time when I picked up a brochure from the Institute of Children's Literature to take back to Michigan with me.
At that time I was busy studying George Washington and his environs at the time. I did not know nor care that there was a bust of Louis XIV in the Corcoran Museum there in D.C. All I had seen was the huge portraits of Washington that were displayed.
So to learn about all these historical characters I had to wait until I lived in Arizona to discover them. What a thing to learn. A French king and a Macedonian warrior King. Who knew?
Living in Arizona now makes it difficult for me to travel to the East Coast and much more difficult to travel to Europe or the Middle East. However, I am somewhat content that I can eventually go to California, Nevada, or the great Northwest. Travel at my age becomes increasingly difficult because like it or not, mother nature has decreed that our physical bodies change as we age, and I feel that change all the time now.
Why and how all these historical personalities became important to me when other people would rather that I spend more time in the present than in the who is to say or understand except that one makes it important only so long as it is a truthful and rewarding comprehension of one's own self. As I learned all that I could know about each one, I found it easier and easier to see them as the human beings that were self exposed to me. I came to know them in ways that authors, biographers, and historians can never present fairly and correctly. That is its importance to me. To be able to sift the truth from the false jargon that is spouted and distributed. Just as when the truth is presented in a jury trial, we learn that basic biases and prejudcies affect others in ways that we cannot possibly understand or know. For one person the truth is easy to see but for another it is difficult due to the clouding of their own minds due to their preconceptions.
The trip to Iran in the spring will cost nearly $7,000 dollars. It is only worth it if I am healthy and can enjoy it. I am planning on signing on if I can manage both the expense and the travel arrangements. Time will tell. I will look into it.
Dream Trip Revisited
I am going to continue with the previous post in a different argument. I am really fighting with msyelf about this.
My reasons for going to visit the site of Persepolis is simple. I have been there in a spiritual journey which I remember even yet very well. I have been studying various videos that portray it both as it is and in simulations which portray it as it was. I have been able to see it myself long before I ever knew anything about it, and so I learned of it through a kind of self discovery.
That had been true of the Chateau of Versailles as well. I had not known anything about it either despite its fame in Europe. European castles have never really interested me until I actually saw them as they had been in the century in which they were built. That made me aware of them and interested in them.
I did go so far as to go to Paris to see for myself a wall which was to prove to me the truth of the material from which it is composed. I had been looking at Silvestre's engravings which clearly showed it without the greenery which now covers it, and when I had been in my state of regression I also saw it without the greenery but also without the kind of stones that Silvestre had depicted it in his engraving. I wanted to see for myself that it was as I had seen it, which in fact, I learned that it is, even yet today.
That was proof positive for me that I had been back in the time period in which the Chateau had just been built and the retaining wall developed.
So it is with Persepolis. When I saw it, it too was as it had been when Alexander discovered it for himself. I saw it through the eyes of Alexander, and I traveled through it, noting details that make it desirable for me to see today. However, with videos, I need not travel there if really not able to do so.
So despite the expense, the many other problems involved, shall I go or not? I have yet to finally decide for certain. I think it probably best that I let it be and wait for another time.
My reasons for going to visit the site of Persepolis is simple. I have been there in a spiritual journey which I remember even yet very well. I have been studying various videos that portray it both as it is and in simulations which portray it as it was. I have been able to see it myself long before I ever knew anything about it, and so I learned of it through a kind of self discovery.
That had been true of the Chateau of Versailles as well. I had not known anything about it either despite its fame in Europe. European castles have never really interested me until I actually saw them as they had been in the century in which they were built. That made me aware of them and interested in them.
I did go so far as to go to Paris to see for myself a wall which was to prove to me the truth of the material from which it is composed. I had been looking at Silvestre's engravings which clearly showed it without the greenery which now covers it, and when I had been in my state of regression I also saw it without the greenery but also without the kind of stones that Silvestre had depicted it in his engraving. I wanted to see for myself that it was as I had seen it, which in fact, I learned that it is, even yet today.
That was proof positive for me that I had been back in the time period in which the Chateau had just been built and the retaining wall developed.
So it is with Persepolis. When I saw it, it too was as it had been when Alexander discovered it for himself. I saw it through the eyes of Alexander, and I traveled through it, noting details that make it desirable for me to see today. However, with videos, I need not travel there if really not able to do so.
So despite the expense, the many other problems involved, shall I go or not? I have yet to finally decide for certain. I think it probably best that I let it be and wait for another time.
Final Decision
I wrote to both parties involved regarding the tour of Iran that is sponsored by the AIA. I decided to delay the tour until I am better prepared and can make better arrangements for travel to that area. I also have learned of another tour that will be given in April by elder trek so that I am contemplating taking that one. I would prefer to be with people in my own age group as we can tolerate each other better than the young can tolerate us.
I am satisfied that I may yet make it to the region but I will have to make better informed plans now that I am aware of all that is required to go. I admit that I was a bit hasty but it made me think about so many things.
I have been absorbed in the story of Alexander the Great ever since I had my "proof" of my knowledge of him which one proof had been that of Persepolis. There is no doubt in my mind about the truth of this, and I eventually learned what took Alexander there. I had very little knowledge of him prior to the moments in time that I spent soul searching.
