Yesterday it poured rain all day so that I stayed indoors and would not go outdoors except to go the bank finally after we got a break in the weather. Naturally, stepped in a few puddles of water, splish, splash, and eyes had to adjust to nighttime with only a few lamps working. It was dark and eerie, and as the night wore on, the rain only became more intense. At about 3:30 in the morning I woke up to see the blinds moving as they had in the other apartment, and a bright light near the gate! I could see another light on what is my front closet...I am totally convinced that there are entities amongst us. I stayed awake for another 45 minutes before finally falling to sleep.
My kitten had to sleep on my stomach for part of the night. Then she finally moved to sleep in the curve of my back. Kittens do what is called kneading as she takes her paws and kneads across my body. I read about this so that it did not bother me. She is still a baby and this is how she makes her needs known to want to be mothered.
Believe it or not, everyone who has animals should read the interesting facts that those in the know give on the internet. I asked why cats purr and got a slew of places that love to give answers to those kind of questions so that is how I came to learn about the kneading.
That is the second night in a row she decided to sleep on my stomach. I think she hears the heart beat and it comforts her. Or she is trying to keep me warm after I had complained about the cold, crawled out of bed to turn on the heat, and back in snuggling under covers.
She is a pretty little thing and seems to understand English very well.
Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Fame Comes and Goes in a Minute
I will post Perry Como's version of this song if it is on Youtube. But talking to a girl who is 22 the other day I learned that she had never heard of Flip Wilson. I was stunned to realize that these youngsters today do not know anything about what we in my generation experienced in the way of celebrity.
Our lives are punctuated with the media saturation of stars and we all grow up knowing and watching certain kind of movie stars, t.v. stars, athletic stars, etc. God I wish I could have heard Gene Krupa play those drums myself but at least his records do last. I may put a video of him on too now that I think of it. I am a drum crazy woman...I love certain kinds of drum music...
Then I will close shop for two hours.
Our lives are punctuated with the media saturation of stars and we all grow up knowing and watching certain kind of movie stars, t.v. stars, athletic stars, etc. God I wish I could have heard Gene Krupa play those drums myself but at least his records do last. I may put a video of him on too now that I think of it. I am a drum crazy woman...I love certain kinds of drum music...
Then I will close shop for two hours.
Previous videos
Most are musical, and two are of the same song by two different artists. O Holy Night by current British sensation Susan Boyle, in her album The Gift, and the other by Mario Lanza, a man who I adored when a child. If I had ever met a real Mario Lanza I would absolutely swoon I think.
The Asian is from a facebook "friend" who is quite interesting, and the MMMMMMacedonia came originally from who got it from maybe Rogue Classics. Can't say positively where it came from originally but I like many of the scenes on it, can't say much for the sounds, but the portraits and visual effects are quite good at times. I am frankly always on the Macedonia side in that it does truly matter, even today, as I am a history purist in all reality.
I tried to get back into the groove of taking up where I left off in my Alexander book. December has been pure hell for me to be honest. I am tired of hell which is what is called ERROR mostly.
Will explain in next post all these conflicts.
The Asian is from a facebook "friend" who is quite interesting, and the MMMMMMacedonia came originally from who got it from maybe Rogue Classics. Can't say positively where it came from originally but I like many of the scenes on it, can't say much for the sounds, but the portraits and visual effects are quite good at times. I am frankly always on the Macedonia side in that it does truly matter, even today, as I am a history purist in all reality.
I tried to get back into the groove of taking up where I left off in my Alexander book. December has been pure hell for me to be honest. I am tired of hell which is what is called ERROR mostly.
Will explain in next post all these conflicts.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Post Christmas
Christmas Day was a slow day for me. I liked it that way. At my age, everything in life is a slowdown. I had no idea, none of us ever do, what old age does to us. Christmas season has been a problem for money to speak of, and so the only gift I gave to myself was a trip to the Rockettes, time spent with Janice, Lee, and Margarita.
This is December 26, by the way, and I had to bring my lottery game up to date. Went to for a change and added stuff there to facebook and twitter.
I get all excited about Alexander at times too since I want to get back to the problem at hand, finishing my novel about his life. Believe it or not, writing a book takes you back to that time period and so I will have to reimmerse myself into again to begin the next step of this journey.
I like facebook and twitter. I can control who to follow and who to friend. Amazing at how some friends are really so very intersting. I like those kind.
