The Ukraine and Russia seem to be top priority on Barack Obama's list of things to do while he can. He interrupted the Chew show which I like to watch yesterday to tell us about how he is handling Vladmir Putin in Russia. I do not know exactly why the Ukraine is important to the USA when its history is Russian. I do see why it would have wanted out of the Soviet bloc but Russia itself is another matter. I think it is supposed to be economic rather than ideology. I do not believe that Europe could care but for some fool reason Barack Obama seems to find it important. He had not convinced me yet as to why it is important to the USA.
But Putin is turning both Sochi and Crimea into gambling spots CNN reported yesterday afternoon. He is taking a risk that gambling will bring in big bucks to Russia. Now if he can just get the Russian separatists out of the Ukraine to make all these plans work for him.
Obama can't fight back on that one. Already, the USA is over supplied with Indian Casinos, Las Vegas, and Atlantic City losing out in the battle since many casinos are closing down. Over saturation of any product or event site can be costly. Casinos are only in it for the money and don't like big winners who break the house. So figure that your time at play is just that, a form of recreation, not a beat the house game or you close down the business for good.
I have my runs of luck but I am not fool enough to ever be a threat to a Casino.
They love to see me when I walk in the door.
Another ongoing crisis in the world is the conflict between Israel and Gaza Strip. Israel needs to see a mockup staged for their benefit to understand why the world will not rally around them. But I hate to say that this action made me say aloud in the comfort of my four walls what I would do, and as I am saying out loud, and you know I would do it if you know me at all, and all of a sudden just like that flashback time happened when I realized that in two of my former lifetimes I had done just what I was saying I would do, as history records it, and my memory suddenly delivers it up to me, and I shut up that fast. Uh Oh. I said...
I know myself too well after all...I am all who I say I am, and I just proved it to myself again, as I quieted down and shut my mouth.
So it goes...I have learned a lesson from this...
I also commented on Facebook about taking classes in court reporting from the Jews at Charron Williams College, owned by a man name of Irving Goldstein, and taught by Marvin Morgenstern and Sylvia Krone, all three being of the Jewish faith, and knowing a student Candy, also a Jew but one who is sympathetic towards Christians and Christmas. Then after that lesson in shorthand, I turned to word processing in Flint, Michigan where I took a course for the CPT from two women who were Muslims, black Muslims, who gave me a lesson in how black people teach and learn lessons in life.
I have had many long years of learning how Christians think from fundamentalist Baptists, Pentecostal, and Lutheran, Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox. Christianity is like gas stations, all preaching the same stuff but with a different sign. My dad was an employee of the Buckeye Pipeline Company, a company dealing in gas and oil. So I know all about gas and all about Christian churches.
Same is true of aspirin so we learned at MSU in sociology class where I had teachers of all faiths as well. America is a diverse nation, not to be compared to Israel at all. Nobody should ever attempt to do the but what would America do? We are all tired of that argument, being frustrated with what America has been doing world wide for far too long as it is.
As far as Jews are concerned, I worked at a Jewish country club near Chicago, Ill in 1959. I worked at the Miracle Mile May Company which is in the heart of Jewish land in Los Angeles, California, right behind CBS studio and the Farmers Market. Most of the customers and cashiers were Jewish. I studied at Charron Williams which was operated and run by Jews.
As for Muslims, I have met them in many walks of life, amongst them the two teachers at Jordan College, and even a major player on the scene of life in recent years in person. So I am aware of how Muslims play the game too.
I get tired of Christians overplaying their cards about Jesus when not truly living the life that Christians are theoretically taught to live. They sing the songs, preach the sermons, but fail to be as simple and unadorned as true Christians are meant to be.
Judge not unless you want that judgement to befall you in return is what is meant by Judge not lest ye be judged. Most people fail to notice that as you do unto another, it shall return to be done to you. Therefore, put out only love, kindness, and mercy. So that it will all come back to you.
Yes, I am studying the lot of a warrior as it has become revealed to me that is who I am. I always win.
Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Comments on Renovations.
I am in the laundry room in an air-conditioned reading room where we are supposed to have free wifi and television. I have not turned on the t.v. since I do not like to watch it until noon when I turn on the Chew or CNN. It is air conditioned in here so since it is directly across from my apartment I decided to see if I could use my computer here. Yes, it is working and that makes me very happy.
This apartment began its remodeling stint with the clubhouse but none of us were told that that would be the beginning of an entire apartment complex renovation. We learned it only after a fitness center was built, new barbecue pits built, and finally the finish of buildings 8 and 9. None of us were told officially, even at lease renewal time. I am a wee bit annoyed about that now. One of the tenants who I do not see any longer since he must have either moved or taken a leave of absence during the process had objected to four buildings being renovated at one time. The projected time of finish I have learned is the end of the year. I am hoping that my building will be finished by Thanksgiving at least.
I do believe that buildings 8 and 9 are finished at last. They seem to have all the finishing touches of green bars placed on the retaining walls which is sure sign that all is done.Truthfully, except for slight differences, the renovation does not really change anything much at all. Just a facelift for the time being. However, my main concern is the rent. How will these changes affect the next year's rent since i just had signed my lease for another year at the end of May. I am only two months into this year's lease.
So for that reason, I will be looking to see if I should make changes.
This apartment began its remodeling stint with the clubhouse but none of us were told that that would be the beginning of an entire apartment complex renovation. We learned it only after a fitness center was built, new barbecue pits built, and finally the finish of buildings 8 and 9. None of us were told officially, even at lease renewal time. I am a wee bit annoyed about that now. One of the tenants who I do not see any longer since he must have either moved or taken a leave of absence during the process had objected to four buildings being renovated at one time. The projected time of finish I have learned is the end of the year. I am hoping that my building will be finished by Thanksgiving at least.