I was reminded of the differences between him then in that time period, the conditions that enabled him to travel so far, and the time period now, and the means and expense that it would take me to go there now.
I will use the Breeders Cup as the place where I may finally obtain the funds necessary to finance such a trip. It is costly and my health is far more important than even the dollars it takes to get there. I must keep myself healthy and well so that I am able to enjoy this trip when I do finally go. I am planning on the spring trip at the point but with much better awareness now of what I must do to get there.
So be it.
I am satisfied that I may yet make it to the region but I will have to make better informed plans now that I am aware of all that is required to go. I admit that I was a bit hasty but it made me think about so many things.
I have been absorbed in the story of Alexander the Great ever since I had my "proof" of my knowledge of him which one proof had been that of Persepolis. There is no doubt in my mind about the truth of this, and I eventually learned what took Alexander there. I had very little knowledge of him prior to the moments in time that I spent soul searching.
I was reminded of the differences between him then in that time period, the conditions that enabled him to travel so far, and the time period now, and the means and expense that it would take me to go there now.
I will use the Breeders Cup as the place where I may finally obtain the funds necessary to finance such a trip. It is costly and my health is far more important than even the dollars it takes to get there. I must keep myself healthy and well so that I am able to enjoy this trip when I do finally go. I am planning on the spring trip at the point but with much better awareness now of what I must do to get there.
So be it.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Dream Trip
I finally have been contacted by the AIA about the dream trip that I have wanted to take for so many years. It may eventually happen that I will be able to go to Iran, but I do not think that it will happen this fall. It hit me pretty hard once I began to learn all that it takes to go to Iran.
I have begun a book about Alexander the Great which is in progress. One of my first proofs about a theory that I had learned about him is the Persian city called Persepolis. This was the home of many of the Persian Kings who ruled that part of the world when Alexander conquered it.
In 1974 I was taking a travel agent course in Los Angeles under the auspices of TWA, and at that time, the Shah of Iran was still in power. I had found the story of his first wife very fascinating to read as he had had to divorce her to marry another woman to bear him children. Princess Soraya was a very beautiful woman but she seemed to be infertile, unable to carry a child.
That was about all that I knew about Iran but most people considered the Shah a puppet of the United States. In fact, the USA was keeping his regime intact as each appeared to need one another. As we well know now, he was forced to leave Iran as the Ayatollah Khomeini took over and the fundamentalists of Iran gained power in the government and country.
I knew absolutely nothing about Alexander the Great then, Darius, Xerxes, or Artaxerxes, and nothing of Persepolis. I frankly learned of their history only in recent times. So who would ever expect that someday I might want to venture there to view some old architectural sites.
But in one of my attempts at learning about lives in times past, I found myself in the city of Persepolis, and I found it so fascinating and so beautiful that I then went to the internet to learn what it had been, and what it had meant to me. But I saw it as it had looked in 4BC, not as it looks today. I saw it fully developed, each palace intact, and found myself walking its corridors, entering its massive doors, and finding myself even sitting on the throne which was elevated to such a great high in one of the many palaces that are situated there.
It was a most memorable memory for me. I saw the manner in which the people who dwelled there dressed, and I could see exactly how I was dressed as I made my way through that great and awesome place. It is something by which I know that I could prove many things to myself, so that I have wanted to go there to see it firsthand for myself. I do have dvd's with pictures of it and I am always entranced by the architecture and the reliefs that are carved in the walls and stairs. They made an impact on me in my spiritual journey and they impact me whenever I see them.
So naturally, I would do most anything to go there, and am contemplating how and when to do it.
If I can muster up the nerve as well as the money, for I will be traveling solo, I will somehow or other possibly pull it off. However, all of a sudden, many obstructions are coming up to make me reconsider the wisdom of this decision.
These are the problems: 1. Major expense. One night extra at a hotel will be $245. To me, that is excessive. The round trip plane ticket to Iran is not quite so bad even though the quote that she gave me is much higher by some $300 than a flight which I checked myself at IranKhomein travel group.
The itinerary for the tour is good except that one part which I am strongly interested in seeing is listed as available to see only if we have time for it. That is the gravesite of Cyrus the Great and that is a major interest for me to see. I am not sure that I like it relegated to a visit if we have time for it.
So I am rethinking this through. It is a dreadfully long flight which I had already done to go to Paris and I promised myself that I would never do that to myself again. I franklybelieve that is reason alone to say no to this as I had promised myself that I would take short hops with layovers if necessary just to be kind to msyelf. I do not need these extra long marathon flights.
I finally realized after watching videos of Persepolis again in which I once again had the ability to find myself back in the city sitting with a group of soldiers discussing their booty that they had acquired that I should be satisfied with that much. If I can get to Iran, and there are many other reasons that I think about is that the American hostages were taken during my trip to Washington, DC when Carter was president, and that still has a very strong impact on me....and I wonder if I think it wise to press my luck on attitudes about Americans in that region now.
So I am thinking it through. Learning about reincarnation is a luxury that few ever really get to enjoy as I have done. It has opened up new worlds to me that were otherwise unknown to me, and I am satisfied that I have knowledge about times past that even a trip to the present site would not reveal so well to me as those experiences in which I found myself there some 3,000 years ago.