This is December 26, by the way, and I had to bring my lottery game up to date. Went to for a change and added stuff there to facebook and twitter.
I get all excited about Alexander at times too since I want to get back to the problem at hand, finishing my novel about his life. Believe it or not, writing a book takes you back to that time period and so I will have to reimmerse myself into again to begin the next step of this journey.
I like facebook and twitter. I can control who to follow and who to friend. Amazing at how some friends are really so very intersting. I like those kind.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Day
It is only a few minutes til Christmas is officially here. I am alone with my new kitten who is lying on the bed, and giving me all kinds of fun. She is a little darling, and we are now almost two weeks together. She is sweet as can be but into everything imaginable.
The is Christmas number 71 for me. Most Christmases are never memorable to me. They are all pretty much the same. Some years I will go to mass and some years I won't.
I never forget how Jesus is born, why the wisemen came to see him, and how the star which shone so brightly led them to his ignominious birthplace, a manger in the back of an inn because Joseph and Mary had not made advance reservations. Her time had come, and she delivered the child, who soon came to be known as the Saviour of souls.
I have been writing for years a study of gods and goddesses and it is no accident that I put Christmas songs and videos on facebook along with a portrait of Genghis Khan who believed himself to be a Heavenly Ruler also.
So history teaches us some things that man was able to document, write, and record, and tradition teaches us another.
So this discourse of mine will continue while I try to write it all out, and celebrate the Christmas Day this year with my new found kitten, Alexis, who is being treated about like Madame de Maintenon (a cache chat or hidden cat).
Life is repetitive at times in many strange ways.
The is Christmas number 71 for me. Most Christmases are never memorable to me. They are all pretty much the same. Some years I will go to mass and some years I won't.
I never forget how Jesus is born, why the wisemen came to see him, and how the star which shone so brightly led them to his ignominious birthplace, a manger in the back of an inn because Joseph and Mary had not made advance reservations. Her time had come, and she delivered the child, who soon came to be known as the Saviour of souls.
I have been writing for years a study of gods and goddesses and it is no accident that I put Christmas songs and videos on facebook along with a portrait of Genghis Khan who believed himself to be a Heavenly Ruler also.
So history teaches us some things that man was able to document, write, and record, and tradition teaches us another.
So this discourse of mine will continue while I try to write it all out, and celebrate the Christmas Day this year with my new found kitten, Alexis, who is being treated about like Madame de Maintenon (a cache chat or hidden cat).
Life is repetitive at times in many strange ways.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
History of the Star Spangled Banner
My friend from Oklahoma sent me a video about the history of the Star Bangled Banner. I had bought a framed copy of the Star Bangled Banner when I lived in California years ago and saw it at Mt. Vernon when I visited there in 1976.
I even went to Baltimore to see Fort McHenry and to visit other sites there as well. I always remember a set of plaques showing Baltimore yesterday, today, and tomorrow in terms of growth.
I love this particular video which I placed here at this blogger as its meaning and story is powerful. Everyone should see it and listen to it carefully. It has many errors in it, one that it refers to the colonies which are now states, and apparently, the entire scenario of the bombs trying to hit the flag is implausible. However, that is the point of the story, that the flag would not come down due to the devotion and sacrifices of the people there who continued to hold it up. Whether true or not, I have no idea...
I even went to Baltimore to see Fort McHenry and to visit other sites there as well. I always remember a set of plaques showing Baltimore yesterday, today, and tomorrow in terms of growth.
I love this particular video which I placed here at this blogger as its meaning and story is powerful. Everyone should see it and listen to it carefully. It has many errors in it, one that it refers to the colonies which are now states, and apparently, the entire scenario of the bombs trying to hit the flag is implausible. However, that is the point of the story, that the flag would not come down due to the devotion and sacrifices of the people there who continued to hold it up. Whether true or not, I have no idea...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Lunar Eclipse
There will be a lunar eclipse on Monday Night/Tuesday Morning depending upon where you live in the world. It is on the day of the Solstice. If it is clear I will try to get a photo of it. Have to use a tripod for nightsettings. I do not know what to expect since the shadow of the earth would be all one could capture for when it is totally eclipsed, there should be nothing but blackness. Just a reminder of Adler Planetariums story on Chicago Tribune mobile phone article under newspapers.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
New York City Rockettes Christmas Show
The photo of the Holy Family was made with a zoom lens. We were in the top row directly across from the stage at the jobing arena which frankly is as far as you could get from the stage. It is a huge auditorium but my pentax has a zoom lens so I used it to take this shot. This was a meaningful show and attracted quite a crowd that night. I will post another now.
