Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Maylaysia 17 and Israel/Gaza

This week has been full of stress internationally which manages to seep into our lives sooner or later. No one can escape the news of the stories of an airliner shot down over the Ukraine by some warring factor and then the ongoing soap opera drama of pitting Israel versus the Gaza strip.  Both are pains in the butt to the average American who frankly does not want our government to be involved in either problem.

Americans are of many types.  Right now we have been struggling with the problem of an exodus of children from Central America.  Barack Obama has not truly handled the problem of immigration into the United States at all since he can only blame the Republican party for doing nothing at all but sit on their hands.  They won't support any of his ideas no matter what...but when the Republicans are in the office of the White House, the Democrats do the same to them so that Americans get stung by both parties no matter which party wins the executive office.

The only time either party will go along with the other is if some outside force attacks America which did happen in the case of 9/11.  All of  a sudden, the two parties will join forces to protect themselves.  Ha. That does not last very long either. So the two party system is a total problem for anyone who wants good clean government.

In the meantime, the downed Malaysian airliner occurred over the Ukraine which is in a state of civil war between the Rebels and the Ukraine.  Bodies lie in the fields rotting away.  The OCE, a European group, was allowed only 75 minutes to survey the territory today.  The black boxes are not yet secured despite the Rebels saying that they had found them.  While everyone places great emphasis upon the importance of the black boxes, in fact, the only thing they will produce is the state of the plane when it was hit.  I do not personally think that they will offer the kind of information that is needed to know exactly who fired the missile that hit them.

Naturally, all the spy satellites probably know already all that has happened but security will not leak that information no matter which nation it is that has that kind of information.  Many transmissions have been leaked to the public to hear individuals complaining that the target hit turned out to be a civilian airliner instead of an enemy jet.  It is almost amusing to hear some of these leaks as they are replayed to us on the air.

Each individual network has a different style in the reporting of the story.  Some networks do much better in presenting the story to viewers.  Fox Network tends to be very hawkish and it is with great sadness that  Colonel Ollie North said that Putin knows that the USA will do nothing about it.  And I want to know exactly what is it that the USA should do about it. It is not our problem at all.  But we are sending advisors to help the Ukraines solve some of the problems.  But so far, nobody has yet begun to secure the dead who lay rotting in the field of debris that is scattered about.

What a mess!

So why was Malaysian airline flying over a war zone anyway?  As one of the individuals on a leaked tape asked in exasperation.  SNAFU.  Well, because of that problem some networks have offered suggestions on how to find the flight plan of your trip if you decide to take one.  Would it have prevented anyone from boarding had they known that they were going to fly over the Ukraine to get to their final destination?  I doubt it.  But at least now we know that before we go we can learn our flight plan.

Then Benjamin Natanyahu proved once again he is not fit to govern a state like Israel.   He is a blustery, hot head who cannot stand his little bit of authority to be challenged, and the Islamic group known as Hamas loves to rattle his cage.  And they succeed every time. He fails every time to be better than any of his agitators. He is now having a ground attack on the Gaza Strip saying that the purpose is to close tunnels and to find the rockets that Hamas continue to throw at them. If Gaza  is indeed the tool of some other Islamic groups just wanting to torment Israel, Israel is too stupid to not learn who it is that is helping the Gaza residents.

In the meantime, the innocent amongst the Gaza Strip residents suffer miserably. Israel does give them nothing but Hell but is not smart enough to see that all this is being observed by even more dangerous than the Hamas group who will eventually attack Israel when it is least able to defend itself.  Israel in other words is ruining the future of its own children because it cannot see past its nose.  Muslims have a history of long memory and long grudges and know how to seek revenge. Both Israel and the Muslim faith are exactly alike in their fight to the death.  Neither will probably find solace in the after life when all they carry in their hearts is hatred and revenge.

While I personally do not like either religious sects beliefs when all it results in is war and bloodshed, I can see that Israel's trust and faith in weaponry is a foolish trust.

Any small disease could infiltrate Israel and wipe them out wholesale. Has not aids done that to so many in Africa and other parts of the world?  Amoeba in water has attacked people in the USA.  Israel is not immune to any number of silent killers. I think it would be wise for Israel to stop its ongoing madness in trying to control and keep the residents of GAZA in oppressive subjection to their will.

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