Don't ask me how I do it...I asked and I found, and it is as simple as that. I have since been learning all I can about the time period and the people involved, and have arrived at my own conclusions. I often wonder if what happened to me and my years in the East Coast in which I was held hostage as well in that time period has anything to do with Alexander or not. I don't like to think so but one never knows for sure, does one? Eventually, I did get myself out of my predicament, and for the most part, it has always been associated with the presidents and the popes...who knew that Iran would have something to do with it too?
So there are many mysteries here. I am trying to do what is best for myself. I may or may not go. I will continue to sleep on it, and to look at other possibilities. At least, I now know what it takes to get a visa, and how much it is likely to cost me in both time and dollars. It is a hefty price but I then think of what it cost Alexander to make his trek to Persepolis and how all that happened. Amazing. I think that I may learn a few lessons yet.
I have begun a book about Alexander the Great which is in progress. One of my first proofs about a theory that I had learned about him is the Persian city called Persepolis. This was the home of many of the Persian Kings who ruled that part of the world when Alexander conquered it.
In 1974 I was taking a travel agent course in Los Angeles under the auspices of TWA, and at that time, the Shah of Iran was still in power. I had found the story of his first wife very fascinating to read as he had had to divorce her to marry another woman to bear him children. Princess Soraya was a very beautiful woman but she seemed to be infertile, unable to carry a child.
That was about all that I knew about Iran but most people considered the Shah a puppet of the United States. In fact, the USA was keeping his regime intact as each appeared to need one another. As we well know now, he was forced to leave Iran as the Ayatollah Khomeini took over and the fundamentalists of Iran gained power in the government and country.
I knew absolutely nothing about Alexander the Great then, Darius, Xerxes, or Artaxerxes, and nothing of Persepolis. I frankly learned of their history only in recent times. So who would ever expect that someday I might want to venture there to view some old architectural sites.
But in one of my attempts at learning about lives in times past, I found myself in the city of Persepolis, and I found it so fascinating and so beautiful that I then went to the internet to learn what it had been, and what it had meant to me. But I saw it as it had looked in 4BC, not as it looks today. I saw it fully developed, each palace intact, and found myself walking its corridors, entering its massive doors, and finding myself even sitting on the throne which was elevated to such a great high in one of the many palaces that are situated there.
It was a most memorable memory for me. I saw the manner in which the people who dwelled there dressed, and I could see exactly how I was dressed as I made my way through that great and awesome place. It is something by which I know that I could prove many things to myself, so that I have wanted to go there to see it firsthand for myself. I do have dvd's with pictures of it and I am always entranced by the architecture and the reliefs that are carved in the walls and stairs. They made an impact on me in my spiritual journey and they impact me whenever I see them.
So naturally, I would do most anything to go there, and am contemplating how and when to do it.
If I can muster up the nerve as well as the money, for I will be traveling solo, I will somehow or other possibly pull it off. However, all of a sudden, many obstructions are coming up to make me reconsider the wisdom of this decision.
These are the problems: 1. Major expense. One night extra at a hotel will be $245. To me, that is excessive. The round trip plane ticket to Iran is not quite so bad even though the quote that she gave me is much higher by some $300 than a flight which I checked myself at IranKhomein travel group.
The itinerary for the tour is good except that one part which I am strongly interested in seeing is listed as available to see only if we have time for it. That is the gravesite of Cyrus the Great and that is a major interest for me to see. I am not sure that I like it relegated to a visit if we have time for it.
So I am rethinking this through. It is a dreadfully long flight which I had already done to go to Paris and I promised myself that I would never do that to myself again. I franklybelieve that is reason alone to say no to this as I had promised myself that I would take short hops with layovers if necessary just to be kind to msyelf. I do not need these extra long marathon flights.
I finally realized after watching videos of Persepolis again in which I once again had the ability to find myself back in the city sitting with a group of soldiers discussing their booty that they had acquired that I should be satisfied with that much. If I can get to Iran, and there are many other reasons that I think about is that the American hostages were taken during my trip to Washington, DC when Carter was president, and that still has a very strong impact on me....and I wonder if I think it wise to press my luck on attitudes about Americans in that region now.
So I am thinking it through. Learning about reincarnation is a luxury that few ever really get to enjoy as I have done. It has opened up new worlds to me that were otherwise unknown to me, and I am satisfied that I have knowledge about times past that even a trip to the present site would not reveal so well to me as those experiences in which I found myself there some 3,000 years ago.
Don't ask me how I do it...I asked and I found, and it is as simple as that. I have since been learning all I can about the time period and the people involved, and have arrived at my own conclusions. I often wonder if what happened to me and my years in the East Coast in which I was held hostage as well in that time period has anything to do with Alexander or not. I don't like to think so but one never knows for sure, does one? Eventually, I did get myself out of my predicament, and for the most part, it has always been associated with the presidents and the popes...who knew that Iran would have something to do with it too?
So there are many mysteries here. I am trying to do what is best for myself. I may or may not go. I will continue to sleep on it, and to look at other possibilities. At least, I now know what it takes to get a visa, and how much it is likely to cost me in both time and dollars. It is a hefty price but I then think of what it cost Alexander to make his trek to Persepolis and how all that happened. Amazing. I think that I may learn a few lessons yet.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Discussing time regression
When I saw the movie On A Clear Day You Can See Forever I appreciated the story but did not buy into it entirely. I had read stories of reincarnation but had not known that one could easily slip back into time at the drop of a hat as Barbra Streisand seemed to do in this film. Little did I know until I find that I can do that myself now.
