I have been working on my Alexander novel for some time. Let me explain how I feel about authoring and publishing. One, publishers are into the game for one reason only and that is to make profits. Exactly why and how a book can earn a lot of money is not easy to explain. Each person has different tastes in reading and escapism. Authors can pander to certain key groups to satisfy the lusts and desires of a group as one writer who made a personal appearance here in Tempe explained why she wrote specifically for gay men groups...She is making a small amount of change for writing books exploiting the lusts of men on men sex.
So I am sure that many writers are that controlled and engaged in writing what would be trash to me. I would not even want to read one short story about the subject. So what can I say?
My urge to write a story came about because of my ability to put myself into a trance and to go back into time and space into a totally different time period to live the life of one of the persons in that time period, and I eventually learned which person it is that I had been in that time period to have to read everything under the sun that I could find to know about that person. I would have the experience before learning of the person so that I had to do some digging about to find all that I wanted to know to verify as the term is used that I had been that actual person.
Since all are famous and well known there is a lot to find about them so I was easy on myself having been privy to so many men's lives...
I am a female and all these people are men, and important and famous men yet to boot.
So naturally, it seems unbelievable to any but myself and I say, so what? I know what I know so who gives a damn about those who are so pitiful as not to believe me when I say so.
As it turned out, I came to like many of these men who have inhabited my life somehow, and I finally decided that maybe I should write a novel about them. At times, I think the really important novel is more about me than them to tell the truth. They are already studied enough both fictionally and nonfictionally that one more book is not going to really matter a whole heck of a lot. All books end up in dust piles anyway just as has all their bones.
So on that note, I am reconsidering the entire story...finding who Parmenio and Philotas are today made me realize how stupid it is to worry about ages past anyway and may be the very reason that many religious bodies tell not to create false idols, not to worry about the printed word, etc.so that none of us gets bogged down in futility.
There is a lesson in all of this somewhere and I am trying to realize it so that next post about this topic may elucidate on that better than this one can now. I have to get to the work at hand for the day so am closing these thoughts til later...
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