For a brief moment I had thought i would move into a mobile home in a very nice community. Second time I went out there, I realized how far out it is, and how much moving costs would be. I checked out several homes that day when I returned to confirm the fact that I might become a home owner. But alas and alack, it did not work for me.
Entering the gate the second time round, the attendant was not quite so friendly. Total lack of warmth and friendliness..."I have an appointment, " I said. "Oh, you didn't buy one?", he replied. "No. I am here to see another at 11:00." "Name? Oh yes," and he slams his hand on the door, " You know the way. Go ahead."
I was early so I met a new lady, and two other sales women. A group of women were coming in for a community gathering, supposedly Bible Study. Gaby was busy elsewhere so the park manager told me I could wait in the vestibule. I told her that I would prefer to go outdoors. I went out to look at the grounds and the mailboxes which I had spied on the earlier visit. I walked around the edge of the clubhouse and the golf course. By the time I returned to the building I spotted Gaby, my sales agent, who was outdoors looking for me apparently, and who recognized me. I waved, and she took me to the little golf cart to see the two mobile units I had previously visited.
Second time around, I was less hesitant than the first, and examined everything carefully. I explained my likes and dislikes about each home, and then finally after she had driven me back to the clubhouse asked about a home that she had wanted to show me but because the owner was there at the time could not do it. So she said it was expensive but would I like to see it. Naturally, after she then proceeded to tell me how exceptionally nice and light it is, I said, Yes, of course.
That home was phenomenal and woke me up very fast. The entire home with all furnishings and appliances is part of a single package. Gaby clearly loves this home, and I liked it much better than the other two but could not yet believe that they would actually leave all that behind. Again, the furniture and appliances made it a full $20,000 more than the other home. Too high for me, but very nicely appointed in every respect. A true model home.
After that I asked her about a home that is advertised in her office for $100,000, a model home. I have often heard about such homes but have never seen one. I was shocked at the size and amount of extra attention that is given to a home of this kind. Wow! It had a beautiful kitchen and the refrigerator was stainless steel, huge, and amazing. I liked the carpet the best of any I had seen so far, but for $100,000 one also gets a huge walkin closet that most apartments have automatically.
Well, I went home dizzy from the entire experience. I do not know now what I will do. I am still thinking about it all.
But I am going to check an apartment tomorrow to see if anything will be available this coming month. If it works, I am almost determined to give it a chance. More on that after I figure it out.
Gaby did give me a call to tell me about another that she had listed. I have not yet made any appointment to see it because I am deciding against home ownership after all. I am not getting any younger, and I have to think about my health in ten years time. Day by day, we live and we learn.
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