I do believe that buildings 8 and 9 are finished at last. They seem to have all the finishing touches of green bars placed on the retaining walls which is sure sign that all is done.Truthfully, except for slight differences, the renovation does not really change anything much at all. Just a facelift for the time being. However, my main concern is the rent. How will these changes affect the next year's rent since i just had signed my lease for another year at the end of May. I am only two months into this year's lease.
So for that reason, I will be looking to see if I should make changes.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
July, 2014
This month has flown by so rapidly I can hardly believe it. I am writing this while watching CNN Jon Vause who is discussing the ongoing problems that are facing the Middle East. He is a handsome young man who appears totally different when in the field instead of at the desk. Amazing at how important clothing styles can be. Suits versus casual wear. He looks tons better in casual tone.
Here it is, July 25 already...time has passed so quickly I am just overwhelmed at times. But this past week was so dreary that I can only wish for this month to end. The heat was at an all time high two days in a row so that i have not been out of the apartment for the past three days. I am stir crazy, bored, and having had too many sleepless nights, tired and sleepy but unable to sleep.
I am watching the interior of a hospital in Gaza. I just read an article at Facebook in which former FBI director warns that this struggle is likely to create more interest in other terrorist groups who will be a problem in the Muslim world. There was an interesting comment there by a Rafael Suarez who so concisely wrote what many of us to be the truth about this sorry affair that I had to comment on his response to the FBI director's suggestion. He spelled it out exactly the way that most of us see this tragedy as being exposed by the courageous news media and medical personnel who are working there.
There are also other articles on the internet which discuss the fundamental Christians attitude about this. It always amazes me that today's Christians seem to be so similar to the fundamental Muslims who both live as if they think yesterday is today. Some Christian quotes are so ridiculous and unbelievable as to make one think that perhaps that they are not too well educated or intelligent after all. I mean really. Who believes the Israel of today is the Israel of King David? Anybody?
I just searched information about Jon Vause. He is quite a fascinating journalist with a resume that is most impressive. He has a delicious voice for a broadcaster. He is from Australia, is married, and has one child.
Wow! Putin has a beautiful daughter who is getting publicity now. So now the Netherlands is turning against her. She seems to be involved with a young man who is from the Netherlands.
On that note, I read an article tonight which suggests that the Ukraine actually set this plane tragedy up to frame Putin. It seems that fragmented messages were strung together to make up phony recordings so that it would appear that the Russians were guilty. The separatists...when in reality, they are supposed to have known that the commercial airliner would fly the flight plan while air traffic controllers instructed it to fly north of its usual route and at a lower altitude. The entire plot suggests that the USA is behind that frame-up of Putin.
I realize that nobody is ever going to believe that story since already the laws in motion are to condemn the Russians as harshly as possible. Leaders of the EU and the USA have already set the ball rolling to push Putin into a corner. Nobody is ever going to believe that the Ukraine set this up in a premeditated mass murder plan.
I did share the story on my Timeline as it is published in a respectable journal. Not going to check which publication since it is part of the Russian Orthodox Church I would imagine. Sandra shared it.
End of politics today.
I did open my mail about car insurance and registration to finally learn how much it will cost me...I must get control of my finances. I also am actually not a victim of a scam but a victor over it. Some guy and his wife who won a megamillion dollar prize in the state of Washington supposedly sent me a notice saying that they wanted to share their bounty with me. I do not know if they are part of this scheme or not as they could be victims also but no matter what I did respond to it but shared it all on Facebook since I did not truly believe it. I knew it was a too good to be true scheme. God had picked me he concluded. Ha! That alone made me wonder at this strange attempt to trick me. Unfortunately, I did give my phone number but so far no phone calls. I made it all public, all correspondence is on my timeline and on google. I did x out my phone number.
I will close now. TATA
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Current Events: Airliners, Immigrants, and Middle East and Iraq, and ISIS.
Some thoughts I have about current events:
1. Commercial airlines should avoid war zone regions at all costs.
2. Immigrant problem should be the top priority of the White House.
3. Marine being held by Mexican government should get immediate attention. He should get released from Mexican jail asap.
4. Americans should not throw stones at Russia over the Ukraine when it already has all its fingers in every region of the world unjustifiably.
5. ISIS, the newly recent terrorist group which has declared itself the second Napoleon of our time, needs to be terminated immediately if not sooner. This group of terrorists is the most serious threat since the Taliban, and is even worse than the Taliban.
6. The unfortunates of the world who are truly the obedient and faithful Islamic followers should not be condemned by the actions of the militant faction of their faith.
7. Israel should be bigger and better than it has been in its treatment of its Islamic neighbors otherwise known as Arab neighbors. Israel is its own worst enemy but does not seem to recognize that fact.
8. The United States is not the police of the world and should not attempt to be that dreadful force so often.
9. The two party system is a failure in government in this country. Both parties should be disbanded immediately.
10. The thriller ride in Kansas City, Missouri is probably the scariest ride devised to date.
11. Jimmy Fallon is funnier than David Letterman in the night time talk show wars, but Dave is old school style, while Jimmy is a spin off of SNL.
12. And finally, The Chew on ABC t.v. is a very excellent show for food lovers. It is on at noon here in the Valley of the sun.
1. Commercial airlines should avoid war zone regions at all costs.
2. Immigrant problem should be the top priority of the White House.
3. Marine being held by Mexican government should get immediate attention. He should get released from Mexican jail asap.
4. Americans should not throw stones at Russia over the Ukraine when it already has all its fingers in every region of the world unjustifiably.