I have talked of my experiences in times past very often on a variety of discussion groups. As time passes, I realize that I was a bit too overly optimistic, that I should have listened to my mother more often than not, but despite that I did share some of my experiences with others. I often have wished that I had not been so forthright, but I was for the most part in the belief that there would be people receptive to my stories.
Because I just had another one of those encounters, I am reconsidering the wisdom of share and tell all that I know about these experiences in which I find myself in a different time period than the present. Each time they seem to me to be as vibrant and alive as when I am in the present. There is that little difference between living in the current century and somehow or other being transported into a past century.
I will explain so that I can make the right decisions in future times as to whether I will or will not turn this into a chapter in my book.
One, when reading a history book, one reads about the people. The authors most likely did not ever encounter these people at all so that anything said about them is handed down from one generation to another accounts that people told and retold. How many times can we describe any of our generals or presidents accurately and well? To say that Nixon had a big nose, beady eyes, a churlish voice pattern, and hunched over back does not really tell a thing about Nixon. Yet I met a woman who had been his secretary who liked and admired him. Her account of Nixon would be totally different than any that I might make had I ever met up with him. My account is strictly superficial. Hers is closeup and personal. While I never met or even observed Nixon from a distance except through television and movie versions, I did meet up with and observe John F. Kennedy when he was running for office. I have only an impression of him seen firsthand and halfway up close. But again through television and movies, I have an idea of how he looked, appeared, and sounded. The one time that I may have met up with him close and personal is such that I have only a narrow glimpse into the personal life of the man. Even at that, I cannot be sure that it was him or his double. Since this man used a different name than that of JFK. Yet it is possible that it was Kennedy using an alias so that nobody would take notice of him and his behaviour. I took notice because I was his serving waitress at the country club where he appeared for a short brief time.
So when I go back in time to actually view, and more than observe, but find myself as a person in that time period, it is a totally lifelike and living situation. I can feel the warmth of the person who I amnear such as happened this last time. I found myself amidst a group of Macedonian soldiers. Whoever the person is that I am listening to is next to me, so close as to be crowding into me, and I can hear and feel everything that is happening in this gathering of men discussing their successful spoils of war after having taken over the city of Persepolis. I had been watching videos of Persepolis when all of a sudden like the actress in the movie On A Clear Day I was back in time sitting and mingling with these soldiers whose appearance I noted, whose size and girth impacted me, and whose stories actually made me understand the hearts and minds of these men. Because it was highly erotic, I recognized the truth of the way the men felt about the women that they had captured in the city. I have considered whether to share and tell this in a story form or to let it be so that it is just my sudden insight into what did actually happen there.
I am writing this now because I am trying to decide how to handle this. When one is in a situation, whether it be that of those boys in Steubenville who thought that they were so cute and smart when having sexually abused the rights of a teenager, or when one is in Persepolis, listening to the Macedonians who are likewise discussing their booty that they had won when overpowering the city, one wonders what one should make of it.
Should I as an author discuss this because it has been something that I now have insight into it? Can I do it justice? Can I make it readable? Salable is not the issue. That is obvious that it would be salable but the real problem is should I tackle it at all? It hit me hard. I realized a lot of things about ATG that I had not considered until this moment. He had unleashed his men onto that city because he knew that he could no longer restrain them. They were hungry for power, victory, and women, and food. I really have to think about this.
The past does live. I know it for I have experienced it. Just what should I do about it? Keep it to myself as my mother suggested, or share and tell. That is the question.
I have talked of my experiences in times past very often on a variety of discussion groups. As time passes, I realize that I was a bit too overly optimistic, that I should have listened to my mother more often than not, but despite that I did share some of my experiences with others. I often have wished that I had not been so forthright, but I was for the most part in the belief that there would be people receptive to my stories.
Because I just had another one of those encounters, I am reconsidering the wisdom of share and tell all that I know about these experiences in which I find myself in a different time period than the present. Each time they seem to me to be as vibrant and alive as when I am in the present. There is that little difference between living in the current century and somehow or other being transported into a past century.
I will explain so that I can make the right decisions in future times as to whether I will or will not turn this into a chapter in my book.
One, when reading a history book, one reads about the people. The authors most likely did not ever encounter these people at all so that anything said about them is handed down from one generation to another accounts that people told and retold. How many times can we describe any of our generals or presidents accurately and well? To say that Nixon had a big nose, beady eyes, a churlish voice pattern, and hunched over back does not really tell a thing about Nixon. Yet I met a woman who had been his secretary who liked and admired him. Her account of Nixon would be totally different than any that I might make had I ever met up with him. My account is strictly superficial. Hers is closeup and personal. While I never met or even observed Nixon from a distance except through television and movie versions, I did meet up with and observe John F. Kennedy when he was running for office. I have only an impression of him seen firsthand and halfway up close. But again through television and movies, I have an idea of how he looked, appeared, and sounded. The one time that I may have met up with him close and personal is such that I have only a narrow glimpse into the personal life of the man. Even at that, I cannot be sure that it was him or his double. Since this man used a different name than that of JFK. Yet it is possible that it was Kennedy using an alias so that nobody would take notice of him and his behaviour. I took notice because I was his serving waitress at the country club where he appeared for a short brief time.
