Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow

I prepared my turkey breast this afternoon since I need food to eat today as well as tomorrow and I thought that this 3 lb. bird would last me three days maybe.  It is absolutely better than I had ever expected it to be so that it will not last long.  I would recommend anyone buying a Jennie-O turkey breast all year long. The gravy is fantastic. I cannot rave enough about this easy to roast breast and gravy.

I wanted to keep tomorrow free so that I could go scooting around if I want.  I do not have any invites to other people's homes as I have had in the past so that I feel free to wander about the place a bit.  I even will take in night time shopping just to see who goes and what happens, having never done a Black Friday until this year.  I hate crowds and mayhem in shopping so if it does prove to be utter chaos I will pass it all up.  But I will check out Macy's and tempt myself into maybe buying a cashmere sweater, saving $90 dollars off original price if I really want it.

Most likely, I will pass on it, but one never knows.

I was up all night last night...could not sleep. I even wrote it up after I sat in bed and thought about so I decided to make use of the time to put it on blogger but I did not publish it.

I have so many mixed feelings about the term reincarnation, and the fact that I uncovered the lives of very famous men has been an annoyance to people who have heard me out no doubt.  Few want to believe me I know but so what.  I have lived through these men's lives enough to not kid myself and in the end, it is what I think that is more important than what anyone else thinks.

And believe me, the last episode did really impact me more than I ever bargained for. I have been writing a book about Alexander in his youth using the gods and goddesses as devices who influence and guide him.  They are akin to my spiritual guide who I hear and listen to and follow the instructions so that I glean into this gift to me of seeing into the past.

So because I had taken a selfie, which is a self portrait from my cell phone, when I went to bed, my spirit guide reached me to say look at yourself yesterday...see yourself.  Well, nothing happened immediately but as I was drifting off into slumber I did see two visions of myself...and I was very surprised at the images of myself then.  I had never read this or learned of it as I saw it so it shocked me a bit...the first was of Alexander as a young man in his long silky curly golden hair which frankly was the shocker to me as to how long it was...and the second was of Alexander in probably his last years as a really dreadful looking, tired, harried, and almost murderous appearance, his hair disheveled, cut to a much shorter length, and a seriously frightening but also war wearied look about him...It made such an impact on me that I rethought everything that I have ever gone through with him as well as read about him...I truly felt sorry for him as well.

I did not want to really share any of this information at the time.  It really got to me as all I could be happy for is that those days are gone, that they are only a part of a long past, and they are far more horrendous than I had ever thought them to  be, and I have gone through some pretty tough and gritty stuff through him, but nothing impacted me so strongly as the contrast between his youthful appearance and his later final days....I consoled myself by thinking that I am in a great time period in which I enjoy all the security and blessings of life. I have had to fight no battles other than early childhood and personal serious matters that seem trite in comparison...but I also gleaned immediately why it is that I am so impulsive, restless, daring and often foolhardy...because it is my lifestyle to be that makes me think a lot.

Writing it out does also help to temper all this.  So I write.

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