5. ISIS, the newly recent terrorist group which has declared itself the second Napoleon of our time, needs to be terminated immediately if not sooner. This group of terrorists is the most serious threat since the Taliban, and is even worse than the Taliban.
6. The unfortunates of the world who are truly the obedient and faithful Islamic followers should not be condemned by the actions of the militant faction of their faith.
7. Israel should be bigger and better than it has been in its treatment of its Islamic neighbors otherwise known as Arab neighbors. Israel is its own worst enemy but does not seem to recognize that fact.
8. The United States is not the police of the world and should not attempt to be that dreadful force so often.
9. The two party system is a failure in government in this country. Both parties should be disbanded immediately.
10. The thriller ride in Kansas City, Missouri is probably the scariest ride devised to date.
11. Jimmy Fallon is funnier than David Letterman in the night time talk show wars, but Dave is old school style, while Jimmy is a spin off of SNL.
12. And finally, The Chew on ABC t.v. is a very excellent show for food lovers. It is on at noon here in the Valley of the sun.
A Sound Off Moment
I have to express myself somehow. I am trying to keep my sanity in this crazy renovation period being accomplished in the hottest months of the years. I cannot afford to pay for two different housing in these months so I am stuck here while all these renovations continue. I stay indoors rather than go to the shopping centers but once the plastering begins, I will probably take time to go to the library, movie theatre, or shopping center just to escape the ongoing work that will be done. Today was horrendous as the bushes outside my bedroom were cut down, the security doors were removed, and the air conditioning man finally came around to fix the air conditioning system. Dropping little pellets of some kind for moisture I guess. Reminding me that I should buy a new good filter too.
So I then tried to scan some photos onto my computer and computer is saying the connection is not there, and copy machine is saying no connection. Now that means I have to go to Apple to get this problem solved since I may know what caused it after all. But not sure.
I had had my computer upgraded so if that is the cause then that would explain it. I am going to get an SD memory card now to use though since I learned that I can use that...but it had worked before so why not now?
In addition to the fact that I have to check my mail thoroughly and too often get too wrapped up in the events of the day on t.v. and on the internet which does demand too much time, too much emotional involvement, and reaction.
I am trying to clean out my old photos so that I can finally let go of them to the trash where rightfully they belong now. But I had wanted to save some keepsake type photos.
I am going to close down. I just had to air my exasperation at so many things pressing down on me at once. The heat alone is enough to drive me indoors but the activity of work on these buildings does wear me out more than I had thought it would. Sure, it may be pretty when finished but in the meantime it is painful and like gas in the stomach when one must belch or fart, I gotta have my say.
So I then tried to scan some photos onto my computer and computer is saying the connection is not there, and copy machine is saying no connection. Now that means I have to go to Apple to get this problem solved since I may know what caused it after all. But not sure.
I had had my computer upgraded so if that is the cause then that would explain it. I am going to get an SD memory card now to use though since I learned that I can use that...but it had worked before so why not now?
In addition to the fact that I have to check my mail thoroughly and too often get too wrapped up in the events of the day on t.v. and on the internet which does demand too much time, too much emotional involvement, and reaction.
I am trying to clean out my old photos so that I can finally let go of them to the trash where rightfully they belong now. But I had wanted to save some keepsake type photos.
I am going to close down. I just had to air my exasperation at so many things pressing down on me at once. The heat alone is enough to drive me indoors but the activity of work on these buildings does wear me out more than I had thought it would. Sure, it may be pretty when finished but in the meantime it is painful and like gas in the stomach when one must belch or fart, I gotta have my say.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Comments on Malaysia Air and Israel/Gaza
I hope that the USA will stay out of the Malaysian air situation. It is none of our business and I hope that Barack Obama will not become the jerk of the year by trying to act self important in this stressful situation.
I likewise think that the Israel/Gaza drama is making Israel look like the devil versus the already too injured and too disabled. Benjamin Netanyahu proves that he is unfit to be the leader of the state of Israel. Most of the internet is anti Israel.
Jews and Israeli's are not to be considered as one and the same but I did read that the Jews from France are fleeing France to go to Israel now. The situation is so bad there that Jews are being targeted for harassment.
Where does Israel think that it will go in the future? Now that it has eaten up most of the former Palestinian lands as if it were their own which it is not, who will they try to grab land from next?
Or are they going to have to go Vertical? Create high rises to survive. It appears to me that they do not think about the future at all. Are they to be another Japan? Seeking homes outside of their own territory.
It is useless to wonder about the residents of Gaza. Israel is systematically killing them off one by one in large masses. Israel should be ashamed of itself and stop blaming those who are throwing rockets at them. They have intercepted them or they have fallen into empty fields, so far hurting no one. It is a ridiculous game. Time to stop.
I likewise think that the Israel/Gaza drama is making Israel look like the devil versus the already too injured and too disabled. Benjamin Netanyahu proves that he is unfit to be the leader of the state of Israel. Most of the internet is anti Israel.
Jews and Israeli's are not to be considered as one and the same but I did read that the Jews from France are fleeing France to go to Israel now. The situation is so bad there that Jews are being targeted for harassment.
Where does Israel think that it will go in the future? Now that it has eaten up most of the former Palestinian lands as if it were their own which it is not, who will they try to grab land from next?
Or are they going to have to go Vertical? Create high rises to survive. It appears to me that they do not think about the future at all. Are they to be another Japan? Seeking homes outside of their own territory.
It is useless to wonder about the residents of Gaza. Israel is systematically killing them off one by one in large masses. Israel should be ashamed of itself and stop blaming those who are throwing rockets at them. They have intercepted them or they have fallen into empty fields, so far hurting no one. It is a ridiculous game. Time to stop.