So when I go back in time to actually view, and more than observe, but find myself as a person in that time period, it is a totally lifelike and living situation. I can feel the warmth of the person who I amnear such as happened this last time. I found myself amidst a group of Macedonian soldiers. Whoever the person is that I am listening to is next to me, so close as to be crowding into me, and I can hear and feel everything that is happening in this gathering of men discussing their successful spoils of war after having taken over the city of Persepolis. I had been watching videos of Persepolis when all of a sudden like the actress in the movie On A Clear Day I was back in time sitting and mingling with these soldiers whose appearance I noted, whose size and girth impacted me, and whose stories actually made me understand the hearts and minds of these men. Because it was highly erotic, I recognized the truth of the way the men felt about the women that they had captured in the city. I have considered whether to share and tell this in a story form or to let it be so that it is just my sudden insight into what did actually happen there.
I am writing this now because I am trying to decide how to handle this. When one is in a situation, whether it be that of those boys in Steubenville who thought that they were so cute and smart when having sexually abused the rights of a teenager, or when one is in Persepolis, listening to the Macedonians who are likewise discussing their booty that they had won when overpowering the city, one wonders what one should make of it.
Should I as an author discuss this because it has been something that I now have insight into it? Can I do it justice? Can I make it readable? Salable is not the issue. That is obvious that it would be salable but the real problem is should I tackle it at all? It hit me hard. I realized a lot of things about ATG that I had not considered until this moment. He had unleashed his men onto that city because he knew that he could no longer restrain them. They were hungry for power, victory, and women, and food. I really have to think about this.
The past does live. I know it for I have experienced it. Just what should I do about it? Keep it to myself as my mother suggested, or share and tell. That is the question.
A morning walk with Marcello
Marcello, my beautiful cat who is becoming well trained at last. Today was a wonderful day in that he did follow my lead without a fuss or a snarl. His fur is exquisite. He seems to have tummy problems so that he likes to eat as many greens as he can find when walking through the lawn. He wakes me every morning at six, and sometimes at five but I beg him to let me sleep til I can get up. I usually then sleep til 7 and then we go for the walk. We meet up with many four legged animals and two legged animals. Usually, when he sights them, he races for home. I slowly wend my way back to find him waiting for me. Today we encountered a big dog who was friendly but Marcello was snarling so I lifted up him into the air. We stayed as far from the huge dog as we could.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Major Rewrite
I had written a piece about the importance of getting things right in the world of reincarnation. Because of some very strange events at Facebook I chose to discuss in a post written at blogger but immediately after writing it, I did get a response about the problem. I want to keep it a closed subject for now.
But in the matter of time regression, I had received a brochure about a potential trip to the city of Persepolis through the AIA. I have been calling them repeatedly about this chance to go to Iran to see the fabled city. I am hoping that I can do that yet but I have not yet called the office to see if it is available or not.
While watching a few videos on the topic of Persepolis I was transported back into time after Alexander and his Macedonians had ransacked the city. I am listening to a group of men discuss their prize booty from the ransacking of the Palaces. I always get a strong sense of the size and might of these men, and it was with fascination that I listened to one man's description of his Persian catch, a beautiful and highly erotic woman. This story captured my interest and frankly made me understand the raw nature of these troops. Had I not had that experience I would not have thought of it to include in the novel if I decide to do that.
So for me, the problem of going back in time is whether to use this material or not in my book. Should I develop this aspect of their character and why or why not? They are all so human, so living and breathing, so near to me when I am there like that. How do I convey this in the book? It is an amazing experience and I want to do it justice.
If anyone did read my previous blogpost I was emoting and emotional at the time of writing. I have collected my thoughts and my composure since. I will probably find it still able to read on my cellphones though. So it is possible that others may too. For that reason I am sending this in lieu of it.
But in the matter of time regression, I had received a brochure about a potential trip to the city of Persepolis through the AIA. I have been calling them repeatedly about this chance to go to Iran to see the fabled city. I am hoping that I can do that yet but I have not yet called the office to see if it is available or not.
While watching a few videos on the topic of Persepolis I was transported back into time after Alexander and his Macedonians had ransacked the city. I am listening to a group of men discuss their prize booty from the ransacking of the Palaces. I always get a strong sense of the size and might of these men, and it was with fascination that I listened to one man's description of his Persian catch, a beautiful and highly erotic woman. This story captured my interest and frankly made me understand the raw nature of these troops. Had I not had that experience I would not have thought of it to include in the novel if I decide to do that.
So for me, the problem of going back in time is whether to use this material or not in my book. Should I develop this aspect of their character and why or why not? They are all so human, so living and breathing, so near to me when I am there like that. How do I convey this in the book? It is an amazing experience and I want to do it justice.