Introducing Alexis, my first kitten
When I was a child, my grandparents had kittens on the farm, and puppies, cows, chickens, sheep, horses, and I learned to love pets that are essentially wild. I had never owned a pet until in 1976 when I bought a yorkshire terrier dog through an ad in the newspaper from a homebreeder. I loved that little dog and he traveled with me everywhere.
So recently, my neighbor's big white Persian got pregnant for the second time, having mated with an unknown stray, and produced 4 baby kittens on October 7 right after we had a hail storm.
One baby did die but three survived and there was one golden colored kitten, looking almost like the publish post sign here, and she seemed to be attracted to me whenever I visited my friend's home. She had promised me a kitten from the second litter so I last weekend finally brought home this beautiful little doll and named her Alexis, for the cover of Alexander by Dodge. There was a definite match. Once in a while I even call her Alexander. She is named for him very aptly so.
The previous photo is the first photo made of her at my apartment when she found a cozy spot to take a nap. For a video of her with her first toy, use this link:
This is our one week anniversary. We are bonding. Old age is kinder to small pets I am realizing. I am very indulgent. Now I understand all the famous pet stories. One cannot help but marvel at the intelligence and vitality of a young kitten.
So recently, my neighbor's big white Persian got pregnant for the second time, having mated with an unknown stray, and produced 4 baby kittens on October 7 right after we had a hail storm.
One baby did die but three survived and there was one golden colored kitten, looking almost like the publish post sign here, and she seemed to be attracted to me whenever I visited my friend's home. She had promised me a kitten from the second litter so I last weekend finally brought home this beautiful little doll and named her Alexis, for the cover of Alexander by Dodge. There was a definite match. Once in a while I even call her Alexander. She is named for him very aptly so.
The previous photo is the first photo made of her at my apartment when she found a cozy spot to take a nap. For a video of her with her first toy, use this link:
This is our one week anniversary. We are bonding. Old age is kinder to small pets I am realizing. I am very indulgent. Now I understand all the famous pet stories. One cannot help but marvel at the intelligence and vitality of a young kitten.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Wikileaks problem
Much news is being made about Wikileaks and so a video showing a former CIA agent discussing the fact that journalists should be emulating Julian Assange instead of scapegoating him is worth noting. I did appreciate his remarks so I posted it here after reading it at Twitter late this evening.
My own personal feeling is that the government is who is making me feel, look, and behave more sensibly and responsibly than they do. I have always known never to be fool enough to place faith in the world of computers. To me, that is a nobrainer, but then I have been concerned for sometime that the only people we elect to high officer are also a bunch of nobrainers...Sometimes I wonder at this game that Americans play with right and left, party above all, and the people and their needs totally forgotten. Congress thinks of one thing only, and that is itself!
But to realize that they now want to blame somebody else for their own foolishness is totally typical of pass the buck and do it to them before they do it you politics.
The citizens do have to share the responsibility. One thing must be done and asap, and that is to limit terms of office so that we do not continue to have these career politicans who feather their own nests while making fools of the people who bother to vote to put them into office anyway.
When they do wrong, they should be exposed. I know that biblically there is a passage that says there will come a time when there are no secrets. I think that congress should stop trying to kid itself into thinking it is above the law itself.
Let freedom of the press prevail even in cases of embarrassing decisions...So what? Hasn't the Clinton faction already proved that people have very short memories. Who but a rare few will ever even bother to open a newspaper to read this wikileaks anyway?
Follow the advice of the CIA agent. Go get the story, and don't try to cover it up!
My own personal feeling is that the government is who is making me feel, look, and behave more sensibly and responsibly than they do. I have always known never to be fool enough to place faith in the world of computers. To me, that is a nobrainer, but then I have been concerned for sometime that the only people we elect to high officer are also a bunch of nobrainers...Sometimes I wonder at this game that Americans play with right and left, party above all, and the people and their needs totally forgotten. Congress thinks of one thing only, and that is itself!
But to realize that they now want to blame somebody else for their own foolishness is totally typical of pass the buck and do it to them before they do it you politics.