Cellphone dilemma.
This week has been a bad one no matter how you look at it. The apartment group looks like a bomb hit it. Three buildings are being renovated at one time, and my building appears to be the first building to be under attack so to speak. Men were on the roof replacing old worn out tarp with new tarp upon which roofing will be laid. Foundations were dug out for cement blocks to make a patio wall and the wall is partially completed at my apartment and in my building area. The walks are being dug up to make room for the walls in the other buildings so that new walks will be poured after the walls are built. There is so much orange netting that one feels like a prisoner. I walk around every day to keep up with the ongoing work. It is supposed to be completed by the end of the year i am told.
But I had a problem with my cellphone the other day and learned how bad the local Verizon store is. I am intending to stop using a carrier as I have two and I do not believe i need two phones. So I am intending to end one of the two when the service ends. I am trying to decide which and have discussed it with Verizon but not yet with Sprint. My Sprint contract ends first. Verizon on the customer service end is good but very bad at the sales end in the stores.
So what to do?
I am thinking of changing to iPhone when the new iPhone comes out. It will then be compatible with my computer.
But I had a problem with my cellphone the other day and learned how bad the local Verizon store is. I am intending to stop using a carrier as I have two and I do not believe i need two phones. So I am intending to end one of the two when the service ends. I am trying to decide which and have discussed it with Verizon but not yet with Sprint. My Sprint contract ends first. Verizon on the customer service end is good but very bad at the sales end in the stores.
So what to do?
I am thinking of changing to iPhone when the new iPhone comes out. It will then be compatible with my computer.
Maylaysia 17 and Israel/Gaza
This week has been full of stress internationally which manages to seep into our lives sooner or later. No one can escape the news of the stories of an airliner shot down over the Ukraine by some warring factor and then the ongoing soap opera drama of pitting Israel versus the Gaza strip. Both are pains in the butt to the average American who frankly does not want our government to be involved in either problem.
Americans are of many types. Right now we have been struggling with the problem of an exodus of children from Central America. Barack Obama has not truly handled the problem of immigration into the United States at all since he can only blame the Republican party for doing nothing at all but sit on their hands. They won't support any of his ideas no matter what...but when the Republicans are in the office of the White House, the Democrats do the same to them so that Americans get stung by both parties no matter which party wins the executive office.
The only time either party will go along with the other is if some outside force attacks America which did happen in the case of 9/11. All of a sudden, the two parties will join forces to protect themselves. Ha. That does not last very long either. So the two party system is a total problem for anyone who wants good clean government.
In the meantime, the downed Malaysian airliner occurred over the Ukraine which is in a state of civil war between the Rebels and the Ukraine. Bodies lie in the fields rotting away. The OCE, a European group, was allowed only 75 minutes to survey the territory today. The black boxes are not yet secured despite the Rebels saying that they had found them. While everyone places great emphasis upon the importance of the black boxes, in fact, the only thing they will produce is the state of the plane when it was hit. I do not personally think that they will offer the kind of information that is needed to know exactly who fired the missile that hit them.
Naturally, all the spy satellites probably know already all that has happened but security will not leak that information no matter which nation it is that has that kind of information. Many transmissions have been leaked to the public to hear individuals complaining that the target hit turned out to be a civilian airliner instead of an enemy jet. It is almost amusing to hear some of these leaks as they are replayed to us on the air.
Each individual network has a different style in the reporting of the story. Some networks do much better in presenting the story to viewers. Fox Network tends to be very hawkish and it is with great sadness that Colonel Ollie North said that Putin knows that the USA will do nothing about it. And I want to know exactly what is it that the USA should do about it. It is not our problem at all. But we are sending advisors to help the Ukraines solve some of the problems. But so far, nobody has yet begun to secure the dead who lay rotting in the field of debris that is scattered about.
What a mess!
So why was Malaysian airline flying over a war zone anyway? As one of the individuals on a leaked tape asked in exasperation. SNAFU. Well, because of that problem some networks have offered suggestions on how to find the flight plan of your trip if you decide to take one. Would it have prevented anyone from boarding had they known that they were going to fly over the Ukraine to get to their final destination? I doubt it. But at least now we know that before we go we can learn our flight plan.
Then Benjamin Natanyahu proved once again he is not fit to govern a state like Israel. He is a blustery, hot head who cannot stand his little bit of authority to be challenged, and the Islamic group known as Hamas loves to rattle his cage. And they succeed every time. He fails every time to be better than any of his agitators. He is now having a ground attack on the Gaza Strip saying that the purpose is to close tunnels and to find the rockets that Hamas continue to throw at them. If Gaza is indeed the tool of some other Islamic groups just wanting to torment Israel, Israel is too stupid to not learn who it is that is helping the Gaza residents.
In the meantime, the innocent amongst the Gaza Strip residents suffer miserably. Israel does give them nothing but Hell but is not smart enough to see that all this is being observed by even more dangerous than the Hamas group who will eventually attack Israel when it is least able to defend itself. Israel in other words is ruining the future of its own children because it cannot see past its nose. Muslims have a history of long memory and long grudges and know how to seek revenge. Both Israel and the Muslim faith are exactly alike in their fight to the death. Neither will probably find solace in the after life when all they carry in their hearts is hatred and revenge.
While I personally do not like either religious sects beliefs when all it results in is war and bloodshed, I can see that Israel's trust and faith in weaponry is a foolish trust.
Any small disease could infiltrate Israel and wipe them out wholesale. Has not aids done that to so many in Africa and other parts of the world? Amoeba in water has attacked people in the USA. Israel is not immune to any number of silent killers. I think it would be wise for Israel to stop its ongoing madness in trying to control and keep the residents of GAZA in oppressive subjection to their will.