If anyone did read my previous blogpost I was emoting and emotional at the time of writing. I have collected my thoughts and my composure since. I will probably find it still able to read on my cellphones though. So it is possible that others may too. For that reason I am sending this in lieu of it.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The defense of George Zimmerman
I avoided following the trial of the George Zimmerman case which took place in Sanford, Florida for many reasons. Sanford is one of the main reasons since I associate it with a man I met in Florida in 1974 who attended Wright State University and who was writing a paper about God. I have not forgotten this man since his license plates on his car were from Sanford, Florida. I suspected a lot of hooey in this case for that reason alone. I shall not mention his name. He was a person who I had rather simply let pass into history right now.
But finally I did watch the closing statements for both the defense and the prosecution. I had had my own ideas about this case when it first began, but promptly let them fly out the window as I did not care to take much interest in this case.
Because I had studied court reporting in Florida, i am well programmed to understand Florida law, and I also have learned that as in the state of Tennessee, that with the law one does have a friend. There are certain requirements by law that do protect people from bad judgement calls and potential harm. One can never underestimate the power of the law in the hands of a good attorney.
I argued both sides of this case while listening to the attornies who argued their cases. I could see through both since neither seemed to present a truly definitive argument. It would be difficult to argue this case since there is a one sided version of it, but some facts were obvious whether one liked it or not.
The media was a bit intrusive and partial in my opinion. Everyone rushed to judgement, including the president of the USA. As an attorney he should have known better but he was trying to apparently make waves with the black community when he suggested that his own son had he had one would have looked a lot like this young victim. I rather doubt that but that was his feeling at the time. Why did he rush in? Did some other kid who looked more like Mike Tyson probably not get that same benefit?
At any rate, sides began to take shape and it became a black versus white battle in fact as demonstrated now by marches and demonstrations with one guy so stupid as to say that some white folk needed to be present to help the black folk. That was utterly irresponsible of channel 15 to air that in my opinion but sure enough, it was on the news tonight about a demonstration here in Phoenix. Stupid!
The law is not about a black kid or a hispanic man whose mother is from Peru. It is about the facts in the case as presented in court, and heard by the jury. It did not matter that Trayvon was a former football player with lots of muscle and energy to match someone who was 4 inches shorter, and only slightly heavier. The age difference is a matter of maturity, and the fact that the watch captain seemed to think that he had some authority in playing guardian of the neighborhood.
Whatever transpired so that the two came face to face is not a known fact. We have only George's word for it and a few eye witnesses who claim to be able to see in the dark well enough to identify the person on top and the person on the bottom. There is little doubt that the two came into close proximity with one another.
The attornies played to the jury using cardboard cutouts and a mannequin of some kind to attempt to prove that it would have been impossible for the defendant to have taken his gun out while under the tall, lean Trayvon Martin. So when did he take his gun out? When did he get the chance to aim and shoot? Nobody can be sure. But it is a fact that he did do it and he admitted to it, never regretting his actions at all as stated to Hannity on a televised show with his attorney present at his side.
So what does this all mean? In the end, the burden of the proof to get a conviction was impossible and everybody knew it would be. I found it difficult to like either side's presentation in court because they both soft pedaled it so much. Nobody wanted to offend the grieving parents and the black community who everyone seemed to believe would riot and cause mayhem if their side wasn't vindicated in court.
Personally, I think that the emphasis should have been on how frightening this tall, muscular teenager appeared to George Zimmerman. It is a bit like a Tim Conway figure or Barney Fife figure meeting up with a tall threatening athlete like Mean Joe Green or Mike Tyson. Naturally, this teenager did not look like either of those nor does Zimmerman appear that weak and shaky, but the idea is that the kid was portrayed as a child when as an adolescent he is a strong and potentially dangerous person. He was very intimidating to say the least since he had apparently tossed and tumbled with George on the ground so that George felt compelled to resort to his weapon to defend himself.
I wonder why George did not try to wound him in the leg, but I suspect that fear so gripped him that he simply aimed and shot, not caring about anything but saving his own skin. That is why they have the self defense law in Florida. It is to protect those who fear for their lives to be able to save themselves from bodily harm or death. I recall my neighbor in Florida telling me that I needed a gun to protect myself then. In fact, he may have been correct. But I have yet to purchase a gun to protect myself.
So now that the jury came together to render a verdict that seemed the only logical one to give, the marches are on and people are protesting that the poor black kid did not get treated properly. That the system is such that black kids cannot walk the streets of America without getting shot and killed. Balder dash! There are any number of black and white youngsters, aged, and others who are shot and killed without a mention in the media at all.
This is a poster card case. This is the cause of extreme martyrdom in which the black people can yell foul because a small community in Florida decided that the prosecution did not meet its burden of proof.
It is time for the hysteria to die down, for the professional bleeding hearts to shut up, and for life to return to normal without having to cater to every minority interest groups marches and demonstrations.
Had this happened to any of my football relatives, not a bit of publicity would have happened. It probably would not get into page 3 of the local presses. That is life in America. Too bad unfortunately for the over magnified and over publicized victims of the case. No publicity is better than this kind.
But finally I did watch the closing statements for both the defense and the prosecution. I had had my own ideas about this case when it first began, but promptly let them fly out the window as I did not care to take much interest in this case.
Because I had studied court reporting in Florida, i am well programmed to understand Florida law, and I also have learned that as in the state of Tennessee, that with the law one does have a friend. There are certain requirements by law that do protect people from bad judgement calls and potential harm. One can never underestimate the power of the law in the hands of a good attorney.
