Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cellphone dilemma.

This week has been a bad one no matter how you look at it. The apartment group looks like a bomb hit it.  Three buildings are being renovated at one time, and my building appears to be the first building to be under attack so to speak.  Men were on the roof replacing old worn out tarp with new tarp upon which roofing will be laid.  Foundations were dug out for cement blocks to make a patio wall and the wall is partially completed at my apartment and in my building area.  The walks are being dug up to make room for the walls in the other buildings so that new walks will be poured after the walls are built.  There is so much orange netting that one feels like a prisoner.  I walk around every day to keep up with the ongoing work.  It is supposed to be completed by the end of the year i am told.

But I had a problem with my cellphone the other day and learned how bad the local Verizon store is.  I am intending to stop using a carrier as I have two and I do not believe i need two phones.  So I am intending to end one of the two when the service ends.  I am trying to decide which and have discussed it with Verizon but not yet with Sprint. My Sprint contract ends first.  Verizon on the customer service end is good but very bad at the sales end in the stores.

So what to do?

I am thinking of changing to iPhone when the new iPhone comes out.  It will then be compatible with my computer.

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