The citizens do have to share the responsibility. One thing must be done and asap, and that is to limit terms of office so that we do not continue to have these career politicans who feather their own nests while making fools of the people who bother to vote to put them into office anyway.
When they do wrong, they should be exposed. I know that biblically there is a passage that says there will come a time when there are no secrets. I think that congress should stop trying to kid itself into thinking it is above the law itself.
Let freedom of the press prevail even in cases of embarrassing decisions...So what? Hasn't the Clinton faction already proved that people have very short memories. Who but a rare few will ever even bother to open a newspaper to read this wikileaks anyway?
Follow the advice of the CIA agent. Go get the story, and don't try to cover it up!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Zardoz trailer
This morning one of the facebook members posted a photo from the movie Zardoz starring Sean Connery. I have not seen the movie but did want to put the trailer here so that I don't forget to look for it. It was released in 1974.
The other trailer which is of Richard Chamberlain performing a ballet scenario in the role of Apollo I added to go with the previous post about MacDonald's book on the subject of the Man in the Iron Mask.
In the last chapter of MacDonald's book he does explain why and how Voltaire and Dumas combined to have the story the Man in the Iron Mask evolve. Years ago, one of my favorite stories was called Bimbo, a story about a dog with a cookie in its mouth found after the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in Italy.
It is sad to think that life was so bleak for the French that they would actually listen to rumors and come out in person to watch a man being taken prisoner and transported secretly. One wonders if they did actually do that or if that is part of the Tall Tale. Most people would not bother but it proves something about rumor control or gasconnades!
Thinking of Office Wetherby now...just so we always remember to spell his name right.
The other trailer which is of Richard Chamberlain performing a ballet scenario in the role of Apollo I added to go with the previous post about MacDonald's book on the subject of the Man in the Iron Mask.
In the last chapter of MacDonald's book he does explain why and how Voltaire and Dumas combined to have the story the Man in the Iron Mask evolve. Years ago, one of my favorite stories was called Bimbo, a story about a dog with a cookie in its mouth found after the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in Italy.
It is sad to think that life was so bleak for the French that they would actually listen to rumors and come out in person to watch a man being taken prisoner and transported secretly. One wonders if they did actually do that or if that is part of the Tall Tale. Most people would not bother but it proves something about rumor control or gasconnades!
Thinking of Office Wetherby now...just so we always remember to spell his name right.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Man in the Iron Mask by Roger MacDonald
I finally finished reading the book The Man in the Iron Mask by Roger MacDonald. Two days ago I woke up from a dream about Louis XIV. Most people in the USA do not really know who Louis XIV is. In fact, I am under the impression now that even the people of France do not really know who he is.
I will try to sum up the book that MacDonald wrote quickly as it is not a good book for those who consider themselves friends of the King to read. It is intended to make his many enemies very happy. It is frankly offensive, disgusting, unreliable, and a new word I learned from it, a gasconnade, meaning a tall tale. The men from Gascony loved to tell tales and spin them larger and larger which is what Roger MacDonald is doing with this book.
On that note, I will drop the topic of the book to that of the Sun King, Louis XIV.
My dream was very strange and very undesirable in many ways, as I am still trying to make it out to my own self satisfaction.
Years ago, I had the temerity to ask myself to learn who I had been in a past life, and underwent self hypnosis to get an answer. At that time, I knew nothing about the man known as the Sun King, and so simply accepted my inner knowledge as being that is who I am. Since then, I have made a long study to learn whether any of my inner information does have confirmation, and even went to Paris, and the Chateau to see for myself all that I had learned through what is soul memory.
Thanks to MacDonald I do see that many people hated me a lot, and I know now why.
I just read a facebook article about John Lennon who claims to have been visited by buglike aliens so I know how crazy strange stories can seem to people, even when the person uttering them thinks them to be true.
After reading MacDonald's book, I am happy that the life of Louis is past and that I am in the present time simply putting all this information together, coming to grips with it. So for me, the bloodlines don't mean a thing as it is soul that is important to me, and I am willing to accept that this lifetime has blessed me by discovering these past lifetimes. (God's will be done.)
It is naturally influencing how I write my novel on Alexander the Great, for I believe very much in Alexander and in the gods of his day and age, as that is the basic premise of the book, that Alexander does what he does with the help of his own personal gods and goddesses.