Americans are of many types. Right now we have been struggling with the problem of an exodus of children from Central America. Barack Obama has not truly handled the problem of immigration into the United States at all since he can only blame the Republican party for doing nothing at all but sit on their hands. They won't support any of his ideas no matter what...but when the Republicans are in the office of the White House, the Democrats do the same to them so that Americans get stung by both parties no matter which party wins the executive office.
The only time either party will go along with the other is if some outside force attacks America which did happen in the case of 9/11. All of a sudden, the two parties will join forces to protect themselves. Ha. That does not last very long either. So the two party system is a total problem for anyone who wants good clean government.
In the meantime, the downed Malaysian airliner occurred over the Ukraine which is in a state of civil war between the Rebels and the Ukraine. Bodies lie in the fields rotting away. The OCE, a European group, was allowed only 75 minutes to survey the territory today. The black boxes are not yet secured despite the Rebels saying that they had found them. While everyone places great emphasis upon the importance of the black boxes, in fact, the only thing they will produce is the state of the plane when it was hit. I do not personally think that they will offer the kind of information that is needed to know exactly who fired the missile that hit them.
Naturally, all the spy satellites probably know already all that has happened but security will not leak that information no matter which nation it is that has that kind of information. Many transmissions have been leaked to the public to hear individuals complaining that the target hit turned out to be a civilian airliner instead of an enemy jet. It is almost amusing to hear some of these leaks as they are replayed to us on the air.
Each individual network has a different style in the reporting of the story. Some networks do much better in presenting the story to viewers. Fox Network tends to be very hawkish and it is with great sadness that Colonel Ollie North said that Putin knows that the USA will do nothing about it. And I want to know exactly what is it that the USA should do about it. It is not our problem at all. But we are sending advisors to help the Ukraines solve some of the problems. But so far, nobody has yet begun to secure the dead who lay rotting in the field of debris that is scattered about.
What a mess!
So why was Malaysian airline flying over a war zone anyway? As one of the individuals on a leaked tape asked in exasperation. SNAFU. Well, because of that problem some networks have offered suggestions on how to find the flight plan of your trip if you decide to take one. Would it have prevented anyone from boarding had they known that they were going to fly over the Ukraine to get to their final destination? I doubt it. But at least now we know that before we go we can learn our flight plan.
Then Benjamin Natanyahu proved once again he is not fit to govern a state like Israel. He is a blustery, hot head who cannot stand his little bit of authority to be challenged, and the Islamic group known as Hamas loves to rattle his cage. And they succeed every time. He fails every time to be better than any of his agitators. He is now having a ground attack on the Gaza Strip saying that the purpose is to close tunnels and to find the rockets that Hamas continue to throw at them. If Gaza is indeed the tool of some other Islamic groups just wanting to torment Israel, Israel is too stupid to not learn who it is that is helping the Gaza residents.
In the meantime, the innocent amongst the Gaza Strip residents suffer miserably. Israel does give them nothing but Hell but is not smart enough to see that all this is being observed by even more dangerous than the Hamas group who will eventually attack Israel when it is least able to defend itself. Israel in other words is ruining the future of its own children because it cannot see past its nose. Muslims have a history of long memory and long grudges and know how to seek revenge. Both Israel and the Muslim faith are exactly alike in their fight to the death. Neither will probably find solace in the after life when all they carry in their hearts is hatred and revenge.
While I personally do not like either religious sects beliefs when all it results in is war and bloodshed, I can see that Israel's trust and faith in weaponry is a foolish trust.
Any small disease could infiltrate Israel and wipe them out wholesale. Has not aids done that to so many in Africa and other parts of the world? Amoeba in water has attacked people in the USA. Israel is not immune to any number of silent killers. I think it would be wise for Israel to stop its ongoing madness in trying to control and keep the residents of GAZA in oppressive subjection to their will.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Catching Fire movie
The Hunger Games is a series of books written by Suzanne Collins. Two movies have been made from these books made for young adults. Surprisingly, the movies are beautiful depictions of an imaginary experience in survival for young people who are brought into a life and death situation.
I have not read the books so I cannot compare the movie to the books but people who have read them seem to like them. I am wanting to read some of the Catching Fire book since all reviews refer to the last chapter as being a surprise.
I liked both movies that i have seen very much. The young girl who is the heroine is an admirable and courageous girl who acts as a substitute for her sister who was selected to participate in the hunger games, games in which only one person from the many districts (12) can survive. The older sister name of Katniss, portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence, succeeds in using her skills as an archer and survivor to win the competition with her partner. She is treated as a great heroine but is perceived now as a threat to the ruling group who control life amongst the Districts.
In Catching Fire, the leader of the Districts governing power, President Snow, feels threatened by the popularity and power of the young woman who has become a symbol for the Revolutionaries so he plans a game to destroy her. He wants her killed.
Catching Fire demonstrates the skills again of Katniss, her partner, and her mentors, as well as the skills of the previous winners of these games who are now brought together to take each other out so that only one again can survive. (Reminding me of a conversation to me in Washington, D.C. years ago).Hmmm. If you want to read the plot, it is spelled out on Wikipedia. I won't give it away on this discussion.
The visual imagery is beautiful in this film when Katniss is portrayed as a bride and has to appear in full wedding dress before the crowds gathered to see her and the other competitors. The movie is fascinating, well directed, and well acted. It is an interesting study on how one chooses one's companions and friends in order to survive knowing that these same friends and allies will also lose in the end. Only one survivor can come out of this game, and we of course know already that it must be Katniss.
