Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Previous videos

Most are musical, and two are of the same song by two different artists. O Holy Night by current British sensation Susan Boyle, in her album The Gift, and the other by Mario Lanza, a man who I adored when a child. If I had ever met a real Mario Lanza I would absolutely swoon I think.

The Asian is from a facebook "friend" who is quite interesting, and the MMMMMMacedonia came originally from who got it from maybe Rogue Classics. Can't say positively where it came from originally but I like many of the scenes on it, can't say much for the sounds, but the portraits and visual effects are quite good at times. I am frankly always on the Macedonia side in that it does truly matter, even today, as I am a history purist in all reality.

I tried to get back into the groove of taking up where I left off in my Alexander book. December has been pure hell for me to be honest. I am tired of hell which is what is called ERROR mostly.

Will explain in next post all these conflicts.

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