Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Continuation of Jesus Christ Reincarnated

My first thought is that Jesus said that many would come claiming to be him and that all should be careful to discern the truth.  For that reason alone, very few people will ever accept anyone who would make such a claim.

I am always dubious of anyone who claims to have lived a previous life. I always am interested to know who they think that they had been and also how it is that they came to learn of it.  I have gone out on a limb myself, and this story naturally affected me.  I never actually claim to be reincarnated. I claim to have gone back in time and to have relived that person's life moments as they have occurred to me.

But when I learn of stories like this I always worry about how my own statements are received and taken.  When the person of the past is a major figure whose fame is so well known it frankly is embarrassing to know that while I have legitimately undergone these moments in time but that when I would discuss them, it seems ludicrous.

So I am writing this to further examine my own dilemma in knowing the truth about myself as having learned of significant men, when I am a woman, and believe it or not, that impacts people more than the fact that they are famous.  The fact that I am a woman who has had memories of lives of men is apparently more threatening than anything else.  Not to people who have an understanding and know ledge of how reincarnation works but to friends who really do not want to learn that about me.

Immediately people jump to the conclusion that i must be a lesbian.  Nothing further from the truth. I have always been boy crazy and man crazy all my  female life. In my memories of these men, I have had sexual acquaintance with women when I am in the male role of that person.  I have seen naked women, and I have even had sexual contact.  So while it has not disturbed me one bit it would disturb a reader or listener I am sure.

(to be continued)

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