The ending is a surprise. Enjoy the movie if you have not seen it yet.
I have not read the books so I cannot compare the movie to the books but people who have read them seem to like them. I am wanting to read some of the Catching Fire book since all reviews refer to the last chapter as being a surprise.
I liked both movies that i have seen very much. The young girl who is the heroine is an admirable and courageous girl who acts as a substitute for her sister who was selected to participate in the hunger games, games in which only one person from the many districts (12) can survive. The older sister name of Katniss, portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence, succeeds in using her skills as an archer and survivor to win the competition with her partner. She is treated as a great heroine but is perceived now as a threat to the ruling group who control life amongst the Districts.
In Catching Fire, the leader of the Districts governing power, President Snow, feels threatened by the popularity and power of the young woman who has become a symbol for the Revolutionaries so he plans a game to destroy her. He wants her killed.
Catching Fire demonstrates the skills again of Katniss, her partner, and her mentors, as well as the skills of the previous winners of these games who are now brought together to take each other out so that only one again can survive. (Reminding me of a conversation to me in Washington, D.C. years ago).Hmmm. If you want to read the plot, it is spelled out on Wikipedia. I won't give it away on this discussion.
The visual imagery is beautiful in this film when Katniss is portrayed as a bride and has to appear in full wedding dress before the crowds gathered to see her and the other competitors. The movie is fascinating, well directed, and well acted. It is an interesting study on how one chooses one's companions and friends in order to survive knowing that these same friends and allies will also lose in the end. Only one survivor can come out of this game, and we of course know already that it must be Katniss.
The ending is a surprise. Enjoy the movie if you have not seen it yet.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
The Secret Tudor by CWGortner
(Spoiler alert)
I have read only one book written by C.W. Gortner before I read The Tudor Secret. I loved The Confessions of Catherine de Medici since Gortner was very skilled in telling his version of one of the most maligned queens in European history. I have only recently begun reading historical novels but when a child I grew up reading books about Queen Elizabeth I which endeared her to me. This book casts her in a background role but develops some interesting aspects of her character when only a young potential monarch.
The main character is a young orphaned boy who has suffered torment and abuse as a result of the beatings and humiliation dealt out to him by the Dudley family. Sir Robert Dudley is often considered one of Elizabeth's favorites, perhaps her one true love, but in this novel, he is a tormentor of our young hero, a boy known as Brendan Prescott.
I admit I read many reviews of the book that were on Amazon before I ventured into the book. I had an idea as a result what the plot might be. In essence, it is about how the Dudley family is defeated by the might and power of the Tudor family for total control and rule of England. This is a fictitious tale of how a young orphaned boy comes to know his own identity after suffering many years of abuse from the Dudley family for his lack of breeding and thus respectability. But he carries a secret on his body, a birthmark, which has marked him for life. He hides this from everyone not fully understanding its true meaning.
Naturally, he has a few friends who appear to care for him but for the most part, he has been suffering a loneliness that separates him from the others in his surroundings. Gortner dwells on this while introducing another character who soon becomes his companion and friend, a young stable boy by the name of Peregrine. Peregrine asserts his own talents upon Brendan so that Brendan takes him as his sidekick once he himself is chosen to act as a spy by Master Cecil to learn information to defeat the Dudley family.
Brendan has been assigned to be a squire to Robert Dudley, a man whose main interest is in securing the love of Elizabeth I so that he might become King if she were to marry him. However, the Dudley family is not of royal blood so that Elizabeth who might actually love him cannot possibly marry him. Never let it be said that that would ever deter the Dudley family. Brendan meets up with Elizabeth when she has come to London to see her young brother Edward who is seriously ill. If he should die, the throne should go to her sister Mary, a papist, and who most of England do not want to succeed to the throne. Elizabeth would be second in line after Mary but the evil Dudley family has devised a plot for Jane Grey and the youngest Dudley son to wed so that he and Jane Grey can be the rulers. Lord and Lady Dudley will stop at nothing to have their own will imposed upon the kingdom.
In this fictitious tale, everyone perceives that Elizabeth and Mary are both in serious peril, and so the main thrust of the story is the effort to save each one from the goals of the Dudley family. Robert Dudley is a foil who his parents use him to attain their goals, thwarting his own desires in his effort to rule the kingdom.
During the course of his role as a spy, Brendan falls in love with one of Elizabeth's girls, a lovely auburn haired lady named Kate. Kate is a loyal and trusted friend to Elizabeth, and soon enough, Elizabeth learns to trust and believe in Brendan's loyalty to her. While he has managed to prevent most people from seeing his birthmark, his tryst with Kate exposes it to her, and presumably probably to Elizabeth as well. Perhaps, even though the author never states it specifically, these two young women at last know his identity even before he learns it himself.
In this respect, many of the critics of this particular Gortner work appear to be correct to me...the plot is too flimsy, to easy to see through, and too predictable. Someone said it is unbelievable and because that critic hated it so much, told the entire story in his review.
Eventually, Brendan does learn his own identity, learns of his mother's plight, but does not know for certain the truth about his father. He manages to escape many devious traps, some of which are intended to end his life, and with the help of his loyal friend, Peregrine, succeeds in helping both Mary and Elizabeth to defeat the evil Dudley family.
Elizabeth, a princess of the realm, is presented in an interesting fashion so that one realizes that children of royals are truly different from the common man. From birth they are schooled and trained to ascend a height that no ordinary person can realize. Both Mary and Elizabeth possess the Tudor bloodline with an attitude that may be inborn as well as taught since both recognize the lioness within themselves, and protect it and preserve it at all costs. This author describes each woman in a way that is awesome to consider. I wonder if either of them are as lofty as he makes us believe.