I argued both sides of this case while listening to the attornies who argued their cases. I could see through both since neither seemed to present a truly definitive argument. It would be difficult to argue this case since there is a one sided version of it, but some facts were obvious whether one liked it or not.
The media was a bit intrusive and partial in my opinion. Everyone rushed to judgement, including the president of the USA. As an attorney he should have known better but he was trying to apparently make waves with the black community when he suggested that his own son had he had one would have looked a lot like this young victim. I rather doubt that but that was his feeling at the time. Why did he rush in? Did some other kid who looked more like Mike Tyson probably not get that same benefit?
At any rate, sides began to take shape and it became a black versus white battle in fact as demonstrated now by marches and demonstrations with one guy so stupid as to say that some white folk needed to be present to help the black folk. That was utterly irresponsible of channel 15 to air that in my opinion but sure enough, it was on the news tonight about a demonstration here in Phoenix. Stupid!
The law is not about a black kid or a hispanic man whose mother is from Peru. It is about the facts in the case as presented in court, and heard by the jury. It did not matter that Trayvon was a former football player with lots of muscle and energy to match someone who was 4 inches shorter, and only slightly heavier. The age difference is a matter of maturity, and the fact that the watch captain seemed to think that he had some authority in playing guardian of the neighborhood.
Whatever transpired so that the two came face to face is not a known fact. We have only George's word for it and a few eye witnesses who claim to be able to see in the dark well enough to identify the person on top and the person on the bottom. There is little doubt that the two came into close proximity with one another.
The attornies played to the jury using cardboard cutouts and a mannequin of some kind to attempt to prove that it would have been impossible for the defendant to have taken his gun out while under the tall, lean Trayvon Martin. So when did he take his gun out? When did he get the chance to aim and shoot? Nobody can be sure. But it is a fact that he did do it and he admitted to it, never regretting his actions at all as stated to Hannity on a televised show with his attorney present at his side.
So what does this all mean? In the end, the burden of the proof to get a conviction was impossible and everybody knew it would be. I found it difficult to like either side's presentation in court because they both soft pedaled it so much. Nobody wanted to offend the grieving parents and the black community who everyone seemed to believe would riot and cause mayhem if their side wasn't vindicated in court.
Personally, I think that the emphasis should have been on how frightening this tall, muscular teenager appeared to George Zimmerman. It is a bit like a Tim Conway figure or Barney Fife figure meeting up with a tall threatening athlete like Mean Joe Green or Mike Tyson. Naturally, this teenager did not look like either of those nor does Zimmerman appear that weak and shaky, but the idea is that the kid was portrayed as a child when as an adolescent he is a strong and potentially dangerous person. He was very intimidating to say the least since he had apparently tossed and tumbled with George on the ground so that George felt compelled to resort to his weapon to defend himself.
I wonder why George did not try to wound him in the leg, but I suspect that fear so gripped him that he simply aimed and shot, not caring about anything but saving his own skin. That is why they have the self defense law in Florida. It is to protect those who fear for their lives to be able to save themselves from bodily harm or death. I recall my neighbor in Florida telling me that I needed a gun to protect myself then. In fact, he may have been correct. But I have yet to purchase a gun to protect myself.
So now that the jury came together to render a verdict that seemed the only logical one to give, the marches are on and people are protesting that the poor black kid did not get treated properly. That the system is such that black kids cannot walk the streets of America without getting shot and killed. Balder dash! There are any number of black and white youngsters, aged, and others who are shot and killed without a mention in the media at all.
This is a poster card case. This is the cause of extreme martyrdom in which the black people can yell foul because a small community in Florida decided that the prosecution did not meet its burden of proof.
It is time for the hysteria to die down, for the professional bleeding hearts to shut up, and for life to return to normal without having to cater to every minority interest groups marches and demonstrations.
Had this happened to any of my football relatives, not a bit of publicity would have happened. It probably would not get into page 3 of the local presses. That is life in America. Too bad unfortunately for the over magnified and over publicized victims of the case. No publicity is better than this kind.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Just another day
My dad's worst expression was always, "It's just another day.!" I would get so disgusted with his negative attitude about everything. The truth is that we never know what is happening inside another person's mind unless they share and tell.
It is possible that people are sincere or are covering up other feelings when they make such statements. I always found the climate in Arizona to be so congenial in the wintertime to think that it is not just another day, but that it is a glorious day, a day to enjoy and to love.
But illness, loneliness, self pity, and other bad habits can rob someone of the joy of living. I am learning this more and more myself now. Fortunately, I have enjoyed good health most of my life. I had the normal childhood disease, some not so normal like asthma which still robs me of lung power, but on the whole, I have had only an occasional bout with flu or colds, bites, and burns, but no major health problems. I consider myself blessed that way.
Yet, slowly my body is degenerating. I feel the aches and pains that I did not have years ago. I had a sharp pain in my abdomen two days ago that set me to worry what if I had a serious problem. I was pretty bent over for a short time but I was able to raise my arms and to stretch so that eventually it all went away. But it did make me realize that I must get my house in order as soon as possible. I need to sell most of the stuff that I have since I have no close living relatives here, and I do not know who will value it as my mother had done. I have some beautiful china and crystal that I need to find a home so that it can be displayed properly. I had hoped that I might be able to enjoy them myself for sometime but I am ready to part with them.
