Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Monday, July 15, 2013

Major Rewrite

I had written a piece about the importance of getting things right in the world of reincarnation.  Because of some very strange events at Facebook I chose to discuss in a post written at blogger but immediately after writing it, I did get a response about the problem. I want to keep it a closed subject for now.

But in the matter of time regression, I had received a brochure about a potential trip to the city of Persepolis through the AIA.  I have been calling them repeatedly about this chance to go to Iran to see the fabled city.  I am hoping that I can do that yet but I have not yet called the office to see if it is available or not.  

While watching a few videos on the topic of Persepolis I was transported back into time after Alexander and his Macedonians had ransacked the city. I am listening to a group of men discuss their prize booty from the ransacking of the Palaces.  I always get a strong sense of the size and might of these men, and it was with fascination that I listened to one man's description of his Persian catch, a beautiful and highly erotic woman.  This story captured my interest and frankly made me understand the raw nature of these troops.  Had I not had that experience I would not have thought of it to include in the novel if I decide to do that.

So for me, the problem of going back in time is  whether to use this material or not in my book.  Should I develop this aspect of their character and why or why not?  They are all so human, so living and breathing, so near to me when I am there like that.  How do I convey this in the book?  It is an amazing experience and I want to do it justice.

If anyone did read my previous blogpost I was emoting and emotional at the time of writing.  I have collected my thoughts and my composure since.  I will probably find it still able to read on my cellphones though.  So it is possible that others may too.  For that reason I am sending this in lieu of it.

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