Be that what it may, the book is an interesting and entertaining look at the young Elizabeth and her sister Mary, and the Dudley family. Legends are made from the stories told about the royals, and each and every embellishment only adds to the mystery. This particular story is an intriguing puzzle worth reading.
I recommend it.
I have read only one book written by C.W. Gortner before I read The Tudor Secret. I loved The Confessions of Catherine de Medici since Gortner was very skilled in telling his version of one of the most maligned queens in European history. I have only recently begun reading historical novels but when a child I grew up reading books about Queen Elizabeth I which endeared her to me. This book casts her in a background role but develops some interesting aspects of her character when only a young potential monarch.
The main character is a young orphaned boy who has suffered torment and abuse as a result of the beatings and humiliation dealt out to him by the Dudley family. Sir Robert Dudley is often considered one of Elizabeth's favorites, perhaps her one true love, but in this novel, he is a tormentor of our young hero, a boy known as Brendan Prescott.
I admit I read many reviews of the book that were on Amazon before I ventured into the book. I had an idea as a result what the plot might be. In essence, it is about how the Dudley family is defeated by the might and power of the Tudor family for total control and rule of England. This is a fictitious tale of how a young orphaned boy comes to know his own identity after suffering many years of abuse from the Dudley family for his lack of breeding and thus respectability. But he carries a secret on his body, a birthmark, which has marked him for life. He hides this from everyone not fully understanding its true meaning.
Naturally, he has a few friends who appear to care for him but for the most part, he has been suffering a loneliness that separates him from the others in his surroundings. Gortner dwells on this while introducing another character who soon becomes his companion and friend, a young stable boy by the name of Peregrine. Peregrine asserts his own talents upon Brendan so that Brendan takes him as his sidekick once he himself is chosen to act as a spy by Master Cecil to learn information to defeat the Dudley family.
Brendan has been assigned to be a squire to Robert Dudley, a man whose main interest is in securing the love of Elizabeth I so that he might become King if she were to marry him. However, the Dudley family is not of royal blood so that Elizabeth who might actually love him cannot possibly marry him. Never let it be said that that would ever deter the Dudley family. Brendan meets up with Elizabeth when she has come to London to see her young brother Edward who is seriously ill. If he should die, the throne should go to her sister Mary, a papist, and who most of England do not want to succeed to the throne. Elizabeth would be second in line after Mary but the evil Dudley family has devised a plot for Jane Grey and the youngest Dudley son to wed so that he and Jane Grey can be the rulers. Lord and Lady Dudley will stop at nothing to have their own will imposed upon the kingdom.
In this fictitious tale, everyone perceives that Elizabeth and Mary are both in serious peril, and so the main thrust of the story is the effort to save each one from the goals of the Dudley family. Robert Dudley is a foil who his parents use him to attain their goals, thwarting his own desires in his effort to rule the kingdom.
During the course of his role as a spy, Brendan falls in love with one of Elizabeth's girls, a lovely auburn haired lady named Kate. Kate is a loyal and trusted friend to Elizabeth, and soon enough, Elizabeth learns to trust and believe in Brendan's loyalty to her. While he has managed to prevent most people from seeing his birthmark, his tryst with Kate exposes it to her, and presumably probably to Elizabeth as well. Perhaps, even though the author never states it specifically, these two young women at last know his identity even before he learns it himself.
In this respect, many of the critics of this particular Gortner work appear to be correct to me...the plot is too flimsy, to easy to see through, and too predictable. Someone said it is unbelievable and because that critic hated it so much, told the entire story in his review.
Eventually, Brendan does learn his own identity, learns of his mother's plight, but does not know for certain the truth about his father. He manages to escape many devious traps, some of which are intended to end his life, and with the help of his loyal friend, Peregrine, succeeds in helping both Mary and Elizabeth to defeat the evil Dudley family.
Elizabeth, a princess of the realm, is presented in an interesting fashion so that one realizes that children of royals are truly different from the common man. From birth they are schooled and trained to ascend a height that no ordinary person can realize. Both Mary and Elizabeth possess the Tudor bloodline with an attitude that may be inborn as well as taught since both recognize the lioness within themselves, and protect it and preserve it at all costs. This author describes each woman in a way that is awesome to consider. I wonder if either of them are as lofty as he makes us believe.
Be that what it may, the book is an interesting and entertaining look at the young Elizabeth and her sister Mary, and the Dudley family. Legends are made from the stories told about the royals, and each and every embellishment only adds to the mystery. This particular story is an intriguing puzzle worth reading.
I recommend it.
Fourth of July
We were hit with a bit of a dust storm and some parts of the Valley even got rain. We did not get any rain at my location which is just as well. At least the state is getting some needed rain. I am posting this for a reason...
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Nebraska the movie
I checked out three dvd's at the library the other day, one of which is Nebraska. I chose to see it first since it had been one of the many nominations for a best picture and actor in the Oscar races. I had no idea what to expect.
I will explain that when I lived in Durango, Colorado years ago I was preyed upon by many different want to get rich schemes. One of which was the American Family Publishing campaign to get you to buy magazines and hopefully to win a prize. Our post office was littered with tons of envelopes telling everyone in town that they could be a millionaire. I kept track of all those urgent messages from AFP and Ed McMahon, even wrote to the Tonight Show about it, and eventually and finally to the Federal Trade Commission because of all the unnecessary tons of letters egging us on to buy magazines or books from them. I bought a few a couple of times and waited expectantly like everyone else to see if I had a winning number.
I even talked to my neighbor Claude about it and his words to me came ringing back that night on the Tonight Show when a guest comic by the name of Gary Shandling dropped in on Johnny to repeat Claude's words to me verbatim. I have never forgotten it.