In other words, I want to do all that I can while in decent enough health to enjoy life. So I intend to travel to as many places as possible.
It is possible that people are sincere or are covering up other feelings when they make such statements. I always found the climate in Arizona to be so congenial in the wintertime to think that it is not just another day, but that it is a glorious day, a day to enjoy and to love.
But illness, loneliness, self pity, and other bad habits can rob someone of the joy of living. I am learning this more and more myself now. Fortunately, I have enjoyed good health most of my life. I had the normal childhood disease, some not so normal like asthma which still robs me of lung power, but on the whole, I have had only an occasional bout with flu or colds, bites, and burns, but no major health problems. I consider myself blessed that way.
Yet, slowly my body is degenerating. I feel the aches and pains that I did not have years ago. I had a sharp pain in my abdomen two days ago that set me to worry what if I had a serious problem. I was pretty bent over for a short time but I was able to raise my arms and to stretch so that eventually it all went away. But it did make me realize that I must get my house in order as soon as possible. I need to sell most of the stuff that I have since I have no close living relatives here, and I do not know who will value it as my mother had done. I have some beautiful china and crystal that I need to find a home so that it can be displayed properly. I had hoped that I might be able to enjoy them myself for sometime but I am ready to part with them.
In other words, I want to do all that I can while in decent enough health to enjoy life. So I intend to travel to as many places as possible.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Fourth of July
I stayed home today. The only time I left the apartment was to take the cat for his walk this morning. It is just too hot to get out as I learned yesterday when I crazily decided to go to VeeQuiva Casino for their grand opening. It was a two hour trip to get there which did open my eyes to another part of the county that I had not seen before. I had not been in that part of town since I lived in Arizona in the 60's and what a change! I could hardly believe how Phoenix has grown in size since I first moved here.
I had to wait at two stops for the transfer bus and at the last stop which was about 5:00 I was so hot I could hardly believe it. It made me feel really ill for awhile. I had been keeping cool through drinking water, and using my ice block, but by this time the sun was at its worst, and the water was nearly gone as well as the ice block nearly thawed out. I was also loaded down with things that I had bought at Walgreen's and Big Lots.
When I got home, I was exhausted and too tired to really eat. I had eaten a hamburger and a hot dog already so that today being the fourth I did not eat any of that junk. I ate the frozen Asian meal of orange chicken instead.
Then I spent the evening watching the fireworks on PBS and Macy's which fortunately came on immediately after the PBS show closed. Then PBS had an encore presentation which I did watch again to see the real difference in the fireworks displays. I was very impressed with Macy's show this evening as it was so well done that it really made an impact on me due to my new t.v. It was fantastic!
The Washington Monument made an impact on me too finally in a way that I had not seen until tonight. It has to do with one of Nostradamus's quatrains which I will not explain right now...Just a note to jog my memory if I need to recall it. About the opening of a grave.
Finally, next year will be the 238th anniversary of the country's birth. Suddenly it hit me loud and clear! Perfect! Lawdy Lawdy!
I had to wait at two stops for the transfer bus and at the last stop which was about 5:00 I was so hot I could hardly believe it. It made me feel really ill for awhile. I had been keeping cool through drinking water, and using my ice block, but by this time the sun was at its worst, and the water was nearly gone as well as the ice block nearly thawed out. I was also loaded down with things that I had bought at Walgreen's and Big Lots.
When I got home, I was exhausted and too tired to really eat. I had eaten a hamburger and a hot dog already so that today being the fourth I did not eat any of that junk. I ate the frozen Asian meal of orange chicken instead.
Then I spent the evening watching the fireworks on PBS and Macy's which fortunately came on immediately after the PBS show closed. Then PBS had an encore presentation which I did watch again to see the real difference in the fireworks displays. I was very impressed with Macy's show this evening as it was so well done that it really made an impact on me due to my new t.v. It was fantastic!
The Washington Monument made an impact on me too finally in a way that I had not seen until tonight. It has to do with one of Nostradamus's quatrains which I will not explain right now...Just a note to jog my memory if I need to recall it. About the opening of a grave.
Finally, next year will be the 238th anniversary of the country's birth. Suddenly it hit me loud and clear! Perfect! Lawdy Lawdy!
Getting back to novel
Tonight I read the excerpts for my novel aloud but I do not intend to share any of these with anyone yet. I want to get it much further along so that I can see how this is going. I actually like what I have done so far, and except for a few minor touchups, it is pretty good for a first draft. I just want to get on with it now that I have finally reviewed that much of it. I do have to add a few things, and I would make notes but I am having to learn how to use both Pages and Scrivener which complicates matters a bit. I like the starter word quite a bit as it is quite easy to use and often very helpful.
I honestly think that simply getting on with the story is the best way to go instead of being too overly self critical. Following the history timeline is a problem in and of itself, and trying to make it even a bit interesting and absorbing takes a lot of immersion into the characters and times.
I honestly think that simply getting on with the story is the best way to go instead of being too overly self critical. Following the history timeline is a problem in and of itself, and trying to make it even a bit interesting and absorbing takes a lot of immersion into the characters and times.
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