Likewise, Louis XIV trusted in the faith of his age, and while he does appear to have broken many rules of the tenets of the faith, he still remained a devout practitioner...what his own internal beliefs are is irrelevant in this day and age, but it is safe to say that his decisions were also influenced by his belief in God's will that he be the ruler and the Christian king.
When I write his book, I will also use religion as a basis for understanding his life as well since it all comes to me as when I was being so honest with myself at Kent State University in a philosophy class proving that religious beliefs shape our lives.
In my opinion, Louis XIV is a very personable man with a very important position in life. Once I learned of him,I realized why it was that a fellow teacher at GHS had made a statement to me that I found peculiar at the time. Now I wonder about it as it was not my choice then to do it the way it was perceived, but I did realize that people had a misconception about me. I was both advisor to the school newspaper (because few wanted the job) and also to the cheerleaders and songleaders (again for the same reason, nobody wanted it) but it seemed to appear that I was a glutton for punishment.
Being a teacher is a thankless position in itself, but being an advisor, especially to the school newspaper, is even more thankless. All it gets is criticism, just or unjust.
So it had to be with the position of King. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
MacDonald's main emphasis is upon the scandals, the women, and the problem of a single prisoner who is made to wear a mask to hide his identity. It is one of those lame stories that is blown all out of proportion so that in the end it does make ridicule of the state and of the king to place so much importance upon a single prisoner.
I found the entire premise false from start to finish as I am a defender of the King and his family but I did enjoy learning all the tidbits of gossip that make everyone look ridiculous, difficult, and certainly probably overdue for reform and change. However, when one studies the era seriously enough, one realizes that the times produced a France that gives all the ministers and the King a kind of credibility that makes them admirable rather than otherwise.
In all fairness to myself, as I am still always able to recall in a second many of the events that I enjoyed while reliving a life as Louis XIV, I really believe that as King, Louis XIV did an extraordinary job using the people in his court to their best advantage. In the end, most of the work of that period speaks for itself, and the King is justified for his obstinant attitude towards not only his building programs, but also his wars, and his chapel. Once he made his decision, he stood by it.
So for me, Roger MacDonald who claims to be a historian insulted himself with his book.
Enough said for now.
I will try to sum up the book that MacDonald wrote quickly as it is not a good book for those who consider themselves friends of the King to read. It is intended to make his many enemies very happy. It is frankly offensive, disgusting, unreliable, and a new word I learned from it, a gasconnade, meaning a tall tale. The men from Gascony loved to tell tales and spin them larger and larger which is what Roger MacDonald is doing with this book.
On that note, I will drop the topic of the book to that of the Sun King, Louis XIV.
My dream was very strange and very undesirable in many ways, as I am still trying to make it out to my own self satisfaction.
Years ago, I had the temerity to ask myself to learn who I had been in a past life, and underwent self hypnosis to get an answer. At that time, I knew nothing about the man known as the Sun King, and so simply accepted my inner knowledge as being that is who I am. Since then, I have made a long study to learn whether any of my inner information does have confirmation, and even went to Paris, and the Chateau to see for myself all that I had learned through what is soul memory.
Thanks to MacDonald I do see that many people hated me a lot, and I know now why.
I just read a facebook article about John Lennon who claims to have been visited by buglike aliens so I know how crazy strange stories can seem to people, even when the person uttering them thinks them to be true.
After reading MacDonald's book, I am happy that the life of Louis is past and that I am in the present time simply putting all this information together, coming to grips with it. So for me, the bloodlines don't mean a thing as it is soul that is important to me, and I am willing to accept that this lifetime has blessed me by discovering these past lifetimes. (God's will be done.)
It is naturally influencing how I write my novel on Alexander the Great, for I believe very much in Alexander and in the gods of his day and age, as that is the basic premise of the book, that Alexander does what he does with the help of his own personal gods and goddesses.
Likewise, Louis XIV trusted in the faith of his age, and while he does appear to have broken many rules of the tenets of the faith, he still remained a devout practitioner...what his own internal beliefs are is irrelevant in this day and age, but it is safe to say that his decisions were also influenced by his belief in God's will that he be the ruler and the Christian king.
When I write his book, I will also use religion as a basis for understanding his life as well since it all comes to me as when I was being so honest with myself at Kent State University in a philosophy class proving that religious beliefs shape our lives.