For years I have complained about hearing either the person I am talking with or my own words coming back to haunt me via t.v., movies, or magazines, etc. I have studied it madly to see how it could be happening, and I have warned people right and left about it.
So Nebraska took me back to those days in Durango when I was carrying on madly about the chance to be a millionaire...and making everyone dizzy with my attitude about it...thus, the movie made me think of it again, and why and how anyone would ever write a movie on such a dumb subject is more than I can know except that it revealed what we always think is true about people, and that is that if you do come into money of any kind at all, everyone will be hitting you up for some of it.
What always made me angry about those letters was the line don't you want to be the envy of the neighborhood? Jealousy and covetous was at the bottom of each and every chance to be a millionaire. It is like getting on t.v. Just to show everyone that you could be famous, or on t.v.? As if anyone truly cares. It won't make them like you more, and that the movie made obvious to the audience, that it will only bring out the worst in everyone, including your relatives.
The movie is humorous in many ways. I liked Kate at times and at other times, could not stand her. She is the wife of the dimwit who thinks that he has won a million dollars so that he can buy his long desired pickup many times did I hear that on the bus run here in Phoenix? When I would ask what kind of car would you buy, I would always get the answer a Pick UP truck.
So Kate's line of Am I the only sane one in this family reminded me of when I had said in a positive statement when enrolled in court reporting at Charron Williams in Florida...I am the only sane one in an insane land it seems.
Gee, I could see and hear so many things coming back in this movie that i had experienced over the past many years. Just saying....
And for now, I will let it drop while I see either War Horse or Hercules. War Horse affected me too much today reminding me of the story of Black Beauty too much, so I did not watch it yet.
I am reading Alice Hoffman's book called The Museum of Extraordinary Things. This is a fascinating book which is taking me some time to read. But so far I really like it as I like seeing the New York City of the past unfold before my very eyes. It is a strange story at which I am in a state of dislike for the girl's father who is making her do terrible things...a young girl who lives in her father's museum of extraordinary things...freak show stuff...all simple commodities to entertain the public...the old days were dreadful and times are changing for the better but only because we have mass communication at a level where thousands can make an impact better than they could then...I just went through a terrible garment factory fire which is reminiscent of the World Trade Center in its devastation. New York City seems doomed to be a kind of hell for so many who decide to call it home.
Well, when I finish it, I will write a review of it...I am liking it so far. That's all...time for me to go to bed now.
I will explain that when I lived in Durango, Colorado years ago I was preyed upon by many different want to get rich schemes. One of which was the American Family Publishing campaign to get you to buy magazines and hopefully to win a prize. Our post office was littered with tons of envelopes telling everyone in town that they could be a millionaire. I kept track of all those urgent messages from AFP and Ed McMahon, even wrote to the Tonight Show about it, and eventually and finally to the Federal Trade Commission because of all the unnecessary tons of letters egging us on to buy magazines or books from them. I bought a few a couple of times and waited expectantly like everyone else to see if I had a winning number.
I even talked to my neighbor Claude about it and his words to me came ringing back that night on the Tonight Show when a guest comic by the name of Gary Shandling dropped in on Johnny to repeat Claude's words to me verbatim. I have never forgotten it.
For years I have complained about hearing either the person I am talking with or my own words coming back to haunt me via t.v., movies, or magazines, etc. I have studied it madly to see how it could be happening, and I have warned people right and left about it.
So Nebraska took me back to those days in Durango when I was carrying on madly about the chance to be a millionaire...and making everyone dizzy with my attitude about it...thus, the movie made me think of it again, and why and how anyone would ever write a movie on such a dumb subject is more than I can know except that it revealed what we always think is true about people, and that is that if you do come into money of any kind at all, everyone will be hitting you up for some of it.
What always made me angry about those letters was the line don't you want to be the envy of the neighborhood? Jealousy and covetous was at the bottom of each and every chance to be a millionaire. It is like getting on t.v. Just to show everyone that you could be famous, or on t.v.? As if anyone truly cares. It won't make them like you more, and that the movie made obvious to the audience, that it will only bring out the worst in everyone, including your relatives.
The movie is humorous in many ways. I liked Kate at times and at other times, could not stand her. She is the wife of the dimwit who thinks that he has won a million dollars so that he can buy his long desired pickup many times did I hear that on the bus run here in Phoenix? When I would ask what kind of car would you buy, I would always get the answer a Pick UP truck.
So Kate's line of Am I the only sane one in this family reminded me of when I had said in a positive statement when enrolled in court reporting at Charron Williams in Florida...I am the only sane one in an insane land it seems.
Gee, I could see and hear so many things coming back in this movie that i had experienced over the past many years. Just saying....
And for now, I will let it drop while I see either War Horse or Hercules. War Horse affected me too much today reminding me of the story of Black Beauty too much, so I did not watch it yet.
I am reading Alice Hoffman's book called The Museum of Extraordinary Things. This is a fascinating book which is taking me some time to read. But so far I really like it as I like seeing the New York City of the past unfold before my very eyes. It is a strange story at which I am in a state of dislike for the girl's father who is making her do terrible things...a young girl who lives in her father's museum of extraordinary things...freak show stuff...all simple commodities to entertain the public...the old days were dreadful and times are changing for the better but only because we have mass communication at a level where thousands can make an impact better than they could then...I just went through a terrible garment factory fire which is reminiscent of the World Trade Center in its devastation. New York City seems doomed to be a kind of hell for so many who decide to call it home.
Well, when I finish it, I will write a review of it...I am liking it so far. That's all...time for me to go to bed now.
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