The Hunger Games is a series of books written by Suzanne Collins. Two movies have been made from these books made for young adults. Surprisingly, the movies are beautiful depictions of an imaginary experience in survival for young people who are brought into a life and death situation.
I have not read the books so I cannot compare the movie to the books but people who have read them seem to like them. I am wanting to read some of the Catching Fire book since all reviews refer to the last chapter as being a surprise.
I liked both movies that i have seen very much. The young girl who is the heroine is an admirable and courageous girl who acts as a substitute for her sister who was selected to participate in the hunger games, games in which only one person from the many districts (12) can survive. The older sister name of Katniss, portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence, succeeds in using her skills as an archer and survivor to win the competition with her partner. She is treated as a great heroine but is perceived now as a threat to the ruling group who control life amongst the Districts.
In Catching Fire, the leader of the Districts governing power, President Snow, feels threatened by the popularity and power of the young woman who has become a symbol for the Revolutionaries so he plans a game to destroy her. He wants her killed.
Catching Fire demonstrates the skills again of Katniss, her partner, and her mentors, as well as the skills of the previous winners of these games who are now brought together to take each other out so that only one again can survive. (Reminding me of a conversation to me in Washington, D.C. years ago).Hmmm. If you want to read the plot, it is spelled out on Wikipedia. I won't give it away on this discussion.
The visual imagery is beautiful in this film when Katniss is portrayed as a bride and has to appear in full wedding dress before the crowds gathered to see her and the other competitors. The movie is fascinating, well directed, and well acted. It is an interesting study on how one chooses one's companions and friends in order to survive knowing that these same friends and allies will also lose in the end. Only one survivor can come out of this game, and we of course know already that it must be Katniss.
The ending is a surprise. Enjoy the movie if you have not seen it yet.
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