In my opinion, Louis XIV is a very personable man with a very important position in life. Once I learned of him,I realized why it was that a fellow teacher at GHS had made a statement to me that I found peculiar at the time. Now I wonder about it as it was not my choice then to do it the way it was perceived, but I did realize that people had a misconception about me. I was both advisor to the school newspaper (because few wanted the job) and also to the cheerleaders and songleaders (again for the same reason, nobody wanted it) but it seemed to appear that I was a glutton for punishment.
Being a teacher is a thankless position in itself, but being an advisor, especially to the school newspaper, is even more thankless. All it gets is criticism, just or unjust.
So it had to be with the position of King. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
MacDonald's main emphasis is upon the scandals, the women, and the problem of a single prisoner who is made to wear a mask to hide his identity. It is one of those lame stories that is blown all out of proportion so that in the end it does make ridicule of the state and of the king to place so much importance upon a single prisoner.
I found the entire premise false from start to finish as I am a defender of the King and his family but I did enjoy learning all the tidbits of gossip that make everyone look ridiculous, difficult, and certainly probably overdue for reform and change. However, when one studies the era seriously enough, one realizes that the times produced a France that gives all the ministers and the King a kind of credibility that makes them admirable rather than otherwise.
In all fairness to myself, as I am still always able to recall in a second many of the events that I enjoyed while reliving a life as Louis XIV, I really believe that as King, Louis XIV did an extraordinary job using the people in his court to their best advantage. In the end, most of the work of that period speaks for itself, and the King is justified for his obstinant attitude towards not only his building programs, but also his wars, and his chapel. Once he made his decision, he stood by it.
So for me, Roger MacDonald who claims to be a historian insulted himself with his book.
Enough said for now.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Planet Mercury with Alien Buildings
I posted this due to a video photograph and debate on facebook. At Michigan State University, in a sociology class, we had to write a paper about a planet, and I recall that the planet I wrote about (and possibly the entire class did it as well) was the planet Mercury. We had to create some kind of society there, imaginatively, as I recall vaguely this many years later, and the thing that stood out is that Mercury is a planet that has only a narrow strip of land which is habitable, because one side of it faces the sun so that it is too hot for habitation, and the other side faces the opposite side so that it gets no sun at all and therefore is too cold for life of any kind. The only possible place is the strip inbetween the two extremes, and so that is the area where we concentrated upon to create our imaginary society.
This discussion about buildings on the planet took me to youtube to see the actual video so I posted it here. It is interesting to see these anomalies that look as though they could be buildings. Especially one which clearly shows shadows that look like doors. One of the chimney effects makes me think of Pinnacle Peak and I have seen enough mountains that look like pyramids and the like that I can imagine natural formations looking as if they could be manmade but in actuality are natural and made due to Mother Nature, not man at all.
I am pondering this now, this many years later...Strange and interesting video so I hope that some who are interested in this topic will check out the images to see what they think.
Me, I think that they are most likely formed from the environment, possibly made through some means of intelligence but most likely to be considered natural. Very fascinating to me now at this late date, reminding me of MSU and Dr. Gottlieb! Who incidentally never really earned his title the regular way. So he told us!
This discussion about buildings on the planet took me to youtube to see the actual video so I posted it here. It is interesting to see these anomalies that look as though they could be buildings. Especially one which clearly shows shadows that look like doors. One of the chimney effects makes me think of Pinnacle Peak and I have seen enough mountains that look like pyramids and the like that I can imagine natural formations looking as if they could be manmade but in actuality are natural and made due to Mother Nature, not man at all.
I am pondering this now, this many years later...Strange and interesting video so I hope that some who are interested in this topic will check out the images to see what they think.
Me, I think that they are most likely formed from the environment, possibly made through some means of intelligence but most likely to be considered natural. Very fascinating to me now at this late date, reminding me of MSU and Dr. Gottlieb! Who incidentally never really earned his title the regular way. So he told us!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Saguaro High School Takes back the Title
My neighbor's son Elijah McDade plays on the football team at Saguaro High School, and this afternoon, had the good luck to play in the game that has won the state title for their division. He had gone to Chaparral High School during his first two years but his mother wanted him to participate in the football team as his older brother before him had done, so she transferred him to go to school at Saguaro which is right next door to where we live. He is a part of the winning team, and is pictured in the slideshow that AzCentral has in its story. I believe that this is an important turning point in his life so wanted to make it a part of